public static function fromDomElement(DOMNode $domNode)
     $status = new GWTSiteSyncStatus();
     $xpath = new DOMXPath($domNode->ownerDocument);
     $contentSrc = $xpath->query($domNode->getNodePath() . "//*[local-name()='content']/@src");
     $verified = $xpath->query($domNode->getNodePath() . "//*[local-name()='verified']");
     $verificationMethod = $xpath->query($domNode->getNodePath() . "//*[local-name()='verification-method']");
     for ($i = 0; $i < $verificationMethod->length; $i++) {
         $node = $verificationMethod->item($i);
         if (preg_match('/google([a-f0-9]+)\\.html/', $node->nodeValue, $matches)) {
     if ($contentSrc->length > 0) {
     if ($verified->length > 0) {
     return $status;
  * Create XPath
  * @param \DOMNode $node
  * @return string
 protected function createXPath(\DOMNode $node)
     $parentXPath = '';
     $currentXPath = $node->getNodePath();
     if ($node->parentNode !== null && !$node->isSameNode($node->parentNode)) {
         $parentXPath = $this->createXPath($node->parentNode);
         $pathParts = explode('/', $currentXPath);
         $currentXPath = '/' . end($pathParts);
     $attributesXPath = '';
     if ($node->hasAttributes()) {
         $attributes = [];
         foreach ($node->attributes as $name => $attribute) {
             if ($this->isIdAttribute($name)) {
                 $attributes[] = sprintf('@%s="%s"', $name, $attribute->value);
         if (!empty($attributes)) {
             if (substr($currentXPath, -1) === ']') {
                 $currentXPath = substr($currentXPath, 0, strrpos($currentXPath, '['));
             $attributesXPath = '[' . implode(' and ', $attributes) . ']';
     return '/' . trim($parentXPath . $currentXPath . $attributesXPath, '/');
  * @param DOMDocument $dom
  * @param DOMXPath $xpath
  * @param DOMNode $parent
  * @param string $name
  * @param string $value
  * @return DOMElement
 private function &addNode($dom, $xpath, $parent, $name, $value = '')
     $path = explode('/', rtrim($name, '/'));
     $name = end($path);
     $ref_node = null;
     $context = $parent->getNodePath();
     switch ($context) {
         case '/theme':
             $before = array('name', 'description', 'files', 'about', 'settings', 'thumbs', 'locales');
         case '/theme/settings/setting':
             $before = array('value', 'filename', 'name', 'description', 'options');
         case '/theme/settings/setting/options/option':
             $before = array('name', 'description');
             $before = array();
     if (!empty($before)) {
         do {
         } while ($before && $name != array_shift($before));
         #find next element
         do {
             if ($query = array_shift($before)) {
                 if (empty($xpath)) {
                     $xpath = new DOMXPath($dom);
                 $query = $context . '/' . $query;
                 if (($result = $xpath->query($query)) && $result->length) {
                     $ref_node = $result->item(0);
         } while (!$ref_node && $before);
     $element = $dom->createElement($name, $value);
     if ($ref_node) {
         $element = $parent->insertBefore($element, $ref_node);
     } else {
         $element = $parent->appendChild($element);
     return $element;
 private function parseClass(DOMNode $classNode)
     if (!$classNode->hasAttribute('name')) {
         echo "class type without name: " . $classNode->getNodePath() . "\n";
     $class = new Ezer_XsdClass();
     $class->name = $this->prefix . ucfirst($this->replaceNameChars($classNode->getAttribute('name')));
     if (!$this->redefine && isset($this->classes[$class->name])) {
         echo $class->name . " already exists, make sure that classes are the same.\n";
     for ($i = 0; $i < $classNode->childNodes->length; $i++) {
         $childNode = $classNode->childNodes->item($i);
         switch ($childNode->localName) {
             case '':
                 if ($childNode->nodeName == '#comment') {
                     $class->doc .= "\n{$childNode->nodeValue}";
             case 'anyAttribute':
             case 'annotation':
                 $class->doc .= "\n{$childNode->nodeValue}";
             case 'attribute':
                 $this->parseAttribute($class, $childNode);
             case 'sequence':
                 $this->parseSequence($class, $childNode);
             case 'complexContent':
                 $this->parseComplexContent($class, $childNode);
             case 'choice':
                 $this->parseChoice($class, $childNode);
                 echo "Unhandled class property: {$childNode->localName}.\n";
     $this->classes[$class->name] = $class;
  * Fill PHPFrontNodeList::$nodeList with DOMNodeList objects or arrays of DOMNode objects. This function is usually called by PHPFront.
