  * Adds the given setting for the given user id.
  * @param integer $assoc_id The id of the association entity for whom settings are to be added.
  * @param integer $array_of_data The array of settings data to be added like array([0]=>array([module_id]=>, [orientation]=>, [priority]=> ) [1]=>array([module_id]=>, [orientation]=>, [priority]=> ))
 static function save_setting($assoc_id, $page_id, $array_of_data, $assoc_type = "user")
     Logger::log("Enter: function ModuleSetting::save_setting");
     // get the prior settings
     // (passed settings might be only left or right or middle)
     $settings = ModuleSetting::load_setting($page_id, $assoc_id, $assoc_type);
     // now merge the two
     foreach ($array_of_data as $sec => $mods) {
         $settings[$sec] = $mods;
     $settings_data = serialize($settings);
     $sql = "SELECT * FROM {page_settings} WHERE assoc_id=? AND page_id=? AND assoc_type =?";
     $data = array($assoc_id, $page_id, $assoc_type);
     $res = Dal::query($sql, $data);
     if ($res->numRows() > 0) {
         $sql = "DELETE FROM {page_settings} WHERE assoc_id=? AND page_id=? AND assoc_type =?";
         $data = array($assoc_id, $page_id, $assoc_type);
         $res = Dal::query($sql, $data);
         $sql = "INSERT INTO {page_settings} (assoc_id, page_id, settings, assoc_type) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)";
         $data = array($assoc_id, $page_id, $settings_data, $assoc_type);
         Dal::query($sql, $data);
     } else {
         $sql = "INSERT INTO {page_settings} (assoc_id, page_id, settings, assoc_type) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)";
         $data = array($assoc_id, $page_id, $settings_data, $assoc_type);
         Dal::query($sql, $data);
     Logger::log("Exit: function ModuleSetting::save_setting");
require_once '../api/User/User.php';
require_once '../api/Relation/Relation.php';
include_once "../api/Theme/Template.php";
require_once './includes/functions/html_generate.php';
require_once '../ext/Image/Image.php';
require_once '../ext/Audio/Audio.php';
require_once '../ext/Video/Video.php';
require_once './includes/functions/date_methods.php';
require_once "{$path_prefix}/api/Message/Message.php";
$parameter = '<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" src="' . $current_theme_path . '/base_javascript.js"></script></script>
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" src="' . $current_theme_path . '/javascript/prototype.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" src="' . $current_theme_path . '/javascript/scriptaculous.js"></script>';
html_header("people Aggregator User page", $parameter);
$uid = $_SESSION['user']['id'];
$setting_data = ModuleSetting::load_setting(PAGE_USER_PUBLIC, $uid);
//left of user page
foreach ($setting_data['left'] as $leftModule) {
    $file = "BlockModules/{$leftModule}/{$leftModule}.php";
    require_once $file;
    $obj = new $leftModule();
    if ($page_type == 'public') {
        $obj->mode = PUB;
    } else {
        $obj->mode = PRI;
    $obj->uid = $uid;
    if ($leftModule == 'UserTasksModule') {
        $obj->block_type = 'UserPhotoBlock';
    $array_left_modules[] = $obj->render();
 function __construct($cb, $page_id, $title, $page_template = "homepage_pa.tpl", $header_template = "header.tpl", $default_mode = PRI, $default_block_type = HOMEPAGE, $network_info_ = NULL, $onload = NULL, $setting_data = NULL)
     global $app, $page;
     if (PA::$profiler) {
     // we may want to know the page_tpe elsewhere too
     PA::$config->page_type = $page_id;
     // NOTE: PA::$config->page_type var = $page_id and should be removed!
     $this->page_id = $page_id;
     $this->debugging = isset($_GET['debug']);
     $this->page_template = $page_template;
     $this->top_navigation_template = 'top_navigation_bar.tpl';
     //TO DO: Remove this hardcoded text afterwards
     $this->header_template = $header_template;
     //settings for current network
     $this->network_info = $network_info_ ? $network_info_ : PA::$network_info;
     //FIXME: does this have to be a parameter?  can't we just always use the global PA::$network_info?
