 * Check if setup.php has changed since we last cached the mtime.
 * If it has, cache the new mtime
 * @return bool
function caSetupPhpHasChanged()
    $vn_setup_mtime = caGetFileMTime(__CA_BASE_DIR__ . '/setup.php');
    if (!CompositeCache::contains('setup_php_mtime') || $vn_setup_mtime != CompositeCache::fetch('setup_php_mtime')) {
        CompositeCache::save('setup_php_mtime', $vn_setup_mtime, 'default', 0);
        return true;
    return false;
  * @expectedException MemoryCacheInvalidParameterException
 public function testInvalidKey()
     CompositeCache::save('', 'data1', 'this is invalid');
  * @param EasyRdf_Graph $po_graph
  * @param string $ps_base_node
  * @param string $ps_node_uri
  * @param int $pn_limit
  * @param bool $pb_recursive
  * @return array
 static function getListOfRelatedGraphs($po_graph, $ps_base_node, $ps_node_uri, $pn_limit, $pb_recursive = false)
     $vs_cache_key = md5(serialize(func_get_args()));
     if (CompositeCache::contains($vs_cache_key, 'GettyLinkedDataRelatedGraphs')) {
         return CompositeCache::fetch($vs_cache_key, 'GettyLinkedDataRelatedGraphs');
     $va_related_nodes = $po_graph->all($ps_base_node, $ps_node_uri);
     $va_pull_graphs = array();
     if (is_array($va_related_nodes)) {
         $vn_i = 0;
         foreach ($va_related_nodes as $o_related_node) {
             $vs_pull_uri = (string) $o_related_node;
             if (!($o_pull_graph = self::getURIAsRDFGraph($vs_pull_uri))) {
                 return false;
             $va_pull_graphs[$vs_pull_uri] = $o_pull_graph;
             if (++$vn_i >= $pn_limit) {
     if ($pb_recursive) {
         $va_sub_pull_graphs = array();
         foreach ($va_pull_graphs as $vs_pull_uri => $o_pull_graph) {
             // avoid circular references
             if (isset($va_pull_graphs[$vs_pull_uri]) || isset($va_sub_pull_graphs[$vs_pull_uri])) {
             $va_sub_pull_graphs = array_merge($va_sub_pull_graphs, self::getListOfRelatedGraphs($o_pull_graph, $vs_pull_uri, $ps_node_uri, $pn_limit, true));
         $va_pull_graphs = array_merge($va_pull_graphs, $va_sub_pull_graphs);
     CompositeCache::save($vs_cache_key, $va_pull_graphs, 'GettyLinkedDataRelatedGraphs');
     return $va_pull_graphs;
 public function parseValue($ps_value, $pa_element_info, $pa_options = null)
     $ps_value = trim(preg_replace("![\t\n\r]+!", ' ', $ps_value));
     $vs_service = caGetOption('service', $this->getSettingValuesFromElementArray($pa_element_info, array('service')));
     //if (!trim($ps_value)) {
     //$this->postError(1970, _t('Entry was blank.'), 'InformationServiceAttributeValue->parseValue()');
     //	return false;
     if (trim($ps_value)) {
         $va_tmp = explode('|', $ps_value);
         $va_info = array();
         if (sizeof($va_tmp) == 3) {
             /// value is already in desired format (from autocomplete lookup)
             // get extra indexing info for this uri from plugin implementation
             $this->opo_plugin = InformationServiceManager::getInformationServiceInstance($vs_service);
             $vs_display_text = $this->opo_plugin->getDisplayValueFromLookupText($va_tmp[0]);
             $va_info['indexing_info'] = $this->opo_plugin->getDataForSearchIndexing($pa_element_info['settings'], $va_tmp[2]);
             $va_info['extra_info'] = $this->opo_plugin->getExtraInfo($pa_element_info['settings'], $va_tmp[2]);
             return array('value_longtext1' => $vs_display_text, 'value_longtext2' => $va_tmp[2], 'value_decimal1' => $va_tmp[1], 'value_blob' => caSerializeForDatabase($va_info));
         } elseif (sizeof($va_tmp) == 1 && (isURL($va_tmp[0], array('strict' => true)) || is_numeric($va_tmp[0]))) {
