Exemple #1
$tArray2 = PageTheme::getLocalList();
$tArrayTmp = array_merge($tArray, $tArray2);
$tArray = array();
foreach($tArrayTmp as $pt) {
	if ($cp->canEditPageTheme($pt)) {
		$tArray[] = $pt;
$ctArray = CollectionType::getList();

$cp = new Permissions($c);
if ($c->getCollectionID() > 1) {
	$parent = Page::getByID($c->getCollectionParentID());
	$parentCP = new Permissions($parent);
if (!$cp->canEditPageType() && !$cp->canEditPageTheme()) {
	die(t('Access Denied'));

$cnt = 0;
for ($i = 0; $i < count($ctArray); $i++) {
	$ct = $ctArray[$i];
	if ($c->getCollectionID() == 1 || $parentCP->canAddSubCollection($ct)) { 

$plID = $c->getCollectionThemeID();
$ctID = $c->getCollectionTypeID();
if ($plID == 0) {
	$pl = PageTheme::getSiteTheme();
Exemple #2
 function getNode($cItem, $level = 0, $autoOpenNodes = true)
     if (!is_object($cItem)) {
         $cID = $cItem;
         $c = Page::getByID($cID, 'RECENT');
     } else {
         $cID = $cItem->getCollectionID();
         $c = $cItem;
     $cp = new Permissions($c);
     $canEditPageProperties = $cp->canEditPageProperties();
     $canEditPageSpeedSettings = $cp->canEditPageSpeedSettings();
     $canEditPagePermissions = $cp->canEditPagePermissions();
     $canEditPageDesign = $cp->canEditPageTheme() || $cp->canEditPageType();
     $canViewPageVersions = $cp->canViewPageVersions();
     $canDeletePage = $cp->canDeletePage();
     $canAddSubpages = $cp->canAddSubpage();
     $canAddExternalLinks = $cp->canAddExternalLink();
     $nodeOpen = false;
     if (is_array($_SESSION['dsbSitemapNodes'])) {
         if (in_array($cID, $_SESSION['dsbSitemapNodes'])) {
             $nodeOpen = true;
     $status = '';
     $cls = $c->getNumChildren() > 0 ? "folder" : "file";
     $leaf = $c->getNumChildren() > 0 ? false : true;
     $numSubpages = $c->getNumChildren() > 0 ? $c->getNumChildren() : '';
     $cvName = $c->getCollectionName() ? $c->getCollectionName() : '(No Title)';
     $cvName = $c->isSystemPage() ? t($cvName) : $cvName;
     $selected = ConcreteDashboardSitemapHelper::isOneTimeActiveNode($cID) ? true : false;
     $ct = CollectionType::getByID($c->getCollectionTypeID());
     $isInTrash = $c->isInTrash();
     $canCompose = false;
     if (is_object($ct)) {
         if ($ct->isCollectionTypeIncludedInComposer()) {
             $h = Loader::helper('concrete/dashboard');
             if ($cp->canEditPageProperties() && $h->canAccessComposer()) {
                 $canCompose = true;
     $isTrash = $c->getCollectionPath() == TRASH_PAGE_PATH;
     if ($isTrash || $isInTrash) {
         $pk = PermissionKey::getByHandle('empty_trash');
         if (!$pk->validate()) {
             return false;
     $cIcon = $c->getCollectionIcon();
     $cAlias = $c->isAlias();
     $cPointerID = $c->getCollectionPointerID();
     if ($cAlias) {
         if ($cPointerID > 0) {
             $cIcon = ASSETS_URL_IMAGES . '/icons/alias.png';
             $cAlias = 'POINTER';
             $cID = $c->getCollectionPointerOriginalID();
         } else {
             $cIcon = ASSETS_URL_IMAGES . '/icons/alias_external.png';
             $cAlias = 'LINK';
     $node = array('cvName' => $cvName, 'cIcon' => $cIcon, 'cAlias' => $cAlias, 'isInTrash' => $isInTrash, 'isTrash' => $isTrash, 'numSubpages' => $numSubpages, 'status' => $status, 'canEditPageProperties' => $canEditPageProperties, 'canEditPageSpeedSettings' => $canEditPageSpeedSettings, 'canEditPagePermissions' => $canEditPagePermissions, 'canEditPageDesign' => $canEditPageDesign, 'canViewPageVersions' => $canViewPageVersions, 'canDeletePage' => $canDeletePage, 'canAddSubpages' => $canAddSubpages, 'canAddExternalLinks' => $canAddExternalLinks, 'canCompose' => $canCompose, 'id' => $cID, 'selected' => $selected);