     $this->module_arrays = array();
     // the function hide_message_window is added here
     // so whenever html page is loaded the message window's ok button gets focus
     // here if previouly some function is defined as
     // onload = "ajax_call_method(ajax_titles, $uid, ajax_urls);"
     // now it will look like
     // onload = "ajax_call_method(ajax_titles, $uid, ajax_urls); hide_message_window();"
     $this->onload = "{$onload} hide_message_window('confirm_btn');";
     $this->page_title = $title;
     $this->html_body_attributes = "";
     // default settings for the tiers
     $this->main_tier = @$_GET['tier_one'];
     $this->second_tier = @$_GET['tier_two'];
     $this->third_tier = @$_GET['tier_three'];
     $navigation = new Navigation();
     $this->navigation_links = $navigation->get_links();
     $this->message_count = null;
     if (!isset(PA::$login_uid)) {
         PA::$login_uid = @$_SESSION['user']['id'];
     if (PA::$login_uid) {
         $this->message_count = Message::get_new_msg_count(PA::$login_uid);
     if (!isset($dynamic_page)) {
         $dynamic_page = new DynamicPage($this->page_id);
         if (!is_object($dynamic_page) or !$dynamic_page->docLoaded) {
             throw new Exception("Page XML config file for page ID: {$page_id} - not found!");
     if (false !== strpos($dynamic_page->page_type, 'group') && (!empty($_REQUEST['gid']) || !empty($_REQUEST['ccid']))) {
         // page is a group page - get group module settings
         $_gr_id = !empty($_REQUEST['gid']) ? $_REQUEST['gid'] : $_REQUEST['ccid'];
         $this->setting_data = ModuleSetting::load_setting($this->page_id, $_gr_id, 'group');
         $this->page_template = $this->setting_data['page_template'];
         if (empty($this->setting_data['access_permission'])) {
             // no permissions required to access page
             $access_permission = true;
         } else {
             $access_permission = PermissionsHandler::can_group_user(PA::$login_uid, $_gr_id, array('permissions' => $this->setting_data['access_permission']));
     } else {
         if (false !== strpos($dynamic_page->page_type, 'user') && !empty(PA::$login_uid)) {
             // page is an user page - get user module settings
             //          echo "POSTING TO USER PAGE"; die();
             $this->setting_data = ModuleSetting::load_setting($this->page_id, PA::$login_uid, 'user');
             $this->page_template = $this->setting_data['page_template'];
             if (empty($this->setting_data['access_permission'])) {
                 // no permissions required to access page
                 $access_permission = true;
             } else {
                 $access_permission = PermissionsHandler::can_user(PA::$login_uid, array('permissions' => $this->setting_data['access_permission']));
         } else {
             // page is a network page - get network module settings
             $this->setting_data = ModuleSetting::load_setting($this->page_id, PA::$network_info->network_id, 'network');
             $this->page_template = $this->setting_data['page_template'];
             if (empty($this->setting_data['access_permission'])) {
                 // no permissions required to access page
                 $access_permission = true;
             } else {
                 $access_permission = PermissionsHandler::can_network_user(PA::$login_uid, PA::$network_info->network_id, array('permissions' => $this->setting_data['access_permission']));
     $this->page = new Template(CURRENT_THEME_FSPATH . "/" . $this->page_template);
     $this->page->set('current_theme_path', PA::$theme_url);
     $this->page->set('current_theme_rel_path', PA::$theme_rel);
     // Loading the templates variables for the Outer templates files
     $this->page->set('outer_class', get_class_name(PA::$config->page_type));
     $this->top_navigation_bar = new Template(CURRENT_THEME_FSPATH . "/" . $this->top_navigation_template);
     $this->top_navigation_bar->set('current_theme_path', PA::$theme_url);
     $this->top_navigation_bar->set('current_theme_rel_path', PA::$theme_rel);
     $this->top_navigation_bar->set('navigation_links', $this->navigation_links);
     $this->footer = new Template(CURRENT_THEME_FSPATH . "/footer.tpl");
     $this->footer->set('current_theme_path', PA::$theme_url);
     $this->footer->set('page_name', $title);
     $page = $this;
     $this->initNew($cb, $default_mode, $default_block_type, $this->setting_data);
     if (!$access_permission) {
         $configure = unserialize(ModuleData::get('configure'));
         if (PA::logged_in()) {
             $redir_url = PA::$url . PA_ROUTE_USER_PRIVATE;
         } else {
             if (!isset($configure['show_splash_page']) || $configure['show_splash_page'] == INACTIVE) {
                 $redir_url = PA::$url . '/' . FILE_LOGIN;
             } else {
                 $redir_url = PA::$url;
         $er_msg = urlencode("Sorry! you are not authorized to to access this page.");
         $this->showDialog($er_msg, $type = 'error', $redir_url, 10);
     if (PA::$profiler) {
// For None of the words
if (!empty($_GET["notwords"])) {
    $notwords_array = explode(" ", trim($_GET["notwords"]));
    if (count($notwords_array) > 0) {
        for ($counter = 0; $counter < count($notwords_array); $counter++) {
            $search_string_array["notwords"][$counter] = trim($notwords_array[$counter]);
//$content_array = Content::content_search($search_string_array);
if (!isset($search_string_array) && isset($_GET["mFrom"])) {
    $error_message = __("Please enter either data or date to search");
$setting_data = ModuleSetting::load_setting(PAGE_SHOWCONTENT, $uid);
$user = new User();
if ($login_uid) {
    $user_details = $user->load((int) $uid);
$_REQUEST['ccid'] = @$_REQUEST['gid'];
//get details of group
if ($_REQUEST['ccid']) {
    $is_member = FALSE;
    $is_admin = FALSE;
    $content_access = TRUE;
    $is_invite = FALSE;
    //$gid = (int)$_REQUEST['gid'];  gid changed to ccid
    $gid = (int) $_REQUEST['gid'];
    $group = ContentCollection::load_collection((int) $gid, $login_uid);
    $access = $group->access_type;
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2010 Broadband Mechanics
* @package PeopleAggregator
$login_required = FALSE;
$use_theme = 'Beta';
//TODO : Remove this when new UI is completely implemented.
