  * Get POS device specific configuration and aux values
  * @param array $result current result array
  * @return array API result array
 public function getDeviceRecord($result)
     // Get device info using the uuid
     $devMdl = new DevicesModel();
     $deviceInfo = $devMdl->getUuidInfo($this->data->uuid);
     if ($deviceInfo === false) {
         $result['error'] = "DB Error fetching your device settings";
         return $result;
     } else {
         if ($deviceInfo === null) {
             // device removed or not found
             $result['data'] = "removed";
             $result['warning'] = "This device has been removed from the system, please contact your Administrator";
             return $result;
     if ($deviceInfo['disabled'] == 1) {
         // check if device is disabled
         $result['data'] = "disabled";
         $result['warning'] = "This device has been disabled, please contact your Administrator";
         return $result;
     // add device specific info
     $result['data'] = new stdClass();
     $result['data']->deviceid = $deviceInfo["deviceid"];
     $result['data']->devicename = $deviceInfo["devicename"];
     $result['data']->locationid = $deviceInfo["locationid"];
     $result['data']->locationname = $deviceInfo["locationname"];
     $result['data']->deviceconfig = $deviceInfo["deviceconfig"];
     // Get general & global pos configuration
     $WposConfig = new WposAdminSettings();
     $general = $WposConfig->getSettingsObject("general");
     $pos = $WposConfig->getSettingsObject("pos");
     if ($general === false || $pos === false) {
         $result['error'] = "Global config could not be retrieved!";
     $result['data']->general = $general;
     $result['data']->pos = $pos;
     // get devices and locations
     if (($result['data']->devices = $this->getDevices()) === false || ($result['data']->locations = $this->getLocations()) === false) {
         $result['error'] = "Device or Location info could not be retrieved!";
     if (($result['data']->users = $this->getUsers()) === false) {
         $result['error'] = "User info could not be retrieved!";
     // get tax
     $tax = WposPosData::getTaxes();
     if (is_null($tax['error'])) {
         $result['data']->tax = $tax['data'];
     } else {
         $result['error'] = $tax['error'];
     return $result;
Exemple #2
 public function upgrade($version)
     $auth = new Auth();
     if (!$auth->isLoggedIn() || !$auth->isAdmin()) {
         return "Must be logged in as admin";
     $path = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . $_SERVER['APP_ROOT'] . "library/installer/schemas/update" . $version . ".sql";
     if (!file_exists($path)) {
         return "Schema does not exist";
     $settings = WposAdminSettings::getSettingsObject('general');
     if (floatval($settings->version) >= floatval($version)) {
         return "Db already at the latest version";
     $sql = file_get_contents($path);
     try {
         $result = $this->db->_db->exec($sql);
         if ($result !== false) {
             switch ($version) {
                 case "1.0":
                     // set sales type & channel
                     $sql = "UPDATE `sales` SET `type`='sale', `channel`='pos';";
                     if ($this->db->_db->exec($sql) === false) {
                         return $this->db->_db->errorInfo()[0];
                     // set payment dt to process dt and update sales json with extra params
                     $sql = "SELECT * FROM `sales`;";
                     $sales = $this->db->select($sql, []);
                     foreach ($sales as $sale) {
                         $data = json_decode($sale['data']);
                         $data->id = $sale['id'];
                         $data->balance = 0.0;
                         $data->dt = $sale['dt'];
                         $data->status = $sale['status'];
                         if ($data == false) {
                             die("Prevented null data entry");
                         $sql = "UPDATE `sales` SET `data`=:data WHERE `id`=:saleid";
                         $this->db->update($sql, [":data" => json_encode($data), ":saleid" => $sale['id']]);
                         $sql = "UPDATE `sale_payments` SET `processdt=:processdt WHERE `saleid`=:saleid";
                         $this->db->update($sql, [":processdt" => $sale['processdt'], ":saleid" => $sale['id']]);
                     // update config, add google keys
                     WposAdminSettings::putValue('general', 'version', '1.0');
                     WposAdminSettings::putValue('general', 'gcontact', 0);
                     WposAdminSettings::putValue('general', 'gcontacttoken', '');
                     WposAdminSettings::putValue('pos', 'priceedit', 'blank');
                     // copy new templates
                     copy($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . $_SERVER['APP_ROOT'] . 'docs-template/templates', $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . $_SERVER['APP_ROOT'] . 'docs/');
                 case "1.1":
                     WposAdminSettings::putValue('general', 'version', '1.1');
             return true;
         } else {
             return $this->db->_db->errorInfo()[0];
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         return $e->getMessage();
Exemple #3
} else {
    if ($_REQUEST['a'] == "logout") {
// the hello request checks server connectivity aswell as providing the status of the logged in user
if ($_REQUEST['a'] == "hello") {
    $result['data'] = new stdClass();
    if ($auth->isCustomerLoggedIn()) {
        $result['data']->user = $auth->getCustomer();
    } else {
        $result['data']->user = false;
    // unlike other hello requests, this also provide some current business info.
