$map = new Map();
$render .= $map->renderMap();
$page = new HTML_Page2($page_defaults);
$page->setTitle("Postcode Tools");
$page->addStyleDeclaration('pre { color:#000000; }');
$page->addBodyContent('<div id="content">');
$page->addBodyContent('<h4>Address Tools</h4>');
$page->addBodyContent('<p>This page is for editing and correcting manually added addresses, and for replacing incorrectoly chosen
addresses for property we are marketing, client addresses, and contact addresses.</p>
<p>You should see the address record below, this address will either be obtained from the Royal Mail, or be manually entered.</p>
<p>Addresses are entered manually becuase either the correct address is not in the Royal Mail database, or the user is too lazy to
make an effort. Every manually entered address needs to be searched again to see if it is present in the Royal Mail database, and
if it is, the Royal Mail address should be used instead of the manually entered one. If the address is not present, then we need
to enter the map location, and to do this we find the nearest property and use that map location.</p>
<p>Step 1: the address shown immediately below is the one we are working on. Please use the form to try and find that address in
the royal Mail database. If you find it, click the save changes button, and then click the link entitled "Replace Deal Property"
Exemple #2
    function _renderForm(&$page)
        $pageName = $page->getAttribute('name');
        $tabPreview = array_slice($page->controller->_tabs, -2, 1);
        $tab = '  ';
        $p = new HTML_Page2(array('lineend' => PHP_EOL, 'tab' => $tab, 'doctype' => 'XHTML 1.0 Strict', 'language' => 'en', 'cache' => 'false'));
        $p->setTitle('PEAR::HTML_Progress2 - Generator');
        $p->setMetaData('author', 'Laurent Laville');
        $styles = '
body {
  background-color: #7B7B88;
  font-family: Verdana, Arial, helvetica;
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h1 {
  color: #FFC;
  text-align: center;

.maintable {
  width: 100%;
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  border-style: thin dashed;
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  cellspacing: 2;
  cellspadding: 3;

th {
  text-align: center;
  color: #FFC;
  background-color: #AAA;
  white-space: nowrap;

input {
  font-family: Verdana, Arial, helvetica;

input.flat {
  border-style: solid;
  border-width: 2px 2px 0 2px;
  border-color: #996;
        // on preview tab, add progress bar javascript and stylesheet
        if ($pageName == $tabPreview[0][0]) {
            $pb = $page->controller->createProgressBar();
            $p->addStyleDeclaration($styles . $pb->getStyle());
            $pbElement =& $page->getElement('progressBar');
            $pbElement->setText($pb->toHtml() . '<br /><br />');
        } else {
        $formTemplate = "\n<form{attributes}>" . "\n<table style=\"font-size: 8pt;\" class=\"maintable\">" . "\n{content}" . "\n</table>" . "\n</form>";
        $headerTemplate = "\n<tr>" . "\n\t<th colspan=\"2\">" . "\n\t\t{header}" . "\n\t</th>" . "\n</tr>";
        $elementTemplate = "\n\t<tr>" . "\n\t\t<td align=\"right\" valign=\"top\" width=\"30%\">" . "<!-- BEGIN required --><span style=\"color: #ff0000\">*</span><!-- END required -->" . "<b>{label}</b></td>" . "\n\t\t<td valign=\"top\" align=\"left\">" . "<!-- BEGIN error --><span style=\"color: #ff0000\">{error}</span><br /><!-- END error -->" . "\t{element}</td>" . "\n\t</tr>";
        $groupTemplate = "<table><tr>{content}</tr></table>";
        $groupElementTemplate = "<td>{element}<br />" . "<span style=\"font-size:10px;\">" . "<span class=\"label\">{label}</span>" . "</span></td>";
        $renderer =& $page->defaultRenderer();
        $renderer->setGroupTemplate($groupTemplate, 'name');
        $renderer->setGroupElementTemplate($groupElementTemplate, 'name');
    if ($dea_type == 'Sales' && ($dea_status == 'Under Offer' || $dea_status == 'Exchanged' || $dea_status == 'Completed')) {
var popcaldea_exchdate = new CalendarPopup("popCalDivdea_exchdate");
var popcaldea_compdate = new CalendarPopup("popCalDivdea_compdate");
    if ($dea_type == 'Lettings') {
var popcaldea_available = new CalendarPopup("popCalDivdea_available");
    $page->setBodyAttributes(array('onLoad' => $onLoad));
    $page->addBodyContent('<div id="content">');
    if ($msg) {
    //$page->addBodyContent('<a href="changeLog.php?scope=deal&dea_id='.$dea_id.'">Log</a>');
} elseif ($_GET["action"] == "update") {
    extra actions required:
     } else {
         $form->addData($formData, $_GET);
         $form->addHtml($form->addDiv($form->makeField("submit", "", "", "Save Changes", array('class' => 'submit'))));