include_once "web/includes/page.php";
include_once "api/Theme/Template.php";
/*including Js files */
$parameter = js_includes('common.js');
if (!PA::$network_capable) {
    die(__("Networks are disabled."));
// which blocks are coming on this page
$setting_data = ModuleSetting::load_setting(PAGE_NETWORKS_HOME, @PA::$login_user->user_id);
$setting_data['left'] = is_array(@$setting_data['left']) ? $setting_data['left'] : array();
if (@$_SESSION['user']['id']) {
    array_unshift($setting_data['left'], 'MyNetworksModule');
array_unshift($setting_data['left'], 'FeaturedNetworkModule', 'VideoTourModule');
$params = array();
$params['cnt'] = TRUE;
$network_obj = new Network();
$total_network = $network_obj->get($params);
function setup_module($column, $moduleName, $obj)
    global $user_edit, $error, $uid, $rel_type, $uid, $user, $paging, $page_uid, $login_uid, $total_network;
    switch ($moduleName) {
        case 'FeaturedNetworkModule':
            $obj->block_type = 'FeaturedNetwork';

$login_required = FALSE;
$use_theme = 'Beta';
//TODO : Remove this when new UI is completely implemented.
include "includes/page.php";
global $path_prefix;
require_once "{$path_prefix}/api/User/User.php";
require_once "{$path_prefix}/api/Tag/Tag.php";
include_once "{$path_prefix}/api/ModuleSetting/ModuleSetting.php";
include_once "{$path_prefix}/api/Theme/Template.php";
require_once "{$path_prefix}/ext/SBMicroContent/SBMicroContent.php";
require_once "{$path_prefix}/ext/Group/Group.php";
require_once "{$path_prefix}/api/Invitation/Invitation.php";
$setting_data = ModuleSetting::load_setting(PAGE_GROUP_MEMBERS, $uid);
$gid = (int) $_REQUEST['gid'];
$group = ContentCollection::load_collection((int) $gid, $_SESSION['user']['id']);
$group_details = array();
$group_details['collection_id'] = $group->collection_id;
$group_details['type'] = $group->type;
$group_details['author_id'] = $group->author_id;
$user = new User();
$user->load((int) $group->author_id);
$first_name = $user->first_name;
$last_name = $user->last_name;
$login_name = $user->login_name;
$group_details['author_name'] = chop_string($login_name, 15);
$group_details['author_picture'] = $user->picture;
$group_details['title'] = $group->title;
$group_details['description'] = $group->description;
$group_details['is_active'] = $group->is_active;
include_once "web/includes/page.php";
// global var $path_prefix has been removed - please, use PA::$path static variable
require_once "api/Content/Content.php";
require_once "api/Tag/Tag.php";
require_once "api/ContentCollection/ContentCollection.php";
require_once "api/Comment/Comment.php";
include_once "api/ModuleSetting/ModuleSetting.php";
require_once "api/Group/Group.php";
include_once "api/Theme/Template.php";
require_once "api/Category/Category.php";
$parameter = '<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" src="' . PA::$theme_url . '/base_javascript.js"></script></script>
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" src="' . PA::$theme_url . '/javascript/prototype.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" src="' . PA::$theme_url . '/javascript/scriptaculous.js"></script>';
html_header("Group Home", $parameter);
//print '<body style="background-color: #363636;">';
$setting_data = ModuleSetting::load_setting(PAGE_GROUPS_CATEGORY, $uid);
$leftModulesFromDB = $setting_data['left'];
$middleModulesFromDB = $setting_data['middle'];
$rightModulesFromDB = $setting_data['right'];
$page = new Template(CURRENT_THEME_FSPATH . "/groups.tpl");
$page->set('current_theme_path', PA::$theme_url);
//header of group page
$optional_parameters = "onload=\"{$onload}\"";
//header of group page
$header = new Template(CURRENT_THEME_FSPATH . "/header.tpl");
$header->set('current_theme_path', PA::$theme_url);
$header->set('current_theme_rel_path', PA::$theme_rel);
// find navigation link for header
$navigation = new Navigation();
$navigation_links = $navigation->get_links();
    if ($mid) {
        //echo 'data has been saved';
        if ($_GET['ccid']) {
            header("Location: {$base_url}/forum_messages.php?mid={$parent_id}&ccid=" . $_GET['ccid']);
        } else {
            header("Location: {$base_url}/forum_messages.php?mid={$parent_id}");
} else {
    if (isset($_POST['submit']) && !Group::member_exists((int) $_GET['ccid'], (int) $_SESSION['user']['id'])) {