    $conf = WposAdminSettings::getSettingsObject('general');
    $result['data']->bizname = $conf->bizname;
    $result['data']->bizlogo = $conf->bizlogo;
// Decode JSON data if provided
if ($_REQUEST['data'] != "") {
    if (($requests = json_decode($_REQUEST['data'])) == false) {
        $result['error'] = "Could not parse the provided json request";
} else {
    $requests = new stdClass();
// Route the provided requests
if ($_REQUEST['a'] !== "multi") {
Exemple #4
 public function upgrade($version, $authneeded = true)
     if ($authneeded) {
         $auth = new Auth();
         if (!$auth->isLoggedIn() || !$auth->isAdmin()) {
             return "Must be logged in as admin";
     $path = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . $_SERVER['APP_ROOT'] . "library/installer/schemas/update" . $version . ".sql";
     if (!file_exists($path)) {
         return "Schema does not exist";
     $settings = WposAdminSettings::getSettingsObject('general');
     if (floatval($settings->version) >= floatval($version)) {
         return "Db already at the latest version";
     $sql = file_get_contents($path);
     try {
         $result = $this->db->_db->exec($sql);
         /*if ($result===false){
               echo $this->db->_db->errorInfo()[0];
         switch ($version) {
             case "1.0":
                 // set sales type & channel
                 $sql = "UPDATE `sales` SET `type`='sale', `channel`='pos';";
                 if ($this->db->_db->exec($sql) === false) {
                     return $this->db->_db->errorInfo()[0];
                 // set payment dt to process dt and update sales json with extra params
                 $sql = "SELECT * FROM `sales`;";
                 $sales = $this->db->select($sql, []);
                 foreach ($sales as $sale) {
                     $data = json_decode($sale['data']);
                     $data->id = $sale['id'];
                     $data->balance = 0.0;
                     $data->dt = $sale['dt'];
                     $data->status = $sale['status'];
                     if ($data == false) {
                         die("Prevented null data entry");
                     $sql = "UPDATE `sales` SET `data`=:data WHERE `id`=:saleid";
                     $this->db->update($sql, [":data" => json_encode($data), ":saleid" => $sale['id']]);
                     $sql = "UPDATE `sale_payments` SET `processdt=:processdt WHERE `saleid`=:saleid";
                     $this->db->update($sql, [":processdt" => $sale['processdt'], ":saleid" => $sale['id']]);
                 // update config, add google keys
                 WposAdminSettings::putValue('general', 'version', '1.0');
                 WposAdminSettings::putValue('general', 'gcontact', 0);
                 WposAdminSettings::putValue('general', 'gcontacttoken', '');
                 WposAdminSettings::putValue('pos', 'priceedit', 'blank');
                 // copy new templates
                 copy($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . $_SERVER['APP_ROOT'] . 'docs-template/templates', $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . $_SERVER['APP_ROOT'] . 'docs/');
             case "1.1":
                 WposAdminSettings::putValue('general', 'version', '1.1');
             case "1.2":
                 // update item tax values
                 $sql = "SELECT * FROM `sale_items`;";
                 $items = $this->db->select($sql, []);
                 foreach ($items as $item) {
                     if (is_numeric($item['tax'])) {
                         $taxdata = new stdClass();
                         $taxdata->values = new stdClass();
                         $taxdata->inclusive = true;
                         if ($item['tax'] > 0) {
                             $taxdata->values->{"1"} = $item['tax'];
                             $taxdata->total = $item['tax'];
                         } else {
                             $taxdata->total = 0;
                         $sql = "UPDATE `sale_items` SET `tax`=:tax WHERE `id`=:id";
                         $this->db->update($sql, [":tax" => json_encode($taxdata), ":id" => $item['id']]);
                     } else {
                         echo "Item record " . $item['id'] . " already updated, skipping item table update...<br/>";
                 // remove the "notax taxdata field, update gst to id=1"