     $form->addHtml($form->addDiv($form->makeField("button", "", "", "Skip if Address Unknown", array('onClick' => 'document.location.href = \'?' . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] . '&stage=viewing_address&skip=skip\'', 'class' => 'submit'))));
     $navbar_array = array('back' => array('title' => 'Back', 'label' => 'Back', 'link' => urldecode($searchLink)), 'search' => array('title' => 'Property Search', 'label' => 'Property Search', 'link' => 'property_search.php'));
     $navbar = navbar2($navbar_array);
     $page->setTitle("Arrange Viewing");
     $page->setBodyAttributes(array('onLoad' => $onLoad));
     $page->addBodyContent('<div id="content">');
 } else {
     // validate second form, but this is only required is posctcode lookup isnt used
     if (!$_GET["pro_pro_id"]) {
         $result = new Validate();
         $results = $result->process($formData1, $_GET);
         $db_data2 = $results['Results'];
         if (is_array($results['Results'])) {
             $return = http_build_query($results['Results']);
		new Effect.Fade("floating_message");
	</script><div id="notify"><div id="floating_message">' . urldecode($_GET["msg"]) . '</div></div>';
    $navbar_array = array('back' => array('title' => 'Back', 'label' => 'Back', 'link' => $searchLink), 'search' => array('title' => 'Contact Search', 'label' => 'Contact Search', 'link' => 'contact.php'));
    $navbar = navbar2($navbar_array);
    $page->setTitle("Contact > {$con_fname} {$con_sname}");
    $page->setBodyAttributes(array('onLoad' => $onLoad));
    $page->addBodyContent('<div id="content">');
    $page->addBodyContent('<div id="hint"></div><script type="text/javascript">
new Ajax.Autocompleter("con_company","hint","ajax_contact.php",{afterUpdateElement : getSelectionId});
function getSelectionId(text, li) {
	document.getElementById(\'com_id\').value = li.id;
	var msg = \'Do you want to update this contact with company info?\';
	var url = \'' . $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] . '?' . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] . '&new_com_id=\'+li.id;
	//if (confirm(msg)) {
		document.location.href = url;
		<td><a href="appointment_search.php?action=advanced_search&status=Active&branch=' . $to_pass["branch"] . '&date_from=' . date('d/m/Y') . '&date_to=' . date('d/m/Y') . '&searchLink=' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . urlencode('?' . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']) . '">Active: ' . $countActive . '</a></td>
		<td><a href="appointment_search.php?action=advanced_search&status=Cancelled&branch=' . $to_pass["branch"] . '&date_from=' . date('d/m/Y') . '&date_to=' . date('d/m/Y') . '&searchLink=' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . urlencode('?' . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']) . '">Cancelled: ' . $countCancelled . '</a></td>
		<td><a href="appointment_search.php?action=advanced_search&status=Deleted&branch=' . $to_pass["branch"] . '&date_from=' . date('d/m/Y') . '&date_to=' . date('d/m/Y') . '&searchLink=' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . urlencode('?' . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']) . '">Deleted: ' . $countDeleted . '</a></td>
$render .= '</td>
$onLoad = 'writeCalHeight(\'cal_iframe\',\'' . $allDayDivHeight . '\');';
$onResize = 'writeCalHeight(\'cal_iframe\',\'' . $allDayDivHeight . '\');';
$page = new HTML_Page2($page_defaults);
$page->addScript(GLOBAL_URL . 'js/overlib/overlibmws.js');
$page->setBodyAttributes(array('onResize' => $onResize));
$page->addBodyContent('<div id="content_cal">');
$page->addBodyContent('<script type="text/javascript"> window.onLoad = ' . $onLoad . ' </script>');
			<td>' . preg_replace("/\\([a-z0-9\\ ]+\\)/", "", $row["pro_addr"]) . '</td>
			<td class="nowrap">' . $row["use_name"] . '</td>
			<td><a href="appointment_edit.php?app_id=' . $row["app_id"] . '&searchLink=' . $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] . '?' . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] . '"><img src="/images/sys/admin/icons/edit-icon.png" width="16" height="16" border="0" alt="View Appointment" /></a></td>
			<td><a href="/admin4/appointment/feedback/id/id=' . $row["d2a_id"] . '"><img src="/images/sys/admin/icons/comment_add.gif" width="16" height="16" border="0" alt="Leave Feedback" /></a></td>
    $feedback = '
	<h1>Missing Feedback Sales (' . $countSales . ')</h1>
	<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0">
	' . $feedback . '</table>';
    $feedback2 = '
	<h1>Missing Feedback Lettings (' . $countLettings . ')</h1>
	<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0">
	' . $feedback2 . '</table>';
$page = new HTML_Page2($page_defaults);
$page->setTitle("Leave Feedback");