        $msg = "You are not a member of this group.";
        $error = TRUE;
$setting_data = ModuleSetting::load_setting(PAGE_FORUM_MESSAGES, $uid);
if ($_REQUEST['ccid']) {
    array_unshift($setting_data['left'], 'GroupAccessModule', 'MembersFacewallModule');
    array_unshift($setting_data['right'], 'GroupStatsModule', 'RecentPostModule');
$param['action'] = 'edit_forum';
function setup_module($column, $moduleName, $obj)
    global $request_info, $title, $body, $name, $email, $paging, $msg;
    global $group_details, $users, $param;
    switch ($moduleName) {
        case 'GroupAccessModule':
        case 'GroupStatsModule':
            $obj->group_details = $group_details;
        case 'MembersFacewallModule':
    $module_array = serialize($set_module);
    try {
        // Saving the data into database
        $success = ModuleSetting::save_page_setting($page_id, $module_array);
        $module_settings = ModuleSetting::load_setting($page_id, NULL);
        $msg = 7010;
    } catch (PAException $e) {
        // handling exception while saving data
        throw $e;
// Adding the Default option on the network module settings
if (isset($_POST['default_setting']) && $_GET['type'] == 'module') {
    global $settings_new;
    $setting_default_data = $settings_new[$page_id]['data'];
    $module_array = serialize($setting_default_data);
    try {
        // Saving the data into database
        $success = ModuleSetting::save_page_setting($page_id, $module_array);
        $module_settings = ModuleSetting::load_setting($page_id, NULL);
        $msg = 7010;
    } catch (PAException $e) {
        // handling exception while saving data
        throw $e;
if (!empty($error_msg)) {
    $msg = $error_msg;
$login_required = TRUE;
include_once "web/includes/page.php";
// global var $path_prefix has been removed - please, use PA::$path static variable
require_once "api/Content/Content.php";
require_once "api/Tag/Tag.php";
require_once "api/ContentCollection/ContentCollection.php";
require_once "api/Comment/Comment.php";
include_once "api/ModuleSetting/ModuleSetting.php";
require_once "api/Group/Group.php";
include_once "api/Theme/Template.php";
require_once "api/Category/Category.php";
$parameter = '<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" src="' . PA::$theme_url . '/base_javascript.js"></script></script>
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" src="' . PA::$theme_url . '/javascript/prototype.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" src="' . PA::$theme_url . '/javascript/scriptaculous.js"></script>';
html_header("Group Home", $parameter);
$setting_data = ModuleSetting::load_setting(PAGE_MANAGECONTENT, $uid);
$leftModulesFromDB = $setting_data['left'];
$middleModulesFromDB = $setting_data['middle'];
$rightModulesFromDB = $setting_data['right'];
$page = new Template(CURRENT_THEME_FSPATH . "/groups.tpl");
$page->set('current_theme_path', PA::$theme_url);
//header of group page
if ($_GET['tier_one']) {
    $main_tier = $_GET['tier_one'];
    //$tmp = $_GET['tier_one'].'pagedemo.php';
} else {
    $main_tier = 'group';
if ($_GET['tier_two']) {
    $second_tier = $_GET['tier_two'];
 /** !!
  * Gather all modules and their current status (active/inactive and where).
  * Also check to see if { @link restore_module_settings } is true in which
  * case return to the past settings by setting values to null. Once all the
  * data for the different objects to be displayed on the page has been
  * gathered pass the information into { @link generate_inner_html() }.
  * @param array $request_data contains the different selected Modules
 private function setupCustomizeModuleSettings($request_data)
     $page_templates = $this->page_templates;
     $this->template_selected = !empty($request_data['page_template']) ? $request_data['page_template'] : null;
     $this->side_selected = !empty($request_data['side_module']) ? $request_data['side_module'] : null;
     $this->middle_selected = !empty($request_data['middle_module']) ? $request_data['middle_module'] : null;
     $module_settings = ModuleSetting::load_setting($this->pid, $this->assoc_id, $this->settings_type);
     // @todo: Should we enable restore defaults from XML for user and group pages ?
