  * @covers Mods34SchemaSubmissionAdapter
 public function testMods34SchemaSubmissionAdapter()
     // Test constructor.
     $adapter = new Mods34SchemaSubmissionAdapter(PersistableFilter::tempGroup('metadata::plugins.metadata.mods34.schema.Mods34Schema(CITATION)', 'class::lib.pkp.classes.submission.Submission'));
     self::assertEquals(ASSOC_TYPE_CITATION, $adapter->getAssocType());
     self::assertType('Mods34Schema', $adapter->getMetadataSchema());
     self::assertEquals('Submission', $adapter->getDataObjectClass());
     // Instantiate a test description.
     $submissionDescription =& $this->getMods34Description();
     // Instantiate test submission.
     $submission = new Submission();
     $submission->setTitle('previous submission title', 'en_US');
     $submission->setAbstract('previous abstract', 'en_US');
     // Remove the abstract to test whether the injection into existing data works.
     // (The abstract should not be deleted.)
     // Test metadata injection (no replace).
     $resultSubmission =& $adapter->injectMetadataIntoDataObject($submissionDescription, $submission, 'lib.pkp.tests.plugins.metadata.mods34.filter.Author');
     $expectedResult = array('cleanTitle' => array('en_US' => 'new submission title', 'de_DE' => 'neuer Titel'), 'title' => array('en_US' => 'new submission title', 'de_DE' => 'neuer Titel'), 'abstract' => array('en_US' => 'previous abstract'), 'sponsor' => array('en_US' => 'Some Sponsor'), 'dateSubmitted' => '2010-07-07', 'language' => 'en', 'pages' => 215, 'coverageGeo' => array('en_US' => 'some geography'), 'mods34:titleInfo/nonSort' => array('en_US' => 'the', 'de_DE' => 'ein'), 'mods34:titleInfo/subTitle' => array('en_US' => 'subtitle', 'de_DE' => 'Subtitel'), 'mods34:titleInfo/partNumber' => array('en_US' => 'part I', 'de_DE' => 'Teil I'), 'mods34:titleInfo/partName' => array('en_US' => 'introduction', 'de_DE' => 'Einführung'), 'mods34:note' => array('en_US' => array('0' => 'some note', '1' => 'another note'), 'de_DE' => array('0' => 'übersetzte Anmerkung')), 'mods34:subject/temporal[@encoding="w3cdtf" @point="start"]' => '1950', 'mods34:subject/temporal[@encoding="w3cdtf" @point="end"]' => '1954');
     self::assertEquals($expectedResult, $resultSubmission->getAllData());
     // Test meta-data extraction.
     $adapter = new Mods34SchemaSubmissionAdapter(PersistableFilter::tempGroup('class::lib.pkp.classes.submission.Submission', 'metadata::plugins.metadata.mods34.schema.Mods34Schema(CITATION)'));
     $extractedDescription =& $adapter->extractMetadataFromDataObject($submission);
     self::assertTrue($submissionDescription->addStatement('recordInfo/recordCreationDate[@encoding="w3cdtf"]', date('Y-m-d')));
     self::assertTrue($submissionDescription->addStatement('abstract', $abstract = 'previous abstract'));
     $missingMappings = array('genre[@authority="marcgt"]', 'originInfo/place/placeTerm[@type="text"]', 'originInfo/place/placeTerm[@type="code" @authority="iso3166"]', 'originInfo/publisher', 'originInfo/dateIssued[@keyDate="yes" @encoding="w3cdtf"]', 'originInfo/edition', 'physicalDescription/form[@authority="marcform"]', 'physicalDescription/internetMediaType', 'identifier[@type="isbn"]', 'identifier[@type="doi"]', 'identifier[@type="uri"]', 'location/url[@usage="primary display"]', 'recordInfo/recordIdentifier[@source="pkp"]', 'subject/topic');
     foreach ($missingMappings as $missingMapping) {
     self::assertEquals($submissionDescription, $extractedDescription);
 public static function updateSubmission()
     // Process updating submissions
     $submissions = SubmissionsDB::getSubmissionsBy('submissionId', $_SESSION['arguments']);
     if (empty($submissions)) {
         header('Location: /' . $_SESSION['base']);
     } elseif ($_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"] == "GET") {
         $_SESSION['submissions'] = $submissions;
     } else {
         $parms = $submissions[0]->getParameters();
         $parms['submissionFile'] = array_key_exists('submissionFile', $_POST) ? $_POST['submissionFile'] : "";