                 $sql = "SELECT * FROM `sales`;";
                 $sales = $this->db->select($sql, []);
                 foreach ($sales as $sale) {
                     $needsupdate = false;
                     $data = json_decode($sale['data']);
                     if ($data == false) {
                         die("Prevented null data entry");
                     if (isset($data->taxdata->{"1"}) && $data->taxdata->{"1"} == 0) {
                         if (isset($data->taxdata->{"2"})) {
                             $data->taxdata->{"1"} = $data->taxdata->{"2"};
                         } else {
                         $needsupdate = true;
                     } else {
                         echo "Record " . $sale['id'] . " already updated, skipping sale taxdata update...<br/>";
                     foreach ($data->items as $skey => $sitem) {
                         if (is_numeric($sitem->tax)) {
                             $taxdata = new stdClass();
                             $taxdata->values = new stdClass();
                             $taxdata->inclusive = true;
                             if ($sitem->tax > 0) {
                                 $taxdata->values->{"1"} = $sitem->tax;
                                 $taxdata->total = $sitem->tax;
                             } else {
                                 $taxdata->total = 0;
                             $data->items[$skey]->tax = $taxdata;
                             $needsupdate = true;
                         } else {
                             echo "Item record " . $sale['id'] . " already updated, skipping sale itemdata update...<br/>";
                     if ($needsupdate) {
                         $sql = "UPDATE `sales` SET `data`=:data WHERE `id`=:saleid";
                         $this->db->update($sql, [":data" => json_encode($data), ":saleid" => $sale['id']]);
                 // update stored item schema
                 $sql = "SELECT * FROM `stored_items`;";
                 $items = $this->db->select($sql, []);
                 $error = false;
                 foreach ($items as $item) {
                     if ($item['data'] == "") {
                         $id = $item['id'];
                         $item['type'] = "general";
                         $item['modifiers'] = new stdClass();
                         $data = json_encode($item);
                         if ($data != false) {
                             $sql = "UPDATE `stored_items` SET `data`=:data WHERE `id`=:id";
                             if (!$this->db->update($sql, [":data" => $data, ":id" => $id])) {
                                 $error = true;
                 if (!$error) {
                     $sql = "ALTER TABLE `stored_items` DROP `qty`, DROP `description`, DROP `taxid`;";
                     $this->db->update($sql, []);
                 // update devices schema
                 $sql = "SELECT * FROM `devices`;";
                 $devices = $this->db->select($sql, []);
                 foreach ($devices as $device) {
                     if ($device['data'] == "") {
                         $data = new stdClass();
                         $data->name = $device['name'];
                         $data->locationid = $device['locationid'];
                         $data->type = "general_register";
                         $data->ordertype = "terminal";
                         $data->orderdisplay = 1;
                         $data->kitchenid = 0;
                         $data = json_encode($data);
                         if ($data != false) {
                             $sql = "UPDATE `devices` SET `data`=:data WHERE `id`=:id";
                             $this->db->update($sql, [":data" => $data, ":id" => $device['id']]);
                     } else {
                         echo "Device record " . $device['id'] . " already updated, skipping sale itemdata update...<br/>";
                 WposAdminSettings::putValue('general', 'currencyformat', '$~2~.~,~0');
                 WposAdminSettings::putValue('general', 'version', '1.2');
         // restart node server
         $socket = new WposSocketControl();
         $socket->restartSocketServer(['error' => 'OK']);
         return "Update Completed Successfully!";
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         echo $this->db->_db->errorInfo()[0];
