public function setSources(array $sources, array $sourceNames = null)
     foreach ($sources as $langId => $source) {
         if ($this->type == 'url') {
             $source = \FWValidator::getUrl($source);
             if (preg_match('#^[a-z]+://([^/]+)#i', $source, $arrMatch)) {
                 $this->source_names[$langId] = $arrMatch[1];
             } else {
                 $this->source_names[$langId] = $source;
             $this->fileTypes[$langId] = \FWValidator::isUri($source) ? 'HTML' : null;
         } else {
             $this->fileTypes[$langId] = pathinfo($source, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
             $this->source_names[$langId] = isset($sourceNames[$langId]) ? $sourceNames[$langId] : basename($source);
         // set source of interface language
         if ($langId == LANG_ID) {
             $this->source = $source;
             $this->source_name = $this->source_names[$langId];
             $this->fileType = $this->fileTypes[$langId];
     $this->sources = $sources;
  * Save the cam's settings
 function saveCam()
     global $objDatabase;
     $id = intval($_POST['id']);
     if (!$id) {
         return false;
     $currentImagePath = \Cx\Lib\FileSystem\FileSystem::sanitizePath(contrexx_input2raw($_POST['currentImagePath']));
     if (!\FWValidator::isUri($currentImagePath) && strpos($currentImagePath, '/') !== 0) {
         $currentImagePath = '/' . $currentImagePath;
     $maxImageWidth = intval($_POST['maxImageWidth']);
     $archivePath = \Cx\Lib\FileSystem\FileSystem::sanitizePath(contrexx_input2raw($_POST['archivePath']));
     if (!\FWValidator::isUri($archivePath) && strpos($archivePath, '/') !== 0) {
         $archivePath = '/' . $archivePath;
     $thumbnailPath = \Cx\Lib\FileSystem\FileSystem::sanitizePath(contrexx_input2raw($_POST['thumbnailPath']));
     if (!\FWValidator::isUri($thumbnailPath) && strpos($thumbnailPath, '/') !== 0) {
         $thumbnailPath = '/' . $thumbnailPath;
     $thumbMaxSize = intval($_POST['thumbMaxSize']);
     $shadowboxActivate = intval($_POST['shadowboxActivate']);
     $hourFrom = intval($_POST['hourFrom']);
     $hourTill = intval($_POST['hourTill']);
     $minuteFrom = intval($_POST['minuteFrom']);
     $minuteTill = intval($_POST['minuteTill']);
     $showFrom = mktime($hourFrom, $minuteFrom);
     $showTill = mktime($hourTill, $minuteTill);
     $query = " UPDATE " . DBPREFIX . "module_livecam\n                   SET currentImagePath = '" . contrexx_raw2db($currentImagePath) . "',\n                       maxImageWidth = " . $maxImageWidth . ",\n                       archivePath = '" . contrexx_raw2db($archivePath) . "',\n                       thumbnailPath = '" . contrexx_raw2db($thumbnailPath) . "',\n                       thumbMaxSize = " . $thumbMaxSize . ",\n                       shadowboxActivate = '" . $shadowboxActivate . "',\n                       showFrom = {$showFrom},\n                       showTill = {$showTill}\n                   WHERE id = " . $id;
     if ($objDatabase->Execute($query) === false) {
         // return a 500 or so
         header("HTTP/1.0 500 Internal Server Error");
Exemple #3
  * Gets the news details
  * @global    array
  * @global    ADONewConnection
  * @global    array
  * @return    string    parsed content
 private function getDetails()
     global $_CONFIG, $objDatabase, $_ARRAYLANG;
     $newsid = intval($_GET['newsid']);
     if (!$newsid) {
         header('Location: ' . \Cx\Core\Routing\Url::fromModuleAndCmd('News'));
     $whereStatus = '';
     $newsAccess = \Permission::checkAccess(10, 'static', true);
     $newsPreview = !empty($_GET['newsPreview']) ? intval($_GET['newsPreview']) : 0;
     $base64Redirect = base64_encode(\Env::get('cx')->getRequest()->getUrl());
     if ($newsPreview && !$newsAccess) {
     } else {
         if (!$newsAccess) {
             $whereStatus = 'news.status = 1 AND';
     // TODO: add error handler to load the fallback-language version of the news message
     //       in case the message doesn't exist in the requested language. But only try load the
     //       the message in the fallback-language in case the associated news-detail content page
     //       is setup to use the content of the fallback-language
     $objResult = $objDatabase->SelectLimit('SELECT                 AS id,
                                                     news.userid             AS userid,
                                                     news.redirect           AS redirect,
                                                     news.source             AS source,
                                                     news.changelog          AS changelog,
                                                     news.url1               AS url1,
                                                     news.url2               AS url2,
                                                          AS date,
                                                     news.publisher          AS publisher,
                                                     news.publisher_id       AS publisherid,
                                                        AS author,
                                                     news.author_id          AS authorid,
                                                     news.changelog          AS changelog,
                                                     news.teaser_image_path  AS newsimage,
                                                     news.enable_related_news AS enableRelatedNews,
                                                     news.enable_tags         AS enableTags,
                                                     news.teaser_image_thumbnail_path AS newsThumbImg,
                                                     news.typeid             AS typeid,
                                                     news.allow_comments     AS commentactive,
                                                     locale.title            AS title,
                                               FROM  ' . DBPREFIX . 'module_news AS news
                                         INNER JOIN  ' . DBPREFIX . 'module_news_locale AS locale ON = locale.news_id
                                             WHERE   ' . $whereStatus . '
                                            = ' . $newsid . ' AND
                                                     locale.is_active=1 AND
                                                     locale.lang_id =' . FRONTEND_LANG_ID . (!$newsPreview ? ' AND (news.startdate <= \'' . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . '\' OR news.startdate="0000-00-00 00:00:00") AND
                                                     (news.enddate >= \'' . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . '\' OR news.enddate="0000-00-00 00:00:00")' : '') . ($this->arrSettings['news_message_protection'] == '1' && !\Permission::hasAllAccess() ? ($objFWUser = \FWUser::getFWUserObject()) && $objFWUser->objUser->login() ? " AND (frontend_access_id IN (" . implode(',', array_merge(array(0), $objFWUser->objUser->getDynamicPermissionIds())) . ") OR userid = " . $objFWUser->objUser->getId() . ") " : " AND frontend_access_id=0 " : ''), 1);
     if (!$objResult || $objResult->EOF) {
         header('Location: ' . \Cx\Core\Routing\Url::fromModuleAndCmd('News'));
     $newsCommentActive = $objResult->fields['commentactive'];
     $lastUpdate = $objResult->fields['changelog'];
     $text = $objResult->fields['text'];
     $redirect = contrexx_raw2xhtml($objResult->fields['redirect']);
     $sourceHref = contrexx_raw2xhtml($objResult->fields['source']);
     $url1Href = contrexx_raw2xhtml($objResult->fields['url1']);
     $url2Href = contrexx_raw2xhtml($objResult->fields['url2']);
     $source = contrexx_raw2xhtml($objResult->fields['source']);
     $url1 = contrexx_raw2xhtml($objResult->fields['url1']);
     $url2 = contrexx_raw2xhtml($objResult->fields['url2']);
     $newsUrl = '';
     $newsSource = '';
     $newsLastUpdate = '';
     if (!empty($url1)) {
         $strUrl1 = contrexx_raw2xhtml($objResult->fields['url1']);
         if (strlen($strUrl1) > 40) {
             $strUrl1 = substr($strUrl1, 0, 26) . '...' . substr($strUrl1, strrpos($strUrl1, '.'));
         $newsUrl = $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_IMPORTANT_HYPERLINKS'] . '<br /><a target="_blank" href="' . $url1Href . '" title="' . $url1 . '">' . $strUrl1 . '</a><br />';
     if (!empty($url2)) {