             // URI or ID -> try to look it up. we match hit when exactly 1 hit comes back
             // try lookup cache
             if (CompositeCache::contains($va_tmp[0], "InformationServiceLookup{$vs_service}")) {
                 return CompositeCache::fetch($va_tmp[0], "InformationServiceLookup{$vs_service}");
             // try lookup
             $this->opo_plugin = InformationServiceManager::getInformationServiceInstance($vs_service);
             $va_ret = $this->opo_plugin->lookup($pa_element_info['settings'], $va_tmp[0]);
             // only match exact results. at some point we might want to try to get fancy
             // and pick one (or rather, have the plugin pick one) if there's more than one
             if (is_array($va_ret['results']) && sizeof($va_ret['results']) == 1) {
                 $va_hit = array_shift($va_ret['results']);
                 $va_info['indexing_info'] = $this->opo_plugin->getDataForSearchIndexing($pa_element_info['settings'], $va_hit['url']);
                 $va_info['extra_info'] = $this->opo_plugin->getExtraInfo($pa_element_info['settings'], $va_hit['url']);
                 $vs_display_text = $this->opo_plugin->getDisplayValueFromLookupText($va_hit['label']);
                 $va_return = array('value_longtext1' => $vs_display_text, 'value_longtext2' => $va_hit['url'], 'value_decimal1' => $va_hit['id'], 'value_blob' => caSerializeForDatabase($va_info));
             } else {
                 $this->postError(1970, _t('Value for InformationService lookup has to be an ID or URL that returns exactly 1 hit. We got more or no hits. Value was %1', $ps_value), 'ListAttributeValue->parseValue()');
                 return false;
             CompositeCache::save($va_tmp[0], $va_return, "InformationServiceLookup{$vs_service}");
             return $va_return;
         } else {
             // don't save if value hasn't changed
             return array('_dont_save' => true);
     return array('value_longtext1' => '', 'value_longtext2' => '', 'value_decimal1' => null, 'value_blob' => null);
  * Try to load a given URI as RDF Graph
  * @param string $ps_uri
  * @return bool|EasyRdf_Graph
 static function getURIAsRDFGraph($ps_uri)
     if (!$ps_uri) {
         return false;
     if (CompositeCache::contains($ps_uri, 'GettyLinkedDataRDFGraphs')) {
         return CompositeCache::fetch($ps_uri, 'GettyLinkedDataRDFGraphs');
     try {
         $o_graph = new EasyRdf_Graph("http://vocab.getty.edu/download/rdf?uri={$ps_uri}.rdf");
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         return false;
     CompositeCache::save($ps_uri, $o_graph, 'GettyLinkedDataRDFGraphs');
     return $o_graph;
Exemple #6
  * Set the per-job_id progress bar cache with the current state of the progress bar
  * @param string $ps_message The message
  * @return array The cached data or null if no job_id was set or the cache could not be opened.
 private function setCache($ps_message = null)
     $va_data = null;
     if ($this->ops_job_id) {
         if (CompositeCache::contains($this->ops_job_id, 'ProgressBar')) {
             $va_data = CompositeCache::fetch($this->ops_job_id, 'ProgressBar');
         if (!is_array($va_data)) {
             $va_data = array();
         $va_data['total'] = $this->getTotal();
         $va_data['start'] = $this->opn_start;
         $va_data['position'] = $this->getCurrentPosition();
         $va_data['message'] = is_null($ps_message) ? $this->getMessage() : $ps_message;
         CompositeCache::save($this->ops_job_id, $va_data, 'ProgressBar');
     return $va_data;
  * Fetch details on an item from a remote data source and output results of the 'display' key in the response.