  * @param array 	$element_selectors 			A list of element selectors provided by PHPFront.
  * @param DOMNode 	$source_element 			A DOMNode element from which to source elements for the population.
  * @param bool	 	$repeat_fn		 			The repeat function to use.
  * @param bool	 	$self_repeat				Sets whether to fill up nodeList with repeatitions of $source_element itself or child elements.
  * @see				PHPFront::setElementData().
  * @return void
 public function __construct(array $element_selectors, $source_element, $repeat_fn = null, $self_repeat = false)
     // Initially available elements have been populated.
     if (!empty($repeat_fn)) {
         // Add initial comma, remove all spaces
         $this->repeat_fn = ',' . str_replace(' ', '', strtolower($repeat_fn)) . ',';
     $this->self_repeat = $self_repeat;
     // Set these before any duplication begins... may be needed
     $this->element_selectors = $element_selectors;
     $this->ownerDocument = $source_element instanceof PHPFrontDom ? $source_element : $source_element->ownerDocument;
     if ($this->ownerDocument) {
         # 1. Attempt to populate nodeList
         // Default is to fill up nodeList with elements corresponding to items in $element_selectors - children of $source_element
         // But if $self_repeat is true, fill up nodeList with repeatitions of $source_element.
         if (!$this->self_repeat) {
             if (is_string($element_selectors[0])) {
                 $source_element_node_path = $source_element instanceof PHPFrontDom ? '//' : $source_element->getNodePath();
                 # A. We populate chidren of element
                 for ($i = 0; $i < count($element_selectors); $i++) {
                     # a. This element has specified which named children to populate
                     # We're working with named children
                     // Sanitize...
                     $element_selectors[$i] = str_replace(array('::before', '::after'), '', $element_selectors[$i]);
                     // Query...
                     $elements = $this->ownerDocument->getElementsBySelector($element_selectors[$i], $source_element_node_path);
                     // Add the result as is... whether empty or not. Seek() will fetch this value for this selector. Parser will ofcourse test non-emptinesss
             } else {
                 # b. This element does not specify named children.
                 # So we populate all children except SPACES and COMMENTS
                 $children = $source_element->childNodes;
                 foreach ($children as $key => $node) {
                     if (!($node instanceof DOMText || $node instanceof DOMComment)) {
                 # 2. IF the above didn't produce anything, that is, the provided element cannot produce a child,
                 // duplicate it to get a child
                 if (empty($this->nodeList) && !empty($source_element)) {
                     $node = $this->ownerDocument->duplicateNode($source_element, 'sub_child');
             // In case number of items populated is smaller than expected number of calls, then we fill the list up
         } else {
             // Repeat self
             // This element does not want to populate its children.
             // In case number of items populated is smaller than expected number of calls, then we fill the list up
  * @param \DOMNode $node
  * @return int
 protected function getDepth(\DOMNode $node)
     $beef = array_filter(explode('/', $node->getNodePath()));
     return count($beef) - 1;
  * Merge the current node into the given container
  * @param DOMNode $oContainer An element or a document	 
  * @param string  $sSearchId  The id to consider (could be blank)
  * @param bool    $bMustExist Throw an exception if the node must already be found (and not marked as deleted!)
 public function MergeInto($oContainer, $sSearchId, $bMustExist)
     $oTargetNode = $oContainer->_FindChildNode($this, $sSearchId);
     if ($oTargetNode) {
         if ($oTargetNode->getAttribute('_alteration') == 'removed') {
             if ($bMustExist) {
                 throw new Exception("found mandatory node {$this->tagName}(id:{$sSearchId}) marked as deleted in " . $oContainer->getNodePath());
             // Beware: ImportNode(xxx, false) DOES NOT copy the node's attribute on *some* PHP versions (<5.2.17)
             // So use this workaround to import a node and its attributes on *any* PHP version
             $oTargetNode = $oContainer->ownerDocument->ImportNode($this->cloneNode(false), true);
     } else {
         if ($bMustExist) {
             echo "Dumping parent node<br/>\n";
             throw new Exception("could not find {$this->tagName}(id:{$sSearchId}) in " . $oContainer->getNodePath());
         // Beware: ImportNode(xxx, false) DOES NOT copy the node's attribute on *some* PHP versions (<5.2.17)
         // So use this workaround to import a node and its attributes on *any* PHP version
         $oTargetNode = $oContainer->ownerDocument->ImportNode($this->cloneNode(false), true);
     return $oTargetNode;