if (isset($data['accrual_policy_id']) and isset($data['start_date']) and isset($data['end_date'])) {
     if ($data['start_date'] <= $data['end_date']) {
         $start_date = TTDate::getBeginDayEpoch($data['start_date']);
         $end_date = TTDate::getBeginDayEpoch($data['end_date']);
         $total_days = TTDate::getDays($end_date - $start_date);
         $offset = 86400 / 2;
         $init_progress_bar = TRUE;
         if ($init_progress_bar == TRUE) {
             $init_progress_bar = FALSE;
         $apf = new AccrualPolicyFactory();
         $aplf = new AccrualPolicyListFactory();
         $aplf->getByIdAndCompanyId((int) $data['accrual_policy_id'], $current_company->getId());
         if ($aplf->getRecordCount() > 0) {
             foreach ($aplf as $ap_obj) {
                 TTLog::addEntry($current_user->getId(), 500, 'Recalculate Accrual Policy: ' . $ap_obj->getName() . ' Start Date: ' . TTDate::getDate('TIME', $data['start_date']) . ' End Date: ' . TTDate::getDate('TIME', $data['end_date']) . ' Total Days: ' . round($total_days), $current_user->getId(), $ap_obj->getTable());
                 $x = 0;
                 for ($i = $start_date; $i < $end_date; $i += 86400) {
                     Debug::Text('Recalculating Accruals for Date: ' . TTDate::getDate('DATE+TIME', $i), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
                     $ap_obj->addAccrualPolicyTime($i, $offset);
                     $progress_bar->setValue(Misc::calculatePercent($x, $total_days));
Debug::Arr($ids, 'Selected Objects', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
$action = Misc::findSubmitButton();
switch ($action) {
    case 'add':
        Redirect::Page(URLBuilder::getURL(NULL, 'EditAccrualPolicy.php', FALSE));
    case 'delete':
    case 'undelete':
        if (strtolower($action) == 'delete') {
            $delete = TRUE;
        } else {
            $delete = FALSE;
        $aplf = new AccrualPolicyListFactory();
        foreach ($ids as $id) {
            $aplf->getByIdAndCompanyId($id, $current_company->getId());
            foreach ($aplf as $ap_obj) {
                if ($ap_obj->isValid()) {
        Redirect::Page(URLBuilder::getURL(NULL, 'AccrualPolicyList.php'));
        $aplf = new AccrualPolicyListFactory();
        $pager = new Pager($aplf);
 function getAbsencePolicyData($absence_policy_id)
     global $current_company;
     if (!is_object($current_company)) {
         return FALSE;
     $aplf = new AbsencePolicyListFactory();
     $aplf->getByIdAndCompanyId($absence_policy_id, $current_company->getId());
     if ($aplf->getRecordCount() > 0) {
         $ap_obj = $aplf->getCurrent();
         $ap_data = $ap_obj->getObjectAsArray();
         $aplf = new AccrualPolicyListFactory();
         $aplf->getByIdAndCompanyId($ap_obj->getAccrualPolicyID(), $current_company->getId());
         if ($aplf->getRecordCount() > 0) {
             $ap_data['accrual_policy_name'] = $aplf->getCurrent()->getName();
         } else {
             $ap_data['accrual_policy_name'] = 'None';
         return $ap_data;
     return FALSE;