protected function generateContent() { /***********/ /* Infobox */ /***********/ $infobox = Lang::getInfoBoxForFlags($this->subject->getField('cuFlags')); if ($this->subject->getField('side') == SIDE_ALLIANCE) { $infobox[] = Lang::main('side') . Lang::main('colon') . '[span class=icon-alliance]' . Lang::game('si', SIDE_ALLIANCE) . '[/span]'; } else { if ($this->subject->getField('side') == SIDE_HORDE) { $infobox[] = Lang::main('side') . Lang::main('colon') . '[span class=icon-horde]' . Lang::game('si', SIDE_HORDE) . '[/span]'; } else { $infobox[] = Lang::main('side') . Lang::main('colon') . Lang::game('si', SIDE_BOTH); } } if ($g = $this->subject->getField('gender')) { $infobox[] = Lang::main('gender') . Lang::main('colon') . '[span class=icon-' . ($g == 2 ? 'female' : 'male') . ']' . Lang::main('sex', $g) . '[/span]'; } if ($eId = $this->subject->getField('eventId')) { $this->extendGlobalIds(TYPE_WORLDEVENT, $eId); $infobox[] = Lang::game('eventShort') . Lang::main('colon') . '[event=' . $eId . ']'; } /****************/ /* Main Content */ /****************/ $this->infobox = $infobox ? '[ul][li]' . implode('[/li][li]', $infobox) . '[/li][/ul]' : null; $this->expansion = Util::$expansionString[$this->subject->getField('expansion')]; $this->redButtons = array(BUTTON_WOWHEAD => true, BUTTON_LINKS => ['name' => $this->nameFixed]); // factionchange-equivalent if ($pendant = DB::World()->selectCell('SELECT IF(horde_id = ?d, alliance_id, -horde_id) FROM player_factionchange_titles WHERE alliance_id = ?d OR horde_id = ?d', $this->typeId, $this->typeId, $this->typeId)) { $altTitle = new TitleList(array(['id', abs($pendant)])); if (!$altTitle->error) { $this->transfer = sprintf(Lang::title('_transfer'), $altTitle->id, $altTitle->getHtmlizedName(), $pendant > 0 ? 'alliance' : 'horde', $pendant > 0 ? Lang::game('si', 1) : Lang::game('si', 2)); } } /**************/ /* Extra Tabs */ /**************/ // tab: quest source $quests = new QuestList(array(['rewardTitleId', $this->typeId])); if (!$quests->error) { $this->extendGlobalData($quests->getJSGlobals(GLOBALINFO_REWARDS)); $this->lvTabs[] = ['quest', array('data' => array_values($quests->getListviewData()), 'id' => 'reward-from-quest', 'name' => '$LANG.tab_rewardfrom', 'hiddenCols' => ['experience', 'money'], 'visibleCols' => ['category'])]; } // tab: achievement source if ($aIds = DB::World()->selectCol('SELECT entry FROM achievement_reward WHERE title_A = ?d OR title_H = ?d', $this->typeId, $this->typeId)) { $acvs = new AchievementList(array(['id', $aIds])); if (!$acvs->error) { $this->extendGlobalData($acvs->getJSGlobals()); $this->lvTabs[] = ['achievement', array('data' => array_values($acvs->getListviewData()), 'id' => 'reward-from-achievement', 'name' => '$LANG.tab_rewardfrom', 'visibleCols' => ['category'], 'sort' => ['reqlevel', 'name'])]; } } // tab: criteria of (to be added by TC) }
protected function generateContent() { $conditions = []; if (!User::isInGroup(U_GROUP_EMPLOYEE)) { // hide unused titles $conditions[] = [['cuFlags', CUSTOM_EXCLUDE_FOR_LISTVIEW, '&'], 0]; } if ($this->category) { $conditions[] = ['category', $this->category[0]]; } $titles = new TitleList($conditions); if (!$titles->error) { $params = []; if ($titles->hasDiffFields(['category'])) { $params['visibleCols'] = "\$['category']"; } if (!$titles->hasAnySource()) { $params['hiddenCols'] = "\$['source']"; } $this->lvTabs[] = array('file' => 'title', 'data' => $titles->getListviewData(), 'params' => $params); } }