         $strUrl2 = contrexx_raw2xhtml($objResult->fields['url2']);
         if (strlen($strUrl2) > 40) {
             $strUrl2 = substr($strUrl2, 0, 26) . '...' . substr($strUrl2, strrpos($strUrl2, '.'));
         $newsUrl .= '<a target="_blank" href="' . $url2Href . '" title="' . $url2 . '">' . $strUrl2 . '</a><br />';
     if (!empty($source)) {
         $strSource = contrexx_raw2xhtml($objResult->fields['source']);
         if (strlen($strSource) > 40) {
             $strSource = substr($strSource, 0, 26) . '...' . substr($strSource, strrpos($strSource, '.'));
         $newsSource = $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_NEWS_SOURCE'] . '<br /><a target="_blank" href="' . $sourceHref . '" title="' . $source . '">' . $strSource . '</a><br />';
     if (!empty($lastUpdate)) {
         $newsLastUpdate = $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_LAST_UPDATE'] . '<br />' . date(ASCMS_DATE_FORMAT, $objResult->fields['changelog']);
     $this->newsTitle = $objResult->fields['title'];
     $newstitle = $this->newsTitle;
     $newsTeaser = nl2br($objResult->fields['teaser_text']);
     $objSubResult = $objDatabase->Execute('SELECT count(`id`) AS `countComments` FROM `' . DBPREFIX . 'module_news_comments` WHERE `newsid` = ' . $newsid);
     //Get the Category list
     $newsCategories = $this->getCategoriesByNewsId($newsid);
     if (!empty($newsCategories) && $this->_objTpl->blockExists('news_category_list')) {
         foreach ($newsCategories as $catId => $catTitle) {
             $this->_objTpl->setVariable(array('NEWS_CATEGORY_TITLE' => contrexx_raw2xhtml($catTitle), 'NEWS_CATEGORY_ID' => contrexx_input2int($catId)));
     $this->_objTpl->setVariable(array('NEWS_LONG_DATE' => date(ASCMS_DATE_FORMAT, $objResult->fields['date']), 'NEWS_DATE' => date(ASCMS_DATE_FORMAT_DATE, $objResult->fields['date']), 'NEWS_TIME' => date(ASCMS_DATE_FORMAT_TIME, $objResult->fields['date']), 'NEWS_TITLE' => $newstitle, 'NEWS_TEASER_TEXT' => $newsTeaser, 'NEWS_LASTUPDATE' => $newsLastUpdate, 'NEWS_SOURCE' => $newsSource, 'NEWS_URL' => $newsUrl, 'NEWS_CATEGORY_NAME' => implode(', ', contrexx_raw2xhtml($newsCategories)), 'NEWS_COUNT_COMMENTS' => $newsCommentActive && $this->arrSettings['news_comments_activated'] ? contrexx_raw2xhtml($objSubResult->fields['countComments'] . ' ' . $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_NEWS_COMMENTS']) : ''));
     if (!$newsCommentActive || !$this->arrSettings['news_comments_activated']) {
         if ($this->_objTpl->blockExists('news_comments_count')) {
     if ($this->arrSettings['news_use_teaser_text'] != '1' && $this->_objTpl->blockExists('news_use_teaser_text')) {
     // parse author
     self::parseUserAccountData($this->_objTpl, $objResult->fields['authorid'], $objResult->fields['author'], 'news_author');
     // parse publisher
     self::parseUserAccountData($this->_objTpl, $objResult->fields['publisherid'], $objResult->fields['publisher'], 'news_publisher');
     // show comments
     $this->parseMessageCommentForm($newsid, $newstitle, $newsCommentActive);
     $this->parseCommentsOfMessage($newsid, $newsCommentActive);
     // Show related_messages
     $this->parseRelatedMessagesOfMessage($newsid, 'category', array_keys($newsCategories));
     $this->parseRelatedMessagesOfMessage($newsid, 'type', $objResult->fields['typeid']);
     $this->parseRelatedMessagesOfMessage($newsid, 'publisher', $objResult->fields['publisherid']);
     $this->parseRelatedMessagesOfMessage($newsid, 'author', $objResult->fields['authorid']);
      * save the teaser text.
      * purpose of this: @link news::getTeaser()
     $this->_teaser = contrexx_raw2xhtml($newsTeaser);
     if (!empty($this->arrSettings['news_use_tags']) && !empty($objResult->fields['enableTags'])) {
         $this->parseNewsTags($this->_objTpl, $newsid);
     if (!empty($this->arrSettings['use_related_news']) && !empty($objResult->fields['enableRelatedNews'])) {
         $this->parseRelatedNews($this->_objTpl, $newsid, FRONTEND_LANG_ID, 'related_news', 3);
     if (!empty($objResult->fields['newsimage'])) {
         $this->_objTpl->setVariable(array('NEWS_IMAGE' => '<img src="' . $objResult->fields['newsimage'] . '" alt="' . $newstitle . '" />', 'NEWS_IMAGE_SRC' => $objResult->fields['newsimage'], 'NEWS_IMAGE_ALT' => $newstitle));
         if ($this->_objTpl->blockExists('news_image')) {
     } else {
         if ($this->_objTpl->blockExists('news_image')) {
     self::parseImageBlock($this->_objTpl, $objResult->fields['newsThumbImg'], $newstitle, $newsUrl, 'image_thumbnail');
     self::parseImageBlock($this->_objTpl, $objResult->fields['newsimage'], $newstitle, $newsUrl, 'image_detail');
     //previous next newslink
     if ($this->_objTpl->blockExists('previousNextLink')) {
     if (empty($redirect)) {
         $text = preg_replace('/\\[\\[([A-Z0-9_-]+)\\]\\]/', '{\\1}', $text);
         $newsTeaser = preg_replace('/\\[\\[([A-Z0-9_-]+)\\]\\]/', '{\\1}', $newsTeaser);
         $this->_objTpl->setVariable('NEWS_TEXT', $text);
         if ($this->_objTpl->blockExists('news_text')) {
         if ($this->_objTpl->blockExists('news_redirect')) {
     } else {
         if (\FWValidator::isUri($redirect)) {
             $redirectName = preg_replace('#^https?://#', '', $redirect);
             //} elseif (\FWValidator::isEmail($redirect)) {
         } else {
             $redirectName = basename($redirect);
         $this->_objTpl->setVariable(array('TXT_NEWS_REDIRECT_INSTRUCTION' => $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_NEWS_REDIRECT_INSTRUCTION'], 'NEWS_REDIRECT_URL' => $redirect, 'NEWS_REDIRECT_NAME' => $redirectName));
         if ($this->_objTpl->blockExists('news_redirect')) {
         if ($this->_objTpl->blockExists('news_text')) {
     return $this->_objTpl->get();
Exemple #4
  * Does the resolving work, extends $this->url with targetPath and params.
 public function resolvePage($internal = false)
     // Abort here in case we're handling a legacy request.
     // The legacy request will be handled by $this->legacyResolve().
     // Important: We must check for $internal == FALSE here, to abort the resolving process
     //            only when we're resolving the initial (original) request.
     //            Internal resolving requests might be called by $this->legacyResolve()
     //            and shall therefore be processed.
     if (!$internal && isset($_REQUEST['section'])) {
         throw new ResolverException('Legacy request');
     $path = $this->url->getSuggestedTargetPath();
     if (!$this->page || $internal) {
         if ($this->pagePreview) {
             if (!empty($this->sessionPage) && !empty($this->sessionPage['pageId'])) {
         //(I) see what the model has for us
         $result = $this->pageRepo->getPagesAtPath($this->url->getLangDir() . '/' . $path, null, $this->lang, false, \Cx\Core\ContentManager\Model\Repository\PageRepository::SEARCH_MODE_PAGES_ONLY);
         if (isset($result['page']) && $result['page'] && $this->pagePreview) {
             if (empty($this->sessionPage)) {
                 if (\Permission::checkAccess(6, 'static', true)) {
                     if ($result['page']->getEditingStatus() == 'hasDraft' || $result['page']->getEditingStatus() == 'hasDraftWaiting') {
                         $logEntries = $this->logRepo->getLogEntries($result['page']);
                         $this->logRepo->revert($result['page'], $logEntries[1]->getVersion());
         //(II) sort out errors
         if (!$result) {
             throw new ResolverException('Unable to locate page (tried path ' . $path . ').');
         if (!$result['page']) {
             throw new ResolverException('Unable to locate page for this language. (tried path ' . $path . ').');
         if (!$result['page']->isActive()) {
             throw new ResolverException('Page found, but it is not active.');
         // if user has no rights to see this page, we redirect to login
         // If an older revision was requested, revert to that in-place:
         if (!empty($this->historyId) && \Permission::checkAccess(6, 'static', true)) {
             $this->logRepo->revert($result['page'], $this->historyId);
         //(III) extend our url object with matched path / params
         $this->url->setTargetPath($result['matchedPath'] . $result['unmatchedPath']);
         $this->page = $result['page'];
      the page we found could be a redirection.
      in this case, the URL object is overwritten with the target details and
      resolving starts over again.