 public function GetDetail()
     $pn_element_id = $this->request->getParameter('element_id', pInteger);
     $t_element = new ca_metadata_elements($pn_element_id);
     $va_data = array();
     if (!$t_element->getPrimaryKey()) {
         // error
         $va_items['error'] = array('label' => _t('ERROR: Invalid element_id'), 'idno' => '');
     } else {
         $vs_service = $t_element->getSetting('service');
         $va_settings = $t_element->getSettings();
         $pn_attribute_id = $this->request->getParameter('id', pInteger);
         $t_attr_val = new ca_attribute_values();
         if ($t_attr_val->load(array('attribute_id' => $pn_attribute_id, 'element_id' => $pn_element_id))) {
             $t_attr = new ca_attributes();
             if ($t_attr->load($pn_attribute_id)) {
                 if (!caCanRead($this->request->getUserID(), $t_attr->get('table_num'), $t_attr->get('row_id'), $t_element->get('element_code'))) {
                     $va_items['error'] = array('label' => _t('ERROR: You do not have access to this item'), 'idno' => '');
                 } else {
                     $vs_url = $t_attr_val->get('value_longtext2');
                     if (!($o_plugin = InformationServiceManager::getInformationServiceInstance($vs_service))) {
                         $va_items['error'] = array('label' => _t('ERROR: Invalid service'), 'idno' => '');
                     } else {
                         $vs_cache_key = md5(print_r($va_settings, true) . $vs_url);
                         if (CompositeCache::contains($vs_cache_key, 'InformationServiceExtendedInfo')) {
                             $va_data = CompositeCache::fetch($vs_cache_key, 'InformationServiceExtendedInfo');
                         } else {
                             $va_data = $o_plugin->getExtendedInformation($va_settings, $vs_url);
                             CompositeCache::save($vs_cache_key, $va_data, 'InformationServiceExtendedInfo');
     $this->view->setVar('detail', $va_data);
     return $this->render('ajax_information_service_detail_html.php');
  * Returns list of user actions defined by all widgets
  * @return array List of user actions keyed by action code
 public static function getWidgetRoleActions()
     if ($va_actions = CompositeCache::fetch('role_action_list', 'WidgetManager')) {
         return $va_actions;
     $va_actions = array();
     $o_config = Configuration::load();
     $vs_base_widget_dir = $o_config->get('dashboard_widgets');
     $va_widget_dirs = WidgetManager::getWidgetNames();
     foreach ($va_widget_dirs as $vs_widget_dir) {
         if (!file_exists($vs_base_widget_dir . '/' . $vs_widget_dir . '/' . $vs_widget_dir . 'Widget.php')) {
         require_once $vs_base_widget_dir . '/' . $vs_widget_dir . '/' . $vs_widget_dir . 'Widget.php';
         $vs_widget_classname = $vs_widget_dir . 'Widget';
         $va_actions = array_merge($va_actions, call_user_func(array($vs_widget_classname, 'getRoleActionList')));
     CompositeCache::save('role_action_list', $va_actions, 'WidgetManager');
     return $va_actions;
 public static function getLocaleList($pa_options = null)
     $vs_sort_field = isset($pa_options['sort_field']) ? $pa_options['sort_field'] : '';
     $vs_sort_direction = isset($pa_options['sort_direction']) ? $pa_options['sort_direction'] : 'asc';
     $vb_index_by_code = isset($pa_options['index_by_code']) && $pa_options['index_by_code'] ? true : false;
     $vb_return_display_values = isset($pa_options['return_display_values']) && $pa_options['return_display_values'] ? true : false;
     $vb_available_for_cataloguing_only = isset($pa_options['available_for_cataloguing_only']) && $pa_options['available_for_cataloguing_only'] ? true : false;
     $va_valid_sorts = array('name', 'language', 'country', 'dialect');
     if (!in_array($vs_sort_field, $va_valid_sorts)) {
         $vs_sort_field = 'name';
     $vs_cache_key = $vs_sort_field . '/' . $vs_sort_direction . '/' . ($vb_index_by_code ? 1 : 0) . '/' . ($vb_return_display_values ? 1 : 0) . '/' . ($vb_available_for_cataloguing_only ? 1 : 0);
     if (CompositeCache::contains($vs_cache_key, 'LocaleList')) {
         $va_locales = CompositeCache::fetch($vs_cache_key, 'LocaleList');
         // Check if memory cache has been populated with necessary data yet.