         $newSubmission = new Submission($parms);
         $submission = SubmissionsDB::updateSubmission($newSubmission);
         if ($submission->getErrorCount() != 0) {
             $_SESSION['submissions'] = array($newSubmission);
         } else {
             header('Location: /' . $_SESSION['base']);
 public function testExecute_PlainSystemCommand()
     $submission = new Submission();
     $gcccompiler = new GccCompiler();
     $runner = new Runner();
     $judge = new Judge($gcccompiler, $runner);
     $judge->judge('/home/guilherme/Documentos/PHP_Projeto/', $submission, 'Prime');
Exemple #4
  * @response - array
  * Inserts the user submissions into the database
 public static function create_submission($response)
     $submission = new Submission();
     foreach ($response as $key => $val) {
         $submission->{$key} = $val;
     if ($submission->save()) {
         return true;
     return false;
 public static function getSubmissionsArray($rowSets)
     // Return an array of Submission objects extracted from $rowSets
     $submissions = array();
     foreach ($rowSets as $submissionRow) {
         $submission = new Submission($submissionRow);
         array_push($submissions, $submission);
     return $submissions;
 public function testUpdateSubmission()
     $validSubmission = array("submitterName" => "krobbins", "assignmentNumber" => "1", "submissionFile" => "myText.apl");
     $s1 = new Submission($validSubmission);
     $_SESSION = array('submission' => $s1, 'base' => "mvcdbcrud");
     $output = ob_get_clean();
     $this->assertFalse(empty($output), "It should show an update form");
Exemple #7
function checkoutWithPaypal($total, $cart)
    try {
        $paypal = new PayPal(true);
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        Logger::i()->writeLog("Caught Exception: " . $e->getMessage(), 'dev');
    $params = array('RETURNURL' => createURLForScript("process.php"), 'CANCELURL' => createURLForScript("cancel.php"), 'PAYMENTREQUEST_0_AMT' => floatval(number_format(floatval($total), 2)), 'PAYMENTREQUEST_0_CURRENCYCODE' => 'EUR');
    $params['SOLUTIONTYPE'] = "Sole";
    $params['LANDINGPAGE'] = "Billing";
    $k = 0;
    foreach ($cart as $key => $value) {
        $info = (array) $value;
        $params['L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_NAME' . $k] = $info["name"];
        $params['L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_DESCR' . $k] = $info["description"];
        $params['L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_AMT' . $k] = floatval(number_format(floatval($info['price']), 2));
        $params['L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_QTY' . $k] = intval($info['quantity']);
    $response = $paypal->doRequest("SetExpressCheckout", $params);
    if ($response) {
        Logger::i()->writeLog("Starting PayPal checkout");
        return $paypal->generateURL($response['TOKEN']);
    } else {
        Logger::i()->writeLog("Could not get token, error = " . $paypal->error, 'dev');
        die(Submission::createResult("Can not checkout at the moment. Please try again later."));
  * Check for roles that give access to the passed workflow stage.
  * @param int $userId
  * @param int $contextId
  * @param Submission $submission
  * @param int $stageId
  * @return array
 function _getAccessibleStageRoles($userId, $contextId, &$submission, $stageId)
     $stageAssignmentDao = DAORegistry::getDAO('StageAssignmentDAO');
     /* @var $stageAssignmentDao StageAssignmentDAO */
     $userRoles = $this->getAuthorizedContextObject(ASSOC_TYPE_USER_ROLES);
     $accessibleStageRoles = array();
     foreach ($userRoles as $roleId) {
         switch ($roleId) {
             case ROLE_ID_MANAGER:
                 // Context managers have access to all submission stages.
                 $accessibleStageRoles[] = $roleId;
             case ROLE_ID_ASSISTANT:
             case ROLE_ID_SUB_EDITOR:
             case ROLE_ID_AUTHOR:
                 // The requested workflow stage has been assigned to them
                 // in the requested submission.