     $target = $this->page->getTarget();
     $isRedirection = $this->page->getType() == \Cx\Core\ContentManager\Model\Entity\Page::TYPE_REDIRECT;
     $isAlias = $this->page->getType() == \Cx\Core\ContentManager\Model\Entity\Page::TYPE_ALIAS;
     //handles alias redirections internal / disables external redirection
     $this->forceInternalRedirection = $this->forceInternalRedirection || $isAlias;
     if ($target && ($isRedirection || $isAlias)) {
         // Check if page is a internal redirection and if so handle it
         if ($this->page->isTargetInternal()) {
             //TODO: add check for endless/circular redirection (a -> b -> a -> b ... and more complex)
             $nId = $this->page->getTargetNodeId();
             $lId = $this->page->getTargetLangId();
             $module = $this->page->getTargetModule();
             $cmd = $this->page->getTargetCmd();
             $qs = $this->page->getTargetQueryString();
             $langId = $lId ? $lId : $this->lang;
             // try to find the redirection target page
             if ($nId) {
                 $targetPage = $this->pageRepo->findOneBy(array('node' => $nId, 'lang' => $langId));
                 // revert to default language if we could not retrieve the specified langauge by the redirection.
                 // so lets try to load the redirection of the current language
                 if (!$targetPage) {
                     if ($langId != 0) {
                         //make sure we weren't already retrieving the default language
                         $targetPage = $this->pageRepo->findOneBy(array('node' => $nId, 'lang' => $this->lang));
                         $langId = $this->lang;
             } else {
                 $targetPage = $this->pageRepo->findOneByModuleCmdLang($module, $cmd, $langId);
                 // in case we were unable to find the requested page, this could mean that we are
                 // trying to retrieve a module page that uses a string with an ID (STRING_ID) as CMD.
                 // therefore, lets try to find the module by using the string in $cmd and INT in $langId as CMD.
                 // in case $langId is really the requested CMD then we will have to set the
                 // resolved language back to our original language $this->lang.
                 if (!$targetPage) {
                     $targetPage = $this->pageRepo->findOneBymoduleCmdLang($module, $cmd . '_' . $langId, $this->lang);
                     if ($targetPage) {
                         $langId = $this->lang;
                 // try to retrieve a module page that uses only an ID as CMD.
                 // lets try to find the module by using the INT in $langId as CMD.
                 // in case $langId is really the requested CMD then we will have to set the
                 // resolved language back to our original language $this->lang.
                 if (!$targetPage) {
                     $targetPage = $this->pageRepo->findOneByModuleCmdLang($module, $langId, $this->lang);
                     $langId = $this->lang;
                 // revert to default language if we could not retrieve the specified langauge by the redirection.
                 // so lets try to load the redirection of the current language
                 if (!$targetPage) {
                     if ($langId != 0) {
                         //make sure we weren't already retrieving the default language
                         $targetPage = $this->pageRepo->findOneByModuleCmdLang($module, $cmd, $this->lang);
                         $langId = $this->lang;
             //check whether we have a page now.
             if (!$targetPage) {
                 $this->page = null;
             // the redirection page is located within a different language.
             // therefore, we must set $this->lang to the target's language of the redirection.
             // this is required because we will next try to resolve the redirection target
             if ($langId != $this->lang) {
                 $this->lang = $langId;
                 $this->pathOffset = ASCMS_INSTANCE_OFFSET;
             $targetPath = substr($targetPage->getPath(), 1);
             $this->url->setTargetPath($targetPath . $qs);
             $this->url->setPath($targetPath . $qs);
             $this->isRedirection = true;
         } else {
             //external target - redirect via HTTP 302
             if (\FWValidator::isUri($target)) {
                 header('Location: ' . $target);
             } else {
                 if ($target[0] == '/') {
                     $target = substr($target, 1);
                 $langDir = '';
                 if (!file_exists(ASCMS_INSTANCE_PATH . ASCMS_INSTANCE_OFFSET . '/' . $target)) {
                     $langCode = \FWLanguage::getLanguageCodeById($this->lang);
                     if (!empty($langCode)) {
                         $langDir = '/' . $langCode;
                 header('Location: ' . ASCMS_INSTANCE_OFFSET . $langDir . '/' . $target);
     //if we followed one or more redirections, the user shall be redirected by 302.
     if ($this->isRedirection && !$this->forceInternalRedirection) {
         $params = $this->url->getSuggestedParams();
         header('Location: ' . $this->page->getURL($this->pathOffset, $params));
     // in case the requested page is of type fallback, we will now handle/load this page
     $this->handleFallbackContent($this->page, !$internal);
     // set legacy <section> and <cmd> in case the requested page is an application
     if ($this->page->getType() == \Cx\Core\ContentManager\Model\Entity\Page::TYPE_APPLICATION || $this->page->getType() == \Cx\Core\ContentManager\Model\Entity\Page::TYPE_FALLBACK) {
         $this->command = $this->page->getCmd();
         $this->section = $this->page->getModule();
  * Save an entry
  * @global  ADONewConnection
  * @global  array
  * @return  string   $status
 function _store()
     global $objDatabase, $_ARRAYLANG;
     $error = '';
     if (!empty($_POST['forename']) and !empty($_POST['name'])) {
         $forename = contrexx_addslashes(strip_tags($_POST['forename']));
         $name = contrexx_addslashes(strip_tags($_POST['name']));
         $gender = contrexx_addslashes(strip_tags($_POST['malefemale']));
         $mail = isset($_POST['email']) ? contrexx_addslashes($_POST['email']) : '';
         $url = isset($_POST['url']) && strlen($_POST['url']) > 7 ? contrexx_addslashes(strip_tags($_POST['url'])) : '';
         $comment = contrexx_addslashes(nl2br($this->addHyperlinking(strip_tags($_POST['comment']))));
         $location = contrexx_addslashes(strip_tags($_POST['location']));
         $ip = empty($_POST['ip']) ? $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] : contrexx_addslashes(strip_tags($_POST['ip']));
         if (!empty($url)) {
             if (!\FWValidator::isUri($url)) {
                 $error .= $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_INVALID_INTERNET_ADDRESS'] . "<br />";
         if (!\FWValidator::isEmail($mail)) {
             $error .= $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_INVALID_EMAIL_ADDRESS'] . "<br />";
         if (empty($error)) {
             $query = "\n                    INSERT INTO " . DBPREFIX . "module_guestbook (\n                        forename, name, gender,\n                        url, datetime, email, comment,\n                        ip, location, lang_id\n                    ) VALUES (\n                        '{$forename}', '{$name}', '{$gender}',\n                        '{$url}', '" . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . "', '{$mail}', '{$comment}',\n                        '{$ip}', '{$location}', '{$this->langId}'\n                    )";
         } else {
             $this->strErrMessage = $error;
     } else {
         $this->strErrMessage = $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_FILL_OUT_ALL_REQUIRED_FIELDS'];
  * Gets the icon for the file
  * @param string $file      The File Path
  * @param string $fileType  (optional) The File type
  * @return string           The Icon name
 public static function _getIcon($file, $fileType = null)
     $icon = '';
     if (isset($fileType)) {
         $icon = strtoupper($fileType);
     } elseif (is_file($file)) {
         $info = pathinfo($file);
         $icon = strtoupper($info['extension']);
     $arrImageExt = array('JPEG', 'JPG', 'TIFF', 'GIF', 'BMP', 'PNG');
