Exemple #1
 public static function login_check_exit()
     $after = Base_AclCommon::is_user();
     if ($after !== self::$logged) {
         if ($after) {
         } else {
Exemple #2
 public function body()
     if (isset(Base_BoxCommon::$override_box_main)) {
     $theme = $this->pack_module(Base_Theme::module_name());
     $ini = Base_BoxCommon::get_ini_file();
     if (!$ini) {
         print __('Unable to read Base/Box/default.ini file! Please create one, or change theme.');
         $this->pack_module(Base_Theme_Administrator::module_name(), null, 'admin');
     $ini_file = parse_ini_file($ini, true);
     $logged = Base_AclCommon::is_user();
     $theme->assign('logged', $logged);
     $containers = array();
     $containers['main'] = array('module' => null, 'name' => '');
     //so 'main' is first in array
     $name = 0;
     foreach ($ini_file as $tag => $opts) {
         if ($logged && $opts['display'] == 'anonymous' || !$logged && $opts['display'] == 'logged') {
         if (isset($opts['function'])) {
             $containers[$tag]['function'] = $opts['function'];
             $containers[$tag]['arguments'] = null;
         if (isset($opts['arguments'])) {
             $containers[$tag]['arguments'] = $opts['arguments'];
         if (isset($opts['module'])) {
             $containers[$tag]['module'] = $opts['module'];
         } else {
             trigger_error('No module specified.', E_USER_ERROR);
         $containers[$tag]['name'] = $tag;
     if (isset($containers['main'])) {
         $containers['main']['name'] = 'main_0';
     if (isset($_REQUEST['base_box_pop_main'])) {
         $pop_main = $_REQUEST['base_box_pop_main'];
     } else {
         $pop_main = false;
     if ($this->isset_module_variable('main')) {
         $mains = $this->get_module_variable('main');
         if ($pop_main) {
             while ($pop_main--) {
             $pop_main = true;
         $main = array_pop($mains);
         if (isset($main['module']) && $main['module'] != null) {
             $containers['main'] =& $main;
         foreach ($mains as $k => $m) {
             if (ModuleManager::is_installed($m['module']) >= 0) {
                 $this->freeze_module($m['module'], isset($m['name']) ? $m['name'] : null);
     } else {
         $mains = array();
     if (isset($_REQUEST['box_main_href'])) {
         if (!isset($_SESSION['client']['base_box_hrefs'])) {
             $_SESSION['client']['base_box_hrefs'] = array();
         $hs =& $_SESSION['client']['base_box_hrefs'];
         if (isset($hs[$_REQUEST['box_main_href']])) {
             $rh = $hs[$_REQUEST['box_main_href']];
             $href = $rh['m'];
             $containers['main']['module'] = $href;
             if (isset($rh['f'])) {
                 $containers['main']['function'] = $rh['f'];
             } else {
             if (isset($rh['a'])) {
                 $containers['main']['arguments'] = $rh['a'];
             } else {
             if (isset($rh['c'])) {
                 $containers['main']['constructor_arguments'] = $rh['c'];
             } else {
             $mains = array();
             $pop_main = true;
         $hs = array();
     array_push($mains, $containers['main']);
     $main_length = count($mains);
     $this->set_module_variable('main', $mains);
     //      Epesi::alert(print_r($mains,true));
     //      $containers['main']['name'] .= '_'.$main_length;
     $this->modules = array();
     foreach ($containers as $k => $v) {
         if (ModuleManager::is_installed($v['module']) != -1) {
             $module_type = str_replace('/', '_', $v['module']);
             if (!isset($v['name'])) {
                 $v['name'] = null;
             if (isset($href) && $k == 'main') {
                 $this->modules[$k] = $this->init_module($module_type, isset($v['constructor_arguments']) ? $v['constructor_arguments'] : null, $v['name'], true);