                 $stageAssignments = $stageAssignmentDao->getBySubmissionAndRoleId($submission->getId(), $roleId, $stageId, $userId);
                 if (!$stageAssignments->wasEmpty()) {
                     $accessibleStageRoles[] = $roleId;
     return $accessibleStageRoles;
  * Add an author.
  * @param $author Author
 function addAuthor($author)
     if ($author->getSubmissionId() == null) {
  * List signoff notes.
  * @param $args array
  * @param $request PKPRequest
  * @return string Serialized JSON object
 function listNotes($args, $request)
     $templateMgr = TemplateManager::getManager($request);
     $noteDao = DAORegistry::getDAO('NoteDAO');
     $notesFactory = $noteDao->getByAssoc(ASSOC_TYPE_SIGNOFF, $this->_signoff->getId());
     $notes = $notesFactory->toAssociativeArray();
     // Get any note files.
     $noteFilesDownloadLink = array();
     $submissionFileDao = DAORegistry::getDAO('SubmissionFileDAO');
     /** @var $submissionFileDao SubmissionFileDAO */
     foreach ($notes as $noteId => $note) {
         $file = $submissionFileDao->getLatestRevisionsByAssocId(ASSOC_TYPE_NOTE, $noteId, $this->_submission->getId(), SUBMISSION_FILE_NOTE);
         // We don't expect more than one file per note
         $file = current($file);
         // Get the download file link action.
         if ($file) {
             $noteFilesDownloadLink[$noteId] = new DownloadFileLinkAction($request, $file, $this->_stageId);
     $user = $request->getUser();
     $templateMgr->assign('notes', new ArrayItemIterator($notes));
     $templateMgr->assign('noteFilesDownloadLink', $noteFilesDownloadLink);
     $templateMgr->assign('notesListId', 'notesList');
     $templateMgr->assign('currentUserId', $user->getId());
     $templateMgr->assign('notesDeletable', false);
     $json = new JSONMessage(true, $templateMgr->fetch('controllers/informationCenter/notesList.tpl'));
     return $json->getString();
Exemple #11
  * Add an author.
  * @param $author Author
 function addAuthor($author)
     if ($author->getPaperId() == null) {
  * @copydoc GridCellProvider::getCellActions()
 function getCellActions($request, $row, $column)
     switch ($column->getId()) {
         case 'contents':
             $element = $row->getData();
             $submissionFileDao = DAORegistry::getDAO('SubmissionFileDAO');
             $submissionFiles = $submissionFileDao->getLatestRevisionsByAssocId(ASSOC_TYPE_NOTE, $element->getId(), $this->_submission->getId(), SUBMISSION_FILE_QUERY);
             $actions = array();
             foreach ($submissionFiles as $submissionFile) {
                 $actions[] = new DownloadFileLinkAction($request, $submissionFile, $request->getUserVar('stageId'));
             return $actions;
     return parent::getCellActions($request, $row, $column);
 public function testUpdateSubmission()
     $myDb = DBMaker::create('ptest');
     $db = Database::getDB('ptest', 'C:\\xampp\\myConfig.ini');
     $beforeCount = count(SubmissionsDB::getSubmissionsBy());
     $submissions = SubmissionsDB::getSubmissionsBy('submissionId', 1);
     $currentSubmission = $submissions[0];
     $parms = $currentSubmission->getParameters();
     $parms['submissionFile'] = 'newFile.txt';
     $newSubmission = new Submission($parms);
     $updatedSubmission = SubmissionsDB::updateSubmission($newSubmission);
     $afterCount = count(SubmissionsDB::getSubmissionsBy());
     $this->assertEquals($beforeCount, $afterCount, 'The number of submission in the database should not change after update');
     $this->assertEquals($updatedSubmission->getSubmissionId(), $newSubmission->getSubmissionId(), 'The id of the updated submission should remain the same');
function deleteCustomer($c)
    $delete = DbManager::i()->delete("sf_members", array("userid" => intval($c)));
    if (!$delete) {
        Logger::i()->writeLog("Deleting customer {$c} failed, error = " . DbManager::i()->error, 'dev');
        return Submission::createResult("Could not delete customer");
    return Submission::createResult("Customer deleted", true);
Exemple #15
 public function testIdNumbering()
     /* try to see if the dirs are being created */
     $this->assertEquals(get_file_name("data/uploads/0/020"), Submission::getPathToCodeFromId(20));
     $this->assertEquals(get_file_name("data/uploads/1/000"), Submission::getPathToCodeFromId(1000));
     $this->assertEquals(get_file_name("data/uploads/1/999"), Submission::getPathToCodeFromId(1999));
