Exemple #1
include "../includes/library.php";
include "../includes/jpgraph/jpgraph.php";
include "../includes/jpgraph/jpgraph_gantt.php";
$tmpquery = "WHERE tas.id = '" . $task . "'";
$taskDetail = new request();
$tmpquery = "WHERE pro.id = '" . $taskDetail->tas_project[0] . "'";
$projectDetail = new request();
$projectDetail->pro_created[0] = createDate($projectDetail->pro_created[0], $timezoneSession);
$projectDetail->pro_name[0] = str_replace('"', '"', $projectDetail->pro_name[0]);
$projectDetail->pro_name[0] = str_replace("'", "'", $projectDetail->pro_name[0]);
$graph = new GanttGraph();
$graph->title->Set($strings["task"] . " " . $taskDetail->tas_name[0]);
$graph->subtitle->Set("(" . $strings["created"] . ": " . $taskDetail->tas_created[0] . ")");
$tmpquery = "WHERE subtas.task = '{$task}' AND subtas.start_date != '--' AND subtas.due_date != '--' AND tas.published != '1' ORDER BY subtas.due_date";
$listTasks = new request();
$comptListTasks = count($listTasks->subtas_id);
for ($i = 0; $i < $comptListTasks; $i++) {
    $listTasks->subtas_name[$i] = str_replace('&quot;', '"', $listTasks->subtas_name[$i]);
    $listTasks->subtas_name[$i] = str_replace("&#39;", "'", $listTasks->subtas_name[$i]);
function graph_schedule($data, $title, $show_day)
    require_once "jpgraph/jpgraph.php";
    require_once "jpgraph/jpgraph_gantt.php";
    // Some sample Gantt data
    	$data = array(
    		array(0, " Bryce", "2009-08-28 11:00","2009-08-28 15:30"),
    		array(1, " Kyla", "2009-08-28 08:00","2009-08-28 15:30"),
    		array(2, " Nathan", "2009-08-28 08:00","2009-08-28 17:00")
    // Basic graph parameters
    $graph = new GanttGraph(700);
    $graph->title->Set("{$title}'s Schedule");
    // We want to display day, hour and minute scales
    if ($show_day) {
        $graph->ShowHeaders(GANTT_HDAY | GANTT_HHOUR);
    } else {
    #$graph->ShowHeaders(GANTT_HDAY | GANTT_HHOUR);
    // Setup day format
    $graph->scale->day->SetFont(FF_FONT1, FS_NORMAL, 16);
    // Setup hour format
    $graph->scale->hour->SetFont(FF_FONT1, FS_NORMAL, 13);
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($data); ++$i) {
        $bar = new GanttBar($data[$i][0], $data[$i][1], $data[$i][2], $data[$i][3], $data[$i][4]);
        $bar->SetPattern(BAND_RDIAG, "yellow");
    // Draw graph
   *Make Gantt
   *@return image png & die
  function MakeGanttChart(){
      // is logged ?     
      if (!logged_user()->isProjectUser(active_project())) {
      } // if
      // is user can view this project ??
      if (!ProjectFile::canView(logged_user(), active_project())) {
      } //if

      * Init gantt graph
      $width = 850;      
      $graph = new GanttGraph($width);
      * here header must be set at end and during process catch all date to determine the difference max between start and end 
      * to present HDAY or not depend on information volume
      //graph header
      // Instead of week number show the date for the first day in the week
      // on the week scale
      $locale_char_set = 'utf-8';
      //For french support
      //if (preg_match('/' . Localization::instance()->getLocale() . '/i', 'fr_fr')) $graph->scale->SetDateLocale("fr_FR.utf8");

      * data jpgraph construction gantt type for project
      $project = active_project();
      //Project title
      $project_name = $project->getName();
      $graph->title->Set(lang('project') . ': ' . substr(utf8_decode($project_name),0,40) );

      $rows = $this->displayProjectGantt($project, $graph, 0);
      $subprojects = $project->getSubprojects();
      if (is_array($subprojects)) {
        foreach($subprojects as $subproject) {
          $rows = $this->displayProjectGantt($subproject, $graph, $rows++);

      //send data
      $type = "image/png";
      $name = "projectpiergantt.png";
      header("Content-Type: $type");
      header("pragma: no-cache");
      header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"$name\"");
      die(); //end process do not send other informations
  }  //MakeGantt
Exemple #4