private function _searchTitle($cndBase) { $result = []; $cnd = array_merge($cndBase, [$this->createLookup(['male_loc' . User::$localeId, 'female_loc' . User::$localeId])]); $titles = new TitleList($cnd); if ($data = $titles->getListviewData()) { if ($this->searchMask & SEARCH_TYPE_OPEN) { foreach ($titles->iterate() as $id => $__) { $data[$id]['param1'] = $titles->getField('side'); } } $result = array('type' => TYPE_TITLE, 'appendix' => ' (Title)', 'matches' => $titles->getMatches(), 'file' => TitleList::$brickFile, 'data' => $data, 'params' => []); if ($titles->getMatches() > $this->maxResults) { // $result['params']['note'] = sprintf(Util::$tryNarrowingString, 'LANG.lvnote_', $titles->getMatches(), $this->maxResults); $result['params']['_truncated'] = 1; } } return $result; }
protected function generateContent() { /***********/ /* Infobox */ /***********/ $infobox = Lang::getInfoBoxForFlags($this->subject->getField('cuFlags')); // points if ($_ = $this->subject->getField('points')) { $infobox[] = Lang::achievement('points') . Lang::main('colon') . '[achievementpoints=' . $_ . ']'; } // location // todo (low) // faction switch ($this->subject->getField('faction')) { case 1: $infobox[] = Lang::main('side') . Lang::main('colon') . '[span class=icon-alliance]' . Lang::game('si', SIDE_ALLIANCE) . '[/span]'; break; case 2: $infobox[] = Lang::main('side') . Lang::main('colon') . '[span class=icon-horde]' . Lang::game('si', SIDE_HORDE) . '[/span]'; break; default: // case 3 $infobox[] = Lang::main('side') . Lang::main('colon') . Lang::game('si', SIDE_BOTH); } // realm first available? if ($this->subject->getField('flags') & 0x100 && DB::isConnectable(DB_AUTH)) { $avlb = []; foreach (DB::Auth()->selectCol('SELECT id AS ARRAY_KEY, name FROM realmlist WHERE allowedSecurityLevel = 0 AND gamebuild = ?d', WOW_VERSION) as $rId => $name) { if (!DB::isConnectable(DB_CHARACTERS . $rId)) { continue; } if (!DB::Characters($rId)->selectCell('SELECT 1 FROM character_achievement WHERE achievement = ?d LIMIT 1', $this->typeId)) { $avlb[] = $name; } } if ($avlb) { $infobox[] = Lang::achievement('rfAvailable') . implode(', ', $avlb); } } /**********/ /* Series */ /**********/ $series = []; if ($c = $this->subject->getField('chainId')) { $chainAcv = new AchievementList(array(['chainId', $c])); foreach ($chainAcv->iterate() as $aId => $__) { $pos = $chainAcv->getField('chainPos'); if (!isset($series[$pos])) { $series[$pos] = []; } $series[$pos][] = array('side' => $chainAcv->getField('faction'), 'typeStr' => Util::$typeStrings[TYPE_ACHIEVEMENT], 'typeId' => $aId, 'name' => $chainAcv->getField('name', true)); } } /****************/ /* Main Content */ /****************/ $this->mail = $this->createMail($reqBook); $this->headIcons = [$this->subject->getField('iconString')]; $this->infobox = $infobox ? '[ul][li]' . implode('[/li][li]', $infobox) . '[/li][/ul]' : null; $this->series = $series ? [[$series, null]] : null; $this->description = $this->subject->getField('description', true); $this->redButtons = array(BUTTON_LINKS => ['color' => 'ffffff00', 'linkId' => Util::$typeStrings[TYPE_ACHIEVEMENT] . ':' . $this->typeId . ':"..UnitGUID("player")..":0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0'], BUTTON_WOWHEAD => !