function initDataProvider($connection = false) { global $CONFIG, $DB_CONNECTOR, $CM; if (!empty($CONFIG["gl_datprov"])) { if (!defined("DB_PREFIX")) { define("DB_PREFIX", $CONFIG["gl_db_prefix"]); } $DB_CONNECTOR = new DBManager($CONFIG["gl_db_user"], $CONFIG["gl_db_pass"], $CONFIG["gl_db_host"], $CONFIG["gl_db_name"], $CONFIG["gl_db_prefix"]); if (!empty($CONFIG["gl_db_ext"])) { DBManager::$Extension = $CONFIG["gl_db_ext"]; } if ($DB_CONNECTOR->InitConnection()) { $connection = true; } } if (!defined("DB_CONNECTION")) { define("DB_CONNECTION", $connection); } if ($connection) { loadDatabaseConfig(false, $CONFIG["gl_db_prefix"]); if (!isset($CONFIG["gl_caen"])) { $CONFIG["gl_caen"] = 1; } if (!isServerSetup() && !is("IN_API") && CacheManager::CachingAvailable($CONFIG["gl_caen"]) !== false) { $gttl = min($CONFIG["poll_frequency_clients"], $CONFIG["poll_frequency_tracking"]) * 2; $sttl = !empty($CONFIG["gl_st_upin"]) ? $CONFIG["gl_st_upin"] : 3600; $CM = new CacheManager(md5(SUBSITEHOST . $CONFIG["gl_lzid"] . $CONFIG["gl_db_prefix"] . $CONFIG["gl_db_pass"] . $CONFIG["gl_db_user"] . $CONFIG["gl_db_name"]), $gttl, array(111 => array("VISITOR", 512), 112 => array("EVENTS", 128), 113 => array("INTERNAL", 256, $gttl * 2), 114 => array("GROUPS", 256, $gttl * 2), 115 => array("FILTERS", 128, $gttl * 2), 116 => array("DBCNF", 128, $gttl * 2), 117 => array("STATS", 1, $sttl), 118 => array("DUT", 1))); $CM->Read(); } loadDatabaseConfig(true, $CONFIG["gl_db_prefix"]); } return $connection; }
/** * This method has side effects, so it is not the constructor. * * @param ClassFinderInterface $finder * @param CacheManager $cacheManager * * @return self * * @throws \Exception */ static function create($finder, $cacheManager) { /** @var self $loader */ $loader = new static($finder); $cacheManager->observeCachePrefix($loader); return $loader; }
/** * @covers Xoops\Core\Cache\CacheManager::getCache */ public function testGetCache() { $pool1 = $this->object->getCache('default'); $this->assertInstanceOf('Xoops\\Core\\Cache\\Access', $pool1); $pool2 = $this->object->getCache('nosuchpooldefinition'); $this->assertInstanceOf('Xoops\\Core\\Cache\\Access', $pool2); $this->assertSame($pool1, $pool2); }
private function createReaction($id) { $key = "ReactionObject-{$id}"; if ($this->cacheMgr->isCached($key)) { return $this->cacheMgr->load($key); } else { $object = new Reaction($id); $this->cacheMgr->save($key, $object, 3600); return $object; } }
/** * This method has side effects, so it is not the constructor. * * @param ClassFinderInterface $finder * @param CacheManager $cacheManager * * @return self * * @throws \Exception */ static function create($finder, $cacheManager) { /** @var self $loader */ $loader = new static($finder); if (!$loader->checkRequirements()) { $class = get_class($loader); throw new CacheNotSupportedException("Unable to use {$class}, because the respetive PHP extension is not enabled."); } $cacheManager->observeCachePrefix($loader); return $loader; }
/** * Test locales. */ function execute() { // Flush the file cache just to be certain we're using // the most recent stuff import('cache.CacheManager'); $cacheManager =& CacheManager::getManager(); $cacheManager->flush('locale'); // Load plugins so that their locale data is included too $plugins = array(); foreach (PluginRegistry::getCategories() as $category) { echo "Loading plugin category \"{$category}\"...\n"; $morePlugins = PluginRegistry::loadCategory($category); if (is_array($morePlugins)) { $plugins += $morePlugins; } } foreach (Locale::getAllLocales() as $locale => $name) { if (!empty($this->locales) && !in_array($locale, $this->locales)) { continue; } if ($locale != MASTER_LOCALE) { echo "Testing locale \"{$name}\" ({$locale}) against reference locale " . MASTER_LOCALE . ".\n"; $this->testLocale($locale, MASTER_LOCALE, $plugins); $this->testEmails($locale, MASTER_LOCALE); } } }
/** * @return DataStore */ private static function get_fs_cache() { if (self::$fs_cache === null) { self::$fs_cache = DataStoreFactory::get_filesystem_store(__CLASS__); } return self::$fs_cache; }
