public function postRequest(\SS_HTTPRequest $request, \SS_HTTPResponse $response, \DataModel $model) { if ($request->getVar('clear') && Member::currentUserID() && Permission::check('ADMIN')) { $key = trim($request->getVar('url'), '/'); $key = (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] : '') . '/' . $key; $item = $this->dynamicCache->get($key); if ($item) { $response->addHeader('X-SilverStripe-Cache', 'deleted ' . $key); $this->dynamicCache->delete($key); } } }
public function __construct($cache = null) { if (is_null($cache)) { $cache = SimpleCache::instance(); } $this->_cacheImpl = $cache; }
/** * Returns a collection of MetaDataRelation objects based on the relations mask generated by the four parameters * <code> * $relations = MetaDataRelations::getRelations(1); * // returns relations for organisation_id 1 * * $relations = MetaDataRelations::getRelations(1, "student"); * // returns relations for members of the "student" group in organisation_id 1 * </code> * @param int $organisation * @param string $group * @param string $role * @param int $user Proxy ID * @return MetaDataRelations */ public static function getRelations($organisation = null, $group = null, $role = null, $user = null) { $cache = SimpleCache::getCache(); $relation_set = $cache->get("MetaTypeRelation", "{$organization}-{$group}-{$role}-{$user}"); if ($relation_set) { return $relation_set; } global $db; $conditions = generateMaskConditions($organisation, $group, $role, $user); $query = "SELECT * from `meta_type_relations`"; if ($conditions) { $query .= "\n WHERE " . $conditions; } $results = $db->getAll($query); $relations = array(); if ($results) { foreach ($results as $result) { $relation = MetaDataRelation::fromArray($result); $relations[] = $relation; } } $relation_set = new self($relations); $cache->set($relation_set, "MetaTypeRelation", "{$organization}-{$group}-{$role}-{$user}"); return $relation_set; }
public function testClearThousands() { Filesystem::removeFolder(TEMP_FOLDER . '/my_test_cache'); $cache = new SimpleCache(new SimpleFileBasedCacheStore(TEMP_FOLDER . '/my_test_cache')); for ($i = 0; $i < 1000; $i++) { $object = new stdClass(); $object->Title = "Object {$i}"; $other = $i % 10; $cache->store('key_' . $i, $object, -1, array('mytag', "mod{$other}")); } $start = microtime(true); $cache->deleteByTag('mytag'); $end = microtime(true) - $start; $elems = $cache->getByTag('mytag'); $this->assertEquals(0, count($elems)); }
public function forTemplate() { $key = $this->getKey(); $cache = $this->getCache(); $data = $cache->get($key); if ($data && !$this->forceRegen) { if (defined('PROXY_CACHE_GENERATING')) { return '<!--SimpleCache::' . $key . ',FragmentCache-->'; } return $data; } $data = $this->context->renderWith($this->templateName); $data = $data->raw(); if (Versioned::current_stage() != 'Stage' && strlen($data) && !isset($_GET['flush'])) { // $this->cache->store($key, $menu, self::CACHE_LENGTH); // when storing for the frontend cache replacement stuff, use whatever we have // configured // do NOT store if we're on stage or we have _flush=1 $this->cache->store($key, $data); } // clear the cache key for next request if (isset($_GET['flush'])) { $this->cache->delete($key); } if (defined('PROXY_CACHE_GENERATING')) { return '<!--SimpleCache::' . $key . ',FragmentCache-->'; } return $data; }
public function singleton() { if (!isset(self::$instance)) { $c = __CLASS__; self::$instance = new $c(); } return self::$instance; }
public static function init() { self::$gzip_level = (int) SIMPLE_CACHE_GZIP_LEVEL >= 0 && (int) SIMPLE_CACHE_GZIP_LEVEL <= 9 ? (int) SIMPLE_CACHE_GZIP_LEVEL : 0; // self::$intervals['default'] = (int)SIMPLE_CACHE_DEFAULT_TIME; // $cache_block_intervals = explode(',', SIMPLE_CACHE_BLOCK_TIME); // foreach($cache_block_intervals as $cache_block_interval){ // $interval = explode(':', $cache_block_interval); // self::$intervals[$cache_block_interval[0]] = (int)$cache_block_interval[1]; // } self::$cache_folder = DIR_FS_SQL_CACHE . '/simple_cache/'; self::setStore(self::$cache_folder); }