($this->subject->getField('cuFlags') & CUSTOM_SERVERSIDE)); $this->criteria = array('reqQty' => $this->subject->getField('reqCriteriaCount'), 'icons' => [], 'data' => []); if ($reqBook) { $this->addCss(['path' => 'Book.css']); } // create rewards if ($foo = $this->subject->getField('rewards')) { array_walk($foo, function (&$item) { $item = $item[0] != TYPE_ITEM ? null : $item[1]; }); $bar = new ItemList(array(['', $foo])); foreach ($bar->iterate() as $id => $__) { $this->rewards['item'][] = array('name' => $bar->getField('name', true), 'quality' => $bar->getField('quality'), 'typeStr' => Util::$typeStrings[TYPE_ITEM], 'id' => $id, 'globalStr' => 'g_items'); } } if ($foo = $this->subject->getField('rewards')) { array_walk($foo, function (&$item) { $item = $item[0] != TYPE_TITLE ? null : $item[1]; }); $bar = new TitleList(array(['id', $foo])); foreach ($bar->iterate() as $__) { $this->rewards['title'][] = sprintf(Lang::achievement('titleReward'), $bar->id, trim(str_replace('%s', '', $bar->getField('male', true)))); } } $this->rewards['text'] = $this->subject->getField('reward', true); // factionchange-equivalent if ($pendant = DB::World()->selectCell('SELECT IF(horde_id = ?d, alliance_id, -horde_id) FROM player_factionchange_achievement WHERE alliance_id = ?d OR horde_id = ?d', $this->typeId, $this->typeId, $this->typeId)) { $altAcv = new AchievementList(array(['id', abs($pendant)])); if (!$altAcv->error) { $this->transfer = sprintf(Lang::achievement('_transfer'), $altAcv->id, 1, $altAcv->getField('iconString'), $altAcv->getField('name', true), $pendant > 0 ? 'alliance' : 'horde', $pendant > 0 ? Lang::game('si', 1) : Lang::game('si', 2)); } } /**************/ /* Extra Tabs */ /**************/ // tab: see also $conditions = array(['name_loc' . User::$localeId, $this->subject->getField('name', true)], ['id', $this->typeId, '!']); $saList = new AchievementList($conditions); $this->lvTabs[] = array('file' => 'achievement', 'data' => $saList->getListviewData(), 'params' => array('id' => 'see-also', 'name' => '$LANG.tab_seealso', 'visibleCols' => "\$['category']")); $this->extendGlobalData($saList->getJSGlobals()); // tab: criteria of $refs = DB::Aowow()->SelectCol('SELECT refAchievementId FROM ?_achievementcriteria WHERE Type = ?d AND value1 = ?d', ACHIEVEMENT_CRITERIA_TYPE_COMPLETE_ACHIEVEMENT, $this->typeId); if (!empty($refs)) { $coList = new AchievementList(array(['id', $refs])); $this->lvTabs[] = array('file' => 'achievement', 'data' => $coList->getListviewData(), 'params' => array('id' => 'criteria-of', 'name' => '$LANG.tab_criteriaof', 'visibleCols' => "\$['category']")); $this->extendGlobalData($coList->getJSGlobals()); } /*****************/ /* Criteria List */ /*****************/ $iconId = 1; $rightCol = []; foreach ($this->subject->getCriteria() as $i => $crt) { // hide hidden criteria for regular users (really do..?) // if (($crt['completionFlags'] & ACHIEVEMENT_CRITERIA_FLAG_HIDDEN) && User::$perms > 