Exemple #1
 public function Index($Offset = '0')
     if ($this->Head) {
         $this->Head->AddRss('/rss/' . $this->SelfUrl, $this->Head->Title());
         $this->Head->Title(Translate('All Discussions'));
     if (!is_numeric($Offset) || $Offset < 0) {
         $Offset = 0;
     // Add Modules
     $BookmarkedModule = new BookmarkedModule($this);
     $this->SetData('Category', FALSE, TRUE);
     $Limit = Gdn::Config('Vanilla.Discussions.PerPage', 30);
     $DiscussionModel = new Gdn_DiscussionModel();
     $CountDiscussions = $DiscussionModel->GetCount();
     $this->SetData('CountDiscussions', $CountDiscussions);
     $TmpLimit = $Limit;
     $AnnounceData = FALSE;
     if ($Offset == 0) {
         $AnnounceData = $DiscussionModel->GetAnnouncements();
         $TmpLimit = $Limit - $AnnounceData->NumRows();
         if ($TmpLimit <= 0) {
             $TmpLimit = 1;
     $this->SetJson('Loading', $Offset . ' to ' . $TmpLimit);
     $this->SetData('AnnounceData', $AnnounceData, TRUE);
     $this->SetData('DiscussionData', $DiscussionModel->Get($Offset, $TmpLimit), TRUE);
     // Build a pager.
     $PagerFactory = new PagerFactory();
     $this->Pager = $PagerFactory->GetPager('Pager', $this);
     $this->Pager->ClientID = 'Pager';
     $this->Pager->Configure($Offset, $Limit, $CountDiscussions, 'discussions/%1$s');
     // Deliver json data if necessary
     if ($this->_DeliveryType != DELIVERY_TYPE_ALL) {
         $this->SetJson('LessRow', $this->Pager->ToString('less'));
         $this->SetJson('MoreRow', $this->Pager->ToString('more'));
         $this->View = 'discussions';
     // Set a definition of the user's current timezone from the db. jQuery
     // will pick this up, compare to the browser, and update the user's
     // timezone if necessary.
     $CurrentUser = Gdn::Session()->User;
     if (is_object($CurrentUser)) {
         $ClientHour = $CurrentUser->HourOffset + date('G', time());
         $this->AddDefinition('SetClientHour', $ClientHour);
     // Render the controller
Exemple #2
 public function Index($Offset = '0')
     if ($this->Head) {
         $this->Head->AddRss('/rss/' . $this->SelfUrl, $this->Head->Title());
         $this->Head->Title(Translate('All Discussions'));
     if (!is_numeric($Offset) || $Offset < 0) {
         $Offset = 0;
     // Add Modules
     $BookmarkedModule = new BookmarkedModule($this);
     $DraftsModule = new DraftsModule($this);
     $this->SetData('Category', FALSE, TRUE);
     $Limit = Gdn::Config('Vanilla.Discussions.PerPage', 30);
     $DiscussionModel = new Gdn_DiscussionModel();
     $CountDiscussions = $DiscussionModel->GetCount();
     $this->SetData('CountDiscussions', $CountDiscussions);
     $TmpLimit = $Limit;
     $AnnounceData = FALSE;
     if ($Offset == 0) {
         $AnnounceData = $DiscussionModel->GetAnnouncements();
         $TmpLimit = $Limit - $AnnounceData->NumRows();
         if ($TmpLimit <= 0) {
             $TmpLimit = 1;
     $this->SetJson('Loading', $Offset . ' to ' . $TmpLimit);
     $this->SetData('AnnounceData', $AnnounceData, TRUE);
     $this->SetData('DiscussionData', $DiscussionModel->Get($Offset, $TmpLimit), TRUE);
     // Build a pager.
     $PagerFactory = new PagerFactory();
     $this->Pager = $PagerFactory->GetPager('MorePager', $this);
     $this->Pager->MoreCode = 'More Discussions';
     $this->Pager->LessCode = 'Newer Discussions';
     $this->Pager->ClientID = 'Pager';
     $this->Pager->Configure($Offset, $Limit, $CountDiscussions, 'discussions/%1$s');
     // Deliver json data if necessary
     if ($this->_DeliveryType != DELIVERY_TYPE_ALL) {
         $this->SetJson('LessRow', $this->Pager->ToString('less'));
         $this->SetJson('MoreRow', $this->Pager->ToString('more'));
         $this->View = 'discussions';
     // Render the controller
Exemple #3
  * Show all discussions in a particular category.
 public function Index($CategoryIdentifier = '', $Offset = '0')
     if (!is_numeric($CategoryIdentifier)) {
         $Category = $this->CategoryModel->GetFullByName(urldecode($CategoryIdentifier));
     } else {
         $Category = $this->CategoryModel->GetFull($CategoryIdentifier);
     $this->SetData('Category', $Category, TRUE);
     if ($Category === FALSE) {
         return $this->All();
     if ($this->Head) {
         $this->Head->AddRss('/rss/' . $this->SelfUrl, $this->Head->Title());
     if (!is_numeric($Offset) || $Offset < 0) {
         $Offset = 0;
     $this->SetData('CategoryID', $this->Category->CategoryID, TRUE);
     // Add Modules
     $BookmarkedModule = new BookmarkedModule($this);
     $DraftsModule = new DraftsModule($this);
     $Limit = Gdn::Config('Vanilla.Discussions.PerPage', 30);
     $DiscussionModel = new Gdn_DiscussionModel();
     $Wheres = array('d.CategoryID' => $this->CategoryID);
     $this->Permission('Vanilla.Discussions.View', $this->CategoryID);
     $CountDiscussions = $DiscussionModel->GetCount($Wheres);
     $this->SetData('CountDiscussions', $CountDiscussions);
     $TmpLimit = $Limit;
     $AnnounceData = FALSE;
     if ($Offset == 0) {
         $AnnounceData = $DiscussionModel->GetAnnouncements($Wheres);
         $TmpLimit = $Limit - $AnnounceData->NumRows();
     $this->SetData('AnnounceData', $AnnounceData, TRUE);
     $this->SetData('DiscussionData', $DiscussionModel->Get($Offset, $TmpLimit, $Wheres), TRUE);
     // Build a pager
     $PagerFactory = new PagerFactory();
     $this->Pager = $PagerFactory->GetPager('MorePager', $this);
     $this->Pager->MoreCode = 'More Discussions';
     $this->Pager->LessCode = 'Newer Discussions';
     $this->Pager->ClientID = 'Pager';
     $this->Pager->Configure($Offset, $Limit, $CountDiscussions, 'categories/' . $CategoryIdentifier . '/%1$s');
     // Change the controller name so that it knows to grab the discussion views
     $this->ControllerName = 'DiscussionsController';
     // Pick up the discussions class
     $this->CssClass = 'Discussions';
     // Deliver json data if necessary
     if ($this->_DeliveryType != DELIVERY_TYPE_ALL) {
         $this->SetJson('LessRow', $this->Pager->ToString('less'));
         $this->SetJson('MoreRow', $this->Pager->ToString('more'));
         $this->View = 'discussions';
     // Render the controller