Exemple #1
 public static function GetProfilePage($assocArr = null)
     $tpl = new Template();
     $userInfo = Users_Model::GetUserById($_SESSION['user']['id']);
     return $tpl->Fetch('templates/users/user-profile.tpl');
 function index()
     $current_user = Users_Model::get_current_user();
     $posts = Users_Model::get_facebook_posts();
     $post_chart = array('Posts');
     $post_count = 0;
     $likes = Users_Model::get_facebook_likes();
     $likes_chart = array('Likes');
     $likes_count = 0;
     $date_start = $date_first = strtotime('-7 DAYS');
     $date_end = time();
     if ($this->is_ajax() && isset($_POST['startDate']) && isset($_POST['endDate'])) {
         $date_start = $_POST['startDate'];
         $date_end = $_POST['endDate'];
     while ($date_start <= $date_end) {
         $index = date('d.m', $date_start);
         $post_chart[$index] = 0;
         $likes_chart[$index] = 0;
         // Posts
         if (!empty($posts)) {
             foreach ($posts['data'] as $post) {
                 if (date('Y-m-d', strtotime($post->created_time)) == date('Y-m-d', $date_start)) {
         // Likes
         if (!empty($likes->data)) {
             foreach ($likes->data as $like) {
                 if (date('Y-m-d', strtotime($like->created_time)) == date('Y-m-d', $date_start)) {
         $date_start = strtotime('+1 day', $date_start);
     $categories = array_slice(array_keys($post_chart), 1);
     $post_chart = array_values($post_chart);
     $likes_chart = array_values($likes_chart);
     if ($this->is_ajax() && isset($_POST['startDate']) && isset($_POST['endDate'])) {
         echo json_encode(array('status' => true, 'html' => $this->load->view('facebook/_facebook_chart', array('chart_categories' => $categories, 'post_count' => $post_count, 'post_chart' => $post_chart, 'likes_count' => $likes_count, 'likes_chart' => $likes_chart, 'startDate' => date('d/m/y', $date_first), 'endDate' => date('d/m/y', $date_end)), TRUE), 'chart_categories' => $categories, 'post_chart' => $post_chart, 'likes_chart' => $likes_chart));
     } else {
         $this->layout('admin', 'facebook/facebook', array('current_user' => $current_user, 'post_count' => $post_count, 'post_chart' => $post_chart, 'likes_count' => $likes_count, 'likes_chart' => $likes_chart, 'chart_categories' => $categories, 'startDate' => date('d/m/y', $date_first), 'endDate' => date('d/m/y', $date_end)));
Exemple #3
 public function index()
     $dis = array();
     $dis['view'] = 'admin/home';
     $admin_login = $this->session->userdata('login');
     if (sizeof($admin_login) > 0) {
         $current_user = Users_Model::find_by_user_id($admin_login['user_id']);
         $dis['current_user'] = $current_user;
         if ($current_user->type == 2) {
             $dis['mes'] = "Only Administrator / Customer is allowed to this page. Log in as Administrator / Customer";
     } else {
         header("Location: http://w.gregfurlong.ie/login");
 public function twitter()
     $current_user = Users_Model::get_current_user();
     $twitter_meta = $current_user->get_usermeta('twitter_meta');
     $favorites = $current_user->get_twitter_favorites();
     $tweets = $current_user->get_all_tweets();
     $favorites_chart = array('Favorites');
     $retweets_chart = array('Retweets');
     $favorites_count = 0;
     $retweets_count = 0;
     $date_start = $date_first = strtotime('-7 DAYS');
     $date_end = time();
     if ($this->is_ajax() && isset($_POST['startDate']) && isset($_POST['endDate'])) {
         $date_start = $_POST['startDate'];
         $date_end = $_POST['endDate'];
     while ($date_start <= $date_end) {
         $index = date('d.m', $date_start);
         $favorites_chart[$index] = 0;
         $retweets_chart[$index] = 0;
         // Favorites
         foreach ($favorites as $favorite) {
