Exemple #1
     $entry = $page->hevent;
 } else {
     $notices[] = 'No h-entry or h-event was found on the page. Using the page title for the name.';
     $entry = false;
 if ($page->hentry && ($published = $page->hentry->published)) {
     $data['date'] = $published->format('U');
 } else {
     $notices[] = 'No publish date found.';
 # If no h-entry was found, or if didn't find the title, look at the page title
 if ($data['title'] == false) {
     $pageTitle = $parser->xpath('./*/title');
     if ($pageTitle->length > 0) {
         foreach ($pageTitle as $t) {
             $data['title'] = $t->textContent;
 // Find out if the entry has a u-syndication link to IndieNews
 if ($entry) {
     $synURL = false;
     if ($syndications = $entry->property('syndication')) {
         // Find the syndication URL that matches http://news.indiewebcamp.com/ or the full URL
         foreach ($syndications as $syn) {
             if (preg_match('/^https?:\\/\\/' . Config::$hostname . '\\/?/', $syn, $match)) {
                 $synURL = $syn;