     if ($cID == 1 || $nodeOpen && $autoOpenNodes) {
         // We open another level
         $node['subnodes'] = $this->getSubNodes($cID, $level, false, $autoOpenNodes);
     return $node;
Exemple #3
$pcnt = 0;
$isMasterCollection = false;
$isSinglePage = false;
$tArray = PageTheme::getGlobalList();
$tArray2 = PageTheme::getLocalList();
$tArray = array_merge($tArray, $tArray2);
foreach ($pages as $c) {
    if ($c->isGeneratedCollection()) {
        $isSinglePage = true;
    if ($c->isMasterCollection()) {
        $isMasterCollection = true;
    $cp = new Permissions($c);
    if ($cp->canEditPageTheme() && $cp->canEditPageType()) {
if ($pcnt > 0) {
    // i realize there are a lot of loops through this, but the logic here is a bit tough to follow if you don't do it this way.
    // first we determine which page types to show, if any
    $notAllowedPageTypes = array();
    $allowedPageTypes = array();
    $ctArray = CollectionType::getList();
    foreach ($ctArray as $ct) {
        foreach ($pages as $c) {
            if ($c->getCollectionID() != HOME_CID) {
                $parentC = Page::getByID($c->getCollectionParentID());
                $parentCP = new Permissions($parentC);
                if (!$parentCP->canAddSubCollection($ct)) {

defined('C5_EXECUTE') or die("Access Denied.");
if (isset($_POST['ttask']) && $_POST['ttask'] == 'preview_theme_customization') {
    Cache::set('preview_theme_style', $_REQUEST['themeID'], $_POST, 30);
$previewCID = intval($_REQUEST['previewCID']);
$themeID = intval($_REQUEST['themeID']);
$ctID = intval($_REQUEST['ctID']);
$collectionType = CollectionType::getByID($ctID);
$c = Page::getByID($previewCID, 'RECENT');
$cp = new Permissions($c);
if (!$cp->canEditPageTheme()) {
    throw new Exception(t('Access Denied'));
$v = View::getInstance();
if ($themeID > 0) {
    $th = PageTheme::getByID($themeID);
    if (!file_exists($th->getThemeDirectory())) {
        throw new Exception(t('Theme not found in %s', $th->getThemeDirectory()));
                                       dialog-modal="false" dialog-title="<?php 
            echo t('Composer');
" href="<?php 
            echo URL::to('/ccm/system/panels/details/page/composer');
            echo $cID;
            echo t('Composer');
        if ($permissions->canEditPageProperties() || $permissions->canEditPageTheme() || $permissions->canEditPageTemplate() || $permissions->canDeletePage() || $permissions->canEditPagePermissions()) {
                                <li><a class="dialog-launch" dialog-width="640" dialog-height="360"
                                       dialog-modal="false" dialog-title="<?php 
            echo t('SEO');
" href="<?php 
            echo URL::to('/ccm/system/panels/details/page/seo');
            echo $cID;
            echo t('SEO');
     $toolSection = "collection_timed_permission_list";
     $canViewPane = $cp->canPreviewPageAsUser() && PERMISSIONS_MODEL == 'advanced';
 case 'mcd':
     $toolSection = "collection_mcd";
     $canViewPane = $cp->canMoveOrCopyPage();
     $divID = "ccm-collection-mcd";
 case 'delete':
     $toolSection = "collection_delete";
     $canViewPane = $cp->canDeletePage();