     $this->assertEquals(get_file_name("data/uploads/178/456"), Submission::getPathToCodeFromId(178456));
  * @copydoc GridCellProvider::getCellActions()
 function getCellActions($request, $row, $column)
     switch ($column->getId()) {
         case 'label':
             $element = $row->getData();
             if ($element->getRemoteUrl() != '' || !$element->getFileId()) {
             $submissionFileDao = DAORegistry::getDAO('SubmissionFileDAO');
             $submissionFiles = $submissionFileDao->getLatestRevisionsByAssocId(ASSOC_TYPE_REPRESENTATION, $element->getId(), $this->_submission->getId(), SUBMISSION_FILE_PROOF);
             $actions = array();
             foreach ($submissionFiles as $submissionFile) {
                 $actions[] = new DownloadFileLinkAction($request, $submissionFile, $request->getUserVar('stageId'), $element->getLabel());
             return $actions;
     return parent::getCellActions($request, $row, $column);
 public static function run()
     if ($_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"] == "POST") {
         $new_post = $_POST;
         if (isset($_FILES["submissionFile"])) {
             $new_post["submissionFile"] = $_FILES["submissionFile"];
         $submission = new Submission($new_post);
         if ($submission->getErrorCount() != 0) {
         } else {
             $user = UsersDB::getUserBy('userName', $submission->getUserName());
             if ($user != null) {
             } else {
                 $submission->setError('userName', 'USER_NAME_DOES_NOT_EXIST');
     } else {
         // Initial link
Exemple #18
function judge_a_single_submission()
    // Clear all caches, otherwise we would use old data!
    // Retrieve a submission
    global $self;
    $subm = Submission::get_pending_submission($self->name . micro_nonce());
    if (!$subm) {
        // no submissions right now
    // Some information on this submission
    if (VERBOSE) {
        echo "\n";
        echo "Submission id: ", $subm->submissionid, "\n";
        echo "Submission to: ", $subm->entity_path, "\n";
        echo "Submited on:   ", format_date($subm->time), "\n";
        echo "Submission by: ", User::names_text($subm->users()), "\n";
        // this slows things down
    // Let's judge it
    try {
        $judgement = new SubmissionJudgement($subm);
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        Log::error($e, $subm->entity_path, $self->name);
        echo "Error during judging!\n", $e;
    if (VERBOSE) {
        echo "Result:        ", Status::to_text($subm), "\n";
    // free up some memory
    if (function_exists('gc_collect_cycles')) {
        // this doesn't exist in PHP < 5.3.0 :(
    if (VERBOSE) {
        echo "Memory usage: ", memory_get_usage(), "\n";
Exemple #19
 public function get($functionName, $linkName, $params = array(), $checkSession = true)
     $positive = function ($input) {
         //$input = $input[count($input)-1];
         $result = Model::isEmpty();
         $result['content'] = array();
         foreach ($input as $inp) {
             if ($inp->getNumRows() > 0) {
                 // extract Submission data from db answer
                 $res = Submission::ExtractSubmission($inp->getResponse(), false);
                 $result['content'] = array_merge($result['content'], is_array($res) ? $res : array($res));
                 $result['status'] = 200;
         return $result;
     $params = DBJson::mysql_real_escape_string($params);
     return $this->_component->call($linkName, $params, '', 200, $positive, array(), 'Model::isProblem', array(), 'Query');
 function __construct()
     $this->is_admin_page = true;
     // find submission
     if (!isset($_REQUEST['submissionid'])) {
         throw new NotFoundException("Missing parameter: submissionid");
     $this->subm = Submission::by_id(intval($_REQUEST['submissionid']));
     $this->entity = $this->subm->entity();
     // rejudge?
     if (isset($_REQUEST['rejudge'])) {
         // redirect to this page, so a refresh doesn't rejudge again
         Util::redirect('admin_view_submission.php?submissionid=' . $_REQUEST['submissionid']);
     // delete?
     if (isset($_REQUEST['delete'], $_POST['confirm']) && $_POST['confirm'] == sha1('confirmed' . $this->subm->submissionid)) {
         Util::redirect('index.php' . $this->entity->path());
  *  This function is responsible for displaying the results page.
