Exemple #1
 public function _submitEmptyModuleForm(TestGuy $I)
     $I->wantTo('submit empty module form test');
     // remove root element
     $data['form'] = array('name' => 'notification', 'namespace' => 'urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:notification:1.0');
     $I->submitForm('form.create-empty-module', $data);
     // check what is in answer
     $I->dontSee('500 Internal Server Error');
Exemple #2

$I = new TestGuy($scenario);
$I->wantTo('ensure that home page works');
$I->see('My Company');
$I->see('This is the About page.');
Exemple #3

$I = new TestGuy($scenario);
$I->seeLink('Yii2 Blog');

use Codeception\Util\Fixtures;
/** @type \Codeception\Scenario $scenario */
$scenario->groups('front', 'user-management');
$I = new TestGuy($scenario);
$I->wantTo('Delete my account');
$I->expectTo('Lose ability to sign in under my regular account and all my posts');
$login = Fixtures::get('data:users[0]:login');
$password = Fixtures::get('data:users[0]:password');
// confirming that test landed on required page
$I->see($login, \AuthorFeedPage::$postSelector);
$I->submitForm(\LoginPage::$formSelector, array(\LoginPage::$loginField => $login, \LoginPage::$passwordField => $password));
$I->submitForm(\LoginPage::$formSelector, array(\LoginPage::$loginField => $login, \LoginPage::$passwordField => $password));
$I->see('pageTitle.site.error', \AuthorFeedPage::$pageHeaderSelector);
$h = fopen(\Yii::getPathOfAlias('application.runtime.login'), 'a');
fwrite($h, $login . PHP_EOL);
$I->assertNull(\User::findByUsername($login, false));
$I->assertEmpty(\Post::model()->with(array('author' => array('condition' => 'author.username = :login', 'params' => array(':login' => $login))))->findAll());

$I = new TestGuy($scenario);
$I->wantTo('Verify that the home page wellcome me');
$I->see('Log In with Github');
$I->click('Log In with Github');
Exemple #6
$publicPages = (require $basePath . '/pages-public.php');
$I->submitForm(\LoginPage::$formSelector, array(\LoginPage::$loginField => Fixtures::get('data:users[0]:login'), \LoginPage::$passwordField => Fixtures::get('data:users[0]:password')));
foreach ($languages as $language) {
    \Yii::app()->language = $language;
    $I->setCookie('language', $language);
    $path = $basePath . '/language-' . $language . '.php';
    $data = (require $path);
    foreach ($data as $url => $details) {
        if (isset($details['title'])) {
        if (isset($details['nav'])) {
            foreach ($details['nav'] as $navItem) {
                $I->see($navItem, \GeneralPage::$pageHeaderNavigationSelector);
        if (isset($details['backTo'])) {
            $backTo = \Yii::t('templates', 'link.backTo', array('{pageTitle}' => $details['backTo']));
            $I->see($details['backTo'], \GeneralPage::$backLink);
$I->amOnPage(\UsersDashboardPage::$url . '?language=ru');
$I->see('Создать пользователя');
$prepareData = function ($data, $redirects = false) {
    if (!is_array($data)) {
        $data = array($data);

use Codeception\Util\Fixtures;
/** @type \Codeception\Scenario $scenario */
$scenario->groups('internals', 'content', 'update');
$I = new TestGuy($scenario);
$I->am('Dr. Jan Itor');
$I->wantTo('Update my nickname and see fancy cascade of nickname update in ' . 'previous comments');
$login = Fixtures::get('data:users[0]:login');
$password = Fixtures::get('data:users[0]:password');
$I->submitForm(\LoginPage::$formSelector, array(\LoginPage::$loginField => $login, \LoginPage::$passwordField => $password));
$url = $I->grabFromCurrentUrl();
$I->submitForm(\PostPage::$commentForm, array(\PostPage::$commentTextArea => 'sample comment'));
$newUsername = md5(microtime());
$I->submitForm(\ProfilePage::$usernameUpdateFormSelector, array(\ProfilePage::$usernameField => $newUsername));
$I->seeLink('@' . $newUsername);