$page->addBodyContent('<div id="home"><table width="100%" cellpadding="10"><tr valign="top"><td width="50%">');
$page->addBodyContent('</td><td width="50%">');
Exemple #8
        $form->addHtml('<table width="600" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0">' . $html . '</table>');
    // start a new page
    $page = new HTML_Page2($page_defaults);
    $page->setTitle("Directory > Edit");
    $page->addStyleSheet(GLOBAL_URL . 'css/styles.css');
    $page->addScript(GLOBAL_URL . 'js/global.js');
    $page->addScript(GLOBAL_URL . 'js/scriptaculous/prototype.js');
    $page->setBodyAttributes(array('onLoad' => $source['onload']));
    $page->addBodyContent('<div id="content">');
    $page->addBodyContent('<p><a href="edit.php?dir_id=' . $dir_id . '">Back</a>');
} else {
    $result = new Validate();
    $results = $result->process($formData1, $_POST);
    if ($results['Errors']) {
        echo error_message($results['Errors'], urlencode($return));
    require_once "HTTP/Upload.php";
Exemple #9
		d = new dTree(\'d\');
		d.config.closeSameLevel = true;
		d.config.useIcons = false;
		d.config.useLines = false;
		d.config.useCookies = false;

		' . $js_tree . '


$form->addLegend('Browse Tree');
$form->addHtml('<div id="inset">' . $render . '</div>');
// start a new page
$page = new HTML_Page2($page_defaults);
$page->setTitle("Edit Directory Node");
$page->addStyleSheet(GLOBAL_URL . 'css/styles.css');
$page->addScript(GLOBAL_URL . 'js/global.js');
$page->addBodyContent('<div id="content">');
    $form->ajaxPostcode("by_freetext", "pro");
    $form->addField("hidden", "p2c_type", "", 'Work');
    // start a new page
    $page = new HTML_Page2($page_defaults);
    $navbar_array = array('back' => array('title' => 'Back', 'label' => 'Back', 'link' => $searchLink), 'search' => array('title' => 'Contact Search', 'label' => 'Contact Search', 'link' => 'contact.php'));
    $navbar = navbar2($navbar_array);
    $page->setTitle("New Contact");
    $page->setBodyAttributes(array('onLoad' => $onLoad));
    $page->addBodyContent('<div id="content">');
    $page->addBodyContent('<div id="hint"></div><script type="text/javascript">
new Ajax.Autocompleter("con_company","hint","ajax_contact.php",{afterUpdateElement : getSelectionId});
function getSelectionId(text, li) {
	var url = \'' . $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] . '?' . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] . '&new_com_id=\'+li.id;
	document.location.href = url;
} else {
    // if form is submitted

        $map = new Map();
        $map->drawMap($row["pro_east"], $row["pro_north"]);
        $map->addLocator($row["pro_east"], $row["pro_north"]);
        $render .= $map->renderMap();
$page = new HTML_Page2($page_defaults);
$page->setTitle("Postcode Tools");
$page->addStyleDeclaration('pre { color:#000000; }');
$page->addBodyContent('<div id="home">');
$page->addBodyContent('<h4>Address Tools</h4>');
$page->addBodyContent('<p>This page is for editing and correcting manually added addresses, and for replacing incorrectoly chosen
addresses for property we are marketing, client addresses, and contact addresses.</p>
<p>You should see the address record below, this address will either be obtained from the Royal Mail, or be manually entered.</p>
<p>Addresses are entered manually becuase either the correct address is not in the Royal Mail database, or the user is too lazy to
make an effort. Every manually entered address needs to be searched again to see if it is present in the Royal Mail database, and
if it is, the Royal Mail address should be used instead of the manually entered one. If the address is not present, then we need
to enter the map location, and to do this we find the nearest property and use that map location.</p>
<p>Step 1: the address shown immediately below is the one we are working on. Please use the form to try and find that address in
the royal Mail database. If you find it, click the save changes button, and then click the link entitled "Replace Deal Property"
/* vim: set expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4: */
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | PHP Version 4                                                        |
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | Copyright (c) 1997 - 2004 The PHP Group                              |
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | This source file is subject to version 3.0 of the PHP license,       |
// | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is        |
// | available at through the world-wide-web at                           |
// | http://www.php.net/license/3_0.txt.                                  |
// | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to   |
// | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to          |
// | license@php.net so we can mail you a copy immediately.               |
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | Author: Klaus Guenther <*****@*****.**>                      |
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// $Id$
require_once 'HTML/Page2.php';
// With no initial settings, the following defaults are set:
//    -> lineends = unix (\12)
//    -> doctype = XHTML 1.0 Transitional
//                 (if set to "none", doctype and language are not set)
//    -> language = en
//    -> cache = false
$page = new HTML_Page2();
// Page title defaults to "New XHTML 1.0 Transitional Compliant Page"
$page->addBodyContent('<p>Copyright 2003 The PHP Group</p>');
$bodyContent = $page->getBodyContent();
echo $bodyContent;
Exemple #13
    while ($row = $q->fetchRow()) {
        $clients .= '
		<tr class="trOff" onMouseOver="trOver(this)" onMouseOut="trOut(this)" onClick="trClick(\'client_edit.php?cli_id=' . $row["cli_id"] . '&searchLink=' . $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] . '?' . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] . '\')">
		<td height="16">' . $row["cli_name"] . '<br />' . $row["pro_addr"] . '</td>
		<td>' . $row["tel"] . '</td>
		<td>Sales: ' . $row["cli_sales"] . '<br />Lettings: ' . $row["cli_lettings"] . '</td>
    $clients .= '</table>
$renderLeft .= '<div>' . $clients . '</div>';
$render = '
<p style="margin-left:10px"><a href="client_search.php">Search Applicants</a></p>
<p style="margin-left:10px"><a href="applicant_add.php">New Applicant</a></p>
$page = new HTML_Page2($page_defaults);
$page->addBodyContent('<div id="home">');
$page->addBodyContent('<div class="home Right">' . $renderRight . '</div>');
$page->addBodyContent('<div class="home Left">' . $renderLeft . '</div>');
Exemple #14
    $form->addField("hidden", "searchLink", "", urlencode($searchLink));
    $form->addHtml('<div class="block-header">Mailshot</div>');
    $form->addHtml('<div id="' . $formName . '">');
    $form->addHtml('<p class="appInfo">' . $count . ' matching clients found</p>');
    $form->addHtml($form->addRow('select', 'mailshot_type', 'Type', '', '', $mailshot_types, ''));
    $form->addHtml($form->addDiv($form->makeField("submit", $formName, "", "Send Now!", array('class' => 'submit'))));
    $navbar_array = array('back' => array('title' => 'Back', 'label' => 'Back', 'link' => $searchLink), 'search' => array('title' => 'Property Search', 'label' => 'Property Search', 'link' => 'property_search.php'));
    $navbar = navbar2($navbar_array);
    $page = new HTML_Page2($page_defaults);
    $page->addBodyContent('<div id="content">');
    $page->addBodyContent('<a href="/admin4/instruction/customMailshot/id/' . $_GET['dea_id'] . '">Custom Mailshot</a>');
} elseif ($_POST["action"] == "send") {
    $mailshot_type = $_POST["mailshot_type"];
    // mailshot sent, add to database
    $db_data["mai_deal"] = $dea_id;
    $db_data["mai_type"] = $mailshot_type;
    $db_data["mai_count"] = $count;
    $db_data["mai_user"] = $_SESSION["auth"]["use_id"];
    $db_data["mai_date"] = $date_mysql;
    <td><a href="http://www.xteleurope.com" target="_blank">Xtel Europe</a> - 01342 335000</td>
    <td>Xtel now handle all billing and technical issues instead of BT </td>
  <tr valign="top" bgcolor="#CCCCCC"> 
    <td colspan="3"><strong>Mobile Phones</strong></td>
  <tr valign="top"> 
    <td>Mike Rogerson - 01928 702 308<br> <a href="mailto:mike.rogerson@o2.com">mike.rogerson@o2.com</a> 
    <td>Lost or stolen phones must be cancelled. </td>
  <tr valign="top">
    <td>Jonathon Weeks (3b Direct)<br>
    0151 335 3600 </td>
    <td>Lost or stolen phones must be cancelled. </td>
$navbar_array = array('back' => array('title' => 'Back', 'label' => 'Back', 'link' => $_GET["searchLink"]), 'search' => array('title' => 'Property Search', 'label' => 'Property Search', 'link' => '../property_search.php'));
$navbar = navbar2($navbar_array);
$page = new HTML_Page2($page_defaults);
$page->setTitle("Technical Support Contacts");
$page->addBodyContent('<div id="content_wide">');
Exemple #16
        $title = ' for ' . $row["Deal"];
        $render .= '
	<td>' . $row["Date"] . '</td>
	<td>' . $row["User"] . '</td>
	<td><div class="wrap" style="width:100px">' . $row["Old"] . '</div></td>
	<td><div class="wrap" style="width:100px">' . $row["New"] . '</div></td>
    $render = '
<h1>Contract Log ' . $title . '</h1>
<table border="1" width="100%">
	<th>Old Value</th>
	<th>New Value</th>
	' . $render . '
$page = new HTML_Page2($page_defaults);
$page->addBodyContent('<div id="changelog">');
Exemple #17
// The initializing code can also be in in the form of an HTML
// attr="value" string.
