public function test_choices() { $blogs = Jam::all('test_blog')->load_fields(array(array('id' => 1, 'name' => 'Flowers blog', 'url' => ''), array('id' => 2, 'name' => 'Awesome programming', 'url' => ''), array('id' => 3, 'name' => 'Tabless', 'url' => ''))); $select = $blogs->as_array(':primary_key', ':name_key'); $choices = Jam_Form::list_choices($blogs); $this->assertEquals($select, $choices); $choices = Jam_Form::list_choices($select); $this->assertEquals($select, $choices); }
public function render() { $html = Tart::html($this, function ($h, $self) { $h('table', $self->attributes(), function ($h, $self) { $h('thead', function ($h, $self) { if ($self->selected() !== NULL and $self->selected() !== FALSE) { $h('th', array('width' => 10), function ($h, $self) { $h('input', array('type' => 'checkbox', 'name' => 'all', 'value' => '1', 'checked' => array_diff($self->collection()->ids(), $self->selected()) ? NULL : 'checked')); }); } foreach ($self->columns() as $column) { $attributes = array('width' => $column->width()); if ($column->sort()) { $attributes['nowrap'] = 'nowrap'; } $h('th', $attributes, $column->sort() ? $column->sort_anchor() : $column->label()); } }); $h('tbody', function ($h, $self) { foreach ($self->collection() as $item) { $h('tr', array('class' => Tart_Table::item_class_name($item)), function ($h, $self) use($item) { if ($self->selected() !== NULL and $self->selected() !== FALSE) { $h('td', function ($h, $self) use($item) { $h('input', array('type' => 'checkbox', 'name' => 'id[]', 'value' => Jam_Form::list_id($item), 'checked' => in_array(Jam_Form::list_id($item), $self->selected()) ? TRUE : NULL)); }); } foreach ($self->columns() as $column) { $h('td', $column->item($item)->render()); } }); } }); if ($self->footer()) { $h('tfoot', $self->footer()); } }); }); return $html->render(); }
public function render() { $html = Tart::html($this, function ($h, $self) { $h('div.thumbnails', function ($h, $self) { foreach ($self->collection() as $item) { $h('', function ($h, $self) use($item) { if ($self->selected() !== NULL) { $h('td', function ($h, $self) use($item) { $h('input', array('type' => 'checkbox', 'name' => 'id[]', 'value' => Jam_Form::list_id($item), 'checked' => in_array(Jam_Form::list_id($item), $self->selected()) ? TRUE : NULL)); }); } foreach ($self->columns() as $column) { $h('td', $column->render($item, $self)); } }); } if ($self->footer()) { $h('tfoot', $self->footer()); } }); }); return $html->render(); }
/** * Radios select, bootstrap style * @param string $name * @param array $options * @param array $attributes * @return string */ public function radios($name, array $options = array(), array $attributes = array()) { $attributes = $this->default_attributes($name, $attributes); if (!isset($options['choices'])) { throw new Kohana_Exception('Radios tag widget requires a \'choices\' option'); } $choices = Jam_Form::list_choices($options['choices']); if ($blank = Arr::get($options, 'include_blank')) { Arr::unshift($choices, '', $blank === TRUE ? __(" -- Select -- ") : $blank); } $radios = array(); foreach ($choices as $key => $title) { $radio = $this->radio($name, array('value' => $key), array('id' => $attributes['id'] . '_' . $key)); $radios[] = new Builder_Html('label', array('class' => 'radio'), $radio . $title); } return '<div ' . HTML::attributes($attributes) . '>' . join("\n", $radios) . '</div>'; }
/** * Create a nested form for a child association of the model, assigning the correct prefix * * @param string $name of the association * @param int $index an index id of a collection (if the association if a colleciton) * @return Jam_Form */ public function fields_for($name, $index = NULL) { $object = $this->object()->{$name}; if ($index !== NULL) { if (is_numeric($index) and $object[$index]) { $object = $object[$index]; } else { $object = $object->build(); } } elseif (!$object) { $object = $this->object()->build($name); } $new_prefix = Jam_Form::generate_prefix($this->prefix(), $name, $index); return Jam::form($object, get_class($this))->prefix($new_prefix); }
public function render() { if (!$this->item()) { throw new Kohana_Exception('You must assign an item before you render'); } if ($callback = $this->callback()) { $content = call_user_func($callback, $this->item(), $this->name(), $this); } elseif ($field = $this->item()->meta()->field($this->name())) { $content = Tart_Column::render_field($this->item(), $field); } elseif ($association = $this->item()->meta()->association($this->name())) { $content = Tart_Column::render_association($this->item(), $association); } else { $content = (string) $this->item()->{$this->name()}; } if ($content) { if ($this->_filter and $this->_filter_name and $this->_is_link) { $content = $this->_filter->anchor($this->_filter_name, Jam_Form::list_id($this->item()->{$this->name()}), $content, array('href' => Tart::uri($this->item()->{$this->name()}))); } if ($this->_is_link) { $content = HTML::anchor(Tart::uri($this->item()->{$this->name()}), $content); } if ($this->_filter and $this->_filter_name) { $content = $this->_filter->anchor($this->_filter_name, Jam_Form::list_id($this->item()->{$this->name()}), $content); } } return $content; }
/** * HTML input select field * available options * - choices - this can be Jam_Query_Builder_Collection or a simple array * - include_blank - bool|string - include an empty option * * @param string $name the name of the Jam_Model attribute * @param array $options set the options of the select with 'choices' and 'include_blank' * @param array $attributes HTML attributes for the field * @return string */ public function select($name, array $options = array(), array $attributes = array()) { $attributes = $this->default_attributes($name, $attributes); if (!isset($options['choices'])) { throw new Kohana_Exception("Select tag widget requires a 'choices' option"); } $choices = Jam_Form::list_choices($options['choices']); if ($blank = Arr::get($options, 'include_blank')) { Arr::unshift($choices, '', $blank === TRUE ? " -- Select -- " : $blank); } $selected = Jam_Form::list_id($this->object()->{$name}); return Form::select($attributes['name'], $choices, $selected, $attributes); }