0) // continue; // alternative display option $displayMoney = $crt['completionFlags'] & ACHIEVEMENT_CRITERIA_FLAG_MONEY_COUNTER; $crtName = Util::localizedString($crt, 'name'); $tmp = array('id' => $crt['id'], 'name' => $crtName, 'type' => $crt['type']); $obj = (int) $crt['value1']; $qty = (int) $crt['value2']; switch ($crt['type']) { // link to npc case ACHIEVEMENT_CRITERIA_TYPE_KILL_CREATURE: case ACHIEVEMENT_CRITERIA_TYPE_KILLED_BY_CREATURE: $tmp['link'] = array('href' => '?npc=' . $obj, 'text' => $crtName); $tmp['extraText'] = Lang::achievement('slain'); break; // link to area (by map) // link to area (by map) case ACHIEVEMENT_CRITERIA_TYPE_WIN_BG: case ACHIEVEMENT_CRITERIA_TYPE_WIN_ARENA: case ACHIEVEMENT_CRITERIA_TYPE_PLAY_ARENA: case ACHIEVEMENT_CRITERIA_TYPE_COMPLETE_BATTLEGROUND: case ACHIEVEMENT_CRITERIA_TYPE_DEATH_AT_MAP: if ($zoneId = DB::Aowow()->selectCell('SELECT id FROM ?_zones WHERE mapId = ? LIMIT 1', $obj)) { $tmp['link'] = array('href' => '?zone=' . $zoneId, 'text' => $crtName); } else { $tmp['extraText'] = $crtName; } break; // link to area // link to area case ACHIEVEMENT_CRITERIA_TYPE_COMPLETE_QUESTS_IN_ZONE: case ACHIEVEMENT_CRITERIA_TYPE_HONORABLE_KILL_AT_AREA: $tmp['link'] = array('href' => '?zone=' . $obj, 'text' => $crtName); break; // link to skills // link to skills case ACHIEVEMENT_CRITERIA_TYPE_REACH_SKILL_LEVEL: case ACHIEVEMENT_CRITERIA_TYPE_LEARN_SKILL_LEVEL: case ACHIEVEMENT_CRITERIA_TYPE_LEARN_SKILLLINE_SPELLS: case ACHIEVEMENT_CRITERIA_TYPE_LEARN_SKILL_LINE: $tmp['link'] = array('href' => '?skill=' . $obj, 'text' => $crtName); break; // link to class // link to class case ACHIEVEMENT_CRITERIA_TYPE_HK_CLASS: $tmp['link'] = array('href' => '?class=' . $obj, 'text' => $crtName); break; // link to race // link to race case ACHIEVEMENT_CRITERIA_TYPE_HK_RACE: $tmp['link'] = array('href' => '?race=' . $obj, 'text' => $crtName); break; // link to title - todo (low): crosslink // link to title - todo (low): crosslink case ACHIEVEMENT_CRITERIA_TYPE_EARNED_PVP_TITLE: $tmp['extraText'] = Util::ucFirst(Lang::game('title')) . Lang::main('colon') . $crtName; break; // link to achivement (/w icon) // link to achivement (/w icon) case ACHIEVEMENT_CRITERIA_TYPE_COMPLETE_ACHIEVEMENT: $tmp['link'] = array('href' => '?achievement=' . $obj, 'text' => $crtName); $tmp['icon'] = $iconId; $this->criteria['icons'][] = array('itr' => $iconId++, 'type' => 'g_achievements', 'id' => $obj); $this->extendGlobalIds(TYPE_ACHIEVEMENT, $obj); break; // link to quest // link to quest case ACHIEVEMENT_CRITERIA_TYPE_COMPLETE_QUEST: // $crtName = ; $tmp['link'] = array('href' => '?quest=' . $obj, 'text' => $crtName ?: QuestList::getName($obj)); break; // link to spell (/w icon) // link to spell (/w icon) case ACHIEVEMENT_CRITERIA_TYPE_BE_SPELL_TARGET: case ACHIEVEMENT_CRITERIA_TYPE_BE_SPELL_TARGET2: case ACHIEVEMENT_CRITERIA_TYPE_CAST_SPELL: case ACHIEVEMENT_CRITERIA_TYPE_LEARN_SPELL: case ACHIEVEMENT_CRITERIA_TYPE_CAST_SPELL2: $tmp['link'] = array('href' => '?spell=' . $obj, 'text' => $crtName ?: SpellList::getName($obj)); $this->extendGlobalIds(TYPE_SPELL, $obj); $tmp['icon'] = $iconId; $this->criteria['icons'][] = array('itr' => $iconId++, 'type' => 'g_spells', 'id' => $obj); break; // link to