public function sendEmail($template = 'message', $emailOptions = array())
     $emailOptions = array_merge($this->config, $emailOptions);
     $content = $this->renderEmail($template, $emailOptions);
     if ($emailOptions['debug']) {
         $displays = array();
         foreach ($emailOptions as $key => $value) {
             if ($key !== 'message' && $key != 'attachments') {
                 if (!is_object($value)) {
                     $displays[] = $key . ': <strong>' . (is_array($value) ? implode(',', $value) : $value) . '</strong>';
                 } else {
                     $displays[] = $key . ': <strong>OBJ</strong>';
         echo '<div style="
                     background-color: #444; 
                     padding: 50px;
                     box-shadow: 1px 1px 10px rgba(0,0,0,0.8) inset;
                 <div style="
                             margin:10px auto; 
                             box-shadow:1px 2px 5px rgba(0,0,0,0.5);
                             padding: 15px;
                 " >
                     ' . implode(' ; ', $displays) . '
                 <div style="
                             margin:10px auto; 
                             box-shadow:1px 2px 5px rgba(0,0,0,0.5);
                 " >' . $content . '</div>' . (isset($emailOptions['attachments']) && $emailOptions['attachments'] ? '<div style="
                             margin:10px auto; 
                             box-shadow:1px 2px 5px rgba(0,0,0,0.5);
                             padding: 15px;
                 " >Mit Anhang</div>' : '') . '</div>';
     $attachments = isset($emailOptions['attachments']) && $emailOptions['attachments'] && is_array($emailOptions['attachments']) ? $emailOptions['attachments'] : array();
     $message = new Message();
     if ($emailOptions['bcc']) {
     if ($emailOptions['cc']) {
     if ($this->html) {
         // HTML part
         $htmlPart = new MimePart($content);
         $htmlPart->encoding = Mime::ENCODING_QUOTEDPRINTABLE;
         $htmlPart->type = "text/html; charset=UTF-8";
     // Plain text part
     $textPart = new MimePart(strip_tags($content));
     $textPart->encoding = Mime::ENCODING_QUOTEDPRINTABLE;
     $textPart->type = "text/plain; charset=UTF-8";
     $body = new MimeMessage();
     if ($attachments) {
         // With attachments, we need a multipart/related email. First part
         // is itself a multipart/alternative message
         $content = new MimeMessage();
         if ($this->html) {
         $contentPart = new MimePart($content->generateMessage());
         $contentPart->type = "multipart/alternative;\n boundary=\"" . $content->getMime()->boundary() . '"';
         $messageType = 'multipart/related';
         // Add each attachment
         foreach ($attachments as $thisAttachment) {
             $attachment = new MimePart($thisAttachment['buffer']);
             $attachment->filename = $thisAttachment['filename'];
             $attachment->type = Mime::TYPE_OCTETSTREAM;
             $attachment->encoding = Mime::ENCODING_BASE64;
             $attachment->disposition = Mime::DISPOSITION_ATTACHMENT;
     } else {
         // No attachments, just add the two textual parts to the body
         if ($this->html) {
             $body->setParts(array($textPart, $htmlPart));
             $messageType = 'multipart/alternative';
         } else {
             $messageType = 'text/plain';
     // attach the body to the message and set the content-type
     if ($emailOptions['send']) {
         if (isset($emailOptions['smtp']) && $emailOptions['smtp'] == 'google') {
             $transport = new SmtpTransport();
             $options = new SmtpOptions(array('name' => '', 'host' => '', 'port' => 465, 'connection_class' => 'login', 'connection_config' => array('username' => $emailOptions['smtp_username'], 'password' => $emailOptions['smtp_password'], 'ssl' => 'ssl')));
         } else {
             $transport = new SendmailTransport();
         try {
         } catch (\Exception $e) {
             if (!get_class($transport) == 'Sendmail') {
                 //try with postfix
                 $transport = new SendmailTransport();
     } else {
         echo '<h1>E-Mail <strong>NOT</strong> sent</h1>';
     return $content;
 protected function closeTransport()
	public function send(CakeEmail $email) {
		if(Configure::read('debug')) {
			$allowedAdr = array();
			foreach ($email->to() as $adr => $name) {
				if(strpos($adr, '') !== false) {
					$allowedAdr[$adr] = $name;
				} else {
					CakeLog::debug('Development mode, sending email to '.$adr.' ['.$name.'] will be skipped');                    
			if(sizeof($allowedAdr) > 0) {
				$this->_content['skipped'] = false;
			} else {
				$this->_content['skipped'] = true;
		} else {
			$this->_content['skipped'] = false;
		return $this->_content;