protected function fixRollupFormulas()
     $oldFormula = 'rollupCurrencySum($revenuelineitems, "{{field}}")';
     $newFormula = 'rollupConditionalSum($revenuelineitems, "{{field}}", "sales_stage", forecastSalesStages(true, false))';
     // the field set we need
     $fields = array('best_case' => 'best_case', 'amount' => 'likely_case', 'worst_case' => 'worst_case');
     // get the get_widget helper and the StandardField Helper
     // we are working with opportunities
     $bean = BeanFactory::getBean('Opportunities');
     // loop over each field
     foreach ($fields as $field => $rollup_field) {
         // get the field defs
         $field_defs = $bean->getFieldDefinition($field);
         // load the field type up
         $f = get_widget($field_defs['type']);
         // populate the row from the vardefs that were loaded
         if ($f->formula == str_replace('{{field}}', $rollup_field, $oldFormula)) {
             $f->formula = str_replace('{{field}}', $rollup_field, $newFormula);
             // now lets save, since these are OOB field, we use StandardField
             $df = new StandardField($bean->module_name);
             $f->module = $bean;
     // lets fix up the data now to excluded closed lost
  * Method to get Localization object
  * @return Localization
 public static function getObject()
     $class = __CLASS__;
     if (SugarAutoLoader::load('custom/include/Localization/Localization.php')) {
         $class = SugarAutoLoader::customClass($class);
     return new $class();
 public function run()
     // get the opportunity settings
     $settings = Opportunity::getSettings();
     // if this key is not setup, then there is a 99.99% chance that it has never been set,
     // so it should be setup.
     if (!isset($settings['opps_view_by']) || empty($settings['opps_view_by'])) {
         // reload the settings now
  * @param string $data The job data set for this particular Scheduled Job instance
  * @return boolean true if the run succeeded; false otherwise
 public function run($data)
     $settings = Opportunity::getSettings();
     if (isset($settings['opps_view_by']) && $settings['opps_view_by'] !== 'RevenueLineItems') {
         $GLOBALS['log']->fatal("Opportunity are not being used with Revenue Line Items. " . __CLASS__ . " should not be running");
         return false;
     $args = json_decode(html_entity_decode($data), true);
     $this->job->runnable_ran = true;
     // use the processWorksheetDataChunk to run the code.
     return true;
 public function preDisplay()
     if (session_id()) {
         // kill old session
     $restServiceClass = SugarAutoLoader::customClass('RestService');
     $service = new $restServiceClass();
     // to load necessary classes
     $oapiClassName = SugarAutoLoader::customClass('OAuth2Api');
     $oapi = new $oapiClassName();
     $args = $_REQUEST;
     $args['client_id'] = 'sugar';
     $args['client_secret'] = '';
     if (!empty($_REQUEST['SAMLResponse'])) {
         $args['grant_type'] = SugarOAuth2Storage::SAML_GRANT_TYPE;
         $args['assertion'] = $_REQUEST['SAMLResponse'];
     } else {
         if (empty($args['grant_type'])) {
             $args['grant_type'] = OAuth2::GRANT_TYPE_USER_CREDENTIALS;
             if (!empty($args['user_name']) && isset($args['user_password'])) {
                 // old-style login, let's translate it
                 $args['username'] = $args['user_name'];
                 $args['password'] = $args['user_password'];
     try {
         $this->authorization = $oapi->token($service, $args);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $GLOBALS['log']->error("Login exception: " . $e->getMessage());
     if (!empty($_REQUEST['dataOnly'])) {
         $this->dataOnly = true;
     if (!empty($_REQUEST['platform'])) {
         $this->platform = $_REQUEST['platform'];
 public function run()
     if (version_compare($this->from_version, '7.2', '<')) {
         $sql = "SELECT d.dashboard_module,\n                           d.view_name,\n                           d.assigned_user_id,\n                           (SELECT d1.dashboard_type\n                            FROM   dashboards AS d1\n                            WHERE  d1.dashboard_module = d.dashboard_module\n                               AND d1.view_name = d.view_name\n                               AND d1.assigned_user_id = d.assigned_user_id\n                               AND d1.dashboard_type = 'help-dashboard') as has_help_dashboard\n                    FROM   dashboards AS d\n                    GROUP  BY d.assigned_user_id,\n                              d.dashboard_module,\n                              d.view_name;";
