  * Checks entity for this filter.
  * @param mixed $entity
  * @return bool
 public function __invoke($entity)
     if (!is_object($entity) || !$this->class->isInstance($entity)) {
         return false;
     $accepted = true;
     foreach (array_keys($this->criteria) as $criteria) {
         $accepted = $accepted && $this->{'check' . ucfirst($criteria) . 'Criteria'}($entity);
         // Optimization.
         if (!$accepted) {
             return $accepted;
     return $accepted;
  * @Then /^I should get an instance of "([^"]*)"$/
 public function iShouldGetAnInstanceOf($instance)
     $rc = new \ReflectionClass($instance);
     if (!$rc->isInstance(false === strpos($instance, 'Factory') ? $this->feed : $this->factory)) {
         throw new \Exception('This is not the feed factory');
  * Casts an object to the class or interface represented
  * by this <tt>Class</tt> object.
  * @param obj the object to be cast
  * @return blaze\lang\Object the object after casting, or null if obj is null
  * @throws ClassCastException if the object is not
  * null and is not assignable to the type T.
  * @since 1.5
 public function cast(Reflectable $obj)
     if (!$this->reflectionClass->isInstance($obj)) {
         throw new ClassCastException();
     return $obj;
 public function testIsInstance()
     $this->assertFalse($this->object->isInstance(new \stdClass()));
     $this->assertTrue($this->object->isInstance(new ReflectionClass()));
 public function testShoppingOrderRateRequestFactory()
     $factory = $this->getApplicationContext()->getComponent('\\FS\\Components\\Shipping\\Factory\\ShoppingOrderRateRequestFactory');
     $options = $this->getApplicationContext()->getComponent('\\FS\\Components\\Options');
     $request = $factory->setPayload(array('order' => $this->order, 'options' => $options))->getRequest();
     $reflected = new \ReflectionClass('\\FS\\Components\\Shipping\\Factory\\FormattedRequestInterface');
     $this->assertTrue(true, $reflected->isInstance($request));
     $this->assertSame(array('from' => array('country' => 'CA', 'state' => 'QC', 'city' => 'POINTE-CLAIRE', 'postal_code' => 'H9R5P9', 'address' => '148 Brunswick', 'name' => 'FlagShip WooCommerce Test App', 'attn' => 'FlagShip Tester', 'phone' => '+1 866 320 8383', 'ext' => ''), 'to' => array('name' => 'WooCompany', 'attn' => 'Jeroen Sormani', 'address' => 'WooAddress', 'city' => 'WooCity', 'state' => 'NY', 'country' => 'US', 'postal_code' => '123456', 'phone' => ''), 'packages' => array('items' => array(0 => array('width' => 1, 'height' => 1, 'length' => 1, 'weight' => 4, 'description' => 'Flagship shipping package')), 'units' => 'imperial', 'type' => 'package'), 'payment' => array('payer' => 'F'), 'options' => array('address_correction' => true)), $request->getRequest());
Exemple #6
  * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
  * @param ItemInterface $item
  * @return Feed
 public function add(ItemInterface $item)
     $rc = new \ReflectionClass($this->config['class']);
     if (!($rc->isInstance($item) || $item instanceof GenericItem)) {
         throw new \InvalidArgumentException('The class given MUST be an instance of "' . $this->config['class'] . '".');
     $this->items[] = $item;
     return $this;
Exemple #7
  * Dynamically generates the object from the declared properties of the given object or array
  * @param array|object $object
  * @return \stdClass
 public static function toObject($object)
     //	If we can't iterate over the thing, we bail
     if (!is_object($object) && !is_array($object) && !$object instanceof \Traversable) {
         return null;
     if (is_array($object)) {
         //	Convert to an object
         $_properties = new \stdClass();
         foreach ($object as $_key => $_value) {
             $_properties->{$_key} = $_value;
     } else {
         $_me = new \ReflectionObject($object);
         $_properties = $_me->getProperties();
     //	We'll return this
     $_obj = new \stdClass();
     if (!empty($_properties)) {
         if (is_object($object)) {
             $_myClass = get_class($object);
         } else {
             $_myClass = '_array_';
         foreach ($_properties as $_property) {
             //	Only want properties of $object hierarchy...
             if (isset($_property->class)) {
                 $_class = new \ReflectionClass($_property->class);
                 if (!empty($_class) && !$_class->isInstance($object) && !$_class->isSubclassOf($_myClass)) {
             try {
                 $_realPropertyName = $_propertyName = ltrim($_property->name, '_ ');
                 if (false !== strpos($_propertyName, '_')) {
                     $_propertyName = Inflector::tag($_propertyName);
                 $_getter = 'get' . $_propertyName;
                 if (method_exists($object, $_getter)) {
                     $_propertyValue = $object->{$_getter}();
                     if (!is_scalar($_propertyValue)) {
                         $_propertyValue = self::toObject($_propertyValue);
                     $_obj->{$_realPropertyName} = $_propertyValue;
             } catch (\Exception $_ex) {
                 //	Just ignore, not a valid property if we can't read it with a getter
     return $_obj;
  * Compares two entities.