     $from_XML = $this->settings_type == 'network' ? true : false;
     $pages_default_setting = ModuleSetting::get_pages_default_setting($this->settings_type, true, $from_XML);
     $selected = null;
     $current_selecion = null;
     $select_options = array();
     if ($this->settings_type == 'user') {
         $user_configurable_pages = array(PAGE_USER_PRIVATE, PAGE_USER_PUBLIC);
         foreach ($pages_default_setting as $page_details) {
             if (in_array($page_details->page_id, $user_configurable_pages)) {
                 $select_options[$page_details->page_name] = $page_details->page_id;
                 if ($this->pid == $page_details->page_id) {
                     $selected = $page_details->page_id;
                     $current_selection = $page_details;
                     $restore_settings = $page_details->getPageSettings();
     } else {
         foreach ($pages_default_setting as $page_details) {
             $select_options[$page_details->page_name] = $page_details->page_id;
             if ($this->pid == $page_details->page_id) {
                 $selected = $page_details->page_id;
                 $current_selection = $page_details;
                 $restore_settings = $page_details->getPageSettings();
     if ($this->restore_module_settings) {
         $module_settings = $restore_settings;
         $this->template_selected = null;
         $this->side_selected = null;
         $this->middle_selected = null;
     $tag_attrs = array('name' => "form_data[page_id]", 'onchange' => "javascript: document.location='" . $this->url . "&pid='+this.value");
     $select_tag = xHtml::selectTag($select_options, $tag_attrs, $selected);
     if (empty($module_settings['left'])) {
         $module_settings['left'] = array();
     if (empty($module_settings['middle'])) {
         $module_settings['middle'] = array();
     if (empty($module_settings['right'])) {
         $module_settings['right'] = array();
     if ($this->template_selected) {
         $selected_template = $this->template_selected;
     } else {
         $page_tmpl = trim($module_settings['page_template']);
         $available_templates = array_flip($this->page_templates);
         if (array_key_exists($page_tmpl, $available_templates)) {
             $selected_template = $available_templates[$page_tmpl];
     $template_tag_attrs = array('name' => "form_data[page_template]", 'onchange' => "javascript: document.location='" . $this->url . "&pid={$this->pid}&page_template='+this.value");
     $template_select_tag = xHtml::selectTag(array_flip($page_templates), $template_tag_attrs, $selected_template);
     $mod_info = new CNModulesInfo(array(PA::$project_dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . PA::$blockmodule_path, PA::$core_dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . PA::$blockmodule_path));
     $side_modules = $mod_info->getModulesByCondition($this->side_modules_condition);
     $middle_modules = $mod_info->getModulesByCondition($this->middle_modules_condition);
     $side_selected = null;
     $side_current_selecion = null;
     $side_select_options = array();
     foreach ($side_modules as $s_module) {
         $side_select_options[$s_module['name']] = $s_module['name'];
         if ($this->side_selected == $s_module['name']) {
             $side_selected = $s_module['name'];
     $side_select_options[" "] = " ";
     $side_tag_attrs = array('name' => "add_side_module", 'onchange' => "javascript: document.location='" . $this->url . "&pid={$this->pid}&page_template={$this->template_selected}&side_module='+this.value");
     $side_select_tag = xHtml::selectTag($side_select_options, $side_tag_attrs, $side_selected);
     $middle_selected = null;
     $middle_current_selecion = null;
     $middle_select_options = array();
     foreach ($middle_modules as $s_module) {
         $middle_select_options[$s_module['name']] = $s_module['name'];
         if ($this->middle_selected == $s_module['name']) {
             $middle_selected = $s_module['name'];
     $middle_select_options[" "] = " ";
     $middle_tag_attrs = array('name' => "add_middle_module", 'onchange' => "javascript: document.location='" . $this->url . "&pid={$this->pid}&page_template={$this->template_selected}&middle_module='+this.value");
     $middle_select_tag = xHtml::selectTag($middle_select_options, $middle_tag_attrs, $middle_selected);
     if (!is_null($this->middle_selected)) {
         array_push($module_settings['middle'], $this->middle_selected);
     if (!is_null($this->side_selected)) {
         array_push($module_settings['left'], $this->side_selected);
     $side_dissabled = 'none';
     switch ($selected_template) {
         case 'one':
             $side_dissabled = 'both';
             $show_columns = array('middle');
         case 'two':
         case 'two_l':
