  * function __construct
  * <pre>
  * Initialize the Class ...
  * </pre>
  * @param $sortBy [STRING] the field name to sort list by
  * @return [void]
 function __construct($sortBy = '')
     $searchManager = new RowManager_LanguageManager();
     // NOTE: if you need to narrow the field of the search then uncommnet
     // the following and set the proper search criteria.
     //$searchManager->setValueByFieldName('module_isCommonLook', '1' );
     $this->resultSet = $searchManager->find();
     // Now load the labels into an array for quick retrieval of info.
     // see getLanaguageIDByKey & getLanguageKeyByID
     while ($item = $this->getNext()) {
         $this->languageIDList[$item->getCode()] = $item->getID();
         $this->languageKeyList[$item->getID()] = $item->getCode();