 * Renders user profile
 * @param string $login
 * @return string
function zbs_UserShowProfile($login)
    $us_config = zbs_LoadConfig();
    $us_currency = $us_config['currency'];
    $userdata = zbs_UserGetStargazerData($login);
    $alladdress = zbs_AddressGetFulladdresslist();
    $allrealnames = zbs_UserGetAllRealnames();
    $contract = zbs_UserGetContract($login);
    $email = zbs_UserGetEmail($login);
    $mobile = zbs_UserGetMobile($login);
    $phone = zbs_UserGetPhone($login);
    $passive = $userdata['Passive'];
    $down = $userdata['Down'];
    //public offer mode
    if (isset($us_config['PUBLIC_OFFER'])) {
        if (!empty($us_config['PUBLIC_OFFER'])) {
            $publicOfferUrl = $us_config['PUBLIC_OFFER'];
            $contract = la_Link($publicOfferUrl, __('Public offer'), false, '');
    if ($us_config['ONLINELEFT_COUNT'] != 0) {
        $userBalance = $userdata['Cash'];
        $userTariff = $userdata['Tariff'];
        $balanceExpire = zbs_GetOnlineLeftCount($login, $userBalance, $userTariff, false);
    } else {
        $balanceExpire = '';
    if ($userdata['CreditExpire'] != 0) {
        $credexpire = date("d-m-Y", $userdata['CreditExpire']);
    } else {
        $credexpire = '';
    // pasive state check
    if ($passive) {
        $passive_state = __('Account frozen');
    } else {
        $passive_state = __('Account active');
    //down state check
    if ($down) {
        $down_state = ' + ' . __('Disabled');
    } else {
        $down_state = '';
    //hiding passwords
    if ($us_config['PASSWORDSHIDE']) {
        $userpassword = str_repeat('*', 8);
    } else {
        $userpassword = $userdata['Password'];
    //payment id handling
    if ($us_config['OPENPAYZ_REALID']) {
        $paymentid = zbs_PaymentIDGet($login);
    } else {
        $paymentid = ip2int($userdata['IP']);
    //payment id qr dialog
    $paymentidqr = '';
    if (isset($us_config['PAYMENTID_QR'])) {
        if ($us_config['PAYMENTID_QR']) {
            $paymentidqr = la_modal(la_img('iconz/qrcode.png', 'QR-code'), __('