         case 'two_r':
                     $all_modules = array_merge($module_settings['left'], $module_settings['right']);
                     $module_settings['left'] = $all_modules;
                     $side_dissabled = 'right';
                     $show_columns = array('left', 'middle');
             $show_columns = array('left', 'middle', 'right');
         case 'three':
             $show_columns = array('left', 'middle', 'right');
     $this->inner_HTML = $this->generate_inner_html(array('page_id' => $this->pid, 'page_url' => $this->url, 'base_url' => $this->base_url, 'uid' => $this->uid, 'gid' => $this->gid, 'module_settings' => $module_settings, 'pages_default_setting' => $pages_default_setting, 'type' => 'module', 'settings_type' => $this->settings_type, 'select_tag' => $select_tag, 'template_select_tag' => $template_select_tag, 'side_select_tag' => $side_select_tag, 'middle_select_tag' => $middle_select_tag, 'current_selection' => $current_selection, 'side_dissabled' => $side_dissabled, 'show_columns' => $show_columns));
$user_data_professional = sanitize_user_data($user_professionaldata);
$data = array('user_data_general' => $user_data_general, 'user_data_personal' => $user_data_personal, 'user_data_professional' => $user_data_professional);
$user_data_external = sanitize_user_data(User::load_user_profile($uid, $uid, 'external'));
$delicious_id = @$user_data_external['delicious'];
$flickr_id = @$user_data_external['flickr_email'];
// try and get the Flickr nsid if user has imported profile
$user_data_flickr = sanitize_user_data(User::load_user_profile($uid, $uid, 'flickr'));
$flickr_nsid = @$user_data_flickr['nsid'];
// Loading user relations (relation ids)
$relations_ids = Relation::get_all_user_ids((int) $_SESSION['user']['id'], 5);
// $onload="ajax_call_method(ajax_titles, $uid, ajax_urls);";
// see if we have a user defined CSS
$user_data_ui = sanitize_user_data(User::load_user_profile($uid, $uid, 'ui'));
$skin_var = sanitize_user_data(User::load_user_profile($uid, $uid, 'skin'));
// accessing page settings data
$setting_data = ModuleSetting::load_setting(PAGE_USER_PRIVATE, $uid);
function setup_module($column, $moduleName, $obj)
    global $logged_user, $setting_data, $flickr_id, $flickr_nsid, $delicious_id, $uid, $data;
    global $content_type, $post_type_message, $paging, $relations_ids, $post_type_message, $post_type;
    global $type, $user_data_ui, $skin_var, $setting_data, $user_info;
    switch ($moduleName) {
        case 'CustomizeUIModule':
            $obj->uid = $uid;
            $obj->type = $type;
            $obj->data = $data;
            $obj->user_data_ui = $user_data_ui;
            $obj->skin_var = $skin_var;
            $obj->setting_data = $setting_data;
        case 'InRelationModule':
    $contents[$i]['trackback_url'] = "{$base_url}/pa_trackback.php?cid=" . $contents[$i]['content_id'];
    $tags = Tag::load_tags_for_content($contents[$i]['content_id']);
    if ($tags) {
        $t = array();
        for ($j = 0; $j < count($tags); $j++) {
            $t_name = $tags[$j]['name'];
            $uid = $_SESSION['user']['id'];
            $t[] = "<a href=\"content_all.php?uid={$uid}&tag={$t_name}\">" . $tags[$j]['name'] . "</a>";
        $contents[$i]['tag_entry'] = "<b>Tags : </b>" . implode(", ", $t);
    } else {
        $contents[$i]['tag_entry'] = "";
// accessing page settings data
$setting_data = ModuleSetting::load_setting(2, 1);
// members
$users = User::allUsers_with_paging(1, 10);
// header
$header =& new Template(CURRENT_THEME_FSPATH . "/header_all.tpl");
$header->set('current_theme_path', $current_theme_path);
$module2 = new LinkModule($links['myself']);
$module2->mode = PRI;
$module2->title = "Published Links";
$module2->orientation = LEFT;
$module1 = new ShowContentModule($contents);
$module1->title = "Community Content";
$module3 = new LinkModule($links['myself']);
$module3->mode = PRI;
$module3->block_type = 'Homepage';
$module3->title = "My Links";
 function __construct($cb, $page_type, $title, $page_template = "homepage_pa.tpl", $header_template = "header.tpl", $default_mode = PRI, $default_block_type = HOMEPAGE, $network_info_ = NULL, $onload = NULL, $setting_data = NULL)
     global $login_uid, $page_uid, $uid, $path_prefix, $current_theme_path, $current_theme_rel_path, $base_url, $network_info, $current_blockmodule_path;
     $this->debugging = isset($_GET['debug']);
     $this->page_template = $page_template;
     $this->top_navigation_template = 'top_navigation_bar.tpl';
     //TO DO: Remove this hardcoded text afterwards
     $this->header_template = $header_template;
     //settings for current network
     $this->network_info = $network_info_ ? $network_info_ : $network_info;
     //FIXME: does this have to be a parameter?  can't we just always use the global $network_info?