         return $e->getMessage();
  * Email the sale receipt to the specified address
  * @param $email
  * @return mixed
 private function emailReceipt($email)
     // get config
     $config = new WposAdminSettings();
     $recval = $config->getSettingsObject("pos");
     $genval = $config->getSettingsObject("general");
     $utils = new WposAdminUtilities();
     // create receipt
     $html = '<div style="padding: 10px; padding-left: 5px; padding-right: 5px; margin-top:5px; width:300px; margin: auto; background-color:#FFFFFF;"><img width="95%" src="http://' . $_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'] . $recval->recemaillogo . '"/><br/>';
     $html .= '<h3 style="text-align: center; margin: 5px;">' . $genval->bizname . '</h3>';
     $html .= '<p style="text-align: center"><strong>' . $recval->recline2 . '</strong>';
     if ($recval->recline3 != "") {
         $html .= '<br/><strong style="text-align: center">' . $recval->recline3 . '</strong>';
     $html .= '</p>';
     // body
     $html .= '<p style="padding-top: 5px;">Transaction Ref:&nbsp;&nbsp;' . $this->ref . '<br/>';
     $html .= 'Sale Time:&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;' . WposAdminUtilities::getDateFromTimeStamp($this->jsonobj->processdt, $genval->dateformat) . '</p>';
     // items
     $html .= '<table style="width: 100%; margin-bottom: 4px; font-size: 13px;">';
     foreach ($this->jsonobj->items as $item) {
         // item mod details
         $modStr = "";
         if (isset($item->mod)) {
             foreach ($item->mod->items as $mod) {
                 $modStr .= '<br/>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;' . (isset($mod->qty) ? ($mod->qty > 0 ? '+ ' : '') . $mod->qty . ' ' : '') . $mod->name . (isset($mod->value) ? ': ' . $mod->value : '') . ' (' . $utils->currencyFormat($mod->price) . ')';
         $html .= '<tr><td>' . $item->qty . "x " . $item->name . " (" . $utils->currencyFormat($item->unit) . ")" . $modStr . '</td><td style="text-align: right;">' . $utils->currencyFormat($item->price) . '</td></tr>';
     $html .= '<tr style="height: 5px;"><td></td><td></td></tr>';
     // totals
     // subtotal
     $taxcount = count(get_object_vars($this->jsonobj->taxdata));
     if ($taxcount > 0 || $this->jsonobj->discount > 0) {
         // only add if discount or taxes
         $html .= '<tr><td><b>Subtotal: </b></td><td style="text-align: right;"><b style="text-decoration: overline;">' . $utils->currencyFormat($this->jsonobj->subtotal) . '</b></td></tr>';
     // taxes
     if ($taxcount) {
         $taxMdl = new TaxItemsModel();
         $taxes = $taxMdl->get();
         foreach ($taxes as $tax) {
             $taxes[$tax['id']] = $tax;
         foreach ($this->jsonobj->taxdata as $key => $tax) {
             $taxstr = $taxes[$key];
             $taxstr = $taxstr['name'] . ' (' . $taxstr['value'] . '%)';
             $html .= '<tr><td>' . $taxstr . ':</td><td style="text-align: right;">' . $utils->currencyFormat($tax) . '</td></tr>';
     // discount
     $html .= $this->jsonobj->discount > 0 ? '<tr><td>' . $this->jsonobj->discount . '% Discount</td><td style="text-align: right;">' . $utils->currencyFormat(abs(floatval($this->jsonobj->total) - (floatval($this->jsonobj->subtotal) + floatval($this->jsonobj->tax)))) . '</td></tr>' : '';
     // grand total
     $html .= '<tr><td><b>Total (' . $this->jsonobj->numitems . ' items): </b></td><td style="text-align: right;"><b style="text-decoration: overline;">' . $utils->currencyFormat($this->jsonobj->total) . '</b></td></tr>';
     $html .= '<tr style="height: 2px;"><td></td><td></td></tr>';
     // payments
     foreach ($this->jsonobj->payments as $payment) {
         $html .= '<tr><td><span style="font-size: 14px;">' . ucfirst($payment->method) . '</p></td><td style="text-align: right;"><p style="font-size: 14px;">' . $utils->currencyFormat($payment->amount) . '</span></td></tr>';
         if ($payment->method == 'cash') {
             // If cash print tender & change
             $html .= '<tr><td>Tendered:</td><td style="text-align: right;">' . $utils->currencyFormat($payment->tender) . '</td></tr>';
             $html .= '<tr><td>Change:</td><td style="text-align: right;">' . $utils->currencyFormat($payment->change) . '</td></tr>';
     $html .= '</table>';
     // refunds