/** * Public function that creates a single instance */ public static function getInstance() { if (!isset(self::$_instance)) { self::$_instance = new self(); } return self::$_instance; }
public function uninstall() { $this->drop_tables(); ConfigManager::delete('web', 'config'); CacheManager::invalidate('module', 'web'); WebService::get_keywords_manager()->delete_module_relations(); }
/** * Clear the data cache files (needed because of direct tinkering * with settings tables) * @return boolean */ function clearDataCache() { $cacheManager = CacheManager::getManager(); $cacheManager->flush(null, CACHE_TYPE_FILE); $cacheManager->flush(null, CACHE_TYPE_OBJECT); return true; }
/** * Get schema SQL of required cache framework tables. * * This method needs ext_localconf and ext_tables loaded! * * @return string Cache framework SQL */ public function getCachingFrameworkRequiredDatabaseSchema() { // Use new to circumvent the singleton pattern of CacheManager $cacheManager = new CacheManager(); $cacheManager->setCacheConfigurations($GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SYS']['caching']['cacheConfigurations']); // Cache manager needs cache factory. cache factory injects itself to manager in __construct() new CacheFactory('production', $cacheManager); $tableDefinitions = ''; foreach ($GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SYS']['caching']['cacheConfigurations'] as $cacheName => $_) { $backend = $cacheManager->getCache($cacheName)->getBackend(); if (method_exists($backend, 'getTableDefinitions')) { $tableDefinitions .= LF . $backend->getTableDefinitions(); } } return $tableDefinitions; }
/** * Get the HTML contents for this block. * @param $templateMgr object * @return $string */ function getContents(&$templateMgr) { $journal =& Request::getJournal(); $cacheManager =& CacheManager::getManager(); $cache =& $cacheManager->getFileCache('keywords_' . AppLocale::getLocale(), $journal->getId(), array(&$this, '_cacheMiss')); // If the cache is older than a couple of days, regenerate it if (time() - $cache->getCacheTime() > 60 * 60 * 24 * KEYWORD_BLOCK_CACHE_DAYS) { $cache->flush(); } $keywords =& $cache->getContents(); if (empty($keywords)) { return ''; } // Get the max occurrences for all keywords $maxOccurs = array_shift(array_values($keywords)); // Now sort the array alphabetically ksort($keywords); $page = Request::getRequestedPage(); $op = Request::getRequestedOp(); $templateMgr->assign_by_ref('cloudKeywords', $keywords); $templateMgr->assign_by_ref('maxOccurs', $maxOccurs); if ($page == 'index' && $op == 'index' || $page == 'issue' || $page == 'search') { return parent::getContents($templateMgr); } else { return ''; } }
function actionView() { header('Content-type: application/json'); if (!IjoyPlusServiceUtils::validateAPPKey()) { IjoyPlusServiceUtils::exportServiceError(Constants::APP_KEY_INVALID); return; } // if(Yii::app()->user->isGuest){ // IjoyPlusServiceUtils::exportServiceError(Constants::SEESION_IS_EXPIRED); // return ; // } $thread_id = Yii::app()->request->getParam("thread_id"); if (!isset($thread_id) || is_null($thread_id)) { IjoyPlusServiceUtils::exportServiceError(Constants::PARAM_IS_INVALID); return; } $comment = CacheManager::getCommentCache($thread_id); if ($comment === null) { IjoyPlusServiceUtils::exportEntity(array('comment' => array())); } else { $temp = IjoyPlusServiceUtils::transferComments($comment); $comments = Comment::model()->getCommentReplies($thread_id, 10, 0); $commentTemps = array(); if (isset($comments) && is_array($comments)) { foreach ($comments as $comment) { $commentTemps[] = IjoyPlusServiceUtils::transferComments($comment); } } $temp->replies = $commentTemps; IjoyPlusServiceUtils::exportEntity(array('comment' => $temp)); } }