         // This might not be the case if $va_locales comes from disk and the SQL code below was not executed.
         // Unfortunately the other helpers like loadLocaleByCode() rely on this side-effect of getLocaleList().
         if (MemoryCache::itemCountForNamespace('LocaleCodeToId') == 0) {
             foreach ($va_locales as $va_locale) {
                 if ($vb_available_for_cataloguing_only && $va_locale['dont_use_for_cataloguing']) {
                 MemoryCache::save($va_locale['language'] . '_' . $va_locale['country'], $va_locale['locale_id'], 'LocaleCodeToId');
                 MemoryCache::save($va_locale['locale_id'], $va_locale['language'] . '_' . $va_locale['country'], 'LocaleIdToCode');
                 MemoryCache::save($va_locale['locale_id'], $va_locale['name'], 'LocaleIdToName');
         return $va_locales;
     $o_db = new Db();
     $vs_sort = 'ORDER BY ' . $vs_sort_field;
     $qr_locales = $o_db->query("\n\t\t\tSELECT *\n\t\t\tFROM ca_locales\n\t\t\t{$vs_sort}\n\t\t");
     $va_locales = array();
     while ($qr_locales->nextRow()) {
         if ($vb_available_for_cataloguing_only && $qr_locales->get('dont_use_for_cataloguing')) {
         $vs_name = $qr_locales->get('name');
         if ($vb_return_display_values) {
             $vm_val = $vs_name;
         } else {
             $vm_val = $qr_locales->getRow();
         $vs_code = $qr_locales->get('language') . '_' . $qr_locales->get('country');
         $vn_id = $qr_locales->get('locale_id');
         if (!$vb_return_display_values) {
             $vm_val['code'] = $vs_code;
         if ($vb_index_by_code) {
             $va_locales[$vs_code] = $vm_val;
         } else {
             $va_locales[$vn_id] = $vm_val;
         MemoryCache::save($vs_code, $vn_id, 'LocaleCodeToId');
         MemoryCache::save($vn_id, $vs_code, 'LocaleIdToCode');
         MemoryCache::save($vn_id, $vs_name, 'LocaleIdToName');
     CompositeCache::save($vs_cache_key, $va_locales, 'LocaleList');
     return $va_locales;
  * Returns list of user actions defined by all plugins
  * @return array List of user actions keyed by action code
 public static function getPluginRoleActions()
     if ($va_actions = CompositeCache::fetch('role_action_list', 'ApplicationPluginManager')) {
         return $va_actions;
     $va_actions = array();
     $o_config = Configuration::load();
     $vs_app_plugin_dir = $o_config->get('application_plugins');
     $va_app_plugin_dirs = ApplicationPluginManager::getPluginNames();
     foreach ($va_app_plugin_dirs as $vs_plugin_dir) {
         if (!file_exists($vs_app_plugin_dir . '/' . $vs_plugin_dir . '/' . $vs_plugin_dir . 'Plugin.php')) {
         require_once $vs_app_plugin_dir . '/' . $vs_plugin_dir . '/' . $vs_plugin_dir . 'Plugin.php';
         $vs_plugin_classname = $vs_plugin_dir . 'Plugin';
         $va_actions = array_merge($va_actions, call_user_func(array($vs_plugin_classname, 'getRoleActionList')));
     CompositeCache::save('role_action_list', $va_actions, 'ApplicationPluginManager');
     return $va_actions;
Exemple #11
 public function setGlobalParameter($ps_param, $pm_value)
     CompositeCache::save("search_global_{$ps_param}", $pm_value, 'SearchCache');
  * Returns all elements in system as list
  * @param $pb_root_elements_only boolean If true, then only root elements are returned; default is false
  * @param $pm_table_name_or_num mixed Optional table name or number to filter list with. If specified then only elements that have a type restriction to the table are returned. If omitted (default) then all elements, regardless of type restrictions, are returned.
