Exemple #1
  * Create a symlink
  * @method symlink
  * @static
  * @private
  * @param {string} $target
  * @param {string} $link
 private static function symlink($target, $link)
     // Make sure destination directory exists
     if (!file_exists(dirname($link))) {
         $mask = umask(Q_Config::get('Q', 'internal', 'umask', 00));
         mkdir(dirname($link), 0777, true);
     $is_win = substr(strtolower(PHP_OS), 0, 3) === 'win';
     if (is_dir($link) && !$is_win && !is_link($link)) {
         echo Q_Utils::colored("[WARN] Symlink '{$link}' (target: '{$target}') was not created" . PHP_EOL, 'red', 'yellow');
     if (file_exists($target)) {
         if ($is_win && is_dir($link)) {
         } else {
             if (is_link($link)) {
     if ($is_win) {
         exec('mklink /j "' . $link . '" "' . $target . '"');
     } else {
         @symlink($target, $link);
     if (!file_exists($link)) {
         echo Q_Utils::colored("[WARN] Symlink '{$link}' (target: '{$target}') was not created" . PHP_EOL, 'red', 'yellow');
Exemple #2
  * Return colored text that you can output in logs or text mode
  * Pass an exception or 
  * @param {string|Exception} $exception The exception or an exception message. If the later, you must pass three more arguments.
  * @param {string} [$file]
  * @param {string} [$line]
  * @param {string} [$trace]
  * @return {string}
 static function coloredString($message, $file = null, $line = null, $trace = null)
     if ($message instanceof Exception) {
         $e = $message;
         $traceString = is_callable(array($e, 'getTraceAsStringEx')) ? $e->getTraceAsStringEx() : $e->getTraceAsString();
         return self::coloredString($e->getMessage(), $e->getFile(), $e->getLine(), $traceString);
     $colors = Q_Config::get('Q', 'exception', 'colors', array());
     $fields = array('message' => $message, 'fileAndLine' => "in {$file} ({$line})", 'trace' => $trace);
     foreach ($fields as $f => $v) {
         $c0 = isset($colors[$f][0]) ? $colors[$f][0] : null;
         $c1 = isset($colors[$f][1]) ? $colors[$f][1] : null;
         $fields[$f] = Q_Utils::colored($v, $c0, $c1);
     $reset = Q_Utils::colored("", "", "");
     return "{$fields['message']}\n\n{$fields['fileAndLine']}\n{$fields['trace']}\n";
Exemple #3
  * @method installPlugin
  * @static
  * @param {string} $plugin_name
  * @param {array} $options
  * @throws {Exception}
 static function installPlugin($plugin_name, $options)
     set_time_limit(Q_Config::expect('Q', 'install', 'timeLimit'));
     // Connect Qbix platform if it's not already connected
     $app_dir = APP_DIR;
     $plugin_dir = Q_PLUGINS_DIR . DS . $plugin_name;
     $app_web_plugins_dir = APP_WEB_DIR . DS . 'plugins';
     echo "Installing plugin '{$plugin_name}' into '{$app_dir}'" . PHP_EOL;
     // Do we even have such a plugin?
     if (!is_dir($plugin_dir)) {
         throw new Exception("Plugin '{$plugin_name}' not found in " . Q_PLUGINS_DIR);
     // Ensure that the plugin has config.json
     if (!file_exists($plugin_conf_file = $plugin_dir . DS . 'config' . DS . 'plugin.json')) {
         throw new Exception("Could not load plugin's config. Check {$plugin_conf_file}");
     $files_dir = $plugin_dir . DS . 'files';
     $app_plugins_file = APP_LOCAL_DIR . DS . 'plugins.json';
     // Check access to $app_web_plugins_dir
     if (!file_exists($app_web_plugins_dir)) {
         if (!@mkdir($app_web_plugins_dir, 0755, true)) {
             throw new Exception("Could not create {$app_web_plugins_dir}");
     if (!is_dir($app_web_plugins_dir)) {
         throw new Exception("{$app_web_plugins_dir} exists, but is not a directory");
     } elseif (!is_writable($app_web_plugins_dir)) {
         throw new Exception("Can not write to {$app_web_plugins_dir}");
     // Check access to $app_plugins_file
     if (file_exists($app_plugins_file) && !is_writable($app_plugins_file)) {
         throw new Exception("Can not write to {$app_plugins_file}");
     } elseif (!file_exists($app_plugins_file) && !is_writable(dirname($app_plugins_file))) {
         throw new Exception("Can not write to " . dirname($app_plugins_file));
     // Check access to $files_dir
     if (!file_exists($files_dir)) {
         if (!@mkdir($files_dir, $options['dirmode'], true)) {
             throw new Exception("Could not create {$files_dir}");
     // Do we now have plugin's config?
     if (Q_Config::get('Q', 'pluginInfo', $plugin_name, 'version', null) == null) {
         throw new Exception("Could not identify plugin version. Check {$plugin_conf_file}");
     $plugin_conf = Q_Config::get('Q', 'pluginInfo', $plugin_name, null);
     $plugin_version = $plugin_conf['version'];
     if (file_exists($app_plugins_file)) {
         Q_Config::load($app_plugins_file, true);
     //  Do we already have this plugin installed for this app?
     // Check requirements for plugin (will throw exceptions if they aren't met)
     if (!isset($options['noreq']) || !$options['noreq']) {
         echo "Checking requirements" . PHP_EOL;
     //  Checking LOCAL plugin version in plugins.json file
     if (($version_installed = Q_Config::get('Q', 'pluginLocal', $plugin_name, 'version', null)) != null) {
         //We have this plugin installed
         echo "Plugin '{$plugin_name}' (version: {$version_installed}) is already installed" . PHP_EOL;
         if (Q::compareVersion($version_installed, $plugin_version) < 0) {
             echo "Upgrading '{$plugin_name}' to version: {$plugin_version}" . PHP_EOL;
     // Check and fix permissions
     self::checkPermissions($files_dir, $options);
     if (isset($plugin_conf['permissions'])) {
         foreach ($plugin_conf['permissions'] as $perm) {
             self::checkPermissions($files_dir . DS . $perm, $options);
     // Symbolic links
     echo 'Creating symbolic links' . PHP_EOL;
     Q_Utils::symlink($plugin_dir . DS . 'web', $app_web_plugins_dir . DS . $plugin_name);
     //  Checking if schema update is requested and updating database version
     $connections = Q_Config::get('Q', 'pluginInfo', $plugin_name, 'connections', array());
     foreach ($connections as $connection) {
         self::installSchema(Q_PLUGINS_DIR . DS . $plugin_name, $plugin_name, 'plugin', $connection, $options);
     // Push plugin name into Q/plugins array
     if (!in_array($plugin_name, $current_plugins = Q_Config::get('Q', 'plugins', array()))) {
         $current_plugins[] = $plugin_name;
         Q_Config::set('Q', 'plugins', $current_plugins);
         //TODO: When do we save Q/plugins to disk?
     // Save info about plugin
     echo 'Registering plugin' . PHP_EOL;
     Q_Config::set('Q', 'pluginLocal', $plugin_name, $plugin_conf);
     Q_Config::save($app_plugins_file, array('Q', 'pluginLocal'));
     echo Q_Utils::colored("Plugin '{$plugin_name}' successfully installed" . PHP_EOL, 'green');