// Possible attributes are:
//      - cache ("true" or "false")
//      - charset (e.g., "utf-8")
//      - doctype (e.g., "XHTML Basic 1.0")
//      - language (two letter designator: e.g., "en")
//      - lineend ("unix", "win", "mac", custom string)
//      - mime (e.g., "application/xhtml+xml")
//      - namespace (URI)
//      - profile (URI)
//      - tab (e.g., "    ")
//      - disableProlog (bool)
// All the above have defaults, so it is not necessary
// to specify everything. For example, the proper namespace
// is chosen by default.
$page = new HTML_Page2(['lineend' => 'unix', 'doctype' => 'XHTML 1.0 Strict', 'language' => 'en', 'cache' => 'false', 'tab' => '  ']);
// Page title defaults to "New $doctypeString Compliant Page"
$page->setTitle("HTML_Page2 Color Chart example");
$page->setMetaData("author", "Klaus Guenther");
// let's add a Content-Type meta tag
// Objects with toHtml and toString are supported.
$page->addBodyContent('<p>Copyright 2003 The PHP Group</p>');
// oops, forgot to add the header:
$page->addBodyContent("<h1>Color Chart</h1>", HTML_PAGE2_PREPEND);
// output to browser
// or to a file
' . $bug_report . '

<h1>Feature Requests</h1>
<div class="scrollDiv" id="feature_request">
' . $feature_request . '
//<p><a href="user_admin.php">User Management</a></p>
$render .= '
<p><a href="' . WS_YII_URL . 'User/">User Management</a></p>
<p><a href="reset_pw.php">Reset Password</a></p>
<p><a href="changeLog.php" target="_blank">ChangeLog</a></p>
<p><a href="tools/find_property_orphan.php">Orphaned property records</a></p>
<p><a href="ADS_stats.php">Advert Click Statistics</a></p>
<p><a href="' . WS_YII_URL . 'Career/">List Careers</a></p>
<p><a href="' . WS_YII_URL . 'Career/create">Add Career</a></p>';
$page = new HTML_Page2($page_defaults);
$page->addBodyContent('<div id="home">');
            } else {
                $additional_js .= '
            $navbar_array = array('back' => array('title' => 'Back', 'label' => 'Back', 'link' => $searchLink), 'search' => array('title' => 'Client Search', 'label' => 'Client Search', 'link' => 'client_search.php'), 'headline' => array('label' => $_SESSION["auth"]["use_fname"] . ', tell me what options you want to see here'));
            $navbar = navbar2($navbar_array);
            $page->setTitle("Client > Search");
            $page->setBodyAttributes(array('onLoad' => $onLoad));
            $page->addBodyContent('<div id="content">');
        } else {
            // if form is submitted
            // construct sql
            if ($_GET["scope"] == "sale") {
                $q[] = "cli_sales = 'Yes' AND";
                $scope = "sale";
                $return["scope"] = 'Sales';
            } elseif ($_GET["scope"] == "let") {
                $q[] = "cli_lettings = 'Yes' AND";
Exemple #20

require_once "../inx/global.inc.php";
include "menu.php";
// start a new page
$page = new HTML_Page2($page_defaults);
$render = '
<p><a href="add.php">Add Directory Entry</a></p>
<p><a href="list.php">List Directory Entries</a></p>
<p><a href="tree.php">Manage the Directory Category Tree</a></p>
$page->setTitle("Directory > Add");
$page->addStyleSheet(GLOBAL_URL . 'css/styles.css');
$page->addScript(GLOBAL_URL . 'js/global.js');
$page->addScript(GLOBAL_URL . 'js/scriptaculous/prototype.js');
$page->setBodyAttributes(array('onLoad' => $source['onload']));
$page->addBodyContent('<div id="content">');
Exemple #21
                // set current appointment's column value, this is used in subsequent apps to determine positioning
                $divs[$div_id]["column"] = $column;
                if ($column > $max_column) {
                    $max_column = $column;
                // write the div
                $render .= '  <div id="app' . $div["id"] . '" class="calEntryDiv" style="position: absolute; height: ' . $div["app_height"] . 'px; left: ' . $left . 'px; top:' . $div["start_pixel"] . 'px; width:' . ($width - 3) . 'px;  border: 1px solid #' . $div["colour"] . '; border-left: 10px solid #' . $div["colour"] . '; z-index:1; overflow: hidden; "  onClick="javascript:document.location.href=\'appointment_edit.php?app_id=' . $div["id"] . '\'" onMouseOver="calEventOver(this,' . $div["app_height"] . ')" onMouseOut="calEventOut(this,' . $div["app_height"] . ')">' . "\n";
                $render .= '    <strong>' . $div["type"] . '</strong> ' . $div["start"] . '<br>' . $div["client"] . '<!--<br><br>' . $div["addr"] . "-->\n" . '  </div>' . "\n";
            // the current appointment ends in this interval