  * @throws \InvalidArgumentException If entities can not be compared.
  * @param mixed $entity1
  * @param mixed $entity2
  * @return int
 public function __invoke($entity1, $entity2)
     if (!$this->class->isInstance($entity1) || !$this->class->isInstance($entity2)) {
         throw new \InvalidArgumentException();
     $result = 0;
     foreach ($this->order as $property => $order) {
         $property1 = $entity1->{'get' . ucfirst($property)}();
         $property2 = $entity2->{'get' . ucfirst($property)}();
         $result = $this->{'compare' . ucfirst($this->properties[$property]) . 's'}($property1, $property2);
         if (self::ORDER_DESC == $order) {
             $result = -$result;
         // Unless first success comparision.
         if ($result) {
     return $result;
Exemple #9
  * @param mixed                   $object
  * @param string|\ReflectionClass $class
  * @return bool
 public static function isInstanceOf($object, $class)
     // TODO Validate $class.
     if (!is_object($class)) {
         $class = new \ReflectionClass($class);
     if (is_object($object)) {
         return $class->isInstance($object);
     } else {
         return false;
 public final function setApplicationContext(\FS\Context\ApplicationContextInterface $ctx = null)
     if (!$this->ctx && !$this->isContextRequired()) {
         return $this;
     $reflected = new \ReflectionClass($this->requiredContextClass());
     if (!$this->ctx && !$reflected->isInstance($ctx)) {
         throw new \Exception('Invalid application context: needs to be of type [' . $this->requiredContextClass() . ']');
     $this->ctx = $ctx;
     return $this;
 public static function get()
     $args = func_get_args();
     $type = array_shift($args);
     $classname = ucwords($type) . __CLASS__;
     Log::debug(__CLASS__ . ': Getting new ' . $classname);
     $reflector = new ReflectionClass($classname);
     $dbdoclist = $reflector->newInstanceArgs($args);
     if ($reflector->isInstance($dbdoclist)) {
         return $dbdoclist;
     } else {
         Log::warning(__CLASS__ . ': Could not get new ' . $classname);
         return false;
Exemple #12
 public function readEntity(RoutingContextInterface $context, \ReflectionClass $ref, &$isRead)
     if (!$ref->implementsInterface(EntityInterface::class)) {
     $request = $context->getRequest();
     if (!$request->hasEntity()) {
     $entity = $request->getEntity();
     if ($ref->isInstance($entity)) {
         $isRead = true;
         return $entity;
Exemple #13
 public static function get()
     $args = func_get_args();
     $doc_type = array_shift($args);
     $class_name = ucwords($doc_type) . 'DBDoc';
     Log::debug(__CLASS__ . ': Getting instance of ' . $class_name);
     $reflector = new ReflectionClass($class_name);
     $dbdoc = $reflector->newInstanceArgs($args);
     Log::debug(__CLASS__ . ': Got new instance: ' . print_r($dbdoc, true));
     if ($reflector->isInstance($dbdoc)) {
         return $dbdoc;
     } else {
         Log::debug(__CLASS__ . ': Could not get ' . $class_name);
         return false;
Exemple #14
  * Show reflection
  * Show reflection
  * <code>
  * Panda_Debug::reflect('BEAR_Form');  // Class
  * Panda_Debug::reflect($obj);        // Objecy
  * Panda_Debug::reflect('p');         // Function
  * </code>
  * @param string $target      target
  * @param boll   $cehckParent check parent class
  * @return void
 public static function reflect($target, $cehckParent = false)
     if (is_object($target)) {
         $target = get_class($target);
     switch (true) {
         case function_exists($target):
             $ref = new ReflectionFunction($target);
             $info['name'] = $ref->isInternal() ? 'The internal ' : 'The user-defined ';
             $info['name'] .= $targetName = $ref->getName();
             $info['declare in'] = $ref->getFileName() . ' lines ' . $ref->getStartLine() . ' to ' . $ref->getEndline();