 case 'set_theme':
     $toolSection = "collection_theme";
     $divID = 'ccm-edit-collection-design';
     $canViewPane = $cp->canEditPageTheme() || $cp->canEditPageType();
 case 'add':
     $toolSection = "collection_add";
     $divID = 'ccm-edit-collection-design';
     $canViewPane = $cp->canAddSubpage();
     if ($_REQUEST['ctID']) {
         $ct = CollectionType::getByID($_REQUEST['ctID']);
         if (!is_object($ct)) {
             $canViewPane = false;
         } else {
             $canViewPane = $cp->canAddSubCollection($ct);
 case 'add_external':
Exemple #7
    $h = Loader::helper('concrete/dashboard');
    $dsh = Loader::helper('concrete/dashboard/sitemap');
    foreach ($pages as $cobj) {
        $cpobj = new Permissions($cobj);
        if (!isset($striped) || $striped == 'ccm-list-record-alt') {
            $striped = '';
        } else {
            if ($striped == '') {
                $striped = 'ccm-list-record-alt';
        $canEditPageProperties = $cpobj->canEditPageProperties();
        $canEditPageSpeedSettings = $cpobj->canEditPageSpeedSettings();
        $canEditPagePermissions = $cpobj->canEditPagePermissions();
        $canEditPageDesign = $cpobj->canEditPageTheme() || $cpobj->canEditPageType();
        $canViewPageVersions = $cpobj->canViewPageVersions();
        $canDeletePage = $cpobj->canDeletePage();
        $canAddSubpages = $cpobj->canAddSubpage();
        $canAddExternalLinks = $cpobj->canAddExternalLink();
        $permissionArray = array('canEditPageProperties' => $canEditPageProperties, 'canEditPageSpeedSettings' => $canEditPageSpeedSettings, 'canEditPagePermissions' => $canEditPagePermissions, 'canEditPageDesign' => $canEditPageDesign, 'canViewPageVersions' => $canViewPageVersions, 'canDeletePage' => $canDeletePage, 'canAddSubpages' => $canAddSubpages, 'canAddExternalLinks' => $canAddExternalLinks);
        $canCompose = false;
        $ct = CollectionType::getByID($cobj->getCollectionTypeID());
        if (is_object($ct)) {
            if ($ct->isCollectionTypeIncludedInComposer()) {
                if ($canEditPageProperties && $h->canAccessComposer()) {
                    $canCompose = 1;
Exemple #8
defined('C5_EXECUTE') or die("Access Denied.");
use Concrete\Core\Attribute\Set as AttributeSet;
$cp = new Permissions($c);
$pk = PermissionKey::getByHandle('edit_page_properties');
$asl = $pk->getMyAssignment();
$seoSet = AttributeSet::getByHandle('seo');
echo t('Page Settings');
if ($cp->canEditPageContents() || $cp->canEditPageTheme() || $cp->canEditPageProperties() || $cp->canEditPageTemplate()) {

    <menu class="ccm-panel-page-basics">
    $pagetype = PageType::getByID($c->getPageTypeID());
    if (is_object($pagetype) && $cp->canEditPageContents()) {
                <a href="#" data-launch-panel-detail="page-composer"
        echo URL::to('/ccm/system/panels/details/page/composer');
                 'Edit this Page') ?></a></li>
 <? } ?>
 <li class="parent-ul"><i class="fa fa-cog mobile-leading-icon"></i><a href="#"><?php echo t(
             'Page Properties') ?><i class="fa fa-caret-down"></i></a>
     <ul class="list-unstyled">
         $pagetype = PageType::getByID($c->getPageTypeID());
         if (is_object($pagetype) && $cp->canEditPageContents()) { ?>
             <li><a class="dialog-launch" dialog-width="640" dialog-height="640"
                    dialog-modal="false" dialog-title="<?= t('Composer') ?>" href="<?= URL::to(
