Exemple #1
  * Execute the action
 public function execute()
     // load record
     // add js
     $this->header->addJS('jstree/jquery.tree.js', null, false);
     $this->header->addJS('jstree/lib/jquery.cookie.js', null, false);
     $this->header->addJS('jstree/plugins/jquery.tree.cookie.js', null, false);
     // add css
     $this->header->addCSS('/backend/modules/pages/js/jstree/themes/fork/style.css', null, true);
     // get the templates
     $this->templates = BackendExtensionsModel::getTemplates();
     // set the default template as checked
     $this->templates[$this->record['template_id']]['checked'] = true;
     // homepage?
     if ($this->id == 1) {
         // loop and set disabled state
         foreach ($this->templates as &$row) {
             $row['disabled'] = $row['has_block'];
     // get the extras
     $this->extras = BackendExtensionsModel::getExtras();
  * Execute the action.
  * @return	void
 public function execute()
     // get parameters
     $this->id = $this->getParameter('id', 'int');
     $this->profileId = $this->getParameter('profile_id', 'int');
     // does the item exists
     if ($this->id !== null && BackendProfilesModel::existsProfileGroup($this->id)) {
         // does profile exists
         if ($this->profileId !== null && BackendProfilesModel::exists($this->profileId)) {
             // call parent, this will probably add some general CSS/JS or other required files
             // get data
             // load the form
             // validate the form
             // parse
             // display the page
         } else {
             $this->redirect(BackendModel::createURLForAction('index') . '&error=non-existing');
     } else {
         $this->redirect(BackendModel::createURLForAction('index') . '&error=non-existing');
Exemple #3
  * Execute the action
  * @return	void
 public function execute()
     // get parameters
     $this->id = $this->getParameter('id', 'int');
     // does the item exists
     if ($this->id !== null && BackendBlogModel::exists($this->id)) {
         // call parent, this will probably add some general CSS/JS or other required files
         // set category id
         $this->categoryId = SpoonFilter::getGetValue('category', null, null, 'int');
         if ($this->categoryId == 0) {
             $this->categoryId = null;
         // get all data for the item we want to edit
         // load drafts
         // load the datagrid with revisions
         // load the form
         // validate the form
         // parse the datagrid
         // display the page
     } else {
         $this->redirect(BackendModel::createURLForAction('index') . '&error=non-existing');
Exemple #4
  * Execute the action
 public function execute()
Exemple #5
  * Execute the action
  * @return	void
 public function execute()
     // set force compile on because we're using multiple forms on 1 page
     // get parameters
     $this->id = $this->getParameter('id', 'int');
     // get the step
     $this->stepId = SpoonFilter::getGetValue('step', array(1, 2, 3, 4), 1, 'int');
     // does the item exist
     if (BackendMailmotorModel::existsMailing($this->id)) {
         // call parent, this will probably add some general CSS/JS or other required files
         // load jquery tiny
         $this->header->addJS('tiny_mce/jquery.tinymce.js', 'core');
         // get all data for the item we want to edit
         // load the wizard steps
         // load the appropriate step
         $this->{'loadStep' . $this->stepId}();
         // parse
         // display the page
     } else {
         $this->redirect(BackendModel::createURLForAction('index') . '&error=non-existing');
  * Execute the action
 public function execute()
  * Execute the action
 public function execute()
  * Execute the action
 public function execute()
     $this->groupId = SpoonFilter::getGetValue('group_id', null, 0, 'int');
  * Execute the action
 public function execute()
Exemple #10
  * Execute the action
  * @return	void
 public function execute()
     // call parent, this will probably add some general CSS/JS or other required files
     // gets all needed parameters
     // parse
     // display the page
  * Execute the action
 public function execute()
     $this->id = $this->getParameter('id', 'int');
     // does the item exist
     if (BackendMailmotorModel::existsMailing($this->id)) {
         $this->display(BACKEND_MODULE_PATH . '/layout/templates/edit_mailing_iframe.tpl');
     } else {
         $this->redirect(BackendModel::createURLForAction('index') . '&error=non-existing');
Exemple #12
  * Execute the action
  * @return	void
 public function execute()
     // call parent, this will probably add some general CSS/JS or other required files
     // load form
     // validates the form
     // parse
     // display the page
Exemple #13
  * Execute the action
  * @return	void
 public function execute()
     // call parent, this will probably add some general CSS/JS or other required files
Exemple #14
  * Execute the action
 public function execute()
     $this->id = $this->getParameter('id', 'int');
     // does the item exist
     if ($this->id !== null && BackendFormBuilderModel::exists($this->id)) {
     } else {
         $this->redirect(BackendModel::createURLForAction('index') . '&error=non-existing');
Exemple #15
  * Execute the action
 public function execute()
     $this->id = $this->getParameter('id', 'int');
     // does the user exists
     if ($this->id !== null && BackendUsersModel::exists($this->id)) {
         $this->record = (array) BackendUsersModel::get($this->id);
     } else {
         $this->redirect(BackendModel::createURLForAction('index') . '&error=non-existing');
Exemple #16
  * Execute the action
  * @return	void
 public function execute()
     // call parent, this will probably add some general CSS/JS or other required files
     // load record
     // load the form
     // load the datagrid
     // parse the datagrid
     // display the page
  * Execute the action
 public function execute()