     $arrVideoExt = array('3GP', 'AVI', 'DAT', 'FLV', 'FLA', 'M4V', 'MOV', 'MPEG', 'MPG', 'OGG', 'WMV', 'SWF');
     $arrAudioExt = array('WAV', 'WMA', 'AMR', 'MP3', 'AAC');
     $arrPresentationExt = array('ODP', 'PPT', 'PPTX');
     $arrSpreadsheetExt = array('CSV', 'ODS', 'XLS', 'XLSX');
     $arrDocumentsExt = array('DOC', 'DOCX', 'ODT', 'RTF');
     $arrWebDocumentExt = array('HTML', 'HTM');
     switch (true) {
         case $icon == 'TXT':
             $icon = 'Text';
         case $icon == 'PDF':
             $icon = 'Pdf';
         case in_array($icon, $arrImageExt):
             $icon = 'Image';
         case in_array($icon, $arrVideoExt):
             $icon = 'Video';
         case in_array($icon, $arrAudioExt):
             $icon = 'Audio';
         case in_array($icon, $arrPresentationExt):
             $icon = 'Presentation';
         case in_array($icon, $arrSpreadsheetExt):
             $icon = 'Spreadsheet';
         case in_array($icon, $arrDocumentsExt):
             $icon = 'TextDocument';
         case in_array($icon, $arrWebDocumentExt):
         case \FWValidator::isUri($file):
             $icon = 'WebDocument';
             $icon = 'Unknown';
     if (is_dir($file)) {
         $icon = 'Folder';
     if (!file_exists(self::_getIconPath() . $icon . '.png') or !isset($icon)) {
         $icon = '_blank';
     return $icon;
Exemple #7
 function OpenTag($tag, $attr)
     //! @return void
     // What this gets: < $tag $attr['WIDTH']="90px" > does not get content here </closeTag here>
     // check if the current tag is hidden and shall therefore be hidden
     if (!$this->isInHiddenTag) {
         $classAndTagBasedCSSProperties = array();
         $inlineCSSProperties = array();
         // get html-tag CSS definitions
         if (isset($this->CSS[strtolower($tag)])) {
             $classAndTagBasedCSSProperties = $this->CSS[strtolower($tag)];
         // get class CSS definitions
         if (!empty($attr['CLASS'])) {
             $assignedCssClasses = array_map('trim', explode(' ', $attr['CLASS']));
             foreach ($assignedCssClasses as $assignedCssClass) {
                 if (isset($this->CSS[$assignedCssClass])) {
                     $classAndTagBasedCSSProperties = array_merge($classAndTagBasedCSSProperties, $this->CSS[$assignedCssClass]);
         // get inline CSS definitions
         if (!empty($attr['STYLE'])) {
             $inlineCSSProperties = $this->readInlineCSS($attr['STYLE']);
         $cssProperties = $this->mergeCSSProperties($classAndTagBasedCSSProperties, $inlineCSSProperties);
         // check if tag is hidden (through display:none)
         if (isset($cssProperties['DISPLAY']) && preg_match('/none/i', $cssProperties['DISPLAY'])) {
             $this->isInHiddenTag = true;
             $this->hiddenTagNestedDimensionPosition = 0;
     // don't draw hidden stuff
     if ($this->isInHiddenTag) {
         if ($this->isBlockTag($tag)) {
     $align = array('left' => 'L', 'center' => 'C', 'right' => 'R', 'top' => 'T', 'middle' => 'M', 'bottom' => 'B', 'justify' => 'J');
     $this->blockjustfinished = false;
     //Opening tag
     switch ($tag) {
         case 'PAGE_BREAK':
         case 'NEWPAGE':
             $this->blockjustfinished = true;
         case 'OUTLINE':
             //custom-tag (CSS2 property - browsers don't support it yet - Jan2005)
             //Usage: (default: width=normal color=white)
             //<outline width="(thin|medium|thick)" color="(usualcolorformat)" >Text</outline>
             //Mix this tag with the <font color="(usualcolorformat)"> tag to get mixed colors on outlined text!
             $this->buffer_on = true;
             if (isset($attr['COLOR'])) {
                 $this->outlineparam['COLOR'] = ConvertColor($attr['COLOR']);
             } else {
                 $this->outlineparam['COLOR'] = array('R' => 255, 'G' => 255, 'B' => 255);
             $this->outlineparam['OLDWIDTH'] = $this->LineWidth;
             if (isset($attr['WIDTH'])) {
                 switch (strtoupper($attr['WIDTH'])) {
                     case 'THIN':
                         $this->outlineparam['WIDTH'] = 0.75 * $this->LineWidth;
                     case 'MEDIUM':
                         $this->outlineparam['WIDTH'] = $this->LineWidth;
                     case 'THICK':
                         $this->outlineparam['WIDTH'] = 1.75 * $this->LineWidth;
             } else {
                 $this->outlineparam['WIDTH'] = $this->LineWidth;
             //width == oldwidth
         case 'BDO':
             if (isset($attr['DIR']) and strtoupper($attr['DIR']) == 'RTL') {
                 $this->divrevert = true;
         case 'S':
         case 'STRIKE':
         case 'DEL':
             $this->strike = true;
         case 'SUB':
             $this->SUB = true;
         case 'SUP':
             $this->SUP = true;
         case 'CENTER':
             $this->buffer_on = true;
             if ($this->tdbegin) {
                 $this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['a'] = $align['center'];
             } else {
                 $this->divalign = $align['center'];
                 if ($this->x != $this->lMargin) {
         case 'ADDRESS':
             $this->buffer_on = true;
             $this->SetStyle('I', true);
             if (!$this->tdbegin and $this->x != $this->lMargin) {
         case 'TABLE':
             // TABLE-BEGIN
             if ($this->x != $this->lMargin) {
             $this->tablestart = true;
             $this->table['nc'] = $this->table['nr'] = 0;
             if (isset($attr['REPEAT_HEADER']) and $attr['REPEAT_HEADER'] == true) {
             if (isset($attr['WIDTH'])) {
                 $this->table['w'] = ConvertSize($attr['WIDTH'], $this->pgwidth);
             if (isset($attr['HEIGHT'])) {
                 $this->table['h'] = ConvertSize($attr['HEIGHT'], $this->pgwidth);
             if (isset($attr['ALIGN'])) {
                 $this->table['a'] = $align[strtolower($attr['ALIGN'])];
             if (isset($attr['BORDER'])) {
                 $this->table['border'] = $attr['BORDER'];
             if (isset($attr['BGCOLOR'])) {
                 $this->table['bgcolor'][-1] = $attr['BGCOLOR'];
         case 'TR':
             $this->col = -1;
             if (isset($attr['BGCOLOR'])) {
                 $this->table['bgcolor'][$this->row] = $attr['BGCOLOR'];
         case 'TH':
             $this->SetStyle('B', true);
             if (!isset($attr['ALIGN'])) {
                 $attr['ALIGN'] = "center";
         case 'TD':
             $this->tdbegin = true;
             while (isset($this->cell[$this->row][$this->col])) {
             //Update number column
             if ($this->table['nc'] < $this->col + 1) {
                 $this->table['nc'] = $this->col + 1;
             $this->cell[$this->row][$this->col] = array();
             $this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['text'] = array();
             $this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['s'] = 3;
             if (isset($attr['WIDTH'])) {
                 $this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['w'] = ConvertSize($attr['WIDTH'], $this->pgwidth);
             if (isset($attr['HEIGHT'])) {
                 $this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['h'] = ConvertSize($attr['HEIGHT'], $this->pgwidth);
             if (isset($attr['ALIGN'])) {
                 $this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['a'] = $align[strtolower($attr['ALIGN'])];
             if (isset($attr['VALIGN'])) {
                 $this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['va'] = $align[strtolower($attr['VALIGN'])];
             if (isset($attr['BORDER'])) {
                 $this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['border'] = $attr['BORDER'];
             if (isset($attr['BGCOLOR'])) {
                 $this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['bgcolor'] = $attr['BGCOLOR'];
             $cs = $rs = 1;
             if (isset($attr['COLSPAN']) && $attr['COLSPAN'] > 1) {
                 $cs = $this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['colspan'] = $attr['COLSPAN'];
             if (isset($attr['ROWSPAN']) && $attr['ROWSPAN'] > 1) {
                 $rs = $this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['rowspan'] = $attr['ROWSPAN'];
             //Chiem dung vi tri de danh cho cell span (¿mais hein?)
