  * Research TE on this BLueprint.
  * @param IndustryModifier $iMod the object that holds all the information about skills, implants, system industry
  * indices, tax and assemblyLines
  * @param int $startTE the initial TE level
  * @param int $endTE the TE level after the research
  * @param int $manuRecursionDepth defines if and how deep used materials should be manufactured recursively
  * @return \iveeCore\ResearchTEProcessData describing the research process
 public function researchTE(IndustryModifier $iMod, $startTE, $endTE, $manuRecursionDepth = 1)
     $startTE = abs((int) $startTE);
     $endTE = abs((int) $endTE);
     if ($startTE < 0 or $startTE >= $endTE or $endTE > 20 or $startTE % 2 != 0 or $endTE % 2 != 0) {
         self::throwException('InvalidParameterValueException', "Invalid start or end research levels given");
     //get modifiers and test if TE research is possible with the given assemblyLines
     $modifier = $iMod->getModifier(ProcessData::ACTIVITY_RESEARCH_TE, $this);
     $scaleModifier = static::calcResearchMultiplier($startTE / 2, $endTE / 2);
     $researchTEDataClass = Config::getIveeClassName('ResearchTEProcessData');
     $rtdata = new $researchTEDataClass($this->id, ceil($scaleModifier * $modifier['t'] * $this->getBaseTimeForActivity(ProcessData::ACTIVITY_RESEARCH_TE)), $scaleModifier * $modifier['c'] * $this->getProductBaseCost($iMod->getMaxPriceDataAge()) * 0.02, -$startTE, -$endTE, $modifier['solarSystemId'], $modifier['assemblyLineTypeId']);
     $this->addActivityMaterials($iMod, $rtdata, ProcessData::ACTIVITY_RESEARCH_TE, $modifier['m'], ($endTE - $startTE) / 2, $manuRecursionDepth, 0);
     return $rtdata;
  * Returns an InventionProcessData object describing the invention process.
  * @param \iveeCore\IndustryModifier $iMod the object with all the necessary industry modifying entities
  * @param int $inventedBpId the ID if the blueprint to be invented. If left null, it is set to the first
  * inventable blueprint ID
  * @param int $decryptorId the decryptor the be used, if any
  * @param int $manuRecursionDepth defines if and how deep used materials should be manufactured recursively
  * @return \iveeCore\InventionProcessData
  * @throws \iveeCore\Exceptions\NotInventableException if the specified blueprint can't be invented from this
  * @throws \iveeCore\Exceptions\WrongTypeException if decryptorId isn't a decryptor
 public function invent(IndustryModifier $iMod, $inventedBpId = null, $decryptorId = null, $manuRecursionDepth = 1)
     $inventionDataClass = Config::getIveeClassName('InventionProcessData');
     $inventableBpIds = $this->getInventableBlueprintIds();
     //if no inventedBpId given, set to first inventable BP ID
     if (is_null($inventedBpId)) {
         $inventedBpId = $inventableBpIds[0];
     } elseif (!isset($this->inventsBlueprintIds[$inventedBpId])) {
         self::throwException('NotInventableException', "Specified blueprint can't be invented from this inventor blueprint.");
     //get invented BP
     $inventedBp = Type::getById($inventedBpId);
     //get modifiers and test if inventing is possible with the given assemblyLines
     $modifier = $iMod->getModifier(ProcessData::ACTIVITY_INVENTING, $inventedBp->getProduct());
     //calculate base cost, its the average of all possible invented BP's product base cost
     $baseCost = 0;
     $numInventableBps = 0;
     foreach ($inventableBpIds as $inventableBpId) {
         $inventableBp = Type::getById($inventableBpId);
         if ($inventableBp instanceof InventableBlueprint) {
             $baseCost += $inventableBp->getProductBaseCost($iMod->getMaxPriceDataAge());
     $baseCost = $baseCost / $numInventableBps;
     //with decryptor
     if ($decryptorId > 0) {
         $decryptor = $this->getAndCheckDecryptor($decryptorId);
         $idata = new $inventionDataClass($inventedBpId, $this->getBaseTimeForActivity(ProcessData::ACTIVITY_INVENTING) * $modifier['t'], $baseCost * 0.02 * $modifier['c'], $this->calcInventionProbability($iMod->getCharacterModifier()) * $decryptor->getProbabilityModifier(), $this->inventionOutputRuns + $decryptor->getRunModifier(), -2 - $decryptor->getMEModifier(), -4 - $decryptor->getTEModifier(), $modifier['solarSystemId'], $modifier['assemblyLineTypeId']);
         $idata->addMaterial($decryptorId, 1);
     } else {
         //without decryptor
         $idata = new $inventionDataClass($inventedBpId, $this->getBaseTimeForActivity(ProcessData::ACTIVITY_INVENTING) * $modifier['t'], $baseCost * 0.02 * $modifier['c'], $this->calcInventionProbability($iMod->getCharacterModifier()), $this->inventionOutputRuns, -2, -4, $modifier['solarSystemId'], $modifier['assemblyLineTypeId']);
     $this->addActivityMaterials($iMod, $idata, ProcessData::ACTIVITY_INVENTING, $modifier['m'], 1, $manuRecursionDepth, 0);
     return $idata;
  * Returns an InventionProcessData object describing the invention process.