  * @param $pm_type_name_or_id mixed Optional type code or type_id to restrict elements to.  If specified then only elements that have a type restriction to the specified table and type are returned.
  * @param $pb_use_cache boolean Optional control for list cache; if true [default] then the will be cached for the request; if false the list will be generated from the database. The list is always generated at least once in the current request - there is no inter-request caching
  * @param $pa_data_types array Optional list of element data types to filter on.
  * @return array A List of elements. Each list item is an array with keys set to field names; there is one additional value added with key "display_label" set to the display label of the element in the current locale
 public static function getElementsAsList($pb_root_elements_only = false, $pm_table_name_or_num = null, $pm_type_name_or_id = null, $pb_use_cache = true, $pb_return_stats = false, $pb_index_by_element_code = false, $pa_data_types = null)
     $o_dm = Datamodel::load();
     $vn_table_num = $o_dm->getTableNum($pm_table_name_or_num);
     $vs_cache_key = md5($pm_table_name_or_num . '/' . $pm_type_name_or_id . '/' . ($pb_root_elements_only ? '1' : '0') . '/' . ($pb_index_by_element_code ? '1' : '0') . print_R($pa_data_types, true));
     if ($pb_use_cache && CompositeCache::contains($vs_cache_key, 'ElementList')) {
         $va_element_list = CompositeCache::fetch($vs_cache_key, 'ElementList');
         if ($pb_return_stats && isset($va_element_list['ui_counts']) || !$pb_return_stats) {
             return $va_element_list;
     if ($pb_return_stats) {
         $va_counts_by_attribute = ca_metadata_elements::getUIUsageCounts();
         $va_restrictions_by_attribute = ca_metadata_elements::getTypeRestrictionsAsList();
     $vo_db = new Db();
     $va_wheres = array();
     $va_where_params = array();
     if ($pb_root_elements_only) {
         $va_wheres[] = 'cme.parent_id is NULL';
     if ($vn_table_num) {
         $va_wheres[] = 'cmtr.table_num = ?';
         $va_where_params[] = (int) $vn_table_num;
         if ($pm_type_name_or_id) {
             $t_list_item = new ca_list_items();
             if (!is_numeric($pm_type_name_or_id)) {
                 $t_list_item->load(array('idno' => $pm_type_name_or_id));
             } else {
                 $t_list_item->load((int) $pm_type_name_or_id);
             $va_type_ids = array();
             if ($vn_type_id = $t_list_item->getPrimaryKey()) {
                 $va_type_ids[$vn_type_id] = true;
                 if ($qr_children = $t_list_item->getHierarchy($vn_type_id, array())) {
                     while ($qr_children->nextRow()) {
                         $va_type_ids[$qr_children->get('item_id')] = true;
                 $va_wheres[] = '((cmtr.type_id = ?) OR (cmtr.include_subtypes = 1 AND cmtr.type_id IN (?)))';
                 $va_where_params[] = (int) $vn_type_id;
                 $va_where_params[] = $va_type_ids;
         $vs_wheres = ' WHERE ' . join(' AND ', $va_wheres);
         $qr_tmp = $vo_db->query("\n\t\t\t\tSELECT cme.*\n\t\t\t\tFROM ca_metadata_elements cme\n\t\t\t\tINNER JOIN ca_metadata_type_restrictions AS cmtr ON cme.hier_element_id = cmtr.element_id\n\t\t\t\t{$vs_wheres}\n\t\t\t", $va_where_params);
     } else {
         if (sizeof($va_wheres)) {
             $vs_wheres = ' WHERE ' . join(' AND ', $va_wheres);
         } else {
             $vs_wheres = '';
         $qr_tmp = $vo_db->query("\n\t\t\t\tSELECT * \n\t\t\t\tFROM ca_metadata_elements cme\n\t\t\t\t{$vs_wheres}\n\t\t\t");
     $va_return = array();
     $t_element = new ca_metadata_elements();