item (/w icon) // link to item (/w icon) case ACHIEVEMENT_CRITERIA_TYPE_OWN_ITEM: case ACHIEVEMENT_CRITERIA_TYPE_USE_ITEM: case ACHIEVEMENT_CRITERIA_TYPE_LOOT_ITEM: case ACHIEVEMENT_CRITERIA_TYPE_EQUIP_ITEM: $crtItm = new ItemList(array(['', $obj])); $tmp['link'] = array('href' => '?item=' . $obj, 'text' => $crtName ?: $crtItm->getField('name', true), 'quality' => $crtItm->getField('quality'), 'count' => $qty); $this->extendGlobalData($crtItm->getJSGlobals()); $tmp['icon'] = $iconId; $this->criteria['icons'][] = array('itr' => $iconId++, 'type' => 'g_items', 'id' => $obj, 'count' => $qty); break; // link to faction (/w target reputation) // link to faction (/w target reputation) case ACHIEVEMENT_CRITERIA_TYPE_GAIN_REPUTATION: $tmp['link'] = array('href' => '?faction=' . $obj, 'text' => $crtName ?: FactionList::getName($obj)); $tmp['extraText'] = ' (' . Lang::getReputationLevelForPoints($qty) . ')'; break; // link to GObject // link to GObject case ACHIEVEMENT_CRITERIA_TYPE_USE_GAMEOBJECT: case ACHIEVEMENT_CRITERIA_TYPE_FISH_IN_GAMEOBJECT: $tmp['link'] = array('href' => '?object=' . $obj, 'text' => $crtName); break; default: // Add a gold coin icon if required $tmp['extraText'] = $displayMoney ? Util::formatMoney($qty) : $crtName; break; } // If the right column if ($i % 2) { $this->criteria['data'][] = $tmp; } else { $rightCol[] = $tmp; } } // If you found the second column - merge data from it to the end of the main body if ($rightCol) { $this->criteria['data'] = array_merge($this->criteria['data'], $rightCol); } }
function profiler() { $success = true; $scripts = []; /**********/ /* Quests */ /**********/ $scripts[] = function () { $success = true; $condition = [CFG_SQL_LIMIT_NONE, 'AND', [['cuFlags', CUSTOM_EXCLUDE_FOR_LISTVIEW], 0], [['flags', QUEST_FLAG_DAILY | QUEST_FLAG_WEEKLY | QUEST_FLAG_REPEATABLE | QUEST_FLAG_AUTO_REWARDED, '&'], 0], [['specialFlags', QUEST_FLAG_SPECIAL_REPEATABLE | QUEST_FLAG_SPECIAL_DUNGEON_FINDER | QUEST_FLAG_SPECIAL_MONTHLY, '&'], 0]]; $questz = new QuestList($condition); $_ = []; $currencies = array_column($questz->rewards, TYPE_CURRENCY); foreach ($currencies as $curr) { foreach ($curr as $cId => $qty) { $_[] = $cId; } } $relCurr = new CurrencyList(array(['id', $_])); foreach (CLISetup::$localeIds as $l) { set_time_limit(20); User::useLocale($l); Lang::load(Util::$localeStrings[$l]); $buff = "var _ = g_gatheredcurrencies;\n"; foreach ($relCurr->getListviewData() as $id => $data) { $buff .= '_[' . $id . '] = ' . Util::toJSON($data) . ";\n"; } $buff .= "\n\nvar _ = g_quests;\n"; foreach ($questz->getListviewData() as $id => $data) { $buff .= '_[' . $id . '] = ' . Util::toJSON($data) . ";\n"; } $buff .= "\ng_quest_catorder = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10];\n"; if (!CLISetup::writeFile('datasets/' . User::$localeString . '/p-quests', $buff)) { $success = false; } } return $success; }; /****************/ /* Achievements */ /****************/ $scripts[] = function () { $success = true; $condition = array(CFG_SQL_LIMIT_NONE, [['cuFlags', CUSTOM_EXCLUDE_FOR_LISTVIEW, '&'], 0], [['flags', 1, '&'], 0]); $achievez = new AchievementList($condition); foreach (CLISetup::$localeIds as $l) { set_time_limit(5); User::useLocale($l); Lang::load(Util::$localeStrings[$l]); $sumPoints = 0; $buff = "var _ = g_achievements;\n"; foreach ($achievez->getListviewData(ACHIEVEMENTINFO_PROFILE) as $id => $data) { $sumPoints += $data['points']; $buff .