Exemple #1
 static function getActivityContentHTML($act)
     // Ok, the activity could be an upload OR a wall comment. In the future, the content should
     // indicate which is which
     $html = '';
     $param = new JParameter($act->params);
     $action = $param->get('action', false);
     $photoid = $param->get('photoid', 0);
     CFactory::load('models', 'photos');
     $url = $param->get('url', false);
     CFactory::load('helpers', 'albums');
     if ($action == 'wall') {
         // unfortunately, wall post can also have 'photo' as its $act->apps. If the photo id is availble
         // for (newer activity stream, inside the param), we will show the photo snippet as well. Otherwise
         // just print out the wall content
         // Version 1.6 onwards, $params will contain photoid information
         // older version would have #photoid in the $title, since we link it to the photo
         $photoid = $param->get('photoid', false);
         if ($photoid) {
             $photo = JTable::getInstance('Photo', 'CTable');
             $helper = new CAlbumsHelper($photo->albumid);
             if ($helper->showActivity()) {
                 $tmpl = new CTemplate();
                 $tmpl->set('url', $url);
                 $tmpl->set('photo', $photo);
                 $tmpl->set('param', $param);
                 $tmpl->set('act', $act);
                 return $tmpl->fetch('activity.photos.wall');
         return '';
     } elseif ($action == 'upload' && $photoid > 0) {
         $albumsHelper = new CAlbumsHelper($act->cid);
         if ($albumsHelper->isPublic()) {
             // If content has link to image, we could assume it is "upload photo" action
             // since old content add this automatically.
             // The $act->cid will be the album id, Retrive the recent photos uploaded
             // If $act->activities has data, that means this is an aggregated content
             // display some of them
             $photoModel = CFactory::getModel('photos');
             $album = JTable::getInstance('Album', 'CTable');
             if (empty($act->activities)) {
                 $acts[] = $act;
             } else {
                 $acts = $act->activities;
             $tmpl = new CTemplate();
             $tmpl->set('album', $album);
             $tmpl->set('acts', $acts);
             return $tmpl->fetch('activity.photos.upload');
     return $html;
Exemple #2
  * Return HTML for acitivity stream
  * @param  JTableActiities $act activity object
  * @return string      html formatted output
 public static function getActivityContentHTML($act)
     // Ok, the activity could be an upload OR a wall comment. In the future, the content should
     // indicate which is which
     $html = '';
     //$param 	 = new CParameter( $act->params );
     $action = $act->params->get('action', false);
     $photoid = $act->params->get('photoid', 0);
     $url = $act->params->get('url', false);
     $act->title = CActivities::format($act->title, $act->params->get('mood', null));
     if ($action == 'wall') {
         // unfortunately, wall post can also have 'photo' as its $act->apps. If the photo id is availble
         // for (newer activity stream, inside the param), we will show the photo snippet as well. Otherwise
         // just print out the wall content
         // Version 1.6 onwards, $params will contain photoid information
         // older version would have #photoid in the $title, since we link it to the photo
         $photoid = $param->get('photoid', false);
         if ($photoid) {
             $photo = JTable::getInstance('Photo', 'CTable');
             $helper = new CAlbumsHelper($photo->albumid);
             if ($helper->showActivity()) {
                 $tmpl = new CTemplate();
                 return $tmpl->set('url', $url)->set('photo', $photo)->set('param', $param)->set('act', $act)->fetch('activity.photos.wall');
         return '';
     } elseif ($action == 'upload' && $photoid > 0) {
         $photoModel = CFactory::getModel('photos');
         // Album object should have been created in the activities library
         $album = $act->album;
         $albumsHelper = new CAlbumsHelper($album);
         if ($albumsHelper->isPublic()) {
             // If content has link to image, we could assume it is "upload photo" action
             // since old content add this automatically.
             // The $act->cid will be the album id, Retrive the recent photos uploaded
             // If $act->activities has data, that means this is an aggregated content
             // display some of them
             $db = JFactory::getDBO();
             // If count is more than 1, get the last few photos, otherwise
             // the photo might have a custom message along with it. Show that single photo
             $count = $act->params->get('count', 1);
             $photosId = $act->params->get('photosId', null);
             $batchCount = $act->params->get('batchcount', $count);
             if (is_null($photosId)) {
                 if ($count == 1) {
                     $album->id = empty($album->id) ? 0 : $album->id;
                     $sql = "SELECT * FROM #__community_photos WHERE `albumid`=" . $album->id . " AND `id`=" . $photoid . " AND `status` != 'temp'";
                     $result = $db->loadObjectList();
                 } else {
                     $album->id = empty($album->id) ? 0 : $album->id;
                     $sql = "SELECT * FROM #__community_photos WHERE `albumid`=" . $album->id . " AND `status` != 'temp'" . " ORDER BY `id` DESC LIMIT 0, 5";
                     $result = $db->loadObjectList();
             } else {
                 $result = explode(',', $photosId);
             $photos = array();
             if (is_array($result) && count($result) > 0) {
                 foreach ($result as $row) {
                     $photo = JTable::getInstance('Photo', 'CTable');
                     if (is_null($photosId)) {
                     } else {
                     if ($photo->status != 'delete' && $photo->id) {
                         $photos[] = $photo;
                     if ($photo->status == 'delete') {
                 foreach ($photos as $key => $data) {
                     if ($data->id == $photoid) {
                         /* remove this photo */
                         array_unshift($photos, $data);
                         /* move it to beginning of array */
                 $photos = array_slice($photos, 0, 5);
                 // limit to 5 photos only
                 if (empty($act->activities)) {
                     $acts[] = $act;
                 } else {
                     $acts = $act->activities;
                 $tmpl = new CTemplate();
                 if ($batchCount == 0) {
                     $batchCount = 1;
                 return $tmpl->set('album', $album)->set('acts', $acts)->set('photos', $photos)->set('count', $count)->set('batchCount', $batchCount)->set('stream', $act->params->get('stream', false))->fetch('stream/photo-upload');
     return $html;