     while ($qr_tmp->nextRow()) {
         $vn_element_id = $qr_tmp->get('element_id');
         $vs_datatype = $qr_tmp->get('datatype');
         if (is_array($pa_data_types) && !in_array($vs_datatype, $pa_data_types)) {
         foreach ($t_element->getFields() as $vs_field) {
             $va_record[$vs_field] = $qr_tmp->get($vs_field);
         $va_record['settings'] = caUnserializeForDatabase($qr_tmp->get('settings'));
         if ($pb_return_stats) {
             $va_record['ui_counts'] = $va_counts_by_attribute[$vs_code = $qr_tmp->get('element_code')];
             $va_record['restrictions'] = $va_restrictions_by_attribute[$vs_code];
         $va_return[$vn_element_id] = $va_record;
     // Get labels
     $va_labels = $t_element->getPreferredDisplayLabelsForIDs(array_keys($va_return));
     foreach ($va_labels as $vn_id => $vs_label) {
         $va_return[$vn_id]['display_label'] = $vs_label;
     if ($pb_index_by_element_code) {
         $va_return_proc = array();
         foreach ($va_return as $vn_id => $va_element) {
             $va_return_proc[$va_element['element_code']] = $va_element;
         $va_return = $va_return_proc;
     $vm_return = sizeof($va_return) > 0 ? $va_return : false;
     CompositeCache::save($vs_cache_key, $vm_return, 'ElementList');
     return $vm_return;
  * Returns a list of ui id, screen id and placement id for a given setting key (editor_code/screen_idno/placement_code)
  * @param string $ps_key
  * @return array|bool
 public static function resolveHideIfSelectedKey($ps_key)
     if (CompositeCache::contains($ps_key, 'ListAttrHideIfSelected')) {
         return CompositeCache::fetch($ps_key, 'ListAttrHideIfSelected');
     $va_tmp = explode('/', $ps_key);
     if (!sizeof($va_tmp) == 3) {
         return false;
     // ui
     $t_ui = new ca_editor_uis();
     if (!$t_ui->load(array('editor_code' => $va_tmp[0]))) {
         return false;
     // screen
     $t_screen = new ca_editor_ui_screens();
     if (!$t_screen->load(array('ui_id' => $t_ui->getPrimaryKey(), 'idno' => $va_tmp[1]))) {
         return false;
     // placement
     $t_placement = new ca_editor_ui_bundle_placements();
     if (!$t_placement->load(array('screen_id' => $t_screen->getPrimaryKey(), 'placement_code' => $va_tmp[2]))) {
         return false;
     $va_ret = array($t_screen->getPrimaryKey(), $t_placement->getPrimaryKey());
     CompositeCache::save($ps_key, $va_ret, 'ListAttrHideIfSelected');
     return $va_ret;
  * Increments the view count for this item
  * @param int $pn_user_id User_id of user viewing item. Omit of set null if user is not logged in.
  * @return bool True on success, false on error.
 public function registerItemView($pn_user_id = null)
     global $g_ui_locale_id;
     if (!($vn_row_id = $this->getPrimaryKey())) {
         return null;
     $pn_locale_id = $g_ui_locale_id;
     $vn_table_num = $this->tableNum();
     $t_view = new ca_item_views();
     $t_view->set('table_num', $vn_table_num);
     $t_view->set('row_id', $vn_row_id);
     $t_view->set('user_id', $pn_user_id);
     $t_view->set('locale_id', $pn_locale_id);
     if ($t_view->numErrors()) {
         $this->errors = $t_view->errors;
         return false;
     $o_db = $this->getDb();
     // increment count
     $qr_res = $o_db->query("\n\t\t\tSELECT * \n\t\t\tFROM ca_item_view_counts\n\t\t\tWHERE table_num = ? AND row_id = ?\n\t\t", $vn_table_num, $vn_row_id);
     if ($qr_res->nextRow()) {
         $o_db->query("\n\t\t\t\tUPDATE ca_item_view_counts\n\t\t\t\tSET view_count = view_count + 1\n\t\t\t\tWHERE table_num = ? AND row_id = ? \n\t\t\t", $vn_table_num, $vn_row_id);
     } else {