             for ($k = $this->row; $k < $this->row + $rs; $k++) {
                 for ($l = $this->col; $l < $this->col + $cs; $l++) {
                     if ($k - $this->row || $l - $this->col) {
                         $this->cell[$k][$l] = 0;
             if (isset($attr['NOWRAP'])) {
                 $this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['nowrap'] = 1;
         case 'OL':
             if (!isset($attr['TYPE']) or $attr['TYPE'] == '') {
                 $this->listtype = '1';
             } else {
                 $this->listtype = $attr['TYPE'];
             // ol and ul types are mixed here
         // ol and ul types are mixed here
         case 'UL':
             if ((!isset($attr['TYPE']) or $attr['TYPE'] == '') and $tag == 'UL') {
                 //Insert UL defaults
                 if ($this->listlvl == 0) {
                     $this->listtype = 'disc';
                 } elseif ($this->listlvl == 1) {
                     $this->listtype = 'circle';
                 } else {
                     $this->listtype = 'square';
             } elseif (isset($attr['TYPE']) and $tag == 'UL') {
                 $this->listtype = $attr['TYPE'];
             $this->buffer_on = false;
             if ($this->listlvl == 0) {
                 //First of all, skip a line
                 if (!$this->pjustfinished) {
                     if ($this->x != $this->lMargin) {
                 $this->oldx = $this->x;
                 // first depth level
                 $this->listnum = 0;
                 // reset
                 $this->listoccur[$this->listlvl] = 1;
                 $this->listlist[$this->listlvl][1] = array('TYPE' => $this->listtype, 'MAXNUM' => $this->listnum);
             } else {
                 if (!empty($this->textbuffer)) {
                     $this->listitem[] = array($this->listlvl, $this->listnum, $this->textbuffer, $this->listoccur[$this->listlvl]);
                 $this->textbuffer = array();
                 $occur = $this->listoccur[$this->listlvl];
                 $this->listlist[$this->listlvl][$occur]['MAXNUM'] = $this->listnum;
                 //save previous lvl's maxnum
                 $this->listnum = 0;
                 // reset
                 if ($this->listoccur[$this->listlvl] == 0) {
                     $this->listoccur[$this->listlvl] = 1;
                 } else {
                 $occur = $this->listoccur[$this->listlvl];
                 $this->listlist[$this->listlvl][$occur] = array('TYPE' => $this->listtype, 'MAXNUM' => $this->listnum);
         case 'LI':
             //Observation: </LI> is ignored
             if ($this->listlvl == 0) {
                 //First of all, skip a line
                 if (!$this->pjustfinished and $this->x != $this->lMargin) {
                     $this->Ln(2 * $this->lineheight);
                 $this->oldx = $this->x;
                 // first depth level
                 $this->listnum = 0;
                 // reset
                 $this->listoccur[$this->listlvl] = 1;
                 $this->listlist[$this->listlvl][1] = array('TYPE' => 'disc', 'MAXNUM' => $this->listnum);
             if ($this->listnum == 0) {
                 $this->buffer_on = true;
                 //activate list 'bufferization'
                 $this->textbuffer = array();
             } else {
                 $this->buffer_on = true;
                 //activate list 'bufferization'
                 if (!empty($this->textbuffer)) {
                     $this->listitem[] = array($this->listlvl, $this->listnum, $this->textbuffer, $this->listoccur[$this->listlvl]);
                 $this->textbuffer = array();
         case 'H1':
             // 2 * fontsize
         // 2 * fontsize
         case 'H2':
             // 1.5 * fontsize
         // 1.5 * fontsize
         case 'H3':
             // 1.17 * fontsize
         // 1.17 * fontsize
         case 'H4':
             // 1 * fontsize
         // 1 * fontsize
         case 'H5':
             // 0.83 * fontsize
         // 0.83 * fontsize
         case 'H6':
             // 0.67 * fontsize
             //Values obtained from:
             if (isset($attr['ALIGN'])) {
                 $this->divalign = $align[strtolower($attr['ALIGN'])];
             $this->buffer_on = true;
             if ($this->x != $this->lMargin) {
                 $this->Ln(2 * $this->lineheight);
             } elseif (!$this->pjustfinished) {
             $this->SetStyle('B', true);
             switch ($tag) {
                 case 'H1':
                     $this->SetFontSize(2 * $this->FontSizePt);
                     $this->lineheight *= 2;
                 case 'H2':
                     $this->SetFontSize(1.5 * $this->FontSizePt);
                     $this->lineheight *= 1.5;
                 case 'H3':
                     $this->SetFontSize(1.17 * $this->FontSizePt);
                     $this->lineheight *= 1.17;
                 case 'H4':
                 case 'H5':
                     $this->SetFontSize(0.83 * $this->FontSizePt);
                     $this->lineheight *= 0.83;
                 case 'H6':
                     $this->SetFontSize(0.67 * $this->FontSizePt);
                     $this->lineheight *= 0.67;
         case 'HR':
             //Default values: width=100% align=center color=gray
             //Skip a line, if needed
             if ($this->x != $this->lMargin) {
             $this->Ln(0.2 * $this->lineheight);
             $hrwidth = $this->pgwidth;
             $hralign = 'C';
             $hrcolor = array('R' => 200, 'G' => 200, 'B' => 200);
             if ($attr['WIDTH'] != '') {
                 $hrwidth = ConvertSize($attr['WIDTH'], $this->pgwidth);
             if ($attr['ALIGN'] != '') {
                 $hralign = $align[strtolower($attr['ALIGN'])];
             if ($attr['COLOR'] != '') {
                 $hrcolor = ConvertColor($attr['COLOR']);
             $this->SetDrawColor($hrcolor['R'], $hrcolor['G'], $hrcolor['B']);
             $x = $this->x;
             $y = $this->y;
             switch ($hralign) {
                 case 'L':
                 case 'J':
                 case 'C':
                     $empty = $this->pgwidth - $hrwidth;
                     $empty /= 2;
                     $x += $empty;
                 case 'R':
                     $empty = $this->pgwidth - $hrwidth;
                     $x += $empty;
             $oldlinewidth = $this->LineWidth;
             $this->Line($x, $y, $x + $hrwidth, $y);
             $this->Ln(0.2 * $this->lineheight);
             $this->blockjustfinished = true;
             //Eliminate exceeding left-side spaces
         case 'INS':
             $this->SetStyle('U', true);
         case 'SMALL':
             $newsize = $this->FontSizePt - 1;
         case 'BIG':
             $newsize = $this->FontSizePt + 1;
         case 'STRONG':
             $this->SetStyle('B', true);
         case 'CITE':
         case 'EM':
             $this->SetStyle('I', true);
         case 'TITLE':
             $this->titulo = true;
         case 'B':
         case 'I':
         case 'U':
             if (isset($attr['CLASS']) or isset($attr['ID']) or isset($attr['STYLE'])) {
                 $this->cssbegin = true;
                 if (isset($attr['CLASS'])) {
                     $properties = $this->CSS[$attr['CLASS']];
                 } elseif (isset($attr['ID'])) {
                     $properties = $this->CSS[$attr['ID']];
                 //Read Inline CSS
                 if (isset($attr['STYLE'])) {
                     $properties = $this->readInlineCSS($attr['STYLE']);
                 //Look for name in the $this->CSS array
                 $this->backupcss = $properties;
                 if (!empty($properties)) {
                 //name found in the CSS array!
             $this->SetStyle($tag, true);
         case 'A':
             if (isset($attr['NAME']) and $attr['NAME'] != '') {
                 $this->textbuffer[] = array('', '', '', array(), '', false, false, $attr['NAME']);
             //an internal link (adds a space for recognition)
             if (isset($attr['HREF'])) {
                 $this->HREF = $attr['HREF'];
         case 'DIV':
             //in case of malformed HTML code. Example:(...)</div><li>Content</li><div>DIV1</div>(...)
             if ($this->listlvl > 0) {
                 $this->buffer_on = false;
                 if (!empty($this->textbuffer)) {
                     $this->listitem[] = array($this->listlvl, $this->listnum, $this->textbuffer, $this->listoccur[$this->listlvl]);
                 $this->textbuffer = array();
                 $this->pjustfinished = true;
                 //act as if a paragraph just ended
             $this->divbegin = true;
             if ($this->x != $this->lMargin) {
             if (isset($attr['ALIGN']) and $attr['ALIGN'] != '') {
                 $this->divalign = $align[strtolower($attr['ALIGN'])];
             if (isset($attr['CLASS']) or isset($attr['ID']) or isset($attr['STYLE'])) {
                 $this->cssbegin = true;
                 if (isset($attr['CLASS'])) {
                     $properties = $this->CSS[$attr['CLASS']];
                 } elseif (isset($attr['ID'])) {
                     $properties = $this->CSS[$attr['ID']];
                 //Read Inline CSS
                 if (isset($attr['STYLE'])) {
                     $properties = $this->readInlineCSS($attr['STYLE']);
                 //Look for name in the $this->CSS array
                 if (!empty($properties)) {
                 //name found in the CSS array!