function display_tencent($args = '') { $default = array('username' => 'Weibo_ID', 'number' => '5', 'time' => '3600'); $r = wp_parse_args($args, $default); extract($r); $path = dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/wordpress-tencent-microblog/xxx'; $cache = new SimpleCache(); $cache->cache_path = $path; $cache->cache_time = 43200; date_default_timezone_set('PRC'); if ($data = $cache->get_cache(date('Y-m-d-H'))) { $list = json_decode($data); } else { $uinfo = OpenSDK_Tencent_Weibo::call('statuses/broadcast_timeline', array('reqnum' => $number, 'type' => '1', 'contenttype' => '0')); $cache->set_cache(date('Y-m-d-H'), json_encode($uinfo)); } $decodedArray = $list; echo '<ul style="list-style-type:none;">'; foreach ($decodedArray['data']['info'] as $value) { echo '<li><div class="microblog"><a href="' . $value['nick'] . '" rel="external nofollow" title="来自 腾讯微博" target="_blank" style="padding-right:3px;"><img class="microblog-ico" alt="腾讯微博" src="' . WP_PLUGIN_URL . '/wordpress-tencent-microblog/txwb.png" /></a><span class="microblog-content">' . str_replace(' ', ' ', $value['origtext']) . '</span> <span class="microblog-from" style="font-size:smaller;">-' . date("Y/m/d", $value['timestamp']) . ' 来自 ' . $value['from'] . '-</span></div></li>'; } echo '</ul>'; }
/** * Returns a MetaDataRelation object belonging to the specified id, if one exists. * @param int $meta_data_relation_id * @return MetaDataRelation */ public function get($meta_data_relation_id) { $cache = SimpleCache::getCache(); $relation = $cache->get("MetaDataRelation", $meta_data_relation_id); if (!$relation) { global $db; $query = "SELECT * FROM `meta_data_relations` WHERE `meta_data_relation_id` = ?"; $result = $db->getRow($query, array($meta_data_relation_id)); if ($result) { $relation = self::fromArray($result); } } return $relation; }
public function generateCache($host, $url) { $url = $this->urlForCaching($url); $key = "{$host}/{$url}"; define('PROXY_CACHE_GENERATING', true); $config = $this->configForUrl($url, $host); $expiry = isset($config['expiry']) ? $config['expiry'] : -1; if ($expiry < 0) { return; } ob_start(); include BASE_PATH . '/framework/main.php'; $toCache = new stdClass(); $toCache->Content = ob_get_clean(); $toCache->LastModified = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); // check headers to see if we have an expires header $headers = headers_list(); if ($headerExpiry = $this->ageFromHeaders($headers, $expiry)) { if ($headerExpiry < $expiry && $headerExpiry != 0) { $expiry = $headerExpiry; } } $storedHeaders = $this->headersToStore($headers); if (count($storedHeaders)) { $toCache->Headers = $storedHeaders; } $toCache->Age = $expiry; if (function_exists('http_response_code')) { $response = http_response_code(); $this->enabled = $response >= 200 && $response < 300; } // see if we've got a no cache header if (isset($storedHeaders['x-silverstripe-nocache'])) { $this->enabled = false; } // store the content for this if ($this->enabled && $this->dynamicCache && strlen($toCache->Content)) { $tags = isset($config['tags']) ? $config['tags'] : null; $this->dynamicCache->store($key, $toCache, $expiry, $tags); if ($this->includeCacheHeaders) { $this->headers[] = 'X-SilverStripe-Cache: miss-gen at ' . date('r'); } } $this->currentItem = $toCache; }
public function run($request) { if (!Director::is_cli()) { exit("Invalid\n"); } $cacheName = $request->getVar('cache'); $key = $request->getVar('key'); if (!strlen($cacheName) || !strlen($key)) { exit("Cache and key required\n"); } $cache = SimpleCache::get_cache($cacheName); if ($cache) { $data = $cache->get($key); if ($data) { var_export($data); } } }