     // the function hide_message_window is added here
     // so whenever html page is loaded the message window's ok button gets focus
     // here if previouly some function is defined as
     // onload = "ajax_call_method(ajax_titles, $uid, ajax_urls);"
     // now it will look like
     // onload = "ajax_call_method(ajax_titles, $uid, ajax_urls); hide_message_window();"
     $this->onload = "{$onload} hide_message_window('confirm_btn');";
     $this->page_title = $title;
     $this->html_body_attributes = "";
     // default settings for the tiers
     $this->main_tier = @$_GET['tier_one'];
     $this->second_tier = @$_GET['tier_two'];
     $this->third_tier = @$_GET['tier_three'];
     $navigation = new Navigation();
     $navigation_links = $navigation->get_links();
     $message_count = null;
     if ($login_uid) {
         $message_count = Message::get_new_msg_count($login_uid);
     // load all templates
     $this->page =& new Template(CURRENT_THEME_FSPATH . "/" . $this->page_template);
     $this->page->set('current_theme_path', $current_theme_path);
     $this->page->set('current_theme_rel_path', $current_theme_rel_path);
     $this->page->set('base_url', $base_url);
     // Loading the templates variables for the Outer templates files
     $this->page->set('outer_class', get_class_name($page_type));
     $this->top_navigation_bar =& new Template(CURRENT_THEME_FSPATH . "/" . $this->top_navigation_template);
     $this->top_navigation_bar->set('current_theme_path', $current_theme_path);
     $this->top_navigation_bar->set('current_theme_rel_path', $current_theme_rel_path);
     $this->top_navigation_bar->set('navigation_links', $navigation_links);
     $this->header =& new Template(CURRENT_THEME_FSPATH . "/" . $this->header_template);
     $this->header->set('current_theme_path', $current_theme_path);
     $this->header->set('current_theme_rel_path', $current_theme_rel_path);
     $this->header->set('base_url', $base_url);
     $this->header->set_object('network_info', $this->network_info);
     $this->header->set('message_count', $message_count['unread_msg']);
     $this->header->set('navigation_links', $navigation_links);
     $this->footer =& new Template(CURRENT_THEME_FSPATH . "/footer.tpl");
     $this->footer->set('current_theme_path', $current_theme_path);
     $this->footer->set('page_name', $title);
     // load module settings
     // if we want to change the Module's arrangement then we give the setting_data to this function or we want to change the Ordering of the Modules ...
     if ($setting_data) {
         $this->setting_data = $setting_data;
     } else {
         $this->setting_data = !$page_type ? NULL : ModuleSetting::load_setting($page_type, $uid);
     // render all modules
     $this->module_arrays = array();
     foreach (array("left", "middle", "right") as $module_column) {
         $modulesFromDB = !$page_type ? NULL : @$this->setting_data[$module_column];
         $array_modules = array();
         // render all modules
         if ($modulesFromDB) {
             foreach ($modulesFromDB as $moduleName) {
                 if (!$moduleName) {
                 $file = "{$current_blockmodule_path}/{$moduleName}/{$moduleName}.php";
                 try {
                     require_once $file;
                 } catch (Exception $e) {
                     echo "<p>Failed to require_once {$file}.</p>";
                     throw $e;
                 $obj = new $moduleName();
                 $obj->login_uid = (int) $login_uid;
                 // uid of logged in user
                 $obj->page_uid = (int) $page_uid;
                 // uid specified in URL
                 // standard column-specific initialization
                 switch ($module_column) {
                     case 'left':
                     case 'right':
                         if ($default_mode) {
                             $obj->mode = $default_mode;
                         // some modules don't like to be set as PRI/HOMEPAGE
                         switch ($moduleName) {
                             case 'LogoModule':
                             case 'AdsByGoogleModule':
                             case 'GroupAccessModule':
                             case 'GroupStatsModule':
                                 if ($default_block_type) {
                                     $obj->block_type = $default_block_type;
                     case 'middle':
                 // now call the page callback and see if we need to skip
                 // displaying this module
                 $skipped = FALSE;
                 if ($cb) {
                     switch ($cb($module_column, $moduleName, $obj)) {
                         case 'skip':
                             $skipped = TRUE;
                 // now render for display
                 if (!$skipped) {
                     $start_time = microtime(TRUE);
                     $html = $obj->render();
                     $render_time = microtime(TRUE) - $start_time;
                     $array_modules[] = $html;
                 if ($this->debugging) {
                     $dhtml = "&larr; {$moduleName} ({$obj->block_type}; {$obj->mode}; " . sprintf("%.3f s", $render_time) . ")";
                     if ($skipped) {
                         $dhtml .= " SKIPPED";
                     $dhtml .= "<br>";
                     $array_modules[] = $dhtml;
         $this->module_arrays[$module_column] = $array_modules;
     $pages = Advertisement::get_pages();
     // get pages where ads is to be displayed
     $display_ad = FALSE;
     foreach ($pages as $page) {
         if ($page_type == $page['value']) {
             $display_ad = TRUE;
     if ($display_ad) {
         // get all ads
         $all_ads = Advertisement::get(array('direction' => 'ASC', 'sort_by' => 'orientation'), array('page_id' => $page_type, 'is_active' => ACTIVE));
         if (!empty($all_ads)) {
             foreach ($all_ads as $ad) {
                 $pos = $ad->orientation;
                 $pos = explode(',', $ad->orientation);
                 $x_loc = $pos[0];
                 //y_loc was not originally designed so for already created ads
                 //FIX for already created ads
                 if (array_key_exists(1, $pos)) {
                     $y_loc = $pos[1];
                 } else {
                     $y_loc = 1;
                     //Ads created before this logic implementation should come on top
                 //horizontal and vertical position should not be empty
                 if (!empty($x_loc) && !empty($y_loc)) {
                     $array_of_data = array('links' => $ad);
                     $inner_html = $this->add_block_module('AdvertisementModule', $array_of_data);
                     $this->add_module_xy($x_loc, $y_loc, $inner_html);
         //end of if all_ads
     //end of display_ad
if ($content->parent_collection_id != -1) {
    //load here content collection
    $cid = $content->parent_collection_id;
    $collection = ContentCollection::load_collection((int) $cid, PA::$login_uid);
    if ($collection->type == GROUP_COLLECTION_TYPE) {
        $is_member = Group::member_exists((int) $cid, PA::$login_uid);
        $is_admin = Group::is_admin((int) $cid, PA::$login_uid);
        $is_group_content = TRUE;
        $header = 'header_group.tpl';
        // group header will be user in this case.