            if ($div["end_stamp"] >= $interval && $div["end_stamp"] < $interval + $default_calendar_interval) {
                // remove column reference from master array
    unset($left, $column);
$js = "\n\nvar theDiv = null;\nvar theHeight = null;\n\nfunction calEventOver(lnk,newHeight) {\n\ttheDiv = lnk;\n\ttheHeight = newHeight;\n\twindow.setTimeout(\"calEventOver2()\", 1000);\n\t}\nfunction calEventOver2() {\n\ttheDiv.style.overflow = 'visible';\n\ttheDiv.style.zIndex = '1000';\n\ttheDiv.style.height = theHeight;\n\t}\n\n\n\t";
$page = new HTML_Page2($page_defaults);
$page->addStyleSheet(GLOBAL_URL . 'css/balloons.css');
$page->addScript(GLOBAL_URL . 'js/global.js');
$page->setBodyAttributes(array('style' => 'background-color: #' . $calendar_bg_colour . '; background-image: url(\'/images/sys/admin/calendar_bg.gif\');background-repeat: repeat'));
$page->addBodyContent('<div id="content_wide">');
$page->addBodyContent('<div style="height:' . ($default_workingday_end - $default_workingday_start + 1) * (60 * $zoom) . 'px; width:50px; position: absolute;">' . "\n" . $hourBar . '</div>' . "\n");
$page->addBodyContent('<div style="height:' . ($default_workingday_end - $default_workingday_start + 1) * (60 * $zoom) . 'px;">' . "\n" . $render . '</div>' . "\n");
Exemple #22
  * Outputs the form.
  * @param object &$page the page being processed
  * @return void
  * @access public
  * @since  version 2.0.0RC1 (2005-06-23)
 function _renderForm(&$page)
     $tab = '  ';
     $p = new HTML_Page2(array('lineend' => PHP_EOL, 'tab' => $tab, 'doctype' => 'XHTML 1.0 Strict', 'language' => 'en', 'cache' => 'false'));
     $p->setTitle('PEAR::HTML_Progress2 - Generator');
     $p->setMetaData('author', 'Laurent Laville');
     $formTemplate = "\n<form{attributes}>" . "\n<table class=\"maintable\">" . "\n<caption>HTML_Progress2 Generator</caption>" . "\n{content}" . "\n</table>" . "\n</form>";
     $headerTemplate = "\n<tr>" . "\n\t<th colspan=\"2\">" . "\n\t\t{header}" . "\n\t</th>" . "\n</tr>";
     $elementTemplate = "\n<tr valign=\"top\">" . "\n\t<td class=\"qfLabel\">&nbsp;" . "<!-- BEGIN required -->" . "<span class=\"required\">*</span>" . "<!-- END required -->" . "{label}</td>" . "\n\t<td class=\"qfElement\">" . "\n{element}" . "<!-- BEGIN label_2 -->&nbsp;" . "<span class=\"qfLabel2\">{label_2}</span>" . "<!-- END label_2 -->" . "\n\t</td>" . "\n</tr>";
     $groupTemplate = "\n\t\t<table class=\"group\">" . "\n\t\t<tr>" . "\n\t\t\t{content}" . "\n\t\t</tr>" . "\n\t\t</table>";
     $groupElementTemplate = "<td>{element}" . "<!-- BEGIN label --><br/>" . "<span class=\"qfLabel\">{label}</span>" . "<!-- END label -->" . "</td>";
     $renderer =& $page->defaultRenderer();
     $renderer->setGroupTemplate($groupTemplate, 'name');
     $renderer->setGroupElementTemplate($groupElementTemplate, 'name');
     $styles = $this->getStyleSheet();
     $js = '';
     // on preview tab, add progress bar javascript and stylesheet
     if ($page->getAttribute('id') == 'Preview') {
         $pb = $page->controller->createProgressBar();
         $styles .= $pb->getStyle();
         $js = $pb->getScript();
         $pbElement =& $page->getElement('progressBar');
         $pbElement->setText($pb->toHtml() . '<br /><br />');
     } else {
	if (now - lastEvent > threshold){
	lastEvent = (new Date()).getTime();
window.setInterval(doReload, ' . $calendar_reload_delay . ');

window.onLoad = ' . $onLoad . '

// -->
$page = new HTML_Page2($page_defaults);
$page->addScript(GLOBAL_URL . 'js/global.js');
$page->addScript(GLOBAL_URL . 'js/overlib/overlibmws.js');
$page->setBodyAttributes(array('style' => 'background-color: #' . $calendar_bg_colour . '; background-image: url(\'/images/sys/admin/calendar_bg.gif\');background-repeat: repeat'));
$page->addBodyContent('<div id="overDiv" style="position:absolute; visibility:hidden; z-index:1000"></div>');
#$page->addBodyContent('<div id="loading" style="width:100%; text-align:center; padding-top:200px"><h1><img src="/images/sys/admin/ajax-loader.gif" /> Loading</h1></div>');
$page->addBodyContent('<div id="calendar">');
//style="display: none;"
$page->addBodyContent('<div style="height:' . ($default_workingday_end - $default_workingday_start + 1) * (60 * $zoom) . 'px; width:50px; position: absolute">' . "\n" . $hourBar . '</div>' . "\n");
$page->addBodyContent('<div style="height:' . ($default_workingday_end - $default_workingday_start + 1) * (60 * $zoom) . 'px;">' . "\n" . $render . '</div>' . "\n");
$heading = '
<h1>' . $app["user_name"] . ' - ' . $app["type"] . '</h1>
<hr class="title" />
if ($app["allday"] == 'Yes') {