         $results = $this->db->query($sql);
         // get the view defs from the help-dashboard.php file if it exists
         $viewdefs = array();
         if (SugarAutoLoader::load('clients/base/layouts/help-dashboard/help-dashboard.php') && isset($viewdefs['base']['layout']['help-dashboard']['metadata'])) {
             $helpDashboardMeta = json_encode($viewdefs['base']['layout']['help-dashboard']['metadata']);
         } else {
             $helpDashboardMeta = '{"components":[{"rows":[[{"view":{"type":"help-dashlet","label":"LBL_DEFAULT_HELP_DASHLET_TITLE"},"width":12}]],"width":12}]}';
         while ($row = $this->db->fetchByAssoc($results)) {
             if (!empty($row['has_help_dashboard'])) {
             $sqlInsert = "INSERT INTO dashboards (id, name, date_entered, date_modified, modified_user_id, created_by,\n                    description, deleted, assigned_user_id, dashboard_module, view_name, metadata, dashboard_type)\n                  VALUES\n                    ('" . create_guid() . "', 'LBL_DEFAULT_HELP_DASHLET_TITLE',\n                        '" . $GLOBALS['timedate']->nowDb() . "', '" . $GLOBALS['timedate']->nowDb() . "',\n                        '" . $row['assigned_user_id'] . "', '" . $row['assigned_user_id'] . "', NULL, 0,\n                        '" . $row['assigned_user_id'] . "', '" . $row['dashboard_module'] . "', '" . $row['view_name'] . "',\n                        '" . $helpDashboardMeta . "', 'help-dashboard');";
 public function runRebuildExtensions(array $modules = array('Forecasts'))
     $rac = new RepairAndClear();
     $rac->show_output = false;
     $rac->module_list = $modules;
  * Fix the Opportunity Data to have the correct data once we go back from having RLI's to only have Opps
  * - Takes the lowest sales_stage from all the RLIs
  * - Takes the lowest date_closed from all the RLIs
  * - Sets commit_stage to empty
  * - Sets sales_status to empty
  * This is all done via a Query since we delete all the RLI's and we didn't want to keep any of them around.
  * @throws SugarQueryException
 protected function setOpportunityDataFromRevenueLineItems()
     // need to figure out the best way to roll this up before truncating the table.
     $app_list_strings = return_app_list_strings_language($GLOBALS['current_language']);
     // get the sales_stage from the RLI module
     /* @var $rli RevenueLineItem */
     $rli = BeanFactory::getBean('RevenueLineItems');
     $def = $rli->getFieldDefinition('sales_stage');
     $db = DBManagerFactory::getInstance();
     $list_value = array();
     // get the `options` param so we make sure if they customized it to use their custom version
     $sqlCase = '';
     $list = $def['options'];
     if (!empty($list) && isset($app_list_strings[$list])) {
         $i = 0;
         $order_by_arr = array();
         foreach ($app_list_strings[$list] as $key => $value) {
             $list_value[$i] = $key;
             if ($key == '') {
                 $order_by_arr[] = "WHEN (sales_stage='' OR sales_stage IS NULL) THEN " . $i++;
             } else {
                 $order_by_arr[] = "WHEN sales_stage=" . $db->quoted($key) . " THEN " . $i++;
         $sqlCase = "min(CASE " . implode("\n", $order_by_arr) . " ELSE {$i} END)";
     $fcsettings = Forecast::getSettings();
     $stage_cases = array();
     $closed_stages = array_merge($fcsettings['sales_stage_won'], $fcsettings['sales_stage_lost']);
     foreach ($closed_stages as $stage) {
         $stage_cases[] = $db->quoted($stage);
     $stage_cases = implode(',', $stage_cases);
     $sq = new SugarQuery();
     $sq->select(array('opportunity_id'))->fieldRaw($sqlCase, 'sales_stage')->fieldRaw($this->dateClosedMigration . '(CASE when sales_stage IN (' . $stage_cases . ') THEN date_closed END)', 'dc_closed')->fieldRaw($this->dateClosedMigration . '(CASE when sales_stage NOT IN (' . $stage_cases . ') THEN date_closed END)', 'dc_open')->fieldRaw($this->dateClosedMigration . '(CASE when sales_stage IN (' . $stage_cases . ') THEN date_closed_timestamp END)', 'dct_closed')->fieldRaw($this->dateClosedMigration . '(CASE when sales_stage NOT IN (' . $stage_cases . ') THEN date_closed_timestamp END)', 'dct_open');