public static function exportProgramEntity($program) { $prod = array(); switch (CacheManager::getTopParentType($program->d_type)) { case Constants::PROGRAM_TYPE_TV: $prod['tv'] = ProgramUtil::genTV($program, true); break; case Constants::PROGRAM_ANIMATION: $prod['tv'] = ProgramUtil::genTV($program, true); break; case Constants::PROGRAM_TYPE_SHOW: $prod['show'] = ProgramUtil::genTV($program, false); break; case Constants::PROGRAM_TYPE_MOVIE: $prod['movie'] = ProgramUtil::genTV($program, true); break; case Constants::PROGRAM_TYPE_VIDEO: $prod['video'] = ProgramUtil::genMovie($program); break; case Constants::PROGRAM_TYPE_RECORD: $prod['show'] = ProgramUtil::genTV($program, false); break; } return $prod; }
/** * Clear the data cache. */ function clearDataCache($args, &$request) { $this->validate(); import('lib.pkp.classes.cache.CacheManager'); $cacheManager =& CacheManager::getManager($request); $cacheManager->flush(); $request->redirect('admin'); }
/** * Get galley objects cache. * @return GenericCache */ function &_getGalleyCache() { if (!isset($this->galleyCache)) { $cacheManager =& CacheManager::getManager(); $this->galleyCache =& $cacheManager->getObjectCache('galley', 0, array(&$this, '_galleyCacheMiss')); } return $this->galleyCache; }
/** * Get the submission cache. * @return Cache */ function _getCache() { if (!isset($this->cache)) { $cacheManager = CacheManager::getManager(); $this->cache = $cacheManager->getObjectCache('submissions', 0, array(&$this, '_cacheMiss')); } return $this->cache; }
function &_getCache() { if (!isset($this->cache)) { $cacheManager =& CacheManager::getManager(); $this->cache =& $cacheManager->getObjectCache('monographs', 0, array(&$this, '_cacheMiss')); } return $this->cache; }
/** * Get supp file objects cache. * @return GenericCache */ function &_getSuppFileCache() { if (!isset($this->suppFileCache)) { $cacheManager =& CacheManager::getManager(); $this->suppFileCache =& $cacheManager->getObjectCache('suppfile', 0, array(&$this, '_suppFileCacheMiss')); } return $this->suppFileCache; }
function &_getArticlesInSectionsCache() { if (!isset($this->articlesInSectionsCache)) { $cacheManager =& CacheManager::getManager(); $this->articlesInSectionsCache =& $cacheManager->getObjectCache('articlesInSections', 0, array(&$this, '_articlesInSectionsCacheMiss')); } return $this->articlesInSectionsCache; }
function &_getCache() { $settingCache =& Registry::get('siteSettingCache', true, null); if ($settingCache === null) { $cacheManager =& CacheManager::getManager(); $settingCache = $cacheManager->getFileCache('siteSettings', 'site', array($this, '_cacheMiss')); } return $settingCache; }
function &_getCache() { static $settingCache; if (!isset($settingCache)) { import('cache.CacheManager'); $cacheManager =& CacheManager::getManager(); $settingCache = $cacheManager->getCache('siteSettings', 'site', array($this, '_cacheMiss')); } return $settingCache; }
protected function setUp() { $this->cacheManager = CacheManager::getManager(); $this->cacheMisses = 0; if (!is_writable($this->cacheManager->getFileCachePath())) { $this->markTestSkipped('File cache path not writable.'); } else { parent::setUp(); $this->cacheManager->flush(); } }
/** * Get an issue cache by cache ID. * @param $cacheId string * @return GenericCache */ function _getCache($cacheId) { if (!isset($this->caches)) { $this->caches = array(); } if (!isset($this->caches[$cacheId])) { $cacheManager = CacheManager::getManager(); $this->caches[$cacheId] = $cacheManager->getObjectCache('issues', $cacheId, array($this, '_cacheMiss')); } return $this->caches[$cacheId]; }
/** * Clear the data cache. * @param $args array * @param $request PKPRequest */ function clearDataCache($args, $request) { // Clear the CacheManager's caches $cacheManager = CacheManager::getManager(); $cacheManager->flush(); // Clear ADODB's cache $userDao = DAORegistry::getDAO('UserDAO'); // As good as any $userDao->flushCache(); $request->redirect(null, 'admin'); }
