Exemple #1
	function _save($data, $filename, &$errSaveMsg, $fileExists = 0) {
		$user 	= JFactory::getUser();
		$fileId = false;
		if ($fileExists == 1) {
			// We not only owerwrite the file but we must update it
			if (isset($filename) && $filename != '') {
				$db = JFactory::getDBO();
				$query = 'SELECT a.id AS id'
				.' FROM #__phocadownload AS a'
			    .' WHERE a.filename = '.$db->Quote($filename);

				$db->setQuery($query, 0, 1);
				$fileId = $db->loadObject();
				if (!$db->query()) {
					return false;

		$row = $this->getTable('phocadownload');
		if (isset($fileId->id) && (int)$fileId->id > 0) {
			$data['id'] = (int)$fileId->id;

		$data['filesize'] 	= PhocaDownloadFile::getFileSize($filename, 0);
		$data['userid']			= $user->id;
		$data['author_email']	= $data['email'];
		$data['author_url']		= $data['website'];
		$data['token']			= PhocaDownloadUtils::getToken($data['title'].$filename);
		//$data['token']			= PhocaDownloadUtils::getToken($data['title'].$data['filename']);
		// Bind the form fields to the Phoca gallery table
		if (!$row->bind($data)) {
			return false;

		// Create the timestamp for the date
		//$row->date 			= gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s');
		//$row->publish_up	= gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s');
		//$jnow		=JFactory::getDate();
		/*$jnowU		= $jnow->toUnix();
		if (isset($jnowU)) {
			$jnowU = (int)$jnowU - 2; // to not display pending because of 1 second
		$unow		= time();
		$unow		= $unow - 2;//Frontend will display pending if standard $jnow->toSql(); will be used
		$jnow		= JFactory::getDate($unow);// the class JDate construct works with unix date
		$now		= $jnow->toSql();
		$row->date 			= $now;
		$row->publish_up	= $now; //date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $jnowU);
		$row->publish_down	= null;
		$row->filename	= $filename;
		$row->catid		= $data['catidfiles'];
		// Lang
		$userLang			= PhocaDownloadUser::getUserLang();
		$row->language		= $userLang['lang'];

		// if new item, order last in appropriate group
		if (!$row->id) {
			$where = 'catid = ' . (int) $row->catid ;
			$row->ordering = $row->getNextOrder( $where );

		// Make sure the Phoca gallery table is valid
		if (!$row->check()) {
			return false;

		// Store the Phoca gallery table to the database
		if (!$row->store()) {
			return false;
		PhocaDownloadLog::log($row->id, 2);
		return true;