             } else {
                 $this->modules[$k] = $this->init_module($module_type, isset($v['constructor_arguments']) ? $v['constructor_arguments'] : null, $v['name']);
             if ($k == 'main' && $pop_main) {
             if (isset($v['function'])) {
                 $this->display_module($this->modules[$k], isset($v['arguments']) ? $v['arguments'] : null, $v['function']);
             } elseif (isset($v['arguments'])) {
                 $this->display_module($this->modules[$k], $v['arguments']);
             } else {
         $theme->assign($k, ob_get_contents());
     //main output
     $version_no = Base_BoxCommon::update_version_check_indicator();
         $theme->assign('donate', Utils_TooltipCommon::create('<a target="_blank" href="http://epe.si/donate/">' . __('Support EPESI!') . '</a>', '<center>' . __('If you find our software useful, please support us by making a %s.', array(__('donation'))) . '<br/>' . __('Your funding will help to ensure continued development of this project.') . '<br/>' . __('Click for details.') . '</center>', false, 500));
     // Consider moving this code properly as initated module by *.ini file
     $theme->assign('home', array('href' => Base_HomePageCommon::get_href(), 'label' => __('Home')));
     $theme->assign('version_no', $version_no);
Exemple #3
    public function install()
        $ret = true;
        $ret &= DB::CreateTable('base_dashboard_tabs', '
			id I4 AUTO KEY,
			user_login_id I4,
			name C(64) NOTNULL,
			pos I2', array('constraints' => ', FOREIGN KEY (user_login_id) REFERENCES user_login(ID)'));
        if (!$ret) {
            print 'Unable to create table base_dashboard_tabs.<br>';
            return false;
        $ret &= DB::CreateTable('base_dashboard_default_tabs', '
			id I4 AUTO KEY,
			name C(64) NOTNULL,
			pos I2');
        if (!$ret) {
            print 'Unable to create table base_dashboard_default_tabs.<br>';
            return false;
        DB::Execute('INSERT INTO base_dashboard_default_tabs(name,pos) VALUES(\'Default\',0)');
        $ret &= DB::CreateTable('base_dashboard_applets', '
			id I4 AUTO KEY,
			user_login_id I4,
			module_name C(128),
			col I2 DEFAULT 0,
			pos I2 DEFAULT 0,
			color I2 DEFAULT 0,
			tab I4', array('constraints' => ', FOREIGN KEY (user_login_id) REFERENCES user_login(ID), FOREIGN KEY (tab) REFERENCES base_dashboard_tabs(ID)'));
        if (!$ret) {
            print 'Unable to create table base_dashboard_applets.<br>';
            return false;
        $ret &= DB::CreateTable('base_dashboard_settings', '
			applet_id I4,
			name C(32) NOTNULL,
			value X NOTNULL', array('constraints' => ', FOREIGN KEY (applet_id) REFERENCES base_dashboard_applets(ID), PRIMARY KEY(applet_id,name)'));
        if (!$ret) {
            print 'Unable to create table base_dashboard_settings.<br>';
            return false;
        $ret &= DB::CreateTable('base_dashboard_default_applets', '
			id I4 AUTO KEY,
			module_name C(128),
			col I2 DEFAULT 0,
			pos I2 DEFAULT 0,
			color I2 DEFAULT 0,
			tab I4', array('constraints' => ', FOREIGN KEY (tab) REFERENCES base_dashboard_default_tabs(ID)'));
        if (!$ret) {
            print 'Unable to create table base_dashboard_default_applets.<br>';
            return false;
        $ret &= DB::CreateTable('base_dashboard_default_settings', '
			applet_id I4,
			name C(32) NOTNULL,
			value X NOTNULL', array('constraints' => ', FOREIGN KEY (applet_id) REFERENCES base_dashboard_default_applets(ID), PRIMARY KEY(applet_id,name)'));
        if (!$ret) {
            print 'Unable to create table base_dashboard_default_settings<br>';
            return false;
        Base_AclCommon::add_permission(_M('Dashboard'), array('ACCESS:employee'));
        Base_HomePageCommon::set_home_page(_M('Dashboard'), array('ACCESS:employee'));