                     '/ccm/system/panels/details/page/composer') ?>?cID=<?= $cID ?>"><?= t(
                         'Composer') ?></a></li>
         if ($permissions->canEditPageProperties() ||
             $permissions->canEditPageTheme() ||
             $permissions->canEditPageTemplate() ||
             $permissions->canDeletePage() ||
             $permissions->canEditPagePermissions()) { ?>
             <li><a class="dialog-launch" dialog-width="640" dialog-height="360"
                    dialog-modal="false" dialog-title="<?= t('SEO') ?>" href="<?= URL::to(
                     '/ccm/system/panels/details/page/seo') ?>?cID=<?= $cID ?>"><?= t(
                         'SEO') ?></a></li>
         if ($permissions->canEditPageProperties()) {
             if ($cID > 1) {
                 <li><a class="dialog-launch" dialog-width="500" dialog-height="500"
                        dialog-modal="false" dialog-title="<?= t('Location') ?>"
                        href="<?= URL::to(
)" <? } ?> id="ccm-toolbar-nav-preview-as-user" dialog-width="90%" dialog-height="70%" dialog-append-buttons="true" dialog-modal="false" dialog-title="<?php 
echo t('View Page as Someone Else');
" href="<?php 
echo $c->getCollectionID();
echo t('Preview as User');
<? } ?>
<? if ($cp->canEditPageTheme() || $cp->canEditPageType()) { ?>
	menuHTML += '<li><a class="ccm-menu-icon ccm-icon-design" <? if (!$c->isCheckedOut()) { ?> dialog-on-close="ccm_sitemapExitEditMode(<?php 
echo $c->getCollectionID();
)" <? } ?> id="ccm-toolbar-nav-design" dialog-append-buttons="true" dialog-width="610" dialog-height="405" dialog-modal="false" dialog-title="<?php 
echo t('Design');
" href="<?php 
echo $cID;
echo t('Design');
$pcnt = 0;
$isMasterCollection = false;
$isSinglePage = false;
$tArray = PageTheme::getGlobalList();
$tArray2 = PageTheme::getLocalList();
$tArray = array_merge($tArray, $tArray2);
foreach ($pages as $c) {
    if ($c->isGeneratedCollection()) {
        $isSinglePage = true;
    if ($c->isMasterCollection()) {
        $isMasterCollection = true;
    $cp = new Permissions($c);
    if ($cp->canEditPageTheme() && $cp->canEditPageTemplate()) {
if ($pcnt > 0) {
    // i realize there are a lot of loops through this, but the logic here is a bit tough to follow if you don't do it this way.
    // first we determine which page types to show, if any
    $notAllowedPageTypes = array();
    $allowedPageTypes = array();
    $ctArray = PageType::getList();
    foreach ($ctArray as $ct) {
        foreach ($pages as $c) {
            if ($c->getCollectionID() != HOME_CID) {
                $parentC = Page::getByID($c->getCollectionParentID());
                $parentCP = new Permissions($parentC);
                if (!$parentCP->canAddSubCollection($ct)) {
Exemple #12
defined('C5_EXECUTE') or die("Access Denied.");
use Concrete\Core\Attribute\Set as AttributeSet;
$cp = new Permissions($c);
$pk = PermissionKey::getByHandle('edit_page_properties');
$asl = $pk->getMyAssignment();
$seoSet = AttributeSet::getByHandle('seo');
echo t('Page Settings');
    <? if ($cp->canEditPageContents()
        || $cp->canEditPageTheme()
        || $cp->canEditPageProperties()
        || $cp->canEditPageTemplate()) { ?>

    <menu class="ccm-panel-page-basics">
$pagetype = PageType::getByID($c->getPageTypeID());
if (is_object($pagetype) && $cp->canEditPageContents()) {
                <a href="#" data-launch-panel-detail="page-composer"
    echo URL::to('/ccm/system/panels/details/page/composer');