    $heading .= '<p>All day appointment</p>';
} else {
    $heading .= '<p>' . date('D jS F g:ia', strtotime($app["start"])) . '</p>';
if ($showMap) {
    $render .= '<img src="https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/staticmap?center=' . $lat . ',' . $lng . '&zoom=15&markers=color:blue|' . implode('|', $markers) . '&size=600x500&sensor=false" alt="maps" style="width:600px; height:500px">';
$render .= '
<div id="footer">
<h1>Confidentiality notice</h1>
<p>This document contains privileged information which must remain confidential. Under no circumstances should
this document be given to a client, left in a property or your car, or otherwise fall into anyone\'s hands other than a member
of the company. This document should be destroyed after use.</p>';
if ($printed_by) {
    $render .= '<p>Document printed on ' . date('d/m/Y h:ia') . ' by ' . $printed_by . '</p>';
$render .= '</div>';
$js_footer = '<script type="text/javascript">window.onLoad = window.focus(); window.print();</script>';
$page->setTitle($app["user_name"] . ' - ' . $app["type"]);
$page->addBodyContent('<div id="appointment">');
Exemple #25
         $form->ajaxPostcode("by_freetext", "pro");
     } else {
         $form->addData($formData2, $_POST);
         $form->addHtml($form->addDiv($form->makeField("submit", "", "", "Save Changes", array('class' => 'submit'))));
     // start a new page
     $page = new HTML_Page2($page_defaults);
     $page->setTitle("Directory > Edit");
     $page->addStyleSheet(GLOBAL_URL . 'css/styles.css');
     $page->addScript(GLOBAL_URL . 'js/global.js');
     $page->addScript(GLOBAL_URL . 'js/scriptaculous/prototype.js');
     $page->setBodyAttributes(array('onLoad' => $source['onload']));
     $page->addBodyContent('<div id="content">');
     $page->addBodyContent('<p><a href="image.php?dir_id=' . $dir_id . '">Images</a></p>');
 } else {
     // if the form has been submitted
     $result = new Validate();
     $results = $result->process($formData1, $_POST);
     $db_data = $results['Results'];
     $result2 = new Validate();
     $results2 = $result2->process($formData2, $_POST);
     $db_data2 = $results2['Results'];
     // build return link
    //	$page->addScript('js/scriptaculous/prototype.js');
    //	$page->addScript('js/scriptaculous/scriptaculous.js');
    //	$page->addScriptDeclaration('jQuery.noConflict();');
    $page->setBodyAttributes(array('onLoad' => $onLoad));
    $page->addBodyContent('<div id="content">');
    $page->addBodyContent('<div id="hint"></div><script type="text/javascript">
//new Ajax.Autocompleter("cli_solicitor","hint","ajax_solicitor.php",{afterUpdateElement : getSelectionId});
function getSelectionId(text, li) {
	document.getElementById(\'cli_solicitor_id\').value = li.id;
	<script type="text/javascript">
		var name = 'address';
     if ($vendors) {
     $form->addData($formData1, $_GET);
     $form->addHtml($form->addDiv($form->makeField("submit", "", "", "  Proceed  ", array('class' => 'submit'))));
     if ($additional_info) {
         $form->addHtml('<div id="inset">' . $additional_info . '</div>');
     $navbar_array = array('back' => array('title' => 'Back', 'label' => 'Back', 'link' => $_GET["searchLink"]), 'search' => array('title' => 'Client Search', 'label' => 'Client Search', 'link' => 'client_search.php'));
     $navbar = navbar2($navbar_array);
     $page->setBodyAttributes(array('onLoad' => 'document.forms[0].cli_name.focus();'));
     $page->addBodyContent('<div id="content">');
     # stage 2 - show existing clients and add client form
 # stage 2 - show existing clients and add client form
 case 2:
     $terms = array();
     // build sql
$email_subject = $title . ' ' . str_replace('&', '%26', $are_title) . ' ' . $pro_postcode . ' - Wooster %26 Stock';
if ($dea_type == 'Sales') {
    $email_body = 'Dear CLIENT,%0D%0A%0D%0A' . $strap . '%0D%0A' . $title . ' ' . $postcode . '%0D%0A' . number_format($dea_marketprice) . ' (GBP)%0D%0Ahttp://www.woosterstock.co.uk/Detail.php?id=' . $dea_id . '%0D%0A%0D%0ARegards,%0D%0A%0D%0A' . $_SESSION["auth"]["use_fname"] . ' ' . $_SESSION["auth"]["use_sname"];
} elseif ($dea_type == 'Lettings') {
    $email_body = 'Dear CLIENT,%0D%0A%0D%0A' . $strap . '%0D%0A' . $title . ' ' . $postcode . '%0D%0A' . number_format($dea_marketprice) . ' per week (GBP)%0D%0Ahttp://www.woosterstock.co.uk/DetailLet.php?id=' . $dea_id . '%0D%0A%0D%0ARegards,%0D%0A%0D%0A' . $_SESSION["auth"]["use_fname"] . ' ' . $_SESSION["auth"]["use_sname"];
    //	$email_body = "Dear CLIENT,\n\n" . $strap . "\n" . $title . ' ' . $postcode . "\n" .
