/** * Bookmark actions */ public function actionShowBookmark() { $id = Yii::app()->getRequest()->getParam('id'); $bookmark = Yii::app()->user->settings->get('bookmarks', 'database', $this->schema, 'id', $id); $query = Yii::app()->getRequest()->getParam('query'); $browsePage = new BrowsePage(); $browsePage->schema = $this->schema; $browsePage->db = $this->db; $browsePage->query = !$query ? $bookmark['query'] : $query; $browsePage->route = 'schema/' . $this->schema . '/bookmark/show/' . $id; $browsePage->formTarget = 'schema/' . $this->schema . '/bookmark/show/' . $id; $browsePage->execute = true; $browsePage->run(); $this->render('../global/browse', array('model' => $browsePage)); }
public function actionSearch() { $operatorConfig = array('LIKE' => array('needsValue' => true), 'NOT LIKE' => array('needsValue' => true), '=' => array('needsValue' => true), '!=' => array('needsValue' => true), 'REGEXP' => array('needsValue' => "?"), 'NOT REGEXP' => array('needsValue' => "?"), 'IS NULL' => array('needsValue' => false), 'IS NOT NULL' => array('needsValue' => false)); $operators = array_keys($operatorConfig); $config = array_values($operatorConfig); Row::$db = $this->db; Row::$schema = $this->schema; Row::$table = $this->table; $row = new Row(); $commandBuilder = $this->db->getCommandBuilder(); if (isset($_POST['Row'])) { $criteria = new CDbCriteria(); $i = 0; foreach ($_POST['Row'] as $column => $value) { $operator = $operators[$_POST['operator'][$column]]; if (strlen($value) > 0) { $criteria->condition .= ($i > 0 ? ' AND ' : ' ') . $this->db->quoteColumnName($column) . ' ' . $operator . ' ' . $this->db->quoteValue($value); $i++; } elseif (isset($_POST['operator'][$column]) && $config[$_POST['operator'][$column]]['needsValue'] === false) { $criteria->condition .= ($i > 0 ? ' AND ' : ' ') . $this->db->quoteColumnName($column) . ' ' . $operator; $i++; } } $query = $this->db->getCommandBuilder()->createFindCommand($this->table, $criteria)->getText(); } elseif (isset($_POST['query'])) { $query = $_POST['query']; } if (isset($query)) { $browsePage = new BrowsePage(); $browsePage->schema = $this->schema; $browsePage->table = $this->table; $browsePage->db = $this->db; $browsePage->route = 'schema/' . $this->schema . '/tables/' . $this->table . '/browse'; $browsePage->formTarget = 'schema/' . $this->schema . '/tables/' . $this->table . '/sql'; $browsePage->execute = true; $browsePage->query = $query; $browsePage->run(); $this->render('../global/browse', array('model' => $browsePage)); } else { $this->render('../table/search', array('row' => $row, 'operators' => $operators)); } }
<?php require "md5base.php"; $page = new BrowsePage(); $entries = $page->BrowseValues(); require "head.php"; ?> <div id="contentdiv"> <div id="browse"> <h1>Browse entries</h1> <table> <tr><td class="aright" colspan="3"><div class="pagenumbers"><?php echo $page->getPageNumbers('first'); echo $page->getPageNumbers('middle'); echo $page->getPageNumbers('last'); ?> </div></td></tr> </table> <table> <tr class="table_heading"><?php echo $page->tableSortHeading(); ?> </tr> <?php for ($i = 0; $i < count($entries); $i++) { $datetmp = explode('-', $entries[$i]->getDate()); $date = $datetmp[2] . '.' . $datetmp[1] . '.' . $datetmp[0]; if ($i % 2 == 0) { $class = ' class="altrow"'; $classb = ' class="altrow_rec_border"'; } else {