  * Returns the markup for the name link.
  * @param boolean whether to display the human readable or system name.
  * @param boolean whether to display the child count.
  * @param boolean whether to display the sortable id.
  * @return string the markup.
 public function getNameLink($humanReadable = true, $displayChildCount = false, $displaySortableId = false)
     $markup = CHtml::link($this->getNameText($humanReadable), array('authItem/update', 'name' => $this->owner->name, 'redirect' => urlencode(Rights::getAuthItemRoute($this->owner->type))));
     if ($displayChildCount === true) {
         $markup .= $this->childCount();
     if ($displaySortableId === true) {
         $markup .= $this->sortableId();
     return $markup;
Exemple #2

$this->breadcrumbs = array('Rights' => Rights::getBaseUrl(), Rights::getAuthItemTypeNamePlural($model->type) => Rights::getAuthItemRoute($model->type), $model->name);

<div id="updatedAuthItem">

echo Rights::t('core', 'Update :name', array(':name' => $model->name, ':type' => Rights::getAuthItemTypeName($model->type)));

$this->renderPartial('_form', array('model' => $formModel));

    <div class="relations span-11 last">

echo Rights::t('core', 'Relations');

if ($model->name !== Rights::module()->superuserName) {

            <div class="parents">

  * Creates an authorization item.
 public function actionCreate()
     // Make sure that we have a type
     if (isset($_GET['type']) === true) {
         // Create the authorization item form
         $form = new CForm('rights.views.authItem.authItemForm', new AuthItemForm('create'));
         // Form is submitted and data is valid, redirect the user
         if ($form->submitted() === true && $form->validate() === true) {
             // Create the item
             $item = $this->_authorizer->createAuthItem($form->model->name, $_GET['type'], $form->model->description, $form->model->bizRule, $form->model->data);
             // Set a flash message for creating the item
             Yii::app()->user->setFlash($this->module->flashSuccessKey, Rights::t('core', ':name created.', array(':name' => $form->model->name)));
             // Redirect to the correct destination
     } else {
         throw new CHttpException(404, Rights::t('core', 'Invalid authorization item type.'));
     // Render the view
     $this->render('create', array('form' => $form));
Exemple #4
<?php $this->breadcrumbs = array(
); ?>

<div id="updatedAuthItem">

	<h2><?php echo Rights::t('core', 'Update :name', array(
	)); ?></h2>

	<?php $this->renderPartial('_form', array('model'=>$formModel)); ?>

	<div class="relations span-11 last">

		<h3><?php echo Rights::t('core', 'Relations'); ?></h3>

		<?php if( $model->name!==Rights::module()->superuserName ): ?>

			<div class="parents">

				<h4><?php echo Rights::t('core', 'Parents'); ?></h4>

				<?php $this->widget('zii.widgets.grid.CGridView', array(
					'emptyText'=>Rights::t('core', 'This item has no parents.'),
					'htmlOptions'=>array('class'=>'grid-view parent-table mini'),
Exemple #5

$this->breadcrumbs = array('Home' => $this->createUrl('/admin'), 'Права доступа' => Rights::getBaseUrl(), Rights::getAuthItemTypeNamePlural($model->type) => Rights::getAuthItemRoute($model->type), $model->name);
$this->pageHeader = Rights::t('core', 'Update :name', array(':name' => $model->name, ':type' => Rights::getAuthItemTypeName($model->type)));
$this->sidebarContent = $this->renderPartial('/_menu', null, true);

<div id="rights" class="">
<div id="updatedAuthItem">

$this->renderPartial('_form', array('model' => $formModel));

	<div class="relations padding-all">

echo Rights::t('core', 'Relations');

if ($model->name !== Rights::module()->superuserName) {

	<div class="form wide">
		<div class="row">
    echo Rights::t('core', 'Parents');