= '_[' . $id . '] = ' . Util::toJSON($data) . ";\n"; } // categories to sort by $buff .= "\ng_achievement_catorder = [92, 14863, 97, 169, 170, 171, 172, 14802, 14804, 14803, 14801, 95, 161, 156, 165, 14806, 14921, 96, 201, 160, 14923, 14808, 14805, 14778, 14865, 14777, 14779, 155, 14862, 14861, 14864, 14866, 158, 162, 14780, 168, 14881, 187, 14901, 163, 14922, 159, 14941, 14961, 14962, 14981, 15003, 15002, 15001, 15041, 15042, 81]"; // sum points $buff .= "\ng_achievement_points = [" . $sumPoints . "];\n"; if (!CLISetup::writeFile('datasets/' . User::$localeString . '/p-achievements', $buff)) { $success = false; } } return $success; }; /**********/ /* Titles */ /**********/ $scripts[] = function () { $success = true; $condition = array(CFG_SQL_LIMIT_NONE, [['cuFlags', CUSTOM_EXCLUDE_FOR_LISTVIEW, '&'], 0]); $titlez = new TitleList($condition); foreach (CLISetup::$localeIds as $l) { set_time_limit(5); User::useLocale($l); Lang::load(Util::$localeStrings[$l]); foreach ([0, 1] as $g) { $buff = "var _ = g_titles;\n"; foreach ($titlez->getListviewData() as $id => $data) { $data['name'] = Util::localizedString($titlez->getEntry($id), $g ? 'female' : 'male'); unset($data['namefemale']); $buff .= '_[' . $id . '] = ' . Util::toJSON($data) . ";\n"; } if (!CLISetup::writeFile('datasets/' . User::$localeString . '/p-titles-' . $g, $buff)) { $success = false; } } } return $success; }; /**********/ /* Mounts */ /**********/ $scripts[] = function () { $success = true; $condition = array(CFG_SQL_LIMIT_NONE, [['cuFlags', CUSTOM_EXCLUDE_FOR_LISTVIEW, '&'], 0], ['typeCat', -5]); $mountz = new SpellList($condition); foreach (CLISetup::$localeIds as $l) { set_time_limit(5); User::useLocale($l); Lang::load(Util::$localeStrings[$l]); $buff = "var _ = g_spells;\n"; foreach ($mountz->getListviewData(ITEMINFO_MODEL) as $id => $data) { $data['quality'] = $data['name'][0]; $data['name'] = mb_substr($data['name'], 1); $buff .= '_[' . $id . '] = ' . Util::toJSON($data) . ";\n"; } if (!CLISetup::writeFile('datasets/' . User::$localeString . '/p-mounts', $buff)) { $success = false; } } return $success; }; /**************/ /* Companions */ /**************/ $scripts[] = function () { $success = true; $condition = array(CFG_SQL_LIMIT_NONE, [['cuFlags', CUSTOM_EXCLUDE_FOR_LISTVIEW, '&'], 0], ['typeCat', -6]); $companionz = new SpellList($condition); foreach (CLISetup::$localeIds as $l) { set_time_limit(5); User::useLocale($l); Lang::load(Util::$localeStrings[$l]); $buff = "var _ = g_spells;\n"; foreach ($companionz->getListviewData(ITEMINFO_MODEL) as $id => $data) { $data['quality'] = $data['name'][0]; $data['name'] = mb_substr($data['name'], 1); $buff .= '_[' . $id . '] = ' . Util::toJSON($data) . ";\n"; } if (!CLISetup::writeFile('datasets/' . User::$localeString . '/p-companions', $buff)) { $success = false; } } return $success; }; /************/ /* Factions */ /************/ $scripts[] = function () { $success = true; $condition = array(CFG_SQL_LIMIT_NONE, [['cuFlags', CUSTOM_EXCLUDE_FOR_LISTVIEW, '&'], 0]); $factionz = new FactionList($condition); foreach (CLISetup::$localeIds as $l) { set_time_limit(5); User::useLocale($l); Lang::load(Util::$localeStrings[$l]); $buff = "var _ = g_factions;\n"; foreach ($factionz->getListviewData() as $id => $data) { $buff .