static function flush($group_id)
     $group = Red_Group::get($group_id);
     if ($group) {
         $module = Red_Module::get($group->get_module_id());
         if ($module) {
 static function create($name, $module_id)
     global $wpdb;
     $name = trim($name);
     if ($name !== '' && $module_id > 0) {
         $position = $wpdb->get_var($wpdb->prepare("SELECT COUNT( * ) FROM {$wpdb->prefix}redirection_groups WHERE module_id=%d", $module_id));
         $data = array('name' => trim($name), 'module_id' => intval($module_id), 'position' => intval($position));
         $wpdb->insert($wpdb->prefix . 'redirection_groups', $data);
         return Red_Group::get($wpdb->insert_id);
     return false;
Exemple #3
			<tr id="target">
				<th align="right"><?php 
_e('Target URL', 'redirection');
				<td><input type="text" name="target" style="width: 95%"/></td>
_e('Group', 'redirection');
					<select name="group_id">
echo $this->select(Red_Group::get_for_select(), $group);
					<input class="button-primary" type="submit" name="add" value="<?php 
esc_attr_e('Add Redirection', 'redirection');
" id="submit"/>
if (isset($group)) {
					<input type="hidden" name="group" value="<?php 
Exemple #4
 function red_redirect_delete()
     if (check_ajax_referer('redirection-items')) {
         if (preg_match_all('/=(\\d*)/', $this->post['checked'], $items) > 0) {
             $redirect = Red_Item::get_by_id($items[0]);
             foreach ($items[1] as $item) {
             $group = Red_Group::get($redirect->group_id);
Exemple #5
 static function save_order($items, $start)
     global $wpdb;
     foreach ($items as $pos => $id) {
         $wpdb->update($wpdb->prefix . 'redirection_items', array('position' => $pos + $start), array('id' => $id));
     $item = self::get_by_id($id);
     $group = Red_Group::get($item->group_id);
     if ($group) {
Exemple #6
					<option value="delete"><?php _e('Delete'); ?></option>
				<input type="submit" value="<?php _e('Apply'); ?>" name="doaction2" id="actionator" class="button-secondary action" />

				<?php $pager->per_page ('redirection'); ?>

				<?php if (isset ($_GET['module'])) : ?>
					<?php _e ('Module', 'redirection'); ?>:
					<select name="module">
						<?php echo $this->select (Red_Module::get_for_select (), intval ($_GET['module']))?>
				<?php elseif (isset ($_GET['group'])) : ?>
					<?php _e ('Group', 'redirection'); ?>:
					<select name="group">
						<?php echo $this->select (Red_Group::get_for_select (), intval ($_GET['group']))?>
				<?php endif; ?>

				<input type="submit" value="<?php _e('Filter'); ?>" class="button-secondary" />

				<br class="clear" />
			<div class="tablenav-pages">
				<?php echo $pager->page_links (); ?>

