Exemple #1
  * Translate Arabic or English word into Hieroglyphics
  * @param string  $word  Arabic or English word
  * @param string  $dir   Writing direction [ltr, rtl, ttd, dtt] (default ltr)
  * @param string  $lang  Input language [en, ar] (default en)
  * @param integer $red   Value of background red component (default is null)
  * @param integer $green Value of background green component (default is null)
  * @param integer $blue  Value of background blue component (default is null)
  * @return resource Image resource identifier
  * @author Khaled Al-Sham'aa <*****@*****.**>
 public function str2graph($word, $dir = 'ltr', $lang = 'en', $red = null, $green = null, $blue = null)
     if ($this->_language == 'phoenician') {
         define(MAXH, 40);
         define(MAXW, 50);
     } else {
         define(MAXH, 100);
         define(MAXW, 75);
     // Note: there is no theh, khah, thal, dad, zah, and ghain in Phoenician
     $arabic = array('ا' => 'alef', 'ب' => 'beh', 'ت' => 'teh', 'ث' => 'theh', 'ج' => 'jeem', 'ح' => 'hah', 'خ' => 'khah', 'د' => 'dal', 'ذ' => 'thal', 'ر' => 'reh', 'ز' => 'zain', 'س' => 'seen', 'ش' => 'sheen', 'ص' => 'sad', 'ض' => 'dad', 'ط' => 'tah', 'ظ' => 'zah', 'ع' => 'ain', 'غ' => 'ghain', 'ف' => 'feh', 'ق' => 'qaf', 'ك' => 'kaf', 'ل' => 'lam', 'م' => 'meem', 'ن' => 'noon', 'ه' => 'heh', 'و' => 'waw', 'ي' => 'yeh');
     if ($lang != 'ar' && $this->_language == 'phoenician') {
         include dirname(__FILE__) . '/Transliteration.php';
         $temp = new Transliteration();
         $word = $temp->en2ar($word);
         $temp = null;
         $lang = 'ar';
     if ($lang != 'ar') {
         $word = strtolower($word);
     } else {
         $word = str_replace('ة', 'ت', $word);
         $alef = array('ى', 'ؤ', 'ئ', 'ء', 'آ', 'إ', 'أ');
         $word = str_replace($alef, '?', $word);
     $chars = array();
     $max = mb_strlen($word, 'UTF-8');
     for ($i = 0; $i < $max; $i++) {
         $chars[] = mb_substr($word, $i, 1, 'UTF-8');
     if ($dir == 'rtl' || $dir == 'btt') {
         $chars = array_reverse($chars);
     $max_w = 0;
     $max_h = 0;
     foreach ($chars as $char) {
         if ($lang == 'ar') {
             $char = $arabic[$char];
         if (file_exists(dirname(__FILE__) . "/images/{$this->_language}/{$char}.gif")) {
             list($width, $height) = getimagesize(dirname(__FILE__) . "/images/{$this->_language}/{$char}.gif");
         } else {
             $width = MAXW;
             $height = MAXH;
         if ($dir == 'ltr' || $dir == 'rtl') {
             $max_w += $width;
             if ($height > $max_h) {
                 $max_h = $height;
         } else {
             $max_h += $height;
             if ($width > $max_w) {
                 $max_w = $width;
     $im = imagecreatetruecolor($max_w, $max_h);
     if ($red == null) {
         $bck = imagecolorallocate($im, 0, 0, 255);
         imagefill($im, 0, 0, $bck);
         // Make the background transparent
         imagecolortransparent($im, $bck);
     } else {
         $bck = imagecolorallocate($im, $red, $green, $blue);
         imagefill($im, 0, 0, $bck);
     $current_x = 0;
     foreach ($chars as $char) {
         if ($lang == 'ar') {
             $char = $arabic[$char];
         $filename = dirname(__FILE__) . "/images/{$this->_language}/{$char}.gif";
         if ($dir == 'ltr' || $dir == 'rtl') {
             if (file_exists($filename)) {
                 list($width, $height) = getimagesize($filename);
                 $image = imagecreatefromgif($filename);
                 imagecopy($im, $image, $current_x, $max_h - $height, 0, 0, $width, $height);
             } else {
                 $width = MAXW;
             $current_x += $width;
         } else {
             if (file_exists($filename)) {
                 list($width, $height) = getimagesize($filename);
                 $image = imagecreatefromgif($filename);
                 imagecopy($im, $image, 0, $current_y, 0, 0, $width, $height);
             } else {
                 $height = MAXH;
             $current_y += $height;
     return $im;