Exemple #1
 function test_local_global()
     $template = new LiquidTemplate();
     $template->register_filter(new MoneyFilter());
     $template->parse('{{1000 | money}}');
     $this->assertIdentical(' 1000$ ', $template->render());
     $this->assertIdentical(' 1000$ CAD ', $template->render(null, new CanadianMoneyFilter()));
Exemple #2
 function test_override_global_filter()
     $template = new LiquidTemplate();
     $template->register_filter(new GlobalFilter());
     $template->parse("{{'test' | notice }}");
     $this->assertEqual('Global test', $template->render());
     $this->assertEqual('Local test', $template->render(array(), new LocalFilter()));
Exemple #3

class ProductsFilter
    function price($integer)
        return sprintf("\$%.2d USD", $integer / 100);
    function prettyprint($text)
        return preg_replace('/\\*(.*)\\*/', '<b>\\1</b>', $text);
    function count($array)
        return count($array);
    function paragraph($p)
        return "<p>" . $p . "</p>";
require_once '../lib/liquid.php';
$liquid = new LiquidTemplate();
$liquid->register_filter(new ProductsFilter());
$products_list = array(array('name' => 'Arbor Draft', 'price' => 39900, 'description' => 'the *arbor draft* is a excellent product'), array('name' => 'Arbor Element', 'price' => 40000, 'description' => 'the *arbor element* rocks for freestyling'), array('name' => 'Arbor Diamond', 'price' => 59900, 'description' => 'the *arbor diamond* is a made up product because im obsessed with arbor and have no creativity'));
$products = array('products' => $products_list, 'section' => 'Snowboards', 'cool_products' => true);
$assigns = array('date' => date('r'));
print $liquid->render($products);