         case 'IMG':
             if (!empty($this->textbuffer) and !$this->tablestart) {
                 //Output previously buffered content and output image below
                 //Set some default values
                 $olddivwidth = $this->divwidth;
                 $olddivheight = $this->divheight;
                 if ($this->divwidth == 0) {
                     $this->divwidth = $this->pgwidth - $this->x + $this->lMargin;
                 if ($this->divheight == 0) {
                     $this->divheight = $this->lineheight;
                 //Print content
                 $this->printbuffer($this->textbuffer, true);
                 $this->textbuffer = array();
                 //Reset values
                 $this->divwidth = $olddivwidth;
                 $this->divheight = $olddivheight;
                 $this->textbuffer = array();
             if (isset($attr['SRC'])) {
                 $srcpath = html_entity_decode($attr['SRC'], ENT_QUOTES, CONTREXX_CHARSET);
                 if (!FWValidator::isUri($srcpath)) {
                     // Set absolute path of image source
                     /*if (strpos($srcpath, ASCMS_DOCUMENT_ROOT) === 0) {
                           // probably impossible that the $srcpath would contain ASCMS_DOCUMENT_ROOT, therefore we can ignore this case
                       } else*/
                     if (ASCMS_PATH_OFFSET && strpos($srcpath, ASCMS_PATH_OFFSET) === 0) {
                         $srcpath = ASCMS_PATH . $srcpath;
                     } elseif (strpos($srcpath, '/') === 0) {
                         $srcpath = ASCMS_DOCUMENT_ROOT . $srcpath;
                     } else {
                         $srcpath = ASCMS_DOCUMENT_ROOT . '/' . $srcpath;
                 if (isset($attr['STYLE'])) {
                     $inlineCSSProperties = $this->readInlineCSS($attr['STYLE']);
                     if (isset($inlineCSSProperties['WIDTH'])) {
                         //$attr['WIDTH'] = ConvertSize($inlineCSSProperties['WIDTH'],$this->pgwidth);
                         $attr['WIDTH'] = intval($inlineCSSProperties['WIDTH']);
                     if (isset($inlineCSSProperties['HEIGHT'])) {
                         //$attr['HEIGHT'] = ConvertSize($inlineCSSProperties['HEIGHT'],$this->pgwidth);
                         $attr['HEIGHT'] = intval($inlineCSSProperties['HEIGHT']);
                 if (!isset($attr['WIDTH'])) {
                     $attr['WIDTH'] = 0;
                 } else {
                     $attr['WIDTH'] = ConvertSize($attr['WIDTH'], $this->pgwidth);
                 //$attr['WIDTH'] /= 4;
                 if (!isset($attr['HEIGHT'])) {
                     $attr['HEIGHT'] = 0;
                 } else {
                     $attr['HEIGHT'] = ConvertSize($attr['HEIGHT'], $this->pgwidth);
                 //$attr['HEIGHT'] /= 4;
                 if ($this->tdbegin) {
                     // WITHIN TD (TABLE)
                     //DBG::msg("IMG within (TABLE/TD)");
                     $bak_x = $this->x;
                     $bak_y = $this->y;
                     //Check whether image exists locally or on the URL
                     if (!FWValidator::isUri($srcpath) && !fopen($srcpath, 'rb')) {
                         if (!$this->shownoimg) {
                         $srcpath = $this->noimgsrc;
                     $sizesarray = $this->Image($srcpath, $this->GetX(), $this->GetY(), $attr['WIDTH'], $attr['HEIGHT'], '', '', false);
                     $this->y = $bak_y;
                     $this->x = $bak_x;
                 } elseif ($this->pbegin or $this->divbegin) {
                     // WITHIN DIV or P
                     //DBG::msg("IMG within DIV|P");
                     //In order to support <div align='center'><img ...></div>
                     $ypos = 0;
                     $bak_x = $this->x;
                     $bak_y = $this->y;
                     //Check whether image exists locally or on the URL
                     if (!FWValidator::isUri($srcpath) && !fopen($srcpath, 'rb')) {
                         if (!$this->shownoimg) {
                         $srcpath = $this->noimgsrc;
                     $sizesarray = $this->Image($srcpath, $this->GetX(), $this->GetY(), $attr['WIDTH'], $attr['HEIGHT'], '', '', false);
                     $this->y = $bak_y;
                     $this->x = $bak_x;
                     $xpos = '';
                     switch ($this->divalign) {
                         case "C":
                             $spacesize = $this->CurrentFont['cw'][' '] * ($this->FontSizePt / 1000);
                             $empty = ($this->pgwidth - $sizesarray['WIDTH']) / 2;
                             $xpos = 'xpos=' . $empty . ',';
                         case "R":
                             $spacesize = $this->CurrentFont['cw'][' '] * ($this->FontSizePt / 1000);
                             $empty = $this->pgwidth - $sizesarray['WIDTH'];
                             $xpos = 'xpos=' . $empty . ',';
                     $numberoflines = (int) ceil($sizesarray['HEIGHT'] / $this->lineheight);
                     $ypos = $numberoflines * $this->lineheight;
                     $this->textbuffer[] = array("»¤¬" . "type=image,ypos={$ypos},{$xpos}width=" . $sizesarray['WIDTH'] . ",height=" . $sizesarray['HEIGHT'] . "»¤¬" . $sizesarray['OUTPUT']);
                     while ($numberoflines) {
                         $this->textbuffer[] = array("\n", $this->HREF, $this->currentstyle, $this->colorarray, $this->currentfont, $this->SUP, $this->SUB, '', $this->strike, $this->outlineparam, $this->bgcolorarray);
                 } else {
                     // WITHIN EVERYTHING ELSE
                     //DBG::msg("IMG (standalone)");
                     $imgborder = 0;
                     if (isset($attr['BORDER'])) {
                         $imgborder = ConvertSize($attr['BORDER'], $this->pgwidth);
                     //Check whether image exists locally or on the URL
                     if (!FWValidator::isUri($srcpath) && !fopen($srcpath, 'rb')) {
                         if (!$this->shownoimg) {
                         $srcpath = $this->noimgsrc;
                     $sizesarray = $this->Image($srcpath, $this->GetX(), $this->GetY(), $attr['WIDTH'], $attr['HEIGHT'], '', $this->HREF);
                     //Output Image
                     $ini_x = $sizesarray['X'];
                     $ini_y = $sizesarray['Y'];
                     if ($imgborder) {
                         $oldlinewidth = $this->LineWidth;
                         $this->Rect($ini_x, $ini_y, $sizesarray['WIDTH'], $sizesarray['HEIGHT']);
                 if ($sizesarray['X'] < $this->x) {
                     $this->x = $this->lMargin;
                 if ($this->tablestart) {
                     $this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['textbuffer'][] = array("»¤¬" . "type=image,width=" . $sizesarray['WIDTH'] . ",height=" . $sizesarray['HEIGHT'] . "»¤¬" . $sizesarray['OUTPUT']);
                     $this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['s'] += $sizesarray['WIDTH'] + 1;
                     // +1 == margin
                     $this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['form'] = true;
                     // in order to make some width adjustments later
                     if (!isset($this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['w'])) {
                         $this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['w'] = $sizesarray['WIDTH'] + 3;
                     if (!isset($this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['h'])) {
                         $this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['h'] = $sizesarray['HEIGHT'] + 3;
         case 'BLOCKQUOTE':
         case 'BR':
             if ($this->tablestart) {
                 $this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['textbuffer'][] = array("\n", $this->HREF, $this->currentstyle, $this->colorarray, $this->currentfont, $this->SUP, $this->SUB, '', $this->strike, $this->outlineparam, $this->bgcolorarray);
                 $this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['text'][] = "\n";
                 if (!isset($this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['maxs'])) {
                     $this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['maxs'] = $this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['s'] + 2;
                 } elseif ($this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['maxs'] < $this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['s']) {
                     $this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['maxs'] = $this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['s'] + 2;
                 //+2 == margin
                 $this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['s'] = 0;
                 // reset
             } elseif ($this->divbegin or $this->pbegin or $this->buffer_on) {
                 $this->textbuffer[] = array("\n", $this->HREF, $this->currentstyle, $this->colorarray, $this->currentfont, $this->SUP, $this->SUB, '', $this->strike, $this->outlineparam, $this->bgcolorarray);
             } else {
                 $this->blockjustfinished = true;
         case 'P':
             //in case of malformed HTML code. Example:(...)</p><li>Content</li><p>Paragraph1</p>(...)
             if ($this->listlvl > 0) {
                 $this->buffer_on = false;
                 if (!empty($this->textbuffer)) {
                     $this->listitem[] = array($this->listlvl, $this->listnum, $this->textbuffer, $this->listoccur[$this->listlvl]);
                 $this->textbuffer = array();
                 $this->pjustfinished = true;
                 //act as if a paragraph just ended
             if ($this->tablestart) {
                 $this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['textbuffer'][] = array($e, $this->HREF, $this->currentstyle, $this->colorarray, $this->currentfont, $this->SUP, $this->SUB, '', $this->strike, $this->outlineparam, $this->bgcolorarray);
                 $this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['text'][] = "\n";
             $this->pbegin = true;
             if ($this->x != $this->lMargin) {
                 $this->Ln(2 * $this->lineheight);
             } elseif (!$this->pjustfinished) {
             //Save x,y coords in case we need to print borders...