     $this->email = $this->getParameter('email');
     // does the item exist
     if (BackendMailmotorModel::existsAddress($this->email)) {
     } else {
         $this->redirect(BackendModel::createURLForAction('index') . '&error=non-existing');
  * Execute the action
 public function execute()
     // get parameters
     $this->id = $this->getParameter('id', 'int');
     // does the item exist
     if (BackendMailmotorModel::existsCampaign($this->id)) {
     } else {
         $this->redirect(BackendModel::createURLForAction('index') . '&error=non-existing');
Exemple #19
  * Execute the action
 public function execute()
     $this->id = $this->getParameter('id', 'int');
     // does the item exists
     if ($this->id !== null && BackendLocaleModel::exists($this->id) && BackendAuthentication::getUser()->isGod()) {
     } else {
         $this->redirect(BackendModel::createURLForAction('index') . '&error=non-existing');
  * Execute the action
  * @return	void
 public function execute()
     // call parent, this will probably add some general CSS/JS or other required files
     // store the passed group ID
     $this->groupId = SpoonFilter::getGetValue('group_id', null, 0, 'int');
     // download the example file
     // load the form
     // validate the form
     // parse
     // display the page
Exemple #21
  * Execute the action
 public function execute()
     $this->id = $this->getParameter('id', 'int');
     // does the item exists
     if ($this->id !== null && BackendLocationModel::exists($this->id)) {
         // add js
         $this->header->addJS('http://maps.google.com/maps/api/js?sensor=false', null, null, true, false);
     } else {
         $this->redirect(BackendModel::createURLForAction('index') . '&error=non-existing');
  * Execute the action
  * @return	void
 public function execute()
     // get parameters
     $this->id = $this->getParameter('id', 'int');
     // does the item exist
     if (BackendMailmotorModel::existsMailing($this->id)) {
         // call parent, this will probably add some general CSS/JS or other required files
         // get all data for the item we want to edit
         // parse
         // display the page
         $this->display(BACKEND_MODULE_PATH . '/layout/templates/edit_mailing_iframe.tpl');
     } else {
         $this->redirect(BackendModel::createURLForAction('index') . '&error=non-existing');
Exemple #23
  * Execute the action
  * @return	void
 public function execute()
     // call parent, this will probably edit some general CSS/JS or other required files
     // load record
     // add js
     // add css
     $this->header->addCSS('/backend/modules/pages/js/jstree/themes/fork/style.css', null, true);
     // get the templates
     $this->templates = BackendPagesModel::getTemplates();
     // set the default template as checked
     $this->templates[$this->record['template_id']]['checked'] = true;
     // homepage?
     if ($this->id == 1) {
         // loop and set disabled state
         foreach ($this->templates as &$row) {
             $row['disabled'] = $row['has_block'];
     // get the extras
     $this->extras = BackendPagesModel::getExtras();
     // get maximum number of blocks
     $maxNumBlocks = BackendModel::getModuleSetting($this->getModule(), 'template_max_blocks', 5);
     // build blocks array
     for ($i = 0; $i < $maxNumBlocks; $i++) {
         $this->blocks[$i] = array('index' => $i, 'name' => 'name ' . $i);
     // load the form
     // load drafts
     // load the datagrid with the versions
     // validate the form
     // parse
     // display the page
Exemple #24
  * Execute the action
  * @return	void
 public function execute()
     // get parameters
     $this->id = $this->getParameter('id', 'int');
     // does the item exist
     if (BackendMailmotorModel::existsGroup($this->id)) {
         // call parent, this will probably add some general CSS/JS or other required files
         // get all data for the item we want to edit
         // load the form
         // validate the form
         // parse
         // display the page
     } else {
         $this->redirect(BackendModel::createURLForAction('groups') . '&error=non-existing');
Exemple #25
  * Execute the action
 public function execute()
     // get parameters
     $this->id = $this->getParameter('id', 'int');
     // does the item exists
     if ($this->id !== null && BackendBlogModel::exists($this->id)) {
         // set category id
         $this->categoryId = SpoonFilter::getGetValue('category', null, null, 'int');
         if ($this->categoryId == 0) {
             $this->categoryId = null;
     } else {
         $this->redirect(BackendModel::createURLForAction('index') . '&error=non-existing');
Exemple #26
  * Execute the action
  * @return	void
 public function execute()
     // get parameters
     $this->id = $this->getParameter('id', 'int');
     // does the item exists
     if ($this->id !== null && BackendLocaleModel::exists($this->id) && BackendAuthentication::getUser()->isGod()) {
         // call parent, this will probably add some general CSS/JS or other required files
         // filter options
         // get all data for the item we want to edit
         // load the form
         // validate the form
         // parse
         // display the page
     } else {
         $this->redirect(BackendModel::createURLForAction('index') . '&error=non-existing');
Exemple #27
  * Execute the action
  * @return	void
 public function execute()
     // get parameters
     $this->id = $this->getParameter('id', 'int');
     // does the item exist
     if ($this->id !== null && BackendContentBlocksModel::exists($this->id)) {
         // call parent, this will probably add some general CSS/JS or other required files
         // get all data for the item we want to edit
         // load the datagrid with revisions
         // load the form
         // validate the form
         // parse the datagrid
         // display the page
     } else {
         $this->redirect(BackendModel::createURLForAction('index') . '&error=non-existing');