    //			number_format($dea_marketprice) . " per week (GBP)\nhttp://www.woosterstock.co.uk/DetailLet.php?id=" . $dea_id .
    //			"\n\nRegards,\n\n" . $_SESSION["auth"]["use_fname"] . ' ' . $_SESSION["auth"]["use_sname"];
$email_body = str_replace('&amp;', '%26', $email_body);
if ($dea_status == 'Available' || $dea_status == 'Under Offer' || $dea_status == 'Under Offer with Other' || $dea_status == 'Exchanged') {
    $mailto = '<a href="mailto:?subject=' . $email_subject . '&body=' . $email_body . '"><img src="/images/sys/admin/icons/mail-icon.png">Email</a>';
<div id="hidePrint">
	<a href="#" onclick="window.print();"><img src="/images/sys/admin/icons/print-icon.png">Print</a>
	' . $mailto . '
	<a href="#" onclick="window.close();"><img src="/images/sys/admin/icons/cross-icon.png">Close</a>
$page->addBodyContent('<div id="property">');
if ($pro_latitude && $pro_longitude) {
    $str = '
	<p style="page-break-before: always;"></p>
	<div style="width:600px; margin: 0 auto;">
	<img src="https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/staticmap?center=' . $pro_latitude . ',' . $pro_longitude . '&zoom=15&markers=color:blue|' . $pro_latitude . ',' . $pro_longitude . '&size=600x600&sensor=false" alt="maps" style="width:600px; height:600px">

Exemple #29
		new Effect.Fade("floating_message");
	</script><div id="notify"><div id="floating_message">' . urldecode($_GET["msg"]) . '</div></div>';
    $navbar_array = array('back' => array('title' => 'Back', 'label' => 'Back', 'link' => $searchLink), 'search' => array('title' => 'Contact Search', 'label' => 'Client Search', 'link' => 'client_search.php'));
    $navbar = navbar2($navbar_array);
    $page->setTitle("Contact > {$con_fname} {$con_sname}");
    $page->setBodyAttributes(array('onLoad' => $onLoad));
    $page->addBodyContent('<div id="content">');
    $page->addBodyContent('<div id="hint" style="background-color:#FFFFFF"></div><script type="text/javascript">
new Ajax.Autocompleter("con_company","hint","ajax_contact.php");
    if ($msg) {
    echo '
    <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
    //You should create the validator only after the definition of the HTML form
Exemple #30
  <tr class="trOff" height="20">
	<td><a href="bug.php">Give me your Feedback!</a></td>
  <tr class="trOff" height="20">
	<td><a href="board.php">Board Management</a></td>
   <tr class="trOff" height="20">
	<td><a href="' . WS_YII_URL . 'transportStations">Map Control Panel</a></td>
  <tr class="trOff" height="20">
	<td><a href="' . WS_YII_URL . 'file/PageGalleryImage">Contact page Gallery</a></td>
  <tr class="trOff" height="20">
	<td><a href="' . WS_YII_URL . 'instructionVideo/manageVideo">Manage Videos Sequence</a></td>
    <tr class="trOff" height="20">
      	<td><a href="' . WS_YII_URL . 'QuickReport/list">Quick reports</a></td>
$page = new HTML_Page2($page_defaults);
$page->addBodyContent('<div id="home">');
$page->addBodyContent('<div class="home Right">' . $documents . '</div>');
$page->addBodyContent('<div class="home Left">' . $tools . $links . '</div>');