factory() public static méthode

You can choose between three different api protocols. JSON, XML and SOAP are supported by the zanox api. If no version is given the latest version is always used. --- Usage example: creating api instance use soap api interface and the latest version $api = ApiClient::factory(PROTOCOL_SOAP, VERSION_DEFAULT); use xml api interface and the latest vesion $api = ApiClient::factory(PROTOCOL_XML, VERSION_DEFAULT); use json api interface and latest version $api = ApiClient::factory(PROTOCOL_JSON); ---
public static factory ( string $protocol = PROTOCOL_DEFAULT, string $version = VERSION_DEFAULT ) : mixed
$protocol string api protocol type (XML,JSON or SOAP)
$version string api version is optional
Résultat mixed object on successful instantiation or false
Exemple #1
  * @param $credentials
 public function login($credentials)
     $api = \ApiClient::factory(PROTOCOL_SOAP, VERSION_2011_03_01);
     $connectId = $credentials['connectid'];
     $secretKey = $credentials['secretkey'];
     $this->_apiClient = $api;
Exemple #2
  * Constructor.
  * @param $affiliateWindow
  * @return Oara_Network_Publisher_Zn_Api
 public function __construct($credentials)
     $api = ApiClient::factory(PROTOCOL_SOAP, VERSION_2011_03_01);
     $connectId = $credentials['connectId'];
     $secretKey = $credentials['secretKey'];
     //$publicKey = $credentials['publicKey'];
     $this->_apiClient = $api;
 private function conexao_zanox()
     if (empty($this->api)) {
         //$this->api       = ApiClient::factory(PROTOCOL_XML, VERSION_DEFAULT);
         $this->api = ApiClient::factory(PROTOCOL_SOAP, VERSION_DEFAULT);
         //$this->api       = ApiClient::factory(PROTOCOL_JSON, VERSION_DEFAULT);
         $this->connectId = "3D536CE42D798BBAA2D7";
         $this->secretKey = "0aeD8Fd923ee48+d8f31715e7973a6/3a179dc4d";
         if (!empty($this->api)) {
     } else {
         return $this->api;