/** * List of current organisations. * * @return array */ public function __invoke() { $language = $this->translator->getLocale(); $cacheName = 'organisations_list_' . $language; $list = $this->cache->getItem($cacheName); if (!$list) { $emptyResults = $this->resultsManager->get('EmptySet'); $sectors = ['arc', 'lib', 'mus']; try { foreach ($sectors as $sector) { $list[$sector] = []; $results = $this->resultsManager->get('Solr'); $params = $results->getParams(); $params->addFacet('building', 'Building', false); $params->addFilter('sector_str_mv:0/' . $sector . '/'); $params->setLimit(0); $params->setFacetPrefix('0'); $params->setFacetLimit('-1'); $collection = $results->getFacetList()['building']['list']; foreach ($collection as $item) { $link = $emptyResults->getUrlQuery()->addFacet('building', $item['value']); $displayText = $item['displayText']; if ($displayText == $item['value']) { $displayText = $this->facetHelper->formatDisplayText($displayText)->getDisplayString(); } $list[$sector][] = ['name' => $displayText, 'link' => $link]; } usort($list[$sector], function ($a, $b) { return strtolower($a['name']) > strtolower($b['name']); }); } $this->cache->setItem($cacheName, $list); } catch (\VuFindSearch\Backend\Exception\BackendException $e) { foreach ($sectors as $sector) { $list[$sector] = []; } $this->logError('Error creating organisations list: ' . $e->getMessage()); } } return $list; }
function &_getCache($conferenceId) { static $settingCache; if (!isset($settingCache)) { $settingCache = array(); } if (!isset($settingCache[$conferenceId])) { $cacheManager =& CacheManager::getManager(); $settingCache[$conferenceId] = $cacheManager->getCache('conferenceSettings', $conferenceId, array($this, '_cacheMiss')); } return $settingCache[$conferenceId]; }
/** * Load the application config * @return Config */ protected function loadConfig() { $config = null; if (CacheManager::resourceExists(self::CONFIG_RESOURCE_NAME, CacheManager::APPLICATION_SCOPE)) { $config = CacheManager::loadResource(self::CONFIG_RESOURCE_NAME, CacheManager::APPLICATION_SCOPE); } else { $config = ConfigLoader::load(CONFIG_FILE); CacheManager::saveResource(self::CONFIG_RESOURCE_NAME, $config, CacheManager::APPLICATION_SCOPE); } PiconApplication::get()->getConfigLoadListener()->onConfigLoaded($config); return $config; }
function &_getCache($journalId) { static $settingCache; if (!isset($settingCache)) { $settingCache = array(); } if (!isset($settingCache[$journalId])) { $cacheManager =& CacheManager::getManager(); $settingCache[$journalId] =& $cacheManager->getFileCache('journalSettings', $journalId, array($this, '_cacheMiss')); } return $settingCache[$journalId]; }
public function createComments() { $transaction = Yii::app()->db->beginTransaction(); try { if ($this->save()) { $program = CacheManager::getProgramVOByID($this->content_id); Program::model()->incCommentCount($this->content_id); if ($program !== null) { // var_dump(($program->name)); $dynamic = new Dynamic(); $dynamic->author_id = $this->author_id; $dynamic->content_id = $program->id; $dynamic->status = Constants::OBJECT_APPROVAL; $dynamic->create_date = new CDbExpression('NOW()'); $dynamic->content_desc = $this->comments; $dynamic->content_type = $program->pro_type; $dynamic->content_name = $program->name; $dynamic->dynamic_type = Constants::DYNAMIC_TYPE_COMMENTS; $dynamic->content_pic_url = $program->poster; $dynamic->save(); $recommendOwnerId = Dynamic::model()->getRecommendOwnsForProd($this->content_id); if (isset($recommendOwnerId) && is_array($recommendOwnerId)) { foreach ($recommendOwnerId as $id) { if ($id['author_id'] !== Yii::app()->user->id) { // add notify msg $msg = new NotifyMsg(); $msg->author_id = $id['author_id']; $msg->nofity_user_id = Yii::app()->user->id; $msg->notify_user_name = Yii::app()->user->getState("nickname"); $msg->notify_user_pic_url = Yii::app()->user->getState("pic_url"); $msg->content_id = $program->id; $msg->content_info = $program->name; $msg->content_type = $program->pro_type; $msg->created_date = new CDbExpression('NOW()'); $msg->status = Constants::OBJECT_APPROVAL; $msg->notify_type = Constants::NOTIFY_TYPE_COMMENT; $msg->content_desc = $this->comments; $msg->save(); } } } } $transaction->commit(); return true; } else { $transaction->commit(); return false; } } catch (Exception $e) { $transaction->rollback(); return false; } }