        Base_HomePageCommon::set_home_page(_M('My Contact'), array());
        // Not exactly the place to add that, but we need to ensure proper order of home pages
        return $ret;

defined("_VALID_ACCESS") || die('Direct access forbidden');
@DB::CreateTable('base_home_page', 'id I4 AUTO KEY,' . 'priority I4,' . 'home_page C(64)', array('constraints' => ''));
@DB::CreateTable('base_home_page_clearance', 'id I4 AUTO KEY,' . 'home_page_id I,' . 'clearance C(64)', array('constraints' => ', FOREIGN KEY (home_page_id) REFERENCES base_home_page(id)'));
Base_HomePageCommon::set_home_page(_M('Dashboard'), array('ACCESS:employee'));
Base_HomePageCommon::set_home_page(_M('My Contact'), array());
Exemple #5
 public function edit_home_page($id = null)
     if ($this->is_back()) {
         return false;
     $counts = 5;
     $all_clearances = array('' => '---') + array_flip(Base_AclCommon::get_clearance(true));
     $home_pages = array('' => '---');
     $current_clearance = 0;
     $form = $this->init_module('Libs_QuickForm');
     $theme = $this->init_module('Base_Theme');
     $theme->assign('labels', array('and' => '<span class="joint">' . __('and') . '</span>', 'or' => '<span class="joint">' . __('or') . '</span>', 'caption' => $id ? __('Edit Home Page') : __('Add Home Page'), 'clearance' => __('Clearance requried'), 'fields' => __('Fields allowed'), 'crits' => __('Criteria required'), 'add_clearance' => __('Add clearance'), 'add_or' => __('Add criteria (or)'), 'add_and' => __('Add criteria (and)')));
     $tmp = Base_HomePageCommon::get_home_pages();
     $home_pages = array();
     foreach ($tmp as $k => $v) {
         $home_pages[$k] = _V($k);
     // ****** - translating home_page options
     $form->addElement('select', 'home_page', __('Target Home Page'), array('' => '---') + $home_pages);
     if ($id) {
         $page = DB::GetOne('SELECT home_page FROM base_home_page WHERE id=%d', array($id));
         $form->setDefaults(array('home_page' => $page));
     $form->addRule('home_page', __('Field required'), 'required');
     for ($i = 0; $i < $counts; $i++) {
         $form->addElement('select', 'clearance_' . $i, __('Clearance'), $all_clearances);
     $i = 0;
     $clearances = DB::GetAssoc('SELECT id, clearance FROM base_home_page_clearance WHERE home_page_id=%d', array($id));
     foreach ($clearances as $v) {
         $form->setDefaults(array('clearance_' . $i => $v));
     $current_clearance = max($i - 1, 0);
     if ($form->validate()) {
         $vals = $form->exportValues();
         $clearances = array();
         for ($i = 0; $i < $counts; $i++) {
             if ($vals['clearance_' . $i]) {
                 $clearances[] = $vals['clearance_' . $i];
         if ($id !== null) {
             DB::Execute('DELETE FROM base_home_page_clearance WHERE home_page_id=%d', array($id));
             DB::Execute('UPDATE base_home_page SET home_page=%s WHERE id=%d', array($vals['home_page'], $id));
         } else {
             $prio = DB::GetOne('SELECT MAX(priority) FROM base_home_page') + 1;
             DB::Execute('INSERT INTO base_home_page (home_page,priority) VALUES (%s, %d)', array($vals['home_page'], $prio));
             $id = DB::Insert_ID('base_home_page', 'id');
         foreach ($clearances as $c) {
             DB::Execute('INSERT INTO base_home_page_clearance (home_page_id, clearance) VALUES (%d, %s)', array($id, $c));
         return false;
     $form->assign_theme('form', $theme);
     $theme->assign('counts', $counts);
     eval_js('base_home_page__init_clearance(' . $current_clearance . ', ' . $counts . ')');
     eval_js('base_home_page__initialized = true;');
     Base_ActionBarCommon::add('save', __('Save'), $form->get_submit_form_href());
     Base_ActionBarCommon::add('delete', __('Cancel'), $this->create_back_href());
     return true;