public function generateCache($host, $url) { $key = "{$host}/{$url}"; define('PROXY_CACHE_GENERATING', true); $config = $this->configForUrl($url); $expiry = isset($config['expiry']) ? $config['expiry'] : -1; if ($expiry < 0) { return; } ob_start(); include BASE_PATH . '/framework/main.php'; $toCache = new stdClass(); $toCache->Content = ob_get_clean(); $toCache->LastModified = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $toCache->Age = $expiry; // store the content for this if ($this->dynamicCache && strlen($toCache->Content)) { $tags = isset($config['tags']) ? $config['tags'] : null; $this->dynamicCache->store($key, $toCache, $expiry, $tags); $this->headers[] = 'X-SilverStripe-Cache: miss-gen at ' . @date('r') . ' on ' . $key; } $this->currentItem = $toCache; }
<?php SimpleCache::$cache_configs = array('default' => array('store_type' => 'SimpleFileBasedCacheStore', 'store_options' => array('silverstripe-cache/cache_store'), 'cache_options' => array('expiry' => 3600)), 'PublisherCache' => array('store_type' => 'SimpleFileBasedCacheStore', 'store_options' => array('publisher_cache'), 'cache_options' => array('expiry' => 8640000)), 'DynamicPublisherCache' => array('store_type' => 'SimpleFileBasedCacheStore', 'store_options' => array('silverstripe-cache/dynamic_publisher'), 'cache_options' => array('expiry' => 3600)), 'FragmentCache' => array('store_type' => 'SimpleFileBasedCacheStore', 'store_options' => array('silverstripe-cache/fragment_cache'), 'cache_options' => array('expiry' => 864000))); $PROXY_CACHE_URLS = array('news/(\\d+)/.*?$' => array('default' => 7200, 'tags' => array('news', 1)));
/** * Returns the Organisation corresponding to the supplied ID * @param int $organisation_id * @return Organisation */ static function get($organisation_id) { $cache = SimpleCache::getCache(); $organisation = $cache->get("Organisation", $organisation_id); if (!$organisation) { global $db; $query = "SELECT * FROM `" . AUTH_DATABASE . "`.`organisations` WHERE `organisation_id` = " . $db->qstr($organisation_id); $result = $db->getRow($query); if ($result) { $organisation = new Organisation($result['organisation_id'], $result['organisation_title'], $result['organisation_address1'], $result['organisation_address2'], $result['organisation_city'], $result['organisation_province'], $result['organisation_country'], $result['organisation_postcode'], $result['organisation_telephone'], $result['organisation_fax'], $result['organisation_email'], $result['organisation_url'], $result['organisation_desc'], $result['aamc_institution_id'], $result['aamc_institution_name'], $result['aamc_program_id'], $result['aamc_program_name'], $result['organisation_active']); } } return $organisation; }
/** * Returns the Course belonging to the specified ID * @param int $course_id * @return Course */ public static function get($course_id) { $cache = SimpleCache::getCache(); $course = $cache->get("Course", $course_id); if (!$course) { global $db; $query = "SELECT * FROM `courses` WHERE `course_id` = " . $db->qstr($course_id); $result = $db->getRow($query); if ($result) { $course = self::fromArray($result); } } return $course; }
/** * Removes this Value from the dabatase */ public function delete() { $cache = SimpleCache::getCache(); $cache->remove("MetaValue", $this->meta_value_id); global $db; $query = "DELETE FROM `meta_values` where `meta_value_id`=?"; if (!$db->Execute($query, array($this->meta_value_id))) { add_error("Failed to remove meta data from database."); application_log("error", "Unable to delete a meta_values record. Database said: " . $db->ErrorMsg()); } }