     $results = $sq->execute();
     foreach ($results as $result) {
         $sql = 'UPDATE opportunities SET date_closed = ' . $db->quoted(!empty($result['dc_open']) ? $result['dc_open'] : $result['dc_closed']) . ',
             date_closed_timestamp = ' . $db->quoted(!empty($result['dct_open']) ? $result['dct_open'] : $result['dct_closed']) . ',
             sales_stage = ' . $db->quoted($list_value[$result['sales_stage']]) . ',
             probability = ' . $db->quoted($app_list_strings['sales_probability_dom'][$list_value[$result['sales_stage']]]) . ',
             sales_status = ' . $db->quoted('') . ', commit_stage = ' . $db->quoted('') . '
             WHERE id = ' . $db->quoted($result['opportunity_id']);
     if ($this->isForecastSetup()) {
 public function __construct()
     $this->bean = BeanFactory::getBean('Opportunities');
Exemple #10
 * This is left here for legacy, just calling the new methods
 * @deprecated
 * @param int $perJob The Number of records to put in a job
 * @return array|string An array of jobs ids that were created, unless
 *      there is one, the it's just that single job id
function updateOpportunitiesForForecasting($perJob = 100)
    return SugarJobUpdateOpportunities::updateOpportunitiesForForecasting($perJob);
  * @param ServiceBase $api
  * @param $worksheetColumns
 public function setWorksheetColumns(ServiceBase $api, $worksheetColumns, $forecastBy)
     $fr = new ForecastReset();
     $fr->setWorksheetColumns($api->platform, $worksheetColumns, $forecastBy);
 protected function toggleRevenueLineItemQuickCreate($enable = false)
     $cscb = new ViewConfigureshortcutbar();
     $modules = $cscb->getQuickCreateModules();
     $enModules = array();
     foreach ($modules['enabled'] as $module => $def) {
         $enModules[$module] = $def['order'];
     $hasRLI = isset($enModules['RevenueLineItems']);
     if ($enable === true && $hasRLI === false) {
         $enModules['RevenueLineItems'] = count($enModules);
     } elseif ($enable === false && $hasRLI === true) {
     } else {
     $cscb->saveChangesToQuickCreateMetadata($modules['enabled'], $modules['disabled'], $enModules);
Exemple #13

if (!defined('sugarEntry')) {
    define('sugarEntry', true);
 * Your installation or use of this SugarCRM file is subject to the applicable
 * terms available at
 * If you do not agree to all of the applicable terms or do not have the
 * authority to bind the entity as an authorized representative, then do not
 * install or use this SugarCRM file.
 * Copyright (C) SugarCRM Inc. All rights reserved.
chdir(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../');
define('ENTRY_POINT_TYPE', 'api');
require 'include/entryPoint.php';
require_once "include/api/RestService.php";
$restServiceClass = SugarAutoLoader::customClass('RestService');
global $service;
$service = new $restServiceClass();
  * Call this method to convert the data as well, this should be called after `doMetadataConvert`
 public function doDataConvert()
     // fix the reports
     $reports = new OpportunityReports();
  * Actually do the work of assigning a quota from the worksheets
  * @param string $quota The amount of the quota
  * @param string $type What type is the quota
  * @param string $user_id Who is the quota for
  * @param string $timeperiod_id What timeperiod is the quota for
  * @param bool $disableActivityStream Should we disable activity streams and create our own entry
 protected function _assignQuota($quota, $type, $user_id, $timeperiod_id, $disableActivityStream = false)
     if ($disableActivityStream) {
         $current_quota = $this->getQuota($user_id, $timeperiod_id, $type);
     // get the updated quota back, this is needed because current_quota might be empty
     // as it could very well not exist yet.
     $quota = $this->commitQuota($quota, $user_id, $timeperiod_id, $type);
     $new_quota = $this->recalcQuotas($user_id, $timeperiod_id, true);
     if ($disableActivityStream) {
         if ($new_quota !== $current_quota->amount) {
             $args = array('isUpdate' => !empty($current_quota->amount), 'dataChanges' => array('amount' => array('field_name' => 'amount', 'field_type' => 'currency', 'before' => $current_quota->amount, 'after' => $new_quota)));
             // Manually Create the Activity Stream Entry!
             $aqm = new ActivityQueueManager();
             $aqm->eventDispatcher($quota, 'after_save', $args);