Exemple #1
  * Delete a record and its associated change-tracker records.
  * @param string $pk_value The value of the primary key of the record to delete.
  * @return void
  * @throws Exception When the user doesn't have permission, or any error occurs deleting the record.
 public function delete_record($pk_value)
     // Check permission.
     if (!Grants::current_user_can(Grants::DELETE, $this->get_name())) {
         throw new Exception('You do not have permission to delete data from this table.');
     $rec = $this->get_record($pk_value);
     $wpdb = $this->database->get_wpdb();
     $del = $wpdb->delete($this->get_name(), array($this->get_pk_column()->get_name() => $pk_value));
     if (!$del) {
         throw new Exception($wpdb->last_error);
     foreach ($rec->get_changes() as $change) {
         $where_1 = array('table_name' => $this->get_name(), 'record_ident' => $pk_value);
         $wpdb->delete(ChangeTracker::changes_name(), $where_1);
         $where_2 = array('id' => $change->changeset_id);
         $wpdb->delete(ChangeTracker::changesets_name(), $where_2);
Exemple #2
  * Get most recent changes.
  * @return array|string
 public function get_changes()
     $wpdb = $this->table->get_database()->get_wpdb();
     $sql = "SELECT cs.id AS changeset_id, c.id AS change_id, date_and_time, " . "user_nicename, table_name, record_ident, column_name, old_value, " . "new_value, comment " . "FROM " . ChangeTracker::changes_name() . " c " . "  JOIN " . ChangeTracker::changesets_name() . " cs ON (c.changeset_id=cs.id) " . "  JOIN {$wpdb->prefix}users u ON (u.ID=cs.user_id) " . "WHERE table_name = %s AND record_ident = %s" . "ORDER BY date_and_time DESC, cs.id DESC " . "LIMIT 15 ";
     $params = array($this->table->get_name(), $this->get_primary_key());
     return $wpdb->get_results($wpdb->prepare($sql, $params));