     if (isset($this->jsonobj->refunddata)) {
         $html .= '<p style="margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 5px; font-size: 13px;"><strong>Refund</strong></p><table style="width: 100%; font-size: 13px;">';
         foreach ($this->jsonobj->refundata as $refund) {
             $html .= '<tr><td>' . WposAdminUtilities::getDateFromTimeStamp($refund->processdt, $genval->dateformat) . ' (' . sizeof($refund->items) . ' items)</td><td>' . ucfirst($refund->method) . '<span style="float: right;">' . $refund->amount . '</span></td></tr>';
         $html .= '</table>';
     // void
     if (isset($this->jsonobj->voiddata)) {
         $html .= '<h2 style="text-align: center; color: #dc322f; margin-top: 5px;">VOID SALE</h2>';
     // footer
     $html .= '<p style="text-align: center;"><strong>' . $recval->recfooter . '</strong><br/>';
     if ($recval->recqrcode != "") {
         $html .= '<img style="text-align: center;" height="99" src="http://' . $_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'] . '/wpos/asset/images/qrcode.png"/>';
     $html .= '</p></div>';
     $template = '<html><head><link media="all" href="https://' . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . '/wpos/admin/assets/css/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet"/><link media="all" rel="stylesheet" href="https://' . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . '/wpos/admin/assets/css/font-awesome.min.css"/><link media="all" rel="stylesheet" href="https://' . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . '/wpos/admin/assets/css/ace-fonts.css"/><link media="all" rel="stylesheet" href="https://' . $_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'] . '/wpos/admin/assets/css/ace.min.css"/></head><body>%message%</body>';
     $html = str_replace("%message%", $html, $template);
     $wposMail = new WposMail($genval);
     if (($mresult = $wposMail->sendHtmlEmail($email, 'Your ' . $genval->bizname . ' receipt', $html)) !== true) {
         return 'Failed to email receipt: ' . $mresult;
     } else {
         return true;
  * Statically update customer data
  * @param $data
  * @return bool|string
 public static function updateCustomerData($data)
     $settings = WposAdminSettings::getSettingsObject('general');
     $custMdl = new CustomerModel();
     $gid = null;
     if ($settings->gcontact == 1) {
         // get google id
         $gid = $custMdl->get($data->id)[0]['googleid'];
         if ($gid) {
             // edit google
             $gres = GoogleIntergration::setGoogleContact($settings, $data, $gid);
         } else {
             // add google
             $gres = GoogleIntergration::setGoogleContact($settings, $data);
         if ($gres[0] == true) {
             $gid = $gres[1];
     $qresult = $custMdl->edit($data->id, $data->email, $data->name, $data->phone, $data->mobile, $data->address, $data->suburb, $data->postcode, $data->state, $data->country, $data->notes, $gid);
     if ($qresult === false) {
         return "Could not edit the customer: " . $custMdl->errorInfo;
     } else {
         // log data
         Logger::write("Customer updated with id:" . $data->id, "CUSTOMER", json_encode($data));
         return true;
  * Generate invoice html
  * @return string
 private function generateInvoiceHtml()
     // copy invoice data, set tax values
     /** @noinspection PhpUnusedLocalVariableInspection */
     $invoice = $this->trans;
     $taxMdl = new TaxItemsModel();
     $taxdata = $taxMdl->get();
     $taxes = [];
     foreach ($taxdata as $value) {
         $taxes[$value['id']] = (object) $value;
     // Get general settings
     $config = new WposAdminSettings();
     $settings = $config->getSettingsObject("general");
     $settings->payinst = $config->getSettingsObject("invoice")->payinst;
     // Get customer record
     $custMdl = new CustomerModel();
     /** @noinspection PhpUnusedLocalVariableInspection */
     $customer = (object) $custMdl->get($this->trans->custid)[0];
     $utils = new WposAdminUtilities();
     // start output buffer and capture template output
     include $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/docs/templates/invoice.php";
     $html = ob_get_contents();
     return $html;
  * If stime & etime are not set, This function returns sales using the provided devices ID, using POS configuration values.