= '_[' . $id . '] = ' . Util::toJSON($data) . ";\n"; } $buff .= "\ng_faction_order = [0, 469, 891, 1037, 1118, 67, 1052, 892, 936, 1117, 169, 980, 1097];\n"; if (!CLISetup::writeFile('datasets/' . User::$localeString . '/p-factions', $buff)) { $success = false; } } return $success; }; /***********/ /* Recipes */ /***********/ $scripts[] = function () { // special case: secondary skills are always requested, so put them in one single file (185, 129, 356); it also contains g_skill_order $skills = [171, 164, 333, 202, 182, 773, 755, 165, 186, 393, 197, [185, 129, 356]]; $success = true; $baseCnd = array(CFG_SQL_LIMIT_NONE, [['cuFlags', CUSTOM_EXCLUDE_FOR_LISTVIEW, '&'], 0], ['effect1Id', [6, 45, 57, 127, 33, 158, 99, 28, 95], '!'], ['effect2Id', [118, 60], '!'], ['OR', ['typeCat', 9], ['typeCat', 11]]); foreach ($skills as $s) { $file = is_array($s) ? 'sec' : (string) $s; $cnd = array_merge($baseCnd, [['skillLine1', $s]]); $recipez = new SpellList($cnd); $created = ''; foreach ($recipez->iterate() as $__) { foreach ($recipez->canCreateItem() as $idx) { $id = $recipez->getField('effect' . $idx . 'CreateItemId'); $created .= "g_items.add(" . $id . ", {'icon':'" . $recipez->relItems->getEntry($id)['iconString'] . "'});\n"; } } foreach (CLISetup::$localeIds as $l) { set_time_limit(10); User::useLocale($l); Lang::load(Util::$localeStrings[$l]); $buff = ''; foreach ($recipez->getListviewData() as $id => $data) { $buff .= '_[' . $id . '] = ' . Util::toJSON($data) . ";\n"; } if (!$buff) { // this behaviour is intended, do not create an error CLISetup::log('profiler - file datasets/' . User::$localeString . '/p-recipes-' . $file . ' has no content => skipping', CLISetup::LOG_WARN); continue; } $buff = $created . "\nvar _ = g_spells;\n" . $buff; if (is_array($s)) { $buff .= "\ng_skill_order = [171, 164, 333, 202, 182, 773, 755, 165, 186, 393, 197, 185, 129, 356];\n"; } if (!CLISetup::writeFile('datasets/' . User::$localeString . '/p-recipes-' . $file, $buff)) { $success = false; } } } return $success; }; // check directory-structure foreach (Util::$localeStrings as $dir) { if (!CLISetup::writeDir('datasets/' . $dir)) { $success = false; } } // run scripts foreach ($scripts as $func) { if (!$func()) { $success = false; } } return $success; }
private function _searchTitle($cndBase) { $cnd = array_merge($cndBase, [$this->createLookup(['male_loc' . User::$localeId, 'female_loc' . User::$localeId])]); $titles = new TitleList($cnd); if ($data = $titles->getListviewData()) { $result['data'] = array_values($data); $osInfo = [TYPE_TITLE, ' (Title)', $titles->getMatches(), []]; if ($this->searchMask & SEARCH_TYPE_OPEN) { foreach ($titles->iterate() as $id => $__) { $osInfo[3][$id] = $titles->getField('side'); } } if ($titles->getMatches() > $this->maxResults) { // $result['note'] = sprintf(Util::$tryNarrowingString, 'LANG.lvnote_', $titles->getMatches(), $this->maxResults); $result['_truncated'] = 1; } return ['title', $result, null, $osInfo]; } return false; }