// Gantt hour + minute example
include "../jpgraph.php";
include "../jpgraph_gantt.php";
// Some sample Gantt data
$data = array(array(0, array("Group 1", "345 days", "2004-03-01", "2004-05-05"), "2001-11-27 10:00", "2001-11-27 14:00", FF_FONT2, FS_NORMAL, 0), array(1, array("  Label one", ' 122,5 days', ' 2004-03-01', ' 2003-05-05', 'MJ'), "2001-11-27 16:00", "2001-11-27 18:00"), array(2, "  Label two", "2001-11-27", "2001-11-27 10:00"), array(3, "  Label three", "2001-11-27", "2001-11-27 08:00"));
// Basic graph parameters
$graph = new GanttGraph();
// We want to display day, hour and minute scales
// We want to have the following titles in our columns
// describing each activity
$graph->scale->actinfo->SetColTitles(array('Act', 'Duration', 'Start', 'Finish', 'Resp'));
// Uncomment the following line if you don't want the 3D look
// in the columns headers
$graph->scale->actinfo->SetFont(FF_ARIAL, FS_NORMAL, 10);
//These are the default values for use in the columns
// Setup day format
Exemple #5
function ganttPDF($reportName, $listTasks)
    include "../includes/jpgraph/jpgraph.php";
    include "../includes/jpgraph/jpgraph_gantt.php";
    $graph = new GanttGraph();
    $graph->title->Set($strings["project"] . " " . $reportName);
    //    $graph->subtitle->Set("(".$strings["created"].": "..")");
    $comptListTasks = count($listTasks->tas_id);
    $posGantt = 0;
    for ($i = 0; $i < $comptListTasks; $i++) {
        $listTasks->tas_name[$i] = str_replace('&quot;', '"', $listTasks->tas_name[$i]);
        $listTasks->tas_name[$i] = str_replace("&#39;", "'", $listTasks->tas_name[$i]);
        $progress = round($listTasks->tas_completion[$i] / 10, 2);
        $printProgress = $listTasks->tas_completion[$i] * 10;
        $activity = new GanttBar($posGantt, $listTasks->tas_pro_name[$i] . " / " . $listTasks->tas_name[$i], $listTasks->tas_start_date[$i], $listTasks->tas_due_date[$i]);
        $activity->SetPattern(BAND_LDIAG, "yellow");
        $activity->caption->Set($listTasks->tas_mem_login[$i] . " (" . $printProgress . "%)");
        if ($listTasks->tas_priority[$i] == "4" || $listTasks->tas_priority[$i] == "5") {
            $activity->progress->SetPattern(BAND_SOLID, "#BB0000");
        } else {
            $activity->progress->SetPattern(BAND_SOLID, "#0000BB");
        // begin if subtask
        $tmpquery = "WHERE task = " . $listTasks->tas_id[$i];
        $listSubTasks = new request();
        $comptListSubTasks = count($listSubTasks->subtas_id);
        if ($comptListSubTasks >= 1) {
            // list subtasks
            for ($j = 0; $j < $comptListSubTasks; $j++) {
                $listSubTasks->subtas_name[$j] = str_replace('&quot;', '"', $listSubTasks->subtas_name[$j]);
                $listSubTasks->subtas_name[$j] = str_replace("&#39;", "'", $listSubTasks->subtas_name[$j]);
                $progress = round($listSubTasks->subtas_completion[$j] / 10, 2);
                $printProgress = $listSubTasks->subtas_completion[$j] * 10;
                $posGantt += 1;
                // $activity = new GanttBar($posGantt,$listTasks->tas_pro_name[$i]." / ".$listSubTasks->subtas_name[$j],$listSubTasks->subtas_start_date[$j],$listSubTasks->subtas_due_date[$j]);
                // change name of project for name of parent task
                $activity = new GanttBar($posGantt, $listSubTasks->subtas_tas_name[$j] . " / " . $listSubTasks->subtas_name[$j], $listSubTasks->subtas_start_date[$j], $listSubTasks->subtas_due_date[$j]);
                //$activity = new GanttBar($j,$strings["project"].": ".$listSubTasks->subtas_pro_name[$j]." / ".$strings["task"].": ".$listSubTasks->subtas_name[$j],$listSubTasks->subtas_start_date[$j],$listSubTasks->subtas_due_date[$j]);
                $activity->SetPattern(BAND_LDIAG, "yellow");
                $activity->caption->Set($listSubTasks->subtas_mem_login[$j] . " (" . $printProgress . "%)");
                if ($listSubTasks->subtas_priority[$j] == "4" || $listSubTasks->subtas_priority[$j] == "5") {
                    $activity->progress->SetPattern(BAND_SOLID, "#BB0000");
                } else {
                    $activity->progress->SetPattern(BAND_SOLID, "#0000BB");
            // end for comptListSubTasks
        // end if subtask
        $posGantt += 1;
    // end for complisttask
    $tmpGantt = "../files/" . md5(uniqid(rand()));
    return $tmpGantt;