         $o_db->query("\n\t\t\t\tINSERT INTO ca_item_view_counts\n\t\t\t\t(table_num, row_id, view_count)\n\t\t\t\tVALUES\n\t\t\t\t(?, ?, 1)\n\t\t\t", $vn_table_num, $vn_row_id);
     $va_recently_viewed_list = CompositeCache::fetch('caRecentlyViewed');
     if (!is_array($va_recently_viewed_list)) {
         $va_recently_viewed_list = array();
     if (!is_array($va_recently_viewed_list[$vn_table_num])) {
         $va_recently_viewed_list[$vn_table_num] = array();
     while (sizeof($va_recently_viewed_list[$vn_table_num]) > 100) {
     if (!in_array($vn_row_id, $va_recently_viewed_list[$vn_table_num])) {
         array_unshift($va_recently_viewed_list[$vn_table_num], $vn_row_id);
     CompositeCache::save('caRecentlyViewed', $va_recently_viewed_list);
     return true;
 public function getPath($ps_left_table, $ps_right_table)
     if (is_numeric($ps_left_table)) {
         $ps_left_table = $this->getTableName($ps_left_table);
     if (is_numeric($ps_right_table)) {
         $ps_right_table = $this->getTableName($ps_right_table);
     if (CompositeCache::contains("{$ps_left_table}/{$ps_right_table}", 'DatamodelPaths')) {
         return CompositeCache::fetch("{$ps_left_table}/{$ps_right_table}", 'DatamodelPaths');
     # handle self relationships as a special case
     if ($ps_left_table == $ps_right_table) {
         //define rel table
         $rel_table = $ps_left_table . "_x_" . str_replace("ca_", "", $ps_left_table);
         if (!$this->getInstanceByTableName($rel_table, true)) {
             return array();
             // self relation doesn't exist
         return array($ps_left_table => $this->getTableNum($ps_left_table), $rel_table => $this->getTableNum($rel_table));
     $vs_path = $this->opo_graph->getPath($ps_left_table, $ps_right_table);
     CompositeCache::save("{$ps_left_table}/{$ps_right_table}", $vs_path, 'DatamodelPaths');
     return $vs_path;
Exemple #16
  * Increments the view count for this item
  * @param int $pn_user_id User_id of user viewing item. Omit of set null if user is not logged in.
  * @return bool True on success, false on error.
 public function registerItemView()
     if (!($vn_row_id = $this->getPrimaryKey())) {
         return null;
     if (!$this->hasField('view_count')) {
         return null;
     $this->getDb()->query("UPDATE " . $this->tableName() . " SET view_count = view_count + 1 WHERE " . $this->primaryKey() . " = ?", array($vn_row_id));
     $va_recently_viewed_list = CompositeCache::fetch('caRecentlyViewed');
     if (!is_array($va_recently_viewed_list)) {
         $va_recently_viewed_list = array();
     if (!is_array($va_recently_viewed_list[$vn_table_num = $this->tableNum()])) {
         $va_recently_viewed_list[$vn_table_num] = array();
     while (sizeof($va_recently_viewed_list[$vn_table_num]) > 100) {
     if (!in_array($vn_row_id, $va_recently_viewed_list[$vn_table_num])) {
         array_unshift($va_recently_viewed_list[$vn_table_num], $vn_row_id);
     CompositeCache::save('caRecentlyViewed', $va_recently_viewed_list);
     return $this->getDb()->numErrors() ? false : true;
Exemple #17
 * Fetch the type code for a given relationship type id (primary key value)
 * @param $pn_type_id
 * @return Array|bool|mixed|null|string
function caGetRelationshipTypeCode($pn_type_id)
    if (CompositeCache::contains($pn_type_id, 'RelationshipIDsToCodes')) {
        return CompositeCache::fetch($pn_type_id, 'RelationshipIDsToCodes');
    $t_rel_types = new ca_relationship_types($pn_type_id);
    if (!$t_rel_types->getPrimaryKey()) {
        return false;
    $vs_code = $t_rel_types->get('type_code');
    CompositeCache::save($pn_type_id, $vs_code, 'RelationshipIDsToCodes');
    return $vs_code;