Exemple #1
  * Get module contents
  * @return  void
 public function run()
     include_once Component::path('com_whatsnew') . DS . 'helpers' . DS . 'period.php';
     $live_site = rtrim(Request::base(), '/');
     // Get some initial parameters
     $count = intval($this->params->get('limit', 5));
     $this->feed = $this->params->get('feed');
     $this->cssId = $this->params->get('cssId');
     $this->period = $this->params->get('period', 'resources:month');
     $this->tagged = intval($this->params->get('tagged', 0));
     $database = \App::get('db');
     // Build the feed link if necessary
     if ($this->feed) {
         $this->feedlink = Route::url('index.php?option=com_whatsnew&task=feed.rss&period=' . $this->period);
         $this->feedlink = DS . trim($this->feedlink, DS);
         $this->feedlink = $live_site . $this->feedlink;
         if (substr($this->feedlink, 0, 5) == 'https') {
             $this->feedlink = ltrim($this->feedlink, 'https');
             $this->feedlink = 'http' . $this->feedlink;
     // Get categories
     $areas = $this->_getAreas();
     $area = '';
     // Check the search string for a category prefix
     if ($this->period != NULL) {
         $searchstring = strtolower($this->period);
         foreach ($areas as $c => $t) {
             $regexp = "/" . $c . ":/";
             if (strpos($searchstring, $c . ":") !== false) {
                 // We found an active category
                 // NOTE: this will override any category sent in the querystring
                 $area = $c;
                 // Strip it off the search string
                 $searchstring = preg_replace($regexp, '', $searchstring);
             // Does the category contain sub-categories?
             if (is_array($t) && !empty($t)) {
                 // It does - loop through them and perform the same check
                 foreach ($t as $sc => $st) {
                     $regexp = "/" . $sc . ":/";
                     if (strpos($searchstring, $sc . ':') !== false) {
                         // We found an active category
                         // NOTE: this will override any category sent in the querystring
                         $area = $sc;
                         // Strip it off the search string
                         $searchstring = preg_replace($regexp, '', $searchstring);
         $this->period = trim($searchstring);
     $this->area = $area;
     // Get the active category
     $activeareas = array();
     if ($area) {
         $activeareas[] = $area;
     // Process the keyword for exact time period
     $p = new Period($this->period);
     // Get the search results
     $results = Event::trigger('whatsnew.onWhatsnew', array($p, $count, 0, $activeareas, array()));
     $rows = array();
     if ($results) {
         foreach ($results as $result) {
             if (is_array($result) && !empty($result)) {
                 $rows = $result;
     $this->rows = $rows;
     $this->rows2 = null;
     if ($this->tagged) {
         include_once Component::path('com_members') . DS . 'models' . DS . 'tags.php';
         $mt = new \Components\Members\Models\Tags(User::get('id'));
         $tags = $mt->tags();
         $this->tags = $tags;
         if (count($tags) > 0) {
             $tagids = array();
             foreach ($tags as $tag) {
                 $tagids[] = $tag->get('id');
             // Get the search results
             $results2 = Event::trigger('onWhatsnew', array($p, $count, 0, $activeareas, $tagids));
             $rows2 = array();
             if ($results2) {
                 foreach ($results2 as $result2) {
                     if (is_array($result2) && !empty($result2)) {
                         $rows2 = $result2;
             $this->rows2 = $rows2;
     require $this->getLayoutPath($this->params->get('layout', 'default'));
  * Get user profile info
  * @apiMethod GET
  * @apiUri    /members/{id}
  * @apiParameter {
  * 		"name":        "id",
  * 		"description": "Member identifier",
  * 		"type":        "integer",
  * 		"required":    true,
  * 		"default":     null
  * }
  * @return  void
 public function readTask()
     $userid = Request::getInt('id', 0);
     $result = Member::oneOrFail($userid);
     if (!$result || !$result->get('id')) {
         throw new Exception(Lang::txt('COM_MEMBERS_ERROR_USER_NOT_FOUND'), 404);
     // Get any request vars
     $base = rtrim(Request::base(), '/');
     $profile = array('id' => $result->get('id'), 'username' => $result->get('username'), 'name' => $result->get('name'), 'first_name' => $result->get('givenName'), 'middle_name' => $result->get('middleName'), 'last_name' => $result->get('surname'), 'email' => $result->get('email'), 'member_since' => $result->get('registerDate'), 'picture' => array('thumb' => $result->picture(0, true), 'full' => $result->picture(0, false)), 'interests' => array(), 'url' => str_replace('/api', '', $base . '/' . ltrim(Route::url($result->link()), '/')));
     // Get custom fields
     $attribs = Field::all()->ordered()->rows();
     foreach ($attribs as $attrib) {
         $key = $attrib->get('name');
         if ($attrib->get('type') == 'tags') {
             $val = $result->tags('string');
         } else {
             $val = $result->get($key);
         if (is_array($val)) {
             $val = implode(';', $val);
         $profile[$key] = $val;
     require_once dirname(dirname(__DIR__)) . DS . 'models' . DS . 'tags.php';
     $cloud = new \Components\Members\Models\Tags($userid);
     foreach ($cloud->tags('list') as $i => $tag) {
         $obj = new stdClass();
         $obj->id = $tag->get('id');
         $obj->raw_tag = $tag->get('raw_tag');
         $obj->tag = $tag->get('tag');
         $obj->uri = str_replace('/api', '', $base . '/' . ltrim(Route::url($tag->link()), '/'));
         $obj->substitutes_count = $tag->get('substitutes');
         $obj->objects_count = $tag->get('total');
         $profile['interests'][] = $obj;
     // Corrects image path, API application breaks Route::url() in the Helper::getMemberPhoto() method.
     $profile['picture']['thumb'] = str_replace('/api', '', $base . '/' . $profile['picture']['thumb']);
     $profile['picture']['full'] = str_replace('/api', '', $base . '/' . $profile['picture']['full']);
     // Encode and return result
     $object = new stdClass();
     $object->profile = $profile;