             $info['Documentation'] = $ref->getDocComment();
             $statics = $ref->getStaticVariables();
             if ($statics) {
                 $info['Static variables'] = $statics;
             $type = 'function';
         case class_exists($target, false):
             $ref = new ReflectionClass($target);
             $type = 'class';
             $info['name'] = $ref->isInternal() ? 'The internal ' : 'The user-defined ';
             $info['name'] .= $ref->isAbstract() ? ' abstract ' : '';
             $info['name'] .= $ref->isFinal() ? ' final ' : '';
             $info['name'] .= $ref->isInterface() ? 'interface ' : 'class ';
             $info['name'] .= $targetName = $ref->getName();
             $info['declare in'] = $ref->getFileName() . ' lines ' . $ref->getStartLine() . ' to ' . $ref->getEndline();
             $info['modifiers'] = Reflection::getModifierNames($ref->getModifiers());
             $info['Documentation'] = $ref->getDocComment();
             $info['Implements'] = $ref->getInterfaces();
             $info['Constants'] = $ref->getConstants();
             foreach ($ref->getProperties() as $prop) {
                 // ReflectionProperty クラスのインスタンスを生成する
                 $propRef = new ReflectionProperty($targetName, $prop->name);
                 if ($propRef->isPublic()) {
                     $porps[] = $prop->name;
             //            $info['Public Properties'] = $porps;
             foreach ($ref->getMethods() as $method) {
                 $methodRef = new ReflectionMethod($targetName, $method->name);
                 if ($methodRef->isPublic() || $method->isStatic()) {
                     $final = $method->isFinal() ? 'final ' : '';
                     $pubic = $method->isPublic() ? 'public ' : '';
                     $static = $method->isStatic() ? ' static ' : '';
                     $methods[] = sprintf("%s%s%s %s", $final, $pubic, $static, $method->name);
             $info['Public Methods'] = $methods;
             if ($ref->isInstantiable() && is_object($target)) {
                 $info['isInstance ?'] = $ref->isInstance($target) ? 'yes' : 'no';
             if ($parent) {
                 $info['parent'] .= $ref->getParentClass();
             $type = 'Invalid Object/Class';
             $targetName = $target;
             $info = null;
     print_a($info, "show_objects:1;label: Reflection of {$type} '{$targetName}'");

class A
class B extends A
interface I
class C implements I
class X
$classes = array("A", "B", "C", "I", "X");
$instances = array("myA" => new A(), "myB" => new B(), "myC" => new C(), "myX" => new X());
foreach ($classes as $class) {
    $rc = new ReflectionClass($class);
    foreach ($instances as $name => $instance) {
        echo "is {$name} a {$class}? ";
function isBound($w)
    $c = new ReflectionClass($w);
    return is_object($w) && $c->isInstance($w);
Exemple #17
  * @param mixed $item
  * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
 protected function checkType($item)
     if (!is_object($item) || !$this->entityReflectionClass->isInstance($item)) {
         throw new \InvalidArgumentException(\sprintf('Expected %s instance, instance of %s given', $this->entityReflectionClass->name, \is_object($item) ? \gettype($item) : \get_class($item)));
 public function isInstance($instance)
     return $this->reflectionClass->isInstance($instance);
Exemple #19
  * Returns all members for the called enum class
  * @return  lang.Enum[]
 public static function values()
     $r = [];
     $c = new \ReflectionClass(get_called_class());
     foreach ($c->getStaticProperties() as $prop) {
         if ($prop instanceof self && $c->isInstance($prop)) {
             $r[] = $prop;
     return $r;
Exemple #20
  * Is correct item
  * @param \ReflectionClass $reflector
  * @return bool
