if (MPage::IsDefined("stylesheet")) {
    echo MPage::PlaceHolder("stylesheet");
if (MPage::IsDefined("scripts")) {
    echo MPage::PlaceHolder("scripts");
        <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
        <div id="wrapper">
include "inc/header.php";
include "inc/topmenu.php";
            <div id="dash">
if (MPage::IsDefined("body")) {
    echo MPage::PlaceHolder("body");
include "inc/footer.php";

This is some ASP-like master page. You just have to define where you wanna put the pieces of your site and the MPage class does the rest.

<div id="menu">
echo MPage::PlaceHolder("menuitems");

echo MPage::PlaceHolder("body");

<hr />

echo MPage::PlaceHolder("copyright");

<hr />

<!-- Here goes the partial render of div.php -->