  * @param $result
  * @return mixed
 public function getSales($result)
     if (!isset($this->data->stime) || !isset($this->data->etime)) {
         // time not set, retrieving POS records, get config.
         $WposConfig = new WposAdminSettings();
         $config = $WposConfig->getSettingsObject("pos");
         // set the sale range based on the config setting
         $etime = time() * 1000;
         $stime = strtotime("-1 " . (isset($config->salerange) ? $config->salerange : "week")) * 1000;
         // determine which devices transactions to include based on config
         if (isset($this->data->deviceid)) {
             switch ($config->saledevice) {
                 case "device":
                     // no need to do anything, id already set
                 // no need to do anything, id already set
                 case "all":
                     // unset the device id to get all sales
                 case "location":
                     // get location device id array
                     $devMdl = new DevicesModel();
                     $this->data->deviceid = $devMdl->getLocationDeviceIds($this->data->deviceid);
     } else {
         $stime = $this->data->stime;
         $etime = $this->data->etime;
     // Get all transactions within the specified timeframe/devices
     $salesMdl = new SalesModel();
     $dbSales = $salesMdl->getRangeWithRefunds($stime, $etime, isset($this->data->deviceid) ? $this->data->deviceid : null);
     if (is_array($dbSales)) {
         $sales = [];
         foreach ($dbSales as $sale) {
             $sales[$sale['ref']] = json_decode($sale['data'], true);
         $result['data'] = $sales;
     } else {
         if ($dbSales === false) {
             $result['error'] = $salesMdl->errorInfo;
     return $result;
 private static function getXeroXml($stime, $etime)
     $Wstat = new WposAdminStats();
     $Wstat->setRange($stime, $etime);
     $taxStats = $Wstat->getTaxStats([]);
     if (!$taxStats['data']) {
         return "Could not generate export item data: " . $taxStats['error'];
     $payStats = $Wstat->getCountTakingsStats([]);
     if (!$payStats['data']) {
         return "Could not generate export payment data " . $taxStats['error'];
     // get account map
     $accnmap = WposAdminSettings::getSettingsObject("accounting")->xeroaccnmap;
     if ($accnmap == '') {
         return "Xero integration setup not completed, please save account mappings first.";
     // Setup invoice xml
     $invoice = new SimpleXMLElement("<Invoice/>");
     $date = date("Y-m-d", round($etime / 1000));
     $invoice->addChild("Type", "ACCREC");
     $invoice->addChild("Date", $date);
     $invoice->addChild("DueDate", $date);
     $invoice->addChild("InvoiceNumber", "POS-" . str_replace('-', '', $date));
     $invoice->addChild("Reference", "POS Sales");
     $invoice->addChild("LineAmountTypes", "Inclusive");
     $invoice->addChild("Status", "AUTHORISED");
     $contact = $invoice->addChild("Contact");
     $contact->addChild("Name", "POS Sales");
     // Setup refunds xml
     $cnote = new SimpleXMLElement("<CreditNote/>");
     $cnote->addChild("Type", "ACCRECCREDIT");
     $cnote->addChild("Date", $date);
     $cnote->addChild("CreditNoteNumber", "POSR-" . str_replace('-', '', $date));
     $cnote->addChild("Reference", "POS Refunds");
     $cnote->addChild("LineAmountTypes", "Inclusive");
     $cnote->addChild("Status", "AUTHORISED");
     $ccontact = $cnote->addChild("Contact");
     $ccontact->addChild("Name", "POS Sales");
     // Generate line items for each payment method and add types
     $lineItems = $invoice->addChild("LineItems");
     $clineItems = $cnote->addChild("LineItems");
     foreach ($taxStats['data'] as $key => $data) {
         if ($key != 0) {
             $taxType = isset($accnmap->{"tax-" . $key}) ? $accnmap->{"tax-" . $key} : '';
             // Add sales
             $accountCode = isset($accnmap->sales) ? $accnmap->sales : '';
             if ($data->saletotal > 0) {
                 $lineItem = $lineItems->addChild("LineItem");
                 $lineItem->addChild("Quantity", 1);
                 $lineItem->addChild("Description", $data->name . " Sales");