 protected function isCorrectItem(\ReflectionClass $reflector)
     if ($reflector->isInstance($this)) {
         return false;
     if (!$this->hasClassInterface($reflector, 'Apishka\\EasyExtend\\RouterInterface')) {
         return false;
     return true;
Exemple #21
class C extends A
$ra = new ReflectionClass('A');
$rc = new ReflectionClass('C');
$rd = new ReflectionClass('D');
$re = new ReflectionClass('E');
$ca = $ra->newInstance();
$cc = $rc->newInstance();
$cd = $rd->newInstance();
$ce = $re->newInstance();
print "Is? A " . ($ra->isInstance($ca) ? 'true' : 'false') . ", instanceof: " . ($ca instanceof A ? 'true' : 'false') . "\n";
print "Is? C " . ($rc->isInstance($ca) ? 'true' : 'false') . ", instanceof: " . ($ca instanceof C ? 'true' : 'false') . "\n";
print "Is? D " . ($rd->isInstance($ca) ? 'true' : 'false') . ", instanceof: " . ($ca instanceof D ? 'true' : 'false') . "\n";
print "Is? E " . ($re->isInstance($ca) ? 'true' : 'false') . ", instanceof: " . ($ca instanceof E ? 'true' : 'false') . "\n";
print "-\n";
print "Is? A " . ($ra->isInstance($cc) ? 'true' : 'false') . ", instanceof: " . ($cc instanceof A ? 'true' : 'false') . "\n";
print "Is? C " . ($rc->isInstance($cc) ? 'true' : 'false') . ", instanceof: " . ($cc instanceof C ? 'true' : 'false') . "\n";
print "Is? D " . ($rd->isInstance($cc) ? 'true' : 'false') . ", instanceof: " . ($cc instanceof D ? 'true' : 'false') . "\n";
print "Is? E " . ($re->isInstance($cc) ? 'true' : 'false') . ", instanceof: " . ($cc instanceof E ? 'true' : 'false') . "\n";
print "-\n";
print "Is? A " . ($ra->isInstance($cd) ? 'true' : 'false') . ", instanceof: " . ($cd instanceof A ? 'true' : 'false') . "\n";
print "Is? C " . ($rc->isInstance($cd) ? 'true' : 'false') . ", instanceof: " . ($cd instanceof C ? 'true' : 'false') . "\n";
print "Is? D " . ($rd->isInstance($cd) ? 'true' : 'false') . ", instanceof: " . ($cd instanceof D ? 'true' : 'false') . "\n";
print "Is? E " . ($re->isInstance($cd) ? 'true' : 'false') . ", instanceof: " . ($cd instanceof E ? 'true' : 'false') . "\n";
print "-\n";
print "Is? A " . ($ra->isInstance($ce) ? 'true' : 'false') . ", instanceof: " . ($ce instanceof A ? 'true' : 'false') . "\n";
print "Is? C " . ($rc->isInstance($ce) ? 'true' : 'false') . ", instanceof: " . ($ce instanceof C ? 'true' : 'false') . "\n";
print "Is? D " . ($rd->isInstance($ce) ? 'true' : 'false') . ", instanceof: " . ($ce instanceof D ? 'true' : 'false') . "\n";
print "Is? E " . ($re->isInstance($ce) ? 'true' : 'false') . ", instanceof: " . ($ce instanceof E ? 'true' : 'false') . "\n";
  * checks if given type and type of value are a mismatch
  * A type mismatch is defined as follows: $value is an object and it's
  * an instance of the class defined with $type. In any other case there's no
  * type mismatch
  * @param   string|\ReflectionClass  $type
  * @param   mixed                    $value
  * @return  bool
 private function isTypeMismatch($type, $value) : bool
     if (!$type instanceof \ReflectionClass) {
         return false;
     if (!is_object($value)) {
         return true;
     return !$type->isInstance($value);
 public function canProject($input)
     return is_object($input) && $this->ref->isInstance($input);
Exemple #24
print "--- hasProperty() ---\n";
print "\n";
print "--- implementsInterface() ---\n";
print "\n";
print "--- isAbstract() ---\n";
print "\n";
print "--- isFinal() ---\n";
print "\n";
print "--- isInstance() ---\n";
var_dump($rb->isInstance(new B()));
var_dump($rb->isInstance(new C()));
print "\n";
print "--- isInstantiable() ---\n";
print "\n";
print "--- isInterface() ---\n";
print "\n";
print "--- isInternal() ---\n";
print "\n";
print "--- isIterateable() ---\n";
print "\n";
print "--- isSubclassOf() ---\n";
  * Will figure out if a reference is still scheduled inside the UoW or just mapped
  * as an referenced object.
