public function save() { // This array maps the telephony returns to the telephony file $telephonyOptions = array('cfg_root' => rtrim($this->session->get('installer.ast_root'), '/'), 'AmiHost' => $this->session->get('installer.ami_host'), 'AmiPort' => $this->session->get('installer.ami_port'), 'AmiUser' => $this->session->get('installer.ami_user'), 'AmiPass' => $this->session->get('installer.ami_pass')); if (!is_dir($telephonyOptions['cfg_root'])) { message::set('Unable to access directory <pre>' . $telephonyOptions['cfg_root'] . '</pre>'); return false; } // Write $telephonyOptions to asterisk.php if (!Installer_Controller::updateConfig($telephonyOptions, 'asterisk')) { return false; } // Set the driver name in telephony.php if (!Installer_Controller::updateConfig(array('driver' => 'Asterisk'), 'telephony')) { return false; } // Reload the new asterisk options Kohana::config_clear('asterisk'); Kohana::config_load('asterisk'); $this->session->set('installer.default_packages', kohana::config('asterisk.default_packages')); return true; }
public static function run() { self::prepare(); // if installer - skipping configuration etc, just loading controller and generating if (self::$appType == self::Installer) { include BundlesPath . 'installer/installer.controller.php'; self::$controllerName = 'installer'; self::$controller = $controller = new Installer_Controller(); $controller->bundleName = 'installer'; $controller->installer(); $controller->generate(); return; } // indexing modules (if debug or admin logged) if (defined('WM_Debug') || Users::isLogged()) { self::indexModules(); } // if ACP - checking if logged in if (self::$appType == self::Admin && !Users::isLogged()) { SiteRedirect('#/users/login/' . base64_encode(self::$requestURL)); exit; } // auto-loading extensions new FrontendLibraries(); if (self::$appType == self::Admin) { new Sblam(); } // Atom feed shortut if (self::$segments == array('feed') && self::$format == 'atom') { self::$segments = array('blog', 'feed'); } // blog posts shortcut if (count(self::$segments) >= 3 && is_numeric(self::$segments[0]) && is_numeric(self::$segments[1])) { self::$segments = array('blog', '_post', self::$segments[2]); } // loading controller and generating self::loadController(); self::$controller->generate(); }
/** * This process ensures that the config files are accessable, can be written to * and saves the ESL data... currently ESL connections are not tested.... * * @return bool */ private function processTelephony() { $driver = $this->session->get('installer.tel_driver', 'none'); if ($driver != 'none') { $this->session->set('installer.install_' . $driver, TRUE); // Add an event for this telephony driver exclusively $this->pluginEvents['driver'] = Router::$controller . '.' . $this->currentStep . '.' . $driver; } else { // Set the driver name to none in telephony.php if there is no driver if (!Installer_Controller::updateConfig(array('driver' => 'none'), 'telephony')) { return FALSE; } } //Anonymous_Statistics::addMsg($driver, 'tel_driver', 'installer', 'tel_driver'); return TRUE; }
public function save() { if (!class_exists('DOMDocument')) { message::set('This driver requires ' . html::anchor('', 'DOMDocument', array('target' => '_new')) . ' to be installed and active'); return false; } // This array maps the telephony returns to the telephony file $telephonyOptions = array('cfg_root' => rtrim($this->session->get('installer.cfg_root'), '/'), 'audio_root' => rtrim($this->session->get('installer.audio_root'), '/'), 'ESLHost' => $this->session->get('installer.esl_host'), 'ESLPort' => $this->session->get('installer.esl_port'), 'ESLAuth' => $this->session->get('installer.esl_auth')); if (!is_dir($telephonyOptions['cfg_root'])) { message::set('Unable to access directory <pre>' . $telephonyOptions['cfg_root'] . '</pre>'); return false; } if (!is_dir($telephonyOptions['audio_root'])) { message::set('Unable to access directory <pre>' . $telephonyOptions['audio_root'] . '</pre>'); return false; } // Write $telephonyOptions to freeswitch.php if (!Installer_Controller::updateConfig($telephonyOptions, 'freeswitch')) { return false; } // Set the driver name in telephony.php if (!Installer_Controller::updateConfig(array('driver' => 'FreeSwitch'), 'telephony')) { return false; } // Reload the new telephony options so we can use the filemap Kohana::config_clear('freeswitch'); Kohana::config_load('freeswitch'); $filemaps = Kohana::config('freeswitch.filemap'); $notWritable = array(); foreach ($filemaps as $filemap) { if (!filesystem::is_writable($filemap['filename'])) { $notWritable[] = $filemap['filename']; } } if (!empty($notWritable)) { $notWritable = array_unique($notWritable); if (empty($this->template->error)) { message::set('Ensure the web server has write permission on these files, and SELINUX allows this action.' . '<div class="write_help">Unable to write to the following file(s):</div>' . '<div>' . arr::arrayToUL($notWritable, array(), array('class' => 'error_details', 'style' => 'text-align:left;')) . '</div>'); } return false; } // Make sure that if the user changed the directory and any conflicts were found that the user // knows these will be deleted $existingProfiles = glob(rtrim($telephonyOptions['cfg_root'], '/') . '/sip_profiles/*.xml', GLOB_MARK); $oldXmlFiles = array(); foreach ($filemaps as $filemap) { if (file_exists($filemap['filename'])) { $oldXmlFiles[] = $filemap['filename']; } } $conflictXmlFiles = $this->session->get('installer.conflictXmlFiles'); foreach (array_unique(array_merge($existingProfiles, $oldXmlFiles)) as $existingFile) { if (!in_array($existingFile, $conflictXmlFiles)) { message::set('Conflicting configuration files will be permanently erased if you continue!'); message::set('Click continue again to proceed...', 'alert'); // This session var lets the user continue the second time around (after the warning) $this->session->set('installer.confirm_delete', true); return false; } } // If there are conflictXmlFile in the session then the user has seen this list // so they SHOULD be aware we are about to delete them... should $conflictXmlFiles = $this->session->get('installer.conflictXmlFiles'); if (!empty($conflictXmlFiles) && is_array($conflictXmlFiles)) { $confirmDelete = $this->session->get('installer.confirm_delete', false); if (empty($confirmDelete)) { message::set('Conflicting configuration files will be permanently erased if you continue!'); message::set('Click continue again to proceed...', 'alert'); // This session var lets the user continue the second time around (after the warning) $this->session->set('installer.confirm_delete', true); return false; } foreach ($conflictXmlFiles as $conflictXmlFile) { if (!filesystem::delete($conflictXmlFile)) { Kohana::log('error', 'Unable to unlink ' . $conflictXmlFile); $unlinkErrors[] = $conflictXmlFile; } } } // If there are files that could not be deleted, inform the user if (!empty($unlinkErrors)) { message::set('Manually remove these files or change the file permissions.' . '<div class="write_help">Unable to delete incompatible file(s):</div>' . '<div>' . arr::arrayToUL($unlinkErrors, array(), array('class' => 'error_details', 'style' => 'text-align:left;')) . '</div>'); return false; } $this->session->set('installer.default_packages', kohana::config('freeswitch.default_packages')); return true; }