  * It first sends data to the model for insertion into database. 
  * If inserted correctly, displays the results page.
 public function get_results()
     if (!($id = Route::input('id'))) {
         Log::error('Unable to display results. Route ID not found.');
         return Redirect::to('error');
     if (!($answers = Session::get('answers'))) {
         Log::error('Unable to display results. Unable to retreive answers from session.');
         return Redirect::to('error');
     if (!($restart = route('home'))) {
         Log::error('Unable to assign the restart button to a route.');
         return Redirect::to('error');
     $responses = self::clean_results($answers);
     $submission = self::prepare_submission($id, $answers);
     if (Submission::create_submission($submission)) {
         return View::make('results', array('heading' => 'Thank you! Your outcome is provided below', 'outcome' => self::$outcomes[$id], 'responses' => $responses, 'restart' => $restart));
     Log::error('Unable to create submission. Database insertion failed');
     return Redirect::to('error');
Exemple #22
  * Constructor.
 function Article()
     $this->articleTexts = array();
     $this->removedArticleTexts = array();
     $this->articleSecIds = array();
     $this->removedArticleSecIds = array();
     $this->articlePurposes = array();
     $this->removedArticlePurposes = array();
     $this->articleOutcomes = array();
     $this->removedArticleOutcomes = array();
     $this->articleDrugs = array();
     $this->removedArticleDrugs = array();
     $this->articleSites = array();
     $this->removedArticleSites = array();
     $this->articleFundingSources = array();
     $this->removedArticleFundingSources = array();
     $this->articleSecondarySponsors = array();
     $this->removedArticleSecondarySponsors = array();
     $this->articleCROs = array();
     $this->removedArticleCROs = array();
  * Check for roles that give access to the passed workflow stage.
  * @param int $userId
  * @param int $contextId
  * @param Submission $submission
  * @param int $stageId
  * @return array
 function _getAccessibleStageRoles($userId, $contextId, &$submission, $stageId)
     $stageAssignmentDao = DAORegistry::getDAO('StageAssignmentDAO');
     /* @var $stageAssignmentDao StageAssignmentDAO */
     $userRoles = $this->getAuthorizedContextObject(ASSOC_TYPE_USER_ROLES);
     $accessibleStageRoles = array();
     foreach ($userRoles as $roleId) {
         switch ($roleId) {
             case ROLE_ID_MANAGER:
                 // Context managers have access to all submission stages.
                 $accessibleStageRoles[] = $roleId;
             case ROLE_ID_ASSISTANT:
             case ROLE_ID_SUB_EDITOR:
             case ROLE_ID_AUTHOR:
                 // The requested workflow stage has been assigned to them
                 // in the requested submission.
                 $stageAssignments = $stageAssignmentDao->getBySubmissionAndRoleId($submission->getId(), $roleId, $stageId, $userId);
                 if (!$stageAssignments->wasEmpty()) {
                     $accessibleStageRoles[] = $roleId;
                 if ($roleId == ROLE_ID_SUB_EDITOR) {
                     // The requested submission must be part of their section/series...
                     // and the requested workflow stage must be assigned to
                     // them in the context settings.