  * @param IndustryModifier $iMod the object with all the necessary industry modifying entities
  * @param int $inventedBpID the ID if the blueprint to be invented. If left null, it is set to the first 
  * inventable blueprint ID
  * @param int $decryptorID the decryptor the be used, if any
  * @param boolean $recursive defines if manufacturables should be build recursively
  * @return \iveeCore\InventionProcessData
  * @throws \iveeCore\Exceptions\NotInventableException if the specified blueprint can't be invented from this
  * @throws \iveeCore\Exceptions\WrongTypeException if decryptorID isn't a decryptor
  * @throws \iveeCore\Exceptions\InvalidDecryptorGroupException if a non-matching decryptor is specified
 public function invent(IndustryModifier $iMod, $inventedBpID = null, $decryptorID = null, $recursive = true)
     $inventionDataClass = Config::getIveeClassName('InventionProcessData');
     $typeClass = Config::getIveeClassName('Type');
     $inventableBpIDs = $this->getInventableBlueprintIDs();
     //if no inventedBpID given, set to first inventable BP ID
     if (is_null($inventedBpID)) {
         $inventedBpID = $inventableBpIDs[0];
     } elseif (!isset($this->inventsBlueprintIDs[$inventedBpID])) {
         self::throwException('NotInventableException', "Specified blueprint can't be invented from this inventor blueprint.");
     //get invented BP
     $inventedBp = $typeClass::getById($inventedBpID);
     //get modifiers and test if inventing is possible with the given assemblyLines
     $modifier = $iMod->getModifier(ProcessData::ACTIVITY_INVENTING, $inventedBp->getProduct());
     //calculate base cost, its the average of all possible invented BP's product base cost
     $baseCost = 0;
     foreach ($inventableBpIDs as $inventableBpID) {
         $baseCost += $typeClass::getById($inventableBpID)->getProductBaseCost();
     $baseCost = $baseCost / count($inventableBpIDs);
     //with decryptor
     if ($decryptorID > 0) {
         $decryptor = $this->getAndCheckDecryptor($decryptorID);
         $idata = new $inventionDataClass($inventedBpID, $this->getBaseTimeForActivity(ProcessData::ACTIVITY_INVENTING) * $modifier['t'], $baseCost * 0.02 * $modifier['c'], $this->calcInventionProbability() * $decryptor->getProbabilityModifier(), $inventedBp->getMaxProductionLimit() + $decryptor->getRunModifier(), -2 - $decryptor->getMEModifier(), -4 - $decryptor->getTEModifier(), $modifier['solarSystemID'], $modifier['assemblyLineTypeID'], isset($modifier['teamID']) ? $modifier['teamID'] : null);
         $idata->addMaterial($decryptorID, 1);
     } else {
         //without decryptor
         $idata = new $inventionDataClass($inventedBpID, $this->getBaseTimeForActivity(ProcessData::ACTIVITY_INVENTING) * $modifier['t'], $baseCost * 0.02 * $modifier['c'], $this->calcInventionProbability(), $inventedBp->getMaxProductionLimit(), -2, -4, $modifier['solarSystemID'], $modifier['assemblyLineTypeID'], isset($modifier['teamID']) ? $modifier['teamID'] : null);
     $this->addActivityMaterials($iMod, $idata, ProcessData::ACTIVITY_INVENTING, $modifier['m'], 1, $recursive);
     return $idata;
Exemple #4
  * Returns an ReverseEngineerProcessData object describing the reverse engineering process. It can give both
  * requirements per attempt or average per success, by using the appropriate methods.