             $this->oldx = $this->x;
             $this->oldy = $this->y;
             if (isset($attr['ALIGN'])) {
                 $this->divalign = $align[strtolower($attr['ALIGN'])];
             if (isset($attr['CLASS']) or isset($attr['ID']) or isset($attr['STYLE'])) {
                 $this->cssbegin = true;
                 if (isset($attr['CLASS'])) {
                     $properties = $this->CSS[$attr['CLASS']];
                 } elseif (isset($attr['ID'])) {
                     $properties = $this->CSS[$attr['ID']];
                 //Read Inline CSS
                 if (isset($attr['STYLE'])) {
                     $properties = $this->readInlineCSS($attr['STYLE']);
                 //Look for name in the $this->CSS array
                 $this->backupcss = $properties;
                 if (!empty($properties)) {
                 //name(id/class/style) found in the CSS array!
         case 'SPAN':
             $this->buffer_on = true;
             //Save x,y coords in case we need to print borders...
             $this->oldx = $this->x;
             $this->oldy = $this->y;
             if (isset($attr['CLASS']) or isset($attr['ID']) or isset($attr['STYLE'])) {
                 $this->cssbegin = true;
                 if (isset($attr['CLASS'])) {
                     $properties = $this->CSS[$attr['CLASS']];
                 } elseif (isset($attr['ID'])) {
                     $properties = $this->CSS[$attr['ID']];
                 //Read Inline CSS
                 if (isset($attr['STYLE'])) {
                     $properties = $this->readInlineCSS($attr['STYLE']);
                 //Look for name in the $this->CSS array
                 $this->backupcss = $properties;
                 if (!empty($properties)) {
                 //name found in the CSS array!
         case 'PRE':
             if ($this->tablestart) {
                 $this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['textbuffer'][] = array("\n", $this->HREF, $this->currentstyle, $this->colorarray, $this->currentfont, $this->SUP, $this->SUB, '', $this->strike, $this->outlineparam, $this->bgcolorarray);
                 $this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['text'][] = "\n";
             } elseif ($this->divbegin or $this->pbegin or $this->buffer_on) {
                 $this->textbuffer[] = array("\n", $this->HREF, $this->currentstyle, $this->colorarray, $this->currentfont, $this->SUP, $this->SUB, '', $this->strike, $this->outlineparam, $this->bgcolorarray);
             } else {
                 if ($this->x != $this->lMargin) {
                     $this->Ln(2 * $this->lineheight);
                 } elseif (!$this->pjustfinished) {
                 $this->buffer_on = true;
                 //Save x,y coords in case we need to print borders...
                 $this->oldx = $this->x;
                 $this->oldy = $this->y;
                 if (isset($attr['ALIGN'])) {
                     $this->divalign = $align[strtolower($attr['ALIGN'])];
                 if (isset($attr['CLASS']) or isset($attr['ID']) or isset($attr['STYLE'])) {
                     $this->cssbegin = true;
                     if (isset($attr['CLASS'])) {
                         $properties = $this->CSS[$attr['CLASS']];
                     } elseif (isset($attr['ID'])) {
                         $properties = $this->CSS[$attr['ID']];
                     //Read Inline CSS
                     if (isset($attr['STYLE'])) {
                         $properties = $this->readInlineCSS($attr['STYLE']);
                     //Look for name in the $this->CSS array
                     $this->backupcss = $properties;
                     if (!empty($properties)) {
                     //name(id/class/style) found in the CSS array!
         case 'TT':
         case 'KBD':
         case 'SAMP':
         case 'CODE':
             $this->currentfont = 'courier';
         case 'TEXTAREA':
             $this->buffer_on = true;
             $colsize = 20;
             //HTML default value
             $rowsize = 2;
             //HTML default value
             if (isset($attr['COLS'])) {
                 $colsize = $attr['COLS'];
             if (isset($attr['ROWS'])) {
                 $rowsize = $attr['ROWS'];
             if (!$this->tablestart) {
                 if ($this->x != $this->lMargin) {
                 $this->col = $colsize;
                 $this->row = $rowsize;
             } else {
                 $this->specialcontent = "type=textarea,lines={$rowsize},width=" . (2.2 * $colsize + 3);
                 //Activate form info in order to paint FORM elements within table
                 $this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['s'] += 2.2 * $colsize + 6;
                 // +6 == margin
                 if (!isset($this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['h'])) {
                     $this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['h'] = 1.1 * $this->lineheight * $rowsize + 2.5;
         case 'SELECT':
             $this->specialcontent = "type=select";
             //Activate form info in order to paint FORM elements within table
         case 'OPTION':
             $this->selectoption['ACTIVE'] = true;
             if (empty($this->selectoption)) {
                 $this->selectoption['MAXWIDTH'] = '';
                 $this->selectoption['SELECTED'] = '';
             if (isset($attr['SELECTED'])) {
                 $this->selectoption['SELECTED'] = '';
         case 'FORM':
             if ($this->tablestart) {
                 $this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['textbuffer'][] = array($e, $this->HREF, $this->currentstyle, $this->colorarray, $this->currentfont, $this->SUP, $this->SUB, '', $this->strike, $this->outlineparam, $this->bgcolorarray);
                 $this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['text'][] = "\n";
             } elseif ($this->x != $this->lMargin) {
             //Skip a line, if needed
         case 'INPUT':
             if (!isset($attr['TYPE'])) {
                 $attr['TYPE'] == '';
             //in order to allow default 'TEXT' form (in case of malformed HTML code)
             if (!$this->tablestart) {
                 switch (strtoupper($attr['TYPE'])) {
                     case 'CHECKBOX':
                         //Draw Checkbox
                         $checked = false;
                         if (isset($attr['CHECKED'])) {
                             $checked = true;
                         $this->SetFillColor(235, 235, 235);
                         $this->x += 3;
                         $this->Rect($this->x, $this->y + 1, 3, 3, 'DF');
                         if ($checked) {
                             $this->Line($this->x, $this->y + 1, $this->x + 3, $this->y + 1 + 3);
                             $this->Line($this->x, $this->y + 1 + 3, $this->x + 3, $this->y + 1);
                         $this->x += 3.5;
                     case 'RADIO':
                         //Draw Radio button
                         $checked = false;
                         if (isset($attr['CHECKED'])) {
                             $checked = true;
                         $this->x += 4;
                         $this->Circle($this->x, $this->y + 2.2, 1, 'D');
                         $this->_out('0.000 g');
                         if ($checked) {
                             $this->Circle($this->x, $this->y + 2.2, 0.4, 'DF');
                         $this->Write(5, $texto, $this->x);
                         $this->x += 2;
                     case 'BUTTON':
                         // Draw a button
                     // Draw a button
                     case 'SUBMIT':
                     case 'RESET':
                         $texto = '';
                         if (isset($attr['VALUE'])) {
                             $texto = $attr['VALUE'];
                         $nihil = 2.5;
                         $this->x += 2;
                         $this->SetFillColor(190, 190, 190);
                         $this->Rect($this->x, $this->y, $this->GetStringWidth($texto) + 2 * $nihil, 4.5, 'DF');
                         // 4.5 in order to avoid overlapping
                         $this->x += $nihil;
                         $this->Write(5, $texto, $this->x);
                         $this->x += $nihil;
                     case 'PASSWORD':
                         if (isset($attr['VALUE'])) {
                             $num_stars = strlen($attr['VALUE']);
                             $attr['VALUE'] = str_repeat('*', $num_stars);
                     case 'TEXT':
                         //Draw TextField
                     //Draw TextField
                         //default == TEXT
                         $texto = '';
                         if (isset($attr['VALUE'])) {
                             $texto = $attr['VALUE'];
                         $tamanho = 20;
                         if (isset($attr['SIZE']) and ctype_digit($attr['SIZE'])) {
                             $tamanho = $attr['SIZE'];
                         $this->SetFillColor(235, 235, 235);
                         $this->x += 2;
                         $this->Rect($this->x, $this->y, 2 * $tamanho, 4.5, 'DF');
                         // 4.5 in order to avoid overlapping
                         if ($texto != '') {
                             $this->x += 1;
                             $this->Write(5, $texto, $this->x);
                             $this->x -= $this->GetStringWidth($texto);
                         $this->x += 2 * $tamanho;
             } else {
                 $this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['form'] = true;
                 // in order to make some width adjustments later
                 $type = '';
                 $text = '';
                 $height = 0;