             if (date('Y-m-d', strtotime($favorite->created_at)) == date('Y-m-d', $date_start)) {
         // Retweets
         foreach ($tweets as $tweet) {
             if (date('Y-m-d', strtotime($tweet->created_at)) == date('Y-m-d', $date_start)) {
                 $retweets_chart[$index] += $tweet->retweet_count;
                 $retweets_count += $tweet->retweet_count;
         $date_start = strtotime('+1 day', $date_start);
     $categories = array_slice(array_keys($favorites_chart), 1);
     $favorites_chart = array_values($favorites_chart);
     $retweets_chart = array_values($retweets_chart);
     if ($this->is_ajax() && isset($_POST['startDate']) && isset($_POST['endDate'])) {
         echo json_encode(array('status' => true, 'html' => $this->load->view('dashboard/social/_twitter_chart', array('favorites_chart' => $favorites_chart, 'chart_categories' => $categories, 'startDate' => date('Y/d/m', $date_first), 'endDate' => date('Y/d/m', $date_end), 'favorites_count' => $favorites_count, 'retweets_count' => $retweets_count), TRUE), 'favorites_chart' => $favorites_chart, 'retweets_chart' => $retweets_chart, 'chart_categories' => $categories));
     } else {
         $this->view_admin(array('view' => 'social/twitter', 'current_user' => $current_user, 'twitter_meta' => $twitter_meta, 'favorites_chart' => $favorites_chart, 'retweets_chart' => $retweets_chart, 'chart_categories' => $categories, 'startDate' => date('Y/d/m', $date_first), 'endDate' => date('Y/d/m', $date_end), 'favorites_count' => $favorites_count, 'retweets_count' => $retweets_count));
Exemple #5
 public function orders($id = null)
     if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == "DELETE") {
         return Orders_Model::DeleteOrder($id);
     if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == "PUT") {
         $data = json_decode(file_get_contents("php://input"), true);
         return Orders_Model::UpdateOrder($data, $id);
     if (isset($id)) {
         return Users_Model::GetUserById($id);
     $t = Orders_Model::GetAllOrders();
     $orders = array();
     foreach ($t as $item) {
         array_push($orders, $this->getoneorder($item));
     return $orders;
Exemple #6
 function settings()
     $dis = array();
     if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST') {
         $active = MD5(time());
         $admin_login = $this->session->userdata('login');
         $user = Users_Model::find_by_user_id($admin_login['user_id']);
         if ($user->type == 2) {
             $message = "<p class='success'>Your account was successfully closed.</p>";
             $dis['mes'] = $message;
         } elseif ($user->type == 1) {
             $user->active = $active;
             $users_in_company = Users_Model::find('all', array('company' => $user->email));
             foreach ($users_in_company as $customer) {
                 $customer->active = $active;
             $admin_user = Users_Model::find_by_type(0);
             $body = "You are about to close your account. An activation email has been sent to the email address you provided. Session you click the link to Close your account \n\n ";
             $body .= BASE_URL . "users/close/" . str_replace("'", "", $active);
             if (mail($admin_user->email, 'Close account at izCMS', $body, 'FROM: localhost')) {
                 $message = "<p class='success'>Email has been sent to your address. You must click the link to close your account.</p>";
             } else {
                 $message = "<p class='error'>Can not send an email to you. We apologize for this inconvenience.</p>";
             $dis['mes'] = $message;
         } else {
             $message = "<p class='error'>You are the administrator. Your account can't be closed !!!</p>";
             $dis['mes'] = $message;
     $dis['view'] = 'users/settings';
Exemple #7