  * Note that, unlike with invention, it is not possible to select which item exactly is gonna be produced by the 
  * reverse engineering process apart from the race. Therefore using this method for determining the profits for
  * a certain reverse engineered item is not realistic, as it does not take into account the other items that might 
  * also be produced instead. The method reverseEngineerByRaceID() tries to better model this by calculating the 
  * process for each of the possible results. 
  * @param IndustryModifier $iMod the object with all the necessary industry modifying entities
  * @param int $reverseEngineeredBpID the ID of the blueprint to be reverse engineered
  * @param boolean $recursive defines if manufacturables should be built recursively
  * @return \iveeCore\ReverseEngineerProcessData
  * @throws \iveeCore\Exceptions\NotReverseEngineerableException if the specified blueprint can't be reverse
  * engineered from this Relic
 public function reverseEngineer(IndustryModifier $iMod, $reverseEngineeredBpID, $recursive = true)
     $reverseEngineeringDataClass = Config::getIveeClassName('ReverseEngineerProcessData');
     $typeClass = Config::getIveeClassName('Type');
     if (!isset($this->reverseEngineersBlueprintIDs[$reverseEngineeredBpID])) {
         self::throwException('NotReverseEngineerableException', "Specified type can't be reverse engineered from this Relic");
     //get reverse engineered BP
     $reBP = $typeClass::getById($reverseEngineeredBpID);
     $decryptor = $reBP->getReverseEngineeringDecryptor();
     //get modifiers and test if reverse engineering is possible with the given assemblyLines
     $modifier = $iMod->getModifier(ProcessData::ACTIVITY_REVERSE_ENGINEERING, $this);
     //calculate base cost, its the average of all possible reverse engineered BP's product base cost, which is the
     //same for all possible result REBlueprints, so we can just get it from the one we are RE'ing
     $baseCost = $reBP->getProductBaseCost();
     $red = new $reverseEngineeringDataClass($reBP->getId(), $this->getBaseTimeForActivity(ProcessData::ACTIVITY_REVERSE_ENGINEERING) * $modifier['t'], $baseCost * 0.02 * $modifier['c'], $this->calcReverseEngineeringProbability() * $decryptor->getProbabilityModifier(), $this->getReverseEngineeringOutputRuns() + $decryptor->getRunModifier(), $modifier['solarSystemID'], $modifier['assemblyLineTypeID'], isset($modifier['teamID']) ? $modifier['teamID'] : null);
     $red->addMaterial($decryptor->getId(), 1);
     foreach ($this->getMaterialsForActivity(ProcessData::ACTIVITY_REVERSE_ENGINEERING) as $matID => $matData) {
         $mat = $typeClass::getById($matID);
         //calculate total quantity needed, applying all modifiers
         $totalNeeded = ceil($matData['q'] * $modifier['m']);
         //if consume flag is set to 0, add to needed mats with quantity 0
         if (isset($matData['c']) and $matData['c'] == 0) {
             $red->addMaterial($matID, 0);
         //if using recursive building and material is manufacturable, recurse!
         if ($recursive and $mat instanceof Manufacturable) {
             $red->addSubProcessData($mat->getBlueprint()->manufacture($iMod, $totalNeeded));
         } else {
             $red->addMaterial($matID, $totalNeeded);
     return $red;
  * Returns material sell value, considering specific taxes. The best station (lowest tax) in system will be
  * chosen for that unless another preferred station is set on the IndustryModifier object.
  * Items that are not on the market will be ignored.
  * @param \iveeCore\IndustryModifier $sellContext for market context
  * @return float
  * @throws \iveeCore\Exceptions\PriceDataTooOldException if $maxPriceDataAge is exceeded by any of the materials
 public function getMaterialSellValue(IndustryModifier $sellContext)
     $sum = 0;
     foreach ($this->getMaterials() as $typeId => $amount) {
         $type = Type::getById($typeId);
         if (!$type->onMarket()) {
         if ($amount > 0) {
             $sum += $type->getMarketPrices($sellContext->getSolarSystem()->getRegionId(), $sellContext->getMaxPriceDataAge())->getSellPrice($sellContext->getMaxPriceDataAge()) * $amount * $sellContext->getSellTaxFactor();
     return $sum;