  * @param $referencedObject
  * @return bool
 public function isReferenced($referencedObject)
     $allScheduledReferences = $this->unitOfWork->getAllScheduledReferences();
     $reflection = new \ReflectionClass($referencedObject);
     foreach ($allScheduledReferences as $references) {
         foreach ($references as $reference) {
             if ($reflection->isInstance($reference)) {
                 return true;
     return $this->unitOfWork->hasReferencedObject($referencedObject);
Exemple #26
class Counter extends Object implements MyInterface
    const START = 0;
    private static $c = Counter::START;
    public function count()
        return self::$c++;
// Создание экземпляра класса ReflectionClass
$class = new ReflectionClass('Counter');
// Вывод основной информации
printf("===> %s%s%s %s '%s' [экземпляр класса %s]\n" . "     объявлен в %s\n" . "     строки с %d по %d\n", $class->isInternal() ? 'Встроенный' : 'Пользовательский', $class->isAbstract() ? ' абстрактный' : '', $class->isFinal() ? ' финальный' : '', $class->isInterface() ? 'интерфейс' : 'класс', $class->getName(), var_export($class->getParentClass(), 1), $class->getFileName(), $class->getStartLine(), $class->getEndline());
// Вывод тех интерфейсов, которые реализует этот класс
printf("---> Интерфейсы:\n %s\n", var_export($class->getInterfaces(), 1));
// Вывод констант класса
printf("---> Константы: %s\n", var_export($class->getConstants(), 1));
// Вывод свойств класса
printf("---> Свойства: %s\n", var_export($class->getProperties(), 1));
// Вывод методов класса
printf("---> Методы: %s\n", var_export($class->getMethods(), 1));
// Если есть возможность создать экземпляр класса, то создаем его
if ($class->isInstantiable()) {
    $counter = $class->newInstance();
    echo '---> Создан ли экземпляр класса ' . $class->getName() . '? ';
    echo $class->isInstance($counter) ? 'Да' : 'Нет';
    echo "\n---> Создан ли экземпляр класса Object()? ";
    echo $class->isInstance(new Object()) ? 'Да' : 'Нет';
     * @access public
     * @return int
    public function count()
        return self::$c++;
$class = new ReflectionClass('Counter');
printf("===> The %s%s%s %s '%s' [extends %s]" . " declared in %s" . " lines %d to %d" . " having the modifiers %d [%s]<br/>", $class->isInternal() ? 'internal' : 'user-defined', $class->isAbstract() ? ' abstract' : '', $class->isFinal() ? ' final' : '', $class->isInterface() ? 'interface' : 'class', $class->getName(), var_export($class->getParentClass(), 1), $class->getFileName(), $class->getStartLine(), $class->getEndline(), $class->getModifiers(), implode(' ', Reflection::getModifierNames($class->getModifiers())));
// output: ===> The user-defined class 'Counter' [extends ReflectionClass::__set_state(array( 'name' => 'Object', ))] declared in /home/cg/root/main.php lines 15 to 31 having the modifiers 524288 []
printf("===> Documentation:%s<br/>", var_export($class->getDocComment(), 1));
// output: ===> Documentation:'/** * A counter class */'
printf("===> Implements:%s<br/>", var_export($class->getInterfaces(), 1));
// output: ===> Implements:array ( 'NSerializable' => ReflectionClass::__set_state(array( 'name' => 'NSerializable', )), )
printf("===> Constants: %s<br/>", var_export($class->getConstants(), 1));
// output: ===> Constants: array ( 'START' => 0, )
printf("===> Properties: %s<br/>", var_export($class->getProperties(), 1));
// output: ===> Properties: array ( 0 => ReflectionProperty::__set_state(array( 'name' => 'c', 'class' => 'Counter', )), )
printf("===> Methods: %s<br/>", var_export($class->getMethods(), 1));
// output: ===> Methods: array ( 0 => ReflectionMethod::__set_state(array( 'name' => 'count', 'class' => 'Counter', )), )
if ($class->isInstantiable()) {
    $counter = $class->newInstance();
    echo '===> $counter is instance? ';
    echo $class->isInstance($counter) ? 'yes' : 'no';
    //output: ===> $counter is instance? yes
    echo "<br/>===> new Object() is instance? ";
    echo $class->isInstance(new Object()) ? 'yes' : 'no';
    //output: ===> new Object() is instance? no
Exemple #28
  * @{inheritDoc}
 public function supports(StatefulInterface $object)
     $reflection = new \ReflectionClass($this->config['class']);
     return $reflection->isInstance($object);
Exemple #29
  * @{inheritDoc}
 public function supports($object, $graph = 'default')
     $reflection = new \ReflectionClass($this->config['class']);
     return $reflection->isInstance($object) && $graph === $this->config['graph'];
  * @dataProvider dataObjectClasses
 public function testNewInstance($class)
     $metadata = $this->getMetadataFor($class);
     $reflection = new \ReflectionClass('Tests\\NForms\\Models\\' . $class);