	<?php if (count ($logs) > 0) : ?>
Exemple #7
			<strong><?php _e ('Action', 'redirection'); ?>:</strong>
			<select name="red_action" onchange="return change_add_redirect (this)">
				<?php echo $this->select (Red_Item::actions (), 'url'); ?>
			<label><?php _e ('Regular expression', 'redirection'); ?>: <input id="regex" type="checkbox" name="regex"/></label>
	  <tr id="target">
	    <th align="right"><?php _e ('Target URL', 'redirection') ?>:</th>
	    <td><input type="text" name="target" style="width: 95%"/></td>
		<?php if (!isset($group)) : ?>
			<th><?php _e ('Group', 'redirection'); ?>:</th>
			<td><select name="group"><?php echo $this->select (Red_Group::get_for_select (), isset ($_GET['group']) ? intval ($_GET['group']) : 0)?></select></td>
		<?php endif; ?>
				<input class="button-primary" type="submit" name="add" value="<?php _e ('Add Redirection', 'redirection') ?>" id="submit"/>
				<?php if (isset($group)) : ?>
				<input type="hidden" name="group" value="<?php echo esc_attr( $group ) ?>"/>
				<?php endif; ?>
				<input type="hidden" name="action" value="red_redirect_add"/>
				<input type="hidden" name="_ajax_nonce" value="<?php echo wp_create_nonce( 'redirection-redirect_add' ); ?>"/>
				<div id="error"></div>
Exemple #8
 function reset()
     $groups = Red_Group::get_for_module($this->id);
     if (count($groups) > 0) {
         foreach ($groups as $group) {
Exemple #9
			<th align="right"><?php 
_e('Target URL', 'redirection');
			<td><input type="text" name="target" style="width: 95%"/></td>
if (!isset($group)) {
    _e('Group', 'redirection');
				<td><select name="group"><?php 
    echo $this->select(Red_Group::get_for_select(), isset($_GET['group']) ? intval($_GET['group']) : 0);
				<input class="button-primary" type="submit" name="add" value="<?php 
esc_attr_e('Add Redirection', 'redirection');
" id="submit"/>
if (isset($group)) {
Exemple #10
 function process_bulk_action()
     if (!isset($_POST['item'])) {
     if (in_array($this->current_action(), array('delete'))) {
         $groups = array();
         foreach ((array) $_POST['item'] as $id) {
             $redirect = Red_Group::get(intval($id));
             if ($redirect) {
                 $groups[] = $redirect;
         array_map(array(&$this, 'delete_item'), $groups);
Exemple #11
 function load($group, $data)
     $count = 0;
     if (function_exists('simplexml_load_string')) {
         global $wpdb;
         $xml = simplexml_load_string($data);
         // Extract module
         $moduledata = array('type' => (string) $xml->module['type'], 'name' => sprintf(__('%s imported on %s at %s', 'redirection'), (string) $xml->module['name'], date('M d Y'), date('H:i')));
         if (isset($xml->module->options)) {
             foreach ($xml->module->options->option as $option) {
                 $options[(string) $option['name']] = trim((string) $option);
             $moduledata['options'] = $options;
         $module = Red_Module::create($moduledata);
         // Look at groups
         if (count($xml->module->group) > 0) {
             foreach ($xml->module->group as $group) {
                 $id = Red_Group::create(array('module_id' => $module, 'name' => (string) $group['name'], 'status' => (string) $group['status'], 'position' => (string) $group['position']));
                 // Look at items
                 if (count($group->item) > 0) {
                     foreach ($group->item as $item) {
                         $actiondata = array();
                         if (isset($item->action->option) && count($item->action->option) > 0) {
                             foreach ($item->action->option as $option) {
                                 $actiondata[(string) $option['key']] = trim((string) $option);
                             $actiondata = serialize($actiondata);
                         } else {
                             $actiondata = trim((string) $item->action);
                         $data = array('group_id' => $id, 'url' => trim((string) $item->source), 'position' => intval((string) $item['position']), 'status' => (string) $item['status'], 'regex' => (string) $item->match['regex'], 'match_type' => (string) $item->match['type'], 'action_type' => (string) $item->action['type'], 'action_code' => (string) $item->action['code'], 'action_data' => $actiondata);
                         foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
                             $data[$key] = "'" . $wpdb->escape($value) . "'";
                         // Easier to insert it directly here
                         $wpdb->query("INSERT INTO {$wpdb->prefix}redirection_items (" . implode(',', array_keys($data)) . ") VALUES (" . implode(',', $data) . ")");
     } else {
         global $redirection;
         $redirection->render_error(__('XML importing is only available with PHP5 - you have PHP4.', 'redirection'));
     return $count;
 function save_order($items, $start)
     global $wpdb;
     foreach ($items as $pos => $id) {
         $wpdb->query("UPDATE {$wpdb->prefix}redirection_groups SET position='" . ($pos + $start) . "' WHERE id='{$id}'");
     $group = Red_Group::get($items[0]);
 function process_bulk_action()
     if (!isset($_POST['item'])) {
     if (in_array($this->current_action(), array('delete', 'enable', 'disable'))) {
         $groups = array();
         foreach ((array) $_POST['item'] as $id) {
             $group = Red_Group::get(intval($id));
             if ($group) {
                 if ($this->current_action() === 'delete') {
                 } else {
                     if ($this->current_action() === 'enable') {
                     } else {
                         if ($this->current_action() === 'disable') {
Exemple #14
			<tr id="target">
				<th align="right"><?php 
_e('Target URL', 'redirection');
				<td><input type="text" name="target" style="width: 95%"/></td>
_e('Group', 'redirection');
					<select name="group_id">
echo $this->select(Red_Group::get_for_select(), isset($group) ? intval($group) : '');
					<input class="button-primary" type="submit" name="add" value="<?php 
esc_attr_e('Add Redirection', 'redirection');
" id="submit"/>
if (isset($group)) {
					<input type="hidden" name="group" value="<?php 
 function admin_redirects($group)
     include dirname(__FILE__) . '/models/pager.php';
     if ($group == 0) {
         $group = Red_Group::get_first_id();
     $pager = new RE_Pager($_GET, admin_url(add_query_arg(array(), 'tools.php?page=redirection.php')), 'position', 'ASC');
     $items = Red_Item::get_by_group($group, $pager);
     $this->render_admin('item_list', array('options' => $this->get_options(), 'items' => $items, 'pager' => $pager, 'group' => Red_Group::get($group), 'groups' => Red_Group::get_for_select(), 'date_format' => get_option('date_format')));
			<span class="sub">(<?php 
_e('optional', 'redirection');
	<tr class="advanced">
		<th width="100"><?php 
_e('Group', 'redirection');
			<select name="group_id">
echo $this->select(Red_Group::get_for_select(), $redirect->get_group_id());


