public static function getLoginUserTypeAdmin() { $err = true; if (SessionHandlers::isSetSession(User::SESSION_USER)) { $err = false; $log_user = new User(); $log_user = SessionHandlers::getObjSession(User::SESSION_USER); if ($log_user->getStatus() == $log_user::STATUS_ADMIN) { return $log_user; } else { $err = true; } } if ($err) { self::pageError(User::LOGIN_FAIL); die; } }
<?php ///test file next time I will move it to controls to do it require_once '../helper/session/SessionHandlers.php'; require_once '../models/User.php'; SessionHandlers::destroyAllSession(); /* header("Location:".dirname(__FILE__));*/ unset($_COOKIE[User::SESSION_USER]); setcookie(User::SESSION_USER, null, -1, '/'); header("Location:../"); exit;
public static function Page($array) { $log_user = Tool::getLoginUser(); if ($array[0] == CREATE) { header("Location:../?menu=" . PAGE_FOOD . "&" . VIEW . "=" . CREATE); } elseif ($array[0] == EDIT) { $food = new Food(); $food->setId($_GET['id']); $food->readDatabase(); SessionHandlers::saveSession($user, 'edit_food'); header("Location:../?menu=" . PAGE_FOOD . "&" . VIEW . "=" . EDIT); } elseif ($array[0] == SHOWHIDE) { header("Location:../?menu=" . PAGE_FOOD . "&cache=" . $_GET['cache']); } elseif ($array[0] == REFRESH) { header("Location:../?menu=" . PAGE_FOOD); } elseif ($array[0] == FRAME) { $food = new Food(); //print_r($food->readDatabaseAll ()); SessionHandlers::saveSession($food->readDatabaseAll(), 'foodList'); header("Location:../?menu=" . PAGE_FOOD . "&" . VIEW . "=" . FRAME); } else { echo "page not found"; } exit; }
<?php $foodList = SessionHandlers::getObjSession("foodList"); //SessionHandlers::destroySession('foodList'); ?> <table class="table table-th-block table-dark"> <thead> <tr> <th style="width: 100px"><?php i18n::getLabel(""); ?> </th> <th><?php i18n::getLabel("food.image"); ?> </th> <th><?php i18n::getLabel(""); ?> </th> <th><?php i18n::getLabel("food.price"); ?> </th> <th><?php i18n::getLabel("food.type"); ?> </th> <th><?php i18n::getLabel("food.counttype");
public function getSession() { SessionHandlers::getObjSession(self::SESSION_USER); }
public function getSession() { return SessionHandlers::getObjSession(self::SESSIONNAME); }
<?php $page = CREATE; $user = new User(); $edit = false; if ($_GET[VIEW] == EDIT) { $edit = true; $user = SessionHandlers::getObjSession('edit_user'); //SessionHandlers::destroySession('edit_user'); $page = EDIT; } ?> <div class="container-fluid"> <h1 class="page-heading"><?php i18n::getLabel("message.user.manageuser.title"); ?> </h1> <div class="the-box rounded"> <form id="UserForm" method="post" class="form-horizontal" action="controls/UserControl.php?<?php echo $page; ?> " data-bv-message="This value is not valid" data-bv-feedbackicons-valid="glyphicon glyphicon-ok" data-bv-feedbackicons-invalid="glyphicon glyphicon-remove" data-bv-feedbackicons-validating="glyphicon glyphicon-refresh"> <input type="hidden" name="id" value="<?php echo $user->getId(); ?> "/>
public static function Page($array) { $log_user = Tool::getLoginUser(); if ($array[0] == CREATE) { header("Location:../?menu=" . PAGE_MANAGE_USER . "&" . VIEW . "=" . CREATE); } elseif ($array[0] == EDIT) { $user = new User(); $user->setId($_GET['id']); $user->readDatabase(); SessionHandlers::saveSession($user, 'edit_user'); header("Location:../?menu=" . PAGE_MANAGE_USER . "&" . VIEW . "=" . EDIT); } elseif ($array[0] == SHOWHIDE) { header("Location:../?menu=" . PAGE_MANAGE_USER . "&cache=" . $_GET['cache']); } elseif ($array[0] == REFRESH) { header("Location:../?menu=" . PAGE_MANAGE_USER); } else { echo "page not found"; } exit; }
} } } </script> <?php require_once 'conf/define.php'; require_once 'helper/auto_include.php'; $site = new Site(); if (!$site->isSetSession()) { $site->setlanguage("en"); $site->setSession(); } else { $site = $site->getSession(); } // check language to show SessionHandlers::checkSession(); $_SESSION["locale"] = $site->getlanguage(); if ($_SESSION["locale"] == "kh") { echo "<style> * { font-family: 'Khmer OS System','Khmer OS','Khmer OS Muol','Khmer OS Battambang'; !important }</style>"; } $user1 = new User(); if ($user1->isLogin()) { $log_user = Tool::getLoginUser(); if (!$site->isExist($log_user)) { $site->setrefUser($log_user->getId()); $site->insertDatabase($log_user); } else { $site->setrefUser($log_user->getId()); $site->setSessionByUser(); } // HTML HEAD