$users = Users_Model::find('all', array('company' => $current_user->email));
    $delete_list = $_POST['delete'];
    for ($i = sizeof($delete_list); $i > 0; $i--) {
        $users[$delete_list[$i - 1]]->delete();
    if ($_FILES["csv"]["size"] > 0) {
        //get the csv file
        $file = $_FILES["csv"]["tmp_name"];
        $handle = fopen($file, "r");
        $mimes = array('application/vnd.ms-excel', 'text/plain', 'text/csv', 'text/tsv');
        if (in_array($_FILES['csv']['type'], $mimes)) {
            while ($data = fgetcsv($handle, 2000, ",", "'")) {
                $user = new Users_Model();
                $user->first_name = $data[0];
                $user->last_name = $data[1];
                $user->email = $data[2];
                $user->pass = MD5($data[3]);
                $user->registration_date = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
                $user->company = $current_user->email;
    $result = "Succeed";
    $users = Users_Model::find('all', array('company' => $current_user->email));
Exemple #8

$customers = Users_Model::find('all', array('type' => 1));

<div class="col-md-12 tagline">

    <div class="tagline_wrap">

        <div class="form-wrap">

            <h1>Sign Up</h1>

            <a class="btn btn-block btn-social btn-facebook" href="<?php 
echo BASE_URL;

                <i class="fa fa-facebook"></i> Sign in with facebook


            <a class="btn btn-block btn-social btn-twitter" href="<?php 
echo BASE_URL;

                <i class="fa fa-twitter"></i> Sign in with Twitter

<div id="ajax-content">
if (!Users_Model::is_twitter_account() && !Users_Model::has_twitter_account()) {
    <div class="tw-add-account">
        <div id="dashboard-header" class="row dashboard-head">

            <div class="dashboard-headline">

                <div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-8 col-md-8">

                    <h3>Add a Twitter Account</h3>
                    <p>Please add you Twitter account to get feed.</p>


                <div class="clearfix"></div>

        <div class="row stats_wrap">
            <div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-8 col-md-8">
                <a href="/Twitter/add_account" class="btn btn-info add-twitter-account">Add an account</a>
} else {
        <div class="col-xs-12 col-md-12 daily-progress">
Exemple #10
 public function add_account()
     $response = Users_Model::attach_twitter_account(base_url('Twitter/add_account'));
     switch ($response['status']) {
         case "redirect":
         case "redirect_error":
         case "success":
         case "error":
             $dis['message'] = '<p class="error">' . $response['message'] . '</p>';
 public function layout($type = '', $views = '', $data = array())
     $dis['base_url'] = BASE_URL;
     $dis['this'] = $this;
     $dis['page_title'] = $this->page_title;
     $dis['site_title'] = $this->site_title;
     $dis['js_variables'] = $this->_js_variables;
     $dis['js_scripts'] = $this->_js;
     $dis['csses'] = $this->_css;
     $login = $this->session->userdata('login');
     $dis['userlogin'] = Users_Model::find_by_user_id($login['user_id']);
     if (!isset($dis['menu_active']) || empty($dis['menu_active'])) {
         $dis['menu_active'] = $this->menu_active;
     $data = array_merge($dis, $data);
     $this->load->view("layout/{$type}/header", $data);
     $this->load->view($views, $data);
     $this->load->view("layout/{$type}/footer", $data);
 public static function login()
     if (isset($_POST['email']) && isset($_POST['password'])) {
         $users = Users_Model::find_by_email_and_pass_and_active($_POST['email'], MD5($_POST['password']), NULL);
         if (sizeof($users) > 0) {
             $userdata = array('user_id' => $users->user_id, 'email' => $users->email, 'user_level' => $users->user_level, 'first_name' => $users->first_name, 'last_name' => $users->last_name, 'account_type' => $users->type);
             $_SESSION['login'] = $userdata;
             return true;
         } else {
             return false;
<div id="ajax-content">
if (!Users_Model::is_facebook_account()) {
    <div class="fb-add-account">
        <div id="dashboard-header" class="row dashboard-head">

            <div class="dashboard-headline">

                <div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-8 col-md-8">

                    <h3>Add a Facebook Account</h3>
                    <p>Please add you Facebook account to get information.</p>


                <div class="clearfix"></div>

        <div class="row stats_wrap">
            <div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-8 col-md-8">

                <input type="button" class="btn btn-info add-facebook-account" value="Add an account">
} else {
 public function AuthAction($route)
     if (Core::$user->isUser()) {
         header('Location: /users/profile');
     if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST') {
         $res = Users_Model::UserAuth($_POST['login'], $_POST['password']);
     if ($res['Status'] == 1) {
         header('Location: /');
     $resArr = array();
     $resArr['Title'] = 'Аутентификация';
     $resArr['PageTitle'] = 'Вход на сайт';
     $resArr['Content'] = Users_View::GetAuth($res);
     return $resArr;