if (file_exists('../model/' . $myClass . '.php')) {
        include '../model/' . $myClass . '.php';
    } elseif (file_exists('../controller/' . $myClass . '.php')) {
        include '../controller/' . $myClass . '.php';
include '../config.php';
include '../lib/image-processing.php';
//classes loading end
//post input processing
$idSociete = htmlentities($_POST['idSociete']);
$url = "";
$idCheque = htmlentities($_POST['idCheque']);
if (file_exists($_FILES['urlCopieCheque']['tmp_name']) || is_uploaded_file($_FILES['urlCopieCheque']['tmp_name'])) {
    $url = imageProcessing($_FILES['urlCopieCheque'], '/pieces/pieces_cheque/');
    $chequeManager = new ChequeManager($pdo);
    $chequeManager->updateCopieCheque($url, $idCheque);
    $_SESSION['cheque-copie-update-success'] = "<strong>Opération valide : </strong>La copie chèque est modifiée avec succès.";
    //add history data to db
    $historyManager = new HistoryManager($pdo);
    $createdBy = $_SESSION['userMerlaTrav']->login();
    $created = date('Y-m-d h:i:s');
    $history = new History(array('action' => "Modification Copie Chèque", 'target' => "Table des chèques", 'description' => "Modification de la copie du chèque- ID : " . $idCheque, 'created' => $created, 'createdBy' => $createdBy));
    //add it to db
} else {
    $_SESSION['cheque-copie-update-error'] = "<strong>Erreur Modification Copie Chèque : </strong>Vous devez séléctionner un fichier.";
header('Location:../company-cheques.php?idSociete=' . $idSociete);