$I = new TestGuy($scenario);
$I->wantTo('perform shadow login as first user');
$I->haveInSession('identity', 1);
$I->haveInSession('identity-name', 'Phalcon');
$I->see('Log In with Github');

$I = new TestGuy($scenario);
$I->wantTo('perform shadow login as first user');
$I->haveInSession('identity', 1);
$I->haveInSession('identity-name', 'Phalcon');
Exemple #10

$I = new TestGuy($scenario);
$I->wantTo('ensure that home page works');
$I->see('This is the About page.');
Exemple #11

$I = new TestGuy($scenario);
$I->wantTo('ensure that home page works');
//! @todo FIX THIS TEST
// $I->seeLink('About');
// $I->click('About');
// $I->see('This is the About page.');

use yii\helpers\Url;
use hipstercreative\user\models\User;
$I = new TestGuy($scenario);
$I->wantTo('ensure that confirmation works');
$I->amGoingTo('check that error is showed when token expired');
$user = $I->getFixture('user')->getModel('unconfirmed_with_expired_token');
$I->amOnPage(Url::toRoute(['/user/registration/confirm', 'id' => $user->id, 'token' => $user->confirmation_token]));
$I->see('Confirmation token is invalid');
$I->amGoingTo('check that user get confirmed');
$user = $I->getFixture('user')->getModel('unconfirmed');
$I->amOnPage(Url::toRoute(['/user/registration/confirm', 'id' => $user->id, 'token' => $user->confirmation_token]));
$I->see('Your account has been confirmed');
$I->seeRecord(User::className(), ['id' => $user->id, 'confirmation_token' => null, 'confirmation_sent_at' => null]);
Exemple #13

$I = new TestGuy($scenario);
$I->wantTo('ensure that about works');
$I->see('About', 'h1');
Exemple #14

/** @type \Codeception\Scenario $scenario */
$scenario->groups('cache', 'front');
$I = new TestGuy($scenario);
$I->wantTo('Verify that sidebar is updated correctly');
$sidebarVariations = array('ru' => array('Категории', 'Последние записи'), 'en' => array('Categories', 'Last posts'));
foreach ($sidebarVariations as $language => $headings) {
    $I->amOnPage(\BlogFeedPage::$url . '?language=' . $language);
    foreach ($headings as $heading) {
        $I->see($heading, \BlogFeedPage::$sidebarSelector);
Exemple #15

$I = new TestGuy($scenario);
$I->wantTo('ensure that contact works');
$I->see('Contact', 'h1');
$I->submitForm('#contact-form', []);
$I->see('Contact', 'h1');
$I->see('Name cannot be blank');
$I->see('Email cannot be blank');
$I->see('Subject cannot be blank');
$I->see('Body cannot be blank');
$I->see('The verification code is incorrect');
$I->submitForm('#contact-form', ['ContactForm[name]' => 'tester', 'ContactForm[email]' => 'tester.email', 'ContactForm[subject]' => 'test subject', 'ContactForm[body]' => 'test content', 'ContactForm[verifyCode]' => 'testme']);
$I->dontSee('Name cannot be blank', '.help-inline');
$I->see('Email is not a valid email address.');
$I->dontSee('Subject cannot be blank', '.help-inline');
$I->dontSee('Body cannot be blank', '.help-inline');
$I->dontSee('The verification code is incorrect', '.help-inline');
$I->submitForm('#contact-form', ['ContactForm[name]' => 'tester', 'ContactForm[email]' => '*****@*****.**', 'ContactForm[subject]' => 'test subject', 'ContactForm[body]' => 'test content', 'ContactForm[verifyCode]' => 'testme']);
$I->see('Thank you for contacting us. We will respond to you as soon as possible.');