function Page_Main() { $qs = new cQueryString(); if ($qs->Count > 0) { $Sql = $qs->getValue("s"); $Sql = TEAdecrypt($Sql, EW_RANDOM_KEY); if ($Sql != "") { // Get the filter values (for "IN") $Value = ew_AdjustSql($qs->getConvertedValue("f")); if ($Value != "") { $arValue = explode(",", $Value); $FldType = $qs->getValue("lft"); // Filter field data type if (is_numeric($FldType)) { $FldType = intval($FldType); } $cnt = count($arValue); for ($i = 0; $i < $cnt; $i++) { $arValue[$i] = ew_QuotedValue($arValue[$i], $FldType); } $Sql = str_replace("{filter_value}", implode(",", $arValue), $Sql); } // get the query value (for "LIKE" or "=") $Value = ew_AdjustSql($qs->getConvertedValue("q")); if ($Value != "") { $Sql = str_replace("{query_value}", $Value, $Sql); } $this->GetLookupValues($Sql); } } else { die("Missing querystring."); } }
// Turn on output buffering include "ewcfg50.php"; include "ewmysql50.php"; include "phpfn50.php"; header("Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT"); // Date in the past header("Last-Modified: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s") . " GMT"); // Always modified header("Cache-Control: private, no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate"); // HTTP/1.1 header("Cache-Control: post-check=0, pre-check=0", false); header("Pragma: no-cache"); // HTTP/1.0 $LnkFldType = 0; $LnkCount = 0; $qs = new cQueryString(); if ($qs->Count > 0) { $Sql = $qs->getValue("s"); $Sql = TEAdecrypt($Sql, EW_RANDOM_KEY); $Value = $qs->getConvertedValue("q"); $Value = ew_AdjustSql($Value); $LnkType = $qs->getValue("lt"); // Get link type if ($LnkType == "2") { // Auto fill $LnkCount = 1; $LnkFld = -1; $LnkDisp1 = 0; $LnkDisp2 = -1; } elseif ($LnkType == "1") { // Auto suggest
<?php define("EW_PAGE_ID", "ewaddopt", TRUE); // Page ID ob_start(); // Turn on output buffering include "ewcfg50.php"; include "ewmysql50.php"; include "phpfn50.php"; $bError = FALSE; $qs = new cQueryString(); if ($qs->Count > 0) { $LookupTableName = $qs->getConvertedValue("ltn"); $LinkFieldName = $qs->getConvertedValue("lfn"); $DisplayFieldName = $qs->getConvertedValue("dfn"); $DisplayField2Name = $qs->getConvertedValue("df2n"); $ParentFieldName = $qs->getConvertedValue("pfn"); $LinkField = $qs->getConvertedValue("lf"); if ($DisplayFieldName == $LinkFieldName) { $DisplayField = $LinkField; } else { $DisplayField = $qs->getConvertedValue("df"); } if ($DisplayField2Name == $LinkFieldName) { $DisplayField2 = $LinkField; } elseif ($DisplayField2Name == $DisplayFieldName) { $DisplayField2 = $DisplayField; } else { $DisplayField2 = $qs->getConvertedValue("df2"); } $ParentField = $qs->getConvertedValue("pf");