                     $userGroupDao = DAORegistry::getDAO('UserGroupDAO');
                     if (SectionAssignmentRule::effect($contextId, $submission->getSectionId(), $userId) && $userGroupDao->userAssignmentExists($contextId, $userId, $stageId)) {
                         $accessibleStageRoles[] = $roleId;
     return $accessibleStageRoles;
Exemple #24
                if ($find !== false && !is_array($find)) {
                    //cart already exists for user
                    if ($find->cart != "e30=" && strlen($find->cart) != 4) {
                        //not empty cart - overwrite with saved one from DB
                        $_SESSION['shopping-cart'] = $find->cart;
                    } else {
                        //empty cart, use session cart
                        if (isset($_SESSION['shopping-cart'])) {
                            DbManager::i()->update("sf_carts", array("cart" => $_SESSION['shopping-cart']), array("userid" => intval($_SESSION['userid'])));
                } else {
                    if (isset($_SESSION['shopping-cart'])) {
                        DbManager::i()->insert("sf_carts", array("cart", "userid"), array($_SESSION['shopping-cart'], intval($_SESSION['userid'])));
            } else {
                Logger::i()->writeLog("Login is incorrect (" . $login['username'] . ":" . $login['password'] . ")");
                echo Submission::createResult("Username or Password are incorrect");
        } else {
            Logger::i()->writeLog("User does not exist: " . $login['username']);
            echo Submission::createResult("No user found with this username");
    } else {
        Logger::i()->writeLog("Could not get check for login, error = " . DbManager::i()->error, 'dev');
        echo Submission::createResult("Username or Password are incorrect");
} else {
    echo Submission::createResult("Please fill in all information");
  * Get an array representing link parameters that subclasses
  * need to have passed to their various handlers (i.e. submission ID
  * to the delete note handler).
  * @return array
 function _getLinkParams()
     return array('submissionId' => $this->_submission->getId());
 public function getSubmission()
     if (isset($this->formState['values']['details']['sid'])) {
         return Submission::load($this->node->nid, $this->formState['values']['details']['sid']);

if (!defined("IN_EXM")) {
if ($login->isUserLoggedIn() === false) {
// Get Submission id
if (isset($_GET['sid']) && intval($_GET['sid']) > 0) {
    $sid = intval($_GET['sid']);
} else {
    exit("Invalid submission!");
$submission = new Submission($sid);
foreach ($submission->getReview() as $key => $value) {
    // Get the last id in the array
    $id = $submission->getLatestReview($key);
    if ($id > -1) {
        // Get review
        $review = new Review($id);
        // If comment form was submitted add the comment
        $commentSubmitId = 'comment' . $review->id;
        if (key_exists($commentSubmitId, $_POST)) {
        echo '<div class="review_box">';
        echo '<p>';
        // Link to review
        if (get_class($review->data) == "TE") {
            echo '<a class="bold" href="?view=reviewthesis&sid=' . $submission->id . '&uid=' . $review->user . '">';

include $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/classes/access_user/ext_submission.php";
// I use this only for testing
// $update_profile = new Users_profile(false); // need to be false otherwise the redirect to this page will not work
// $update_profile->access_page($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']); // protect this page too.
$view_submission = new Submission(false, false, VIEW_SUBMISSIONS);
// protect this page too.
if (isset($_POST['Submit'])) {
    if (1 < $view_submission->count) {
        $i = 0;
        $sel_count = 0;
        while ($i < $view_submission->count) {
            // Unckecked checkboxes are not posted
            // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12115373/detect-unchecked-checkbox-php
            if (isset($_POST['selected' . $i])) {
        if (10 < $sel_count) {
            // Too many selected submissions, warn the user and don't save changes.
            echo '<script type="text/javascript">';
            echo 'window.alert("Please select no more than 10 findings for final evaluation!")';
            echo '</script>';
        } else {
            $i = 0;
            while ($i < $view_submission->count) {
                if (isset($_POST['selected' . $i])) {
Exemple #29
 function last_submission_to($entity)
     if (!$entity->submitable()) {
         return false;
     if ($entity->attribute_bool('keep best')) {
         static $query;
         DB::prepare_query($query, "SELECT * FROM `user_submission` LEFT JOIN `submission` ON `user_submission`.`submissionid` = `submission`.`submissionid`" . " WHERE `userid`=? AND `entity_path`=?" . " ORDER BY `status` DESC, `time` DESC" . " LIMIT 1");
         $query->execute(array($this->userid, $entity->path()));
         return Submission::fetch_one($query, '', false);
     } else {
         static $query;
         DB::prepare_query($query, "SELECT * FROM `user_submission` LEFT JOIN `submission` ON `user_submission`.`submissionid` = `submission`.`submissionid`" . " WHERE `userid`=? AND `entity_path`=?" . " ORDER BY `time` DESC" . " LIMIT 1");
         $query->execute(array($this->userid, $entity->path()));
         return Submission::fetch_one($query, '', false);
Exemple #30
  * Constructor.
 function __construct()