			<div class="table-actions">
				<input class="button-primary" type="submit" name="save" value="<?php 
_e('Save', 'redirection');
Exemple #17
 function save_order($items, $start)
     global $wpdb;
     foreach ($items as $pos => $id) {
         $wpdb->update($wpdb->prefix . 'redirection_groups', array('position' => $pos + $start), array('id' => intval($id)));
     $group = Red_Group::get($items[0]);
 static function create(array $details)
     global $wpdb;
     $details = array_map('trim', $details);
     $details = array_map('stripslashes', $details);
     // Auto generate URLs
     if (empty($details['source'])) {
         $details['source'] = self::auto_generate();
     if (empty($details['target'])) {
         $details['target'] = self::auto_generate();
     // Make sure we don't redirect to ourself
     if ($details['source'] == $details['target']) {
         return new WP_Error('redirect-add', __('Source and target URL must be different', 'redirection'));
     $parsed_url = parse_url($details['source']);
     $parsed_domain = parse_url(site_url());
     if (isset($parsed_url['scheme']) && ($parsed_url['scheme'] === 'http' || $parsed_url['scheme'] === 'https') && $parsed_url['host'] !== $parsed_domain['host']) {
         return new WP_Error('redirect-add', sprintf(__('You can only redirect from a relative URL (<code>%s</code>) on this domain (<code>%s</code>).', 'redirection'), $parsed_url['path'], $parsed_domain['host']));
     $matcher = Red_Match::create($details['match']);
     $group_id = intval($details['group_id']);
     $group = Red_Group::get($group_id);
     if ($group_id <= 0 || !$group) {
         return new WP_Error('redirect-add', __('Invalid group when creating redirect', 'redirection'));
     if (!$matcher) {
         return new WP_Error('redirect-add', __('Invalid source URL when creating redirect for given match type', 'redirection'));
     $regex = isset($details['regex']) && $details['regex'] != false ? 1 : 0;
     $position = $wpdb->get_var($wpdb->prepare("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {$wpdb->prefix}redirection_items WHERE group_id=%d", $group_id));
     $action = $details['red_action'];
     $action_code = 0;
     if ($action == 'url' || $action == 'random') {
         $action_code = 301;
     } elseif ($action == 'error') {
         $action_code = 404;
     if (isset($details['action_code'])) {
         $action_code = intval($details['action_code']);
     $data = array('url' => self::sanitize_url($details['source'], $regex), 'action_type' => $details['red_action'], 'regex' => $regex, 'position' => $position, 'match_type' => $details['match'], 'action_data' => $matcher->data($details), 'action_code' => $action_code, 'last_access' => '0000-00-00 00:00:00', 'group_id' => $group_id);
     $data = apply_filters('redirection_create_redirect', $data);
     $wpdb->delete($wpdb->prefix . 'redirection_items', array('url' => $data['action_data'], 'action_type' => $data['action_type'], 'action_data' => $data['url']));
     if ($wpdb->insert($wpdb->prefix . 'redirection_items', $data)) {
         return self::get_by_id($wpdb->insert_id);
     return new WP_Error('redirect-add', __('Unable to add new redirect - delete Redirection from the options page and re-install'));
Exemple #19
 static function create($data)
     global $wpdb;
     $name = trim($data['name']);
     $module = intval($data['module_id']);
     if ($name != '' && $module > 0) {
         $position = $wpdb->get_var($wpdb->prepare("SELECT COUNT( * ) FROM {$wpdb->prefix}redirection_groups WHERE module_id=%d", $module));
         if (isset($data['position'])) {
             $position = $data['position'];
         $data = array('name' => trim($name), 'module_id' => intval($module), 'position' => intval($position));
         if (isset($data['status']) && isset($data['position'])) {
             $data['status'] = $data['status'];
         $wpdb->insert($wpdb->prefix . 'redirection_groups', $data);
         return Red_Group::get($wpdb->insert_id);
     return false;
 function admin_redirects($group)
     include dirname(__FILE__) . '/models/pager.php';
     if ($group == 0) {
         $group = Red_Group::get_first_id();
     $pager = new RE_Pager($_GET, $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 'position', 'ASC');
     $items = Red_Item::get_by_group($group, $pager);
     $this->render_admin('item_list', array('items' => $items, 'pager' => $pager, 'group' => Red_Group::get($group), 'groups' => Red_Group::get_for_select(), 'date_format' => get_option('date_format')));
 public function ajax_redirect_edit()
     $this->check_ajax_referer('red-edit_' . intval($_POST['id']));
     $redirect = Red_Item::get_by_id(intval($_POST['id']));
     if ($redirect) {
         $json['html'] = $this->capture('item_edit', array('redirect' => $redirect, 'groups' => Red_Group::get_for_select()));
     } else {
         $json['error'] = __('Unable to perform action') . ' - could not find redirect';
Exemple #22
	function save_order ($items, $start)
		global $wpdb;
		foreach ($items AS $pos => $id)
			$wpdb->query ("UPDATE {$wpdb->prefix}redirection_items SET position='".($pos + $start)."' WHERE id='{$id}'");
		$item  = Red_Item::get_by_id ($id);
		$group = Red_Group::get ($item->group_id);
		Red_Module::flush ($group->module_id);