                 $lineItem->addChild("UnitAmount", str_replace(',', '', $data->saletotal + $data->saletax));
                 $lineItem->addChild("AccountCode", $accountCode);
                 $lineItem->addChild("TaxType", $taxType);
             // Add refunds
             if ($data->refundtotal > 0) {
                 //$accountCode = (isset($accnmap->refunds)?$accnmap->refunds:'');
                 $clineItem = $clineItems->addChild("LineItem");
                 $clineItem->addChild("Quantity", 1);
                 $clineItem->addChild("Description", $data->name . " Refunds");
                 $clineItem->addChild("UnitAmount", str_replace(',', '', $data->refundtotal + $data->refundtax));
                 $clineItem->addChild("AccountCode", $accountCode);
                 $clineItem->addChild("TaxType", $taxType);
         } else {
             if ($data->total != 0) {
                 // add cash rounding
                 $taxType = isset($accnmap->{"tax-" . $key}) ? $accnmap->{"tax-" . $key} : '';
                 $accountCode = isset($accnmap->sales) ? $accnmap->sales : '';
                 $clineItem = $lineItems->addChild("LineItem");
                 $clineItem->addChild("Quantity", 1);
                 $clineItem->addChild("Description", "Cash Rounding");
                 $clineItem->addChild("UnitAmount", str_replace(',', '', $data->total));
                 $clineItem->addChild("AccountCode", $accountCode);
                 $clineItem->addChild("TaxType", $taxType);
     // Setup payments xml
     $payments = new SimpleXMLElement("<Payments/>");
     foreach ($payStats['data'] as $key => $data) {
         if ($key != 'Unaccounted') {
             if ($data->saletotal > 0) {
                 // Add Payment
                 $payment = $payments->addChild("Payment");
                 $payment->addChild("Date", $date);
                 $payment->addChild("Reference", ucfirst($key) . " POS Payments");
                 $payment->addChild("Amount", str_replace(',', '', $data->saletotal));
                 $pinv = $payment->addChild("Invoice");
                 $pinv->addChild("InvoiceNumber", "POS-" . str_replace('-', '', $date));
                 if ($key == "eftpos" || $key == "credit") {
                     $key = "card";
                 $accountCode = isset($accnmap->{"pay-" . $key}) ? $accnmap->{"pay-" . $key} : '';
                 $paccn = $payment->addChild("Account");
                 $paccn->addChild("Code", $accountCode);
             if ($data->refundtotal > 0) {
                 // Add Payment
                 $payment = $payments->addChild("Payment");
                 $payment->addChild("Date", $date);
                 $payment->addChild("Reference", ucfirst($key) . " POS Refunds");
                 $payment->addChild("Amount", str_replace(',', '', $data->refundtotal));
                 $pinv = $payment->addChild("CreditNote");
                 $pinv->addChild("CreditNoteNumber", "POSR-" . str_replace('-', '', $date));
                 if ($key == "eftpos" || $key == "credit" || $key == "tyro") {
                     $key = "card";
                 $accountCode = isset($accnmap->{"pay-" . $key}) ? $accnmap->{"pay-" . $key} : '';
                 $paccn = $payment->addChild("Account");
                 $paccn->addChild("Code", $accountCode);
     return ['invoice' => $invoice, 'creditnote' => $clineItems->count() > 0 ? $cnote : false, 'payments' => $payments];
Exemple #10
function getCurrentVersion()
    try {
        $settings = WposAdminSettings::getSettingsObject("general");
        if (isset($settings->version)) {
            return $settings->version;
    } catch (Exception $ex) {
    return 0;
  * Get general config used by customer dashboard
  * @param $result
  * @return mixed
 public function getSettings($result)
     $settings = WposAdminSettings::getSettingsObject('general');
     $taxMdl = new TaxItemsModel();
     $taxes = $taxMdl->get();
     $taxobj = [];
     foreach ($taxes as $tax) {
         $taxobj[$tax['id']] = $tax;
     $setobj = ["general" => $settings, "tax" => $taxobj];
     $result['data'] = $setobj;
     return $result;