public function processPasswordedReleases($echooutput = false) { $maxattemptstocheckpassworded = 5; $potentiallypasswordedfileregex = "/\\.(ace|cab|tar|gz)\$/i"; $numfound = 0; $numpasswd = 0; $numpot = 0; $numnone = 0; $db = new DB(); $nntp = new Nntp(); $rar = new RarInfo(); $rar->setMaxBytes(4000); if ($echooutput) { echo "Checking for passworded releases.\n\n"; } // // Get out all releases which have not been checked more than max attempts for password. // $result = $db->query(sprintf("select ID from releases where passwordstatus between %d and -1", ($maxattemptstocheckpassworded + 1) * -1)); if (count($result) > 0) { $nntp->doConnect(); foreach ($result as $row) { // // get out all files for this release, if it contains no rars, mark as Releases::PASSWD_NONE // if it contains rars, try and retrieve the message for the first rar and inspect its filename // if rar file is encrypted set as Releases::PASSWD_RAR, if it contains an ace/cab etc // mark as Releases::PASSWD_POTENTIAL, otherwise set as Releases::PASSWD_NONE. // $numfound++; // // Go through the binaries for this release looking for a rar // $binresult = $db->query(sprintf("select binaries.ID,, as groupname from binaries inner join groups on groups.ID = binaries.groupID where releaseID = %d order by relpart", $row["ID"])); $msgid = -1; $bingroup = ""; foreach ($binresult as $binrow) { if (preg_match("/\\W(?:part0*1|(?!part\\d+)[^.]+)\\.rar(?!\\.)/i", $binrow["name"])) { $bingroup = $binrow["groupname"]; echo "Checking " . $binrow["name"] . " for password.\n"; $part = $db->queryOneRow(sprintf("select messageID from parts where binaryID = %d order by partnumber", $binrow["ID"])); if (isset($part["messageID"])) { $msgid = $part["messageID"]; break; } } } $passStatus = Releases::PASSWD_NONE; // // no part of binary found matching a rar, so it cant be progressed further // if ($msgid != -1) { $fetchedBinary = $nntp->getMessage($bingroup, $msgid); if ($fetchedBinary === false) { $db->query(sprintf("update releases set passwordstatus = passwordstatus - 1 where ID = %d", $row["ID"])); continue; } if ($rar->setData($fetchedBinary)) { // // whole archive password protected // if ($rar->isEncrypted) { $passStatus = Releases::PASSWD_RAR; } else { $files = $rar->getFileList(); foreach ($files as $file) { // // individual file rar passworded // if ($file['pass'] == true) { $passStatus = Releases::PASSWD_RAR; break; } else { if (preg_match($potentiallypasswordedfileregex, $file["name"])) { $passStatus = Releases::PASSWD_POTENTIAL; break; } } } } } } // // increment reporting stats // if ($passStatus == Releases::PASSWD_RAR) { $numpasswd++; } elseif ($passStatus == Releases::PASSWD_POTENTIAL) { $numpot++; } else { $numnone++; } $db->query(sprintf("update releases set passwordstatus = %d where ID = %d", $passStatus, $row["ID"])); } $nntp->doQuit(); } if ($echooutput) { echo sprintf("Finished checking for passwords for %d releases (%d passworded, %d potential, %d none).\n\n", $numfound, $numpasswd, $numpot, $numnone); } }
/** * Resets the instance variables before parsing new data. * * @return void */ protected function reset() { parent::reset(); $this->client = ''; }
public function isRar($rarfile) { // returns 0 if not rar // returns 1 if encrypted rar // returns 2 if passworded rar // returns array of files in the rar if normal rar unset($filelist); $rar = new RarInfo(); if ($rar->setData($rarfile)) { if ($rar->isEncrypted) { return 1; } else { $files = $rar->getFileList(); foreach ($files as $file) { $filelist[] = $file['name']; if ($file['pass'] == true) { return 2; // passworded } } return $filelist; // normal rar } } else { return 0; // not a rar } }