Exemple #1
  * method to create request row in the table including unique request id
  * save to request table request_id has to be consisten to id of the table
  * @return mixed request_id string or FALSE
 protected function createRequestId()
     $tbl = new Application_Model_DbTable_Requests(Np_Db::master());
     $adapter = $tbl->getAdapter();
     try {
         // we create temp request id because it build from the mysql internal id
         $temp_request_id = Application_Model_General::createRandKey(21);
         if (strtoupper($this->params['MSG_TYPE']) != 'UP_SYSTEM' && strtoupper($this->params['MSG_TYPE']) != 'DOWN_SYSTEM') {
             $row_insert = array('request_id' => $temp_request_id, 'status' => 1, 'last_transaction' => $this->params["MSG_TYPE"], 'phone_number' => $this->params["PHONE_NUMBER"]);
             if (isset($this->params['MSG_TYPE']) == 'CHECK') {
                 //  && isset($this->params['IDENTIFICATION_VALUE'])) {
                 $flags = array();
                 if (isset($this->params['identification_value'])) {
                     $this->params['identification_value'] = $this->params['IDENTIFICATION_VALUE'];
                 if (isset($this->params['NUMBER_TYPE'])) {
                     $flags['number_type'] = $this->params['NUMBER_TYPE'];
                 if (!empty($flags)) {
                     $row_insert['flags'] = json_encode($flags);
         } else {
             $row_insert = array('request_id' => $temp_request_id, 'status' => 1, 'last_transaction' => $this->params["MSG_TYPE"]);
         // we set to from & to as the direction of number transfer
         if (strtoupper($this->params['MSG_TYPE']) != 'RETURN_NUMBER') {
             $row_insert['from_provider'] = $this->params["TO_PROVIDER"];
             $row_insert['to_provider'] = $this->params["FROM_PROVIDER"];
         } else {
             $row_insert['from_provider'] = $this->params["FROM_PROVIDER"];
             $row_insert['to_provider'] = $this->params["TO_PROVIDER"];
         if (isset($this->params["AUTO_CHECK"]) && $this->params["AUTO_CHECK"]) {
             $row_insert['auto_check'] = 1;
             //				$row_insert['transfer_time'] = Application_Model_General::getDateTimeInSqlFormat($this->params['PORT_TIME']);
         $_id = $tbl->insert($row_insert);
         $id = substr("0000" . $_id, -5, 5);
         $request_id = "NP" . $this->params['FROM_PROVIDER'] . $this->params['TO_PROVIDER'] . date("ymd") . $id . "0001";
         $tbl->update(array('request_id' => $request_id), "id = " . $_id);
         return $request_id;
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         error_log("Cannot create request ID. Reason: " . $e->getMessage());
     return FALSE;
Exemple #2
  * method to get requests by field
  * @param type $by
 public static function getRequests($filterValue, $filterBy = 'request_id', $fields = array(), $where = array(), $orderBy = 'id DESC', $limit = 1)
     $tbl = new Application_Model_DbTable_Requests(Np_Db::slave());
     $select = $tbl->select()->from($tbl->info(Zend_Db_Table_Abstract::NAME), $fields);
     $select->where($tbl->getAdapter()->quoteIdentifier($filterBy) . ' = ?', $filterValue)->order($orderBy)->limit(intval($limit));
     foreach ($where as $cond => $value) {
         $select->where($cond, $value);
     //		print($select);
     return $select->query()->fetchAll();