        //its group so lets load group details and group modules
        $media_gallery = 'grouppage';
        $group_details = pageLoadGroup($collection);
        $gid = $content->parent_collection_id;
        $setting_group_data = ModuleSetting::load_setting(PAGE_GROUP, $uid);
        $setting_data['left'] = $setting_group_data['left'];
        $setting_data['right'] = $setting_group_data['right'];
        if ($collection->reg_type == REG_INVITE && !$is_member && !$is_admin) {
            $error_message = 9005;
} else {
    $group_details = $collection = NULL;
// Code for Approving and Denying the Pending Content Moderations: Starts
if (!empty($_GET["cid"]) && !empty($_GET["ccid"])) {
    $type = 'content';
    if (Group::is_admin((int) $_GET["ccid"], (int) PA::$login_uid)) {
        $Group = new Group();
        $Group->collection_id = $_GET["ccid"];
// loading images
$pictures = Image::load_images($uid, 10);
// loading audio
$audios = Audio::load_audio($uid, 10);
// loading video
$videos = Video::load_video($uid, 10);
if ($_SESSION['user']['id']) {
    $user = new User();
    $user->load((int) $uid);
} else {
    header("Location: homepage.php?error=1");
// accessing page settings data
$setting_data = ModuleSetting::load_setting(4, $uid);
// user general info
$user_data_general = array();
$user_generaldata = User::load_user_profile($uid, (int) $_SESSION['user']['id'], GENERAL);
for ($i = 0; $i < count($user_generaldata); $i++) {
    $name = $user_generaldata[$i]['name'];
    $value = $user_generaldata[$i]['value'];
    $perm_name = $name . "_perm";
    $perm_value = $user_generaldata[$i]['perm'];
    $user_data_general["{$name}"] = $value;
    $user_data_general["{$perm_name}"] = $perm_value;
// relations
if ($_SESSION['user']['id']) {
    // user Relations (user relations with all informations)
    $relations = Relation::get_all_relations((int) $uid);
    $groups = new Group();
    $group_type = $groups->group_type;
function setup_module($column, $module, $obj)
    global $login_uid, $paging, $page_uid, $super_groups_available, $user_type, $group_type;
    switch ($module) {
        case 'AddGroupModule':
            if (!empty($_REQUEST['gid'])) {
                $obj->id = $_REQUEST['gid'];
$setting_data = ModuleSetting::load_setting(PAGE_ADDGROUP, PA::$login_uid);
$page = new PageRenderer("setup_module", PAGE_ADDGROUP, "{$title} - " . PA::$network_info->name, 'container_three_column.tpl', $header, PRI, HOMEPAGE, PA::$network_info, NULL, $setting_data);
if (!empty($_REQUEST['msg'])) {
    $message = null;
} else {
    if (!empty($_REQUEST['error_msg'])) {
        $message = null;
    } else {
        $message = null;
if ($edit) {
} else {
            $params['uid'] = $_SESSION['user']['id'];
            auto_email_notification('some_joins_a_network', $params);
        } else {
            //$msg = "Please login first to join the network.";
            header("Location: {$base_url}/login.php?error=1&return=" . urlencode($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']));
    } catch (PAException $e) {
        $msg .= $e->message;
$parameter = '<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" src="' . $current_theme_path . '/base_javascript.js"></script></script>
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" src="' . $current_theme_path . '/javascript/prototype.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" src="' . $current_theme_path . '/javascript/scriptaculous.js"></script>';
html_header("Networks in category", $parameter);
$setting_data = ModuleSetting::load_setting(PAGE_NETWORKS_CATEGORY, $uid);
$leftModulesFromDB = $setting_data['left'];
$middleModulesFromDB = $setting_data['middle'];
$rightModulesFromDB = $setting_data['right'];
$page =& new Template(CURRENT_THEME_FSPATH . "/groups.tpl");
$page->set('current_theme_path', $current_theme_path);
$page->set('base_url', $base_url);
//header of group page
$optional_parameters = "onload=\"{$onload}\"";
//header of group page
$header =& new Template(CURRENT_THEME_FSPATH . "/header.tpl");
$header->set('current_theme_path', $current_theme_path);
$header->set('current_theme_rel_path', $current_theme_rel_path);
// find navigation link for header
$navigation = new Navigation();