                 $width = 0;
                 switch (strtoupper($attr['TYPE'])) {
                     case 'CHECKBOX':
                         //Draw Checkbox
                         $checked = false;
                         if (isset($attr['CHECKED'])) {
                             $checked = true;
                         $text = $checked;
                         $type = 'CHECKBOX';
                         $width = 4;
                         $this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['textbuffer'][] = array("»¤¬" . "type=input,subtype={$type},width={$width},height={$height}" . "»¤¬" . $text);
                         $this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['s'] += $width;
                         if (!isset($this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['h'])) {
                             $this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['h'] = $this->lineheight;
                     case 'RADIO':
                         //Draw Radio button
                         $checked = false;
                         if (isset($attr['CHECKED'])) {
                             $checked = true;
                         $text = $checked;
                         $type = 'RADIO';
                         $width = 3;
                         $this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['textbuffer'][] = array("»¤¬" . "type=input,subtype={$type},width={$width},height={$height}" . "»¤¬" . $text);
                         $this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['s'] += $width;
                         if (!isset($this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['h'])) {
                             $this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['h'] = $this->lineheight;
                     case 'BUTTON':
                         $type = 'BUTTON';
                         // Draw a button
                     // Draw a button
                     case 'SUBMIT':
                         if ($type == '') {
                             $type = 'SUBMIT';
                     case 'RESET':
                         if ($type == '') {
                             $type = 'RESET';
                         $texto = '';
                         if (isset($attr['VALUE'])) {
                             $texto = " " . $attr['VALUE'] . " ";
                         $text = $texto;
                         $width = $this->GetStringWidth($texto) + 3;
                         $this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['textbuffer'][] = array("»¤¬" . "type=input,subtype={$type},width={$width},height={$height}" . "»¤¬" . $text);
                         $this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['s'] += $width;
                         if (!isset($this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['h'])) {
                             $this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['h'] = $this->lineheight + 2;
                     case 'PASSWORD':
                         if (isset($attr['VALUE'])) {
                             $num_stars = strlen($attr['VALUE']);
                             $attr['VALUE'] = str_repeat('*', $num_stars);
                         $type = 'PASSWORD';
                     case 'TEXT':
                         //Draw TextField
                     //Draw TextField
                         //default == TEXT
                         $texto = '';
                         if (isset($attr['VALUE'])) {
                             $texto = $attr['VALUE'];
                         $tamanho = 20;
                         if (isset($attr['SIZE']) and ctype_digit($attr['SIZE'])) {
                             $tamanho = $attr['SIZE'];
                         $text = $texto;
                         $width = 2 * $tamanho;
                         if ($type == '') {
                             $type = 'TEXT';
                         $this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['textbuffer'][] = array("»¤¬" . "type=input,subtype={$type},width={$width},height={$height}" . "»¤¬" . $text);
                         $this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['s'] += $width;
                         if (!isset($this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['h'])) {
                             $this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['h'] = $this->lineheight + 2;
         case 'FONT':
             //Font size is ignored for now
             if (isset($attr['COLOR']) and $attr['COLOR'] != '') {
                 $cor = ConvertColor($attr['COLOR']);
                 //If something goes wrong switch color to black
                 $cor['R'] = isset($cor['R']) ? $cor['R'] : 0;
                 $cor['G'] = isset($cor['G']) ? $cor['G'] : 0;
                 $cor['B'] = isset($cor['B']) ? $cor['B'] : 0;
                 $this->colorarray = $cor;
                 $this->SetTextColor($cor['R'], $cor['G'], $cor['B']);
                 $this->issetcolor = true;
             if (isset($attr['FACE']) and in_array(strtolower($attr['FACE']), $this->fontlist)) {
                 $this->issetfont = true;
             //'If' disabled in this version due lack of testing (you may enable it if you want)
             //			if (isset($attr['FACE']) and in_array(strtolower($attr['FACE']), $this->fontlist) and isset($attr['SIZE']) and $attr['SIZE']!='') {
             //				$this->SetFont(strtolower($attr['FACE']),'',$attr['SIZE']);
             //				$this->issetfont=true;
             //			}
     //end of switch
     $this->pjustfinished = false;
  * Checks the url
  * @param  string  $string
  * @return boolean result
 function isUrl($string)
     return \FWValidator::isUri($string);
Exemple #9
 function _parsejpg($file)
     $width = 0;
     $height = 0;
     $colspace = 'DeviceRGB';
     $bpc = 8;
     $data = null;
     if (FWValidator::isUri($file)) {
         // Image is a remote ressource
         require_once ASCMS_LIBRARY_PATH . '/PEAR/HTTP/Request2.php';
         try {
             $request = new HTTP_Request2($file);
             $data = $request->send()->getBody();
             $img = imagecreatefromstring($data);
             $width = imagesx($img);
             $height = imagesy($img);
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             return false;
     } else {
         // Image is a local ressource
         $imageInfo = getimagesize($file);
         if (!$imageInfo) {
             DBG::msg('Missing or incorrect image file: ' . $file);
             return false;
         list($width, $height, $imageType) = $imageInfo;
         if ($imageType != IMAGETYPE_JPEG) {
             DBG::msg('Not a JPEG file: ' . $file);
             return false;
         if (!isset($imageInfo['channels']) || $imageInfo['channels'] == 3) {
             $colspace = 'DeviceRGB';
         } elseif ($imageInfo['channels'] == 4) {
             $colspace = 'DeviceCMYK';
         } else {
             $colspace = 'DeviceGray';
         if (isset($imageInfo['bits'])) {
             $bpc = $imageInfo['bits'];
         //Read whole file
         $f = fopen($file, 'rb');
         $data = '';
         while (!feof($f)) {
             $data .= fread($f, 4096);
     return array('w' => $width, 'h' => $height, 'cs' => $colspace, 'bpc' => $bpc, 'f' => 'DCTDecode', 'data' => $data);
Exemple #10
$ipn = false;
foreach ($_POST as $name => $value) {
    if ($name == 'cancel_return') {
        if (!FWValidator::isUri($value)) {
        $paypalUriNok = $value;
    } elseif ($name == 'return') {
        if (!FWValidator::isUri($value)) {
        $paypalUriOk = $value;
    } elseif ($name == 'notify_url') {
        if (!FWValidator::isUri($value)) {
        $paypalUriIpn = $value;
    } elseif ($name == 'cmd') {
        if ($value == '_notify-validate') {
    addParam($name, $value);
function addParam($name, $value)
    global $strForm;
  * Stores a Manufacturer
  * @param   string    $name     The Manufacturer name
  * @param   string    $url      The Manufacturer URL
  * @param   integer   $id       The optional Manufacturer ID
  * @return  boolean             True on success, false otherwise
  * @static
 static function store($name, $url, $id = null)
     global $objDatabase, $_ARRAYLANG;
     // Make sure that only a valid URL is stored
     if ($url != '') {
         $url = \FWValidator::getUrl($url);
         if (!\FWValidator::isUri($url)) {
             return \Message::error($_ARRAYLANG['TXT_SHOP_MANUFACTURER_ERROR_URL_INVALID']);
     if (self::record_exists($id)) {
         return self::update($name, $url, $id);
     return self::insert($name, $url);
Exemple #12
 function loadFile($lpszFileName, $iIndex)
     if ($iIndex < 0) {
         return false;
     // READ FILE
     if (FWValidator::isUri($lpszFileName)) {
         // Image is a remote ressource
         require_once ASCMS_LIBRARY_PATH . '/PEAR/HTTP/Request2.php';
         try {
             $request = new HTTP_Request2($lpszFileName);
             $contents = $request->send()->getBody();
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             return false;
     } elseif (!($fh = @fOpen($lpszFileName, "rb"))) {
         return false;
     } else {
         $contents = @fread($fh, @filesize($lpszFileName));
     $this->m_lpData = $contents;
     //      $this->m_lpData = @fRead($fh, @fileSize($lpszFileName));
     //header ("Content-type: image/gif");
     if (!$this->m_gfh->load($this->m_lpData, $len)) {
         return false;
     $this->m_lpData = substr($this->m_lpData, $len);
     do {
         if (!$this->m_img->load($this->m_lpData, $imgLen)) {
             return false;
         $this->m_lpData = substr($this->m_lpData, $imgLen);
     } while ($iIndex-- > 0);
     $this->m_bLoaded = true;
     return true;