/** * Returns an Event specified by the provided ID * @param unknown_type $event_id * @return unknown */ public static function get($event_id) { $cache = SimpleCache::getCache(); $event = $cache->get("Event", $event_id); if (!$user) { global $db; $query = "SELECT * FROM `events` WHERE `id` = " . $db->qstr($event_id); $result = $db->getRow($query); if ($result) { $event = new Event($result['event_id'], $result['recurring_id'], $result['region_id'], $result['course_id'], $result['event_phase'], $result['event_title'], $result['event_description'], $result['event_goals'], $result['event_objectives'], $result['event_message'], $result['event_location'], $result['event_start'], $result['event_finish'], $result['event_duration'], $result['release_date'], $result['release_until'], $result['updated_date'], $result['updated_by']); } } return $user; }
} ?> <?php if ($show_display_category->fields['configuration_key'] == 'SHOW_PRODUCT_INFO_MAIN_NEW_PRODUCTS') { /** * display the New Products Center Box */ require $template->get_template_dir('tpl_modules_whats_new.php', DIR_WS_TEMPLATE, $current_page_base, 'templates') . '/tpl_modules_whats_new.php'; } ?> <?php if ($show_display_category->fields['configuration_key'] == 'SHOW_PRODUCT_INFO_MAIN_UPCOMING') { /** * display the Upcoming Products Center Box */ include DIR_WS_MODULES . zen_get_module_directory(FILENAME_UPCOMING_PRODUCTS); } ?> <?php $show_display_category->MoveNext(); } // !EOF ?> </div> <?php SimpleCache::End(); }
<?php require 'SimpleCache.php'; $cache = new SimpleCache('/path/to/cache/dir'); $feed = $cache->read('feed-phparch'); if (!$feed) { $feed = file_get_contents(''); $cache->save('feed-phparch', $feed, '5 minutes'); } $xml = simplexml_load_string($feed); foreach ($xml->channel->item as $item) { echo '- <a href="', $item->link, '">', $item->title, '</a><br />', PHP_EOL; }
<?php require 'SimpleCache.php'; $cache = new SimpleCache('/path/to/cache1/dir'); $content = $cache->read('cache1'); if (!$content) { $content = mt_rand(1, 99999999); $cache->save('cache1', $content, '1 minute'); } echo 'Cache 1: ', $content, '<br />'; $cache = new SimpleCache('/path/to/cache2/dir'); $content = $cache->read('cache2'); if (!$content) { $content = mt_rand(1, 99999999); $cache->save('cache2', $content, '2 minutes'); } echo 'Cache 2: ', $content;
/** * Reset the cache flushing it and returning it to its default size. */ static function resetCache() { self::$cache = array(); self::$entries = array(); self::$size = self::CACHESIZE; }
protected function getCache($name) { $cache = SimpleCache::get_cache($name); return $cache; }
} // Remove base folders from the URL if webroot is hosted in a subfolder if (substr(strtolower($url), 0, strlen(BASE_URL)) == strtolower(BASE_URL)) { $url = substr($url, strlen(BASE_URL)); } if (defined('USE_PROXY') && USE_PROXY) { if (defined('PROXY_CONFIG_FILE')) { include_once BASE_PATH . '/' . PROXY_CONFIG_FILE; } $publisher = null; if (defined('PROXY_PUBLISHER')) { $publisher = SimpleCache::get_cache(PROXY_PUBLISHER); } $dynamic = null; if (defined('PROXY_DYNAMIC_PUBLISHER')) { $dynamic = SimpleCache::get_cache(PROXY_DYNAMIC_PUBLISHER); } $cookies = defined('PROXY_BYPASS_COOKIES') ? explode(',', PROXY_BYPASS_COOKIES) : array(); $url_config = isset($PROXY_CACHE_URLS) ? $PROXY_CACHE_URLS : null; $blacklist = isset($PROXY_CACHE_BLACKLIST) ? $PROXY_CACHE_BLACKLIST : array(); $proxyclass = defined('PROXY_CLASS') ? PROXY_CLASS : 'FrontendProxy'; $proxy = new $proxyclass($publisher, $dynamic, $url_config, $cookies); $proxy->setCacheGetVars(defined('CACHE_ALLOW_GET_VARS') && CACHE_ALLOW_GET_VARS)->setIgnoreGetVars(defined('CACHE_IGNORE_GET_VARS') && CACHE_IGNORE_GET_VARS)->setBlacklist($blacklist); if (isset($PROXY_CACHE_REMAP)) { $proxy->setRemapHosts($PROXY_CACHE_REMAP); } if (defined('PROXY_CONTENT_REWRITER')) { $proxy->setContentRewriter(PROXY_CONTENT_REWRITER); } $host = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; $trimFunc = defined('PROXY_TRIM_FUNC') ? PROXY_TRIM_FUNC : 'trim';
<?php if (defined('PROXY_CONFIG_FILE')) { if (!isset(SimpleCache::$cache_configs['PublisherCache'])) { include_once BASE_PATH . '/' . PROXY_CONFIG_FILE; } SimpleCache::register_caches(); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} * * @param string $key * * @return \DateTime|boolean **/ public function getCacheExpiration($key) { return parent::getCacheExpiration($this->getHierarchicalKey($key)); }
/** * Clears the dynamic cached data for a particular data object * @param DataObject $object */ public function clearDynamicCacheFor(DataObject $object) { $dynamicCache = SimpleCache::get_cache('DynamicPublisherCache'); if ($dynamicCache) { $clearUrls = array($object->Link()); if ($object->hasMethod('pagesAffectedByChanges')) { $affectedUrls = $object->pagesAffectedByChanges(); if (count($affectedUrls)) { foreach ($affectedUrls as $afUrl) { $clearUrls[] = $afUrl; } } } $clearUrls = array_unique($clearUrls); $baseUrl = $object->SiteID ? $object->Site()->getUrl() : Director::absoluteBaseURL(); foreach ($clearUrls as $absolute) { if (strpos($absolute, '://') === false) { $absolute = $baseUrl . '/' . trim($absolute, '/'); } $parts = parse_url($absolute); $host = $parts['host']; $path = '/index'; $path = isset($parts['path']) && $parts['path'] != '/' ? $parts['path'] : $path; $key = trim($parts['host'] . $path, '/'); $dynamicCache->delete($key); } } }
/** * Returns a MetaDataType corresponding to the provided ID * <code> * $type_id = 1234; * $type = MetaDataType::get($type_id); * </code> * @param int $meta_type_id * @return MetaDataType */ public static function get($meta_type_id) { $cache = SimpleCache::getCache(); $type = $cache->get("MetaDataType", $meta_type_id); if (!$type) { global $db; $query = "SELECT * FROM `meta_types` WHERE `meta_type_id` = ?"; $result = $db->getRow($query, array($meta_type_id)); if ($result) { $type = self::fromArray($result); } } return $type; }
/** * Returns an Notification specified by the provided ID * @param int $notification_id * @return Notification */ public static function get($notification_id) { global $db; $cache = SimpleCache::getCache(); $notification = $cache->get("Notification", $notification_id); if (!$notification) { $query = "SELECT * FROM `notifications` WHERE `notification_id` = " . $db->qstr($notification_id); $result = $db->getRow($query); if ($result) { $notification = self::fromArray($result); } } return $notification; }
/** * Returns a NotificationUser specified by the provided ID * @param unknown_type $event_id * @return unknown */ public static function getByID($nuser_id) { $cache = SimpleCache::getCache(); $notification_user = $cache->get("NotificationUser", $nuser_id); if (!$notification_user) { global $db; $query = "SELECT * FROM `notification_users` WHERE `nuser_id` = " . $db->qstr($nuser_id); $result = $db->getRow($query); if ($result) { $notification_user = self::fromArray($result); } } return $notification_user; }
<?php SimpleCache::$cache_configs = array('default' => array('store_type' => 'SimpleFileBasedCacheStore', 'store_options' => array('silverstripe-cache/cache_store'), 'cache_options' => array('expiry' => 3600)), 'publisher' => array('store_type' => 'SimpleFileBasedCacheStore', 'store_options' => array('silverstripe-cache/publisher'), 'cache_options' => array('expiry' => 8640000))); /* * A list of URLs (as regexes) that if matched, will have their content cached * for the given number of seconds */ $cache_urls = array('custom-controller/view/\\d+' => 900); /** * a list of hosts we're restricting access to */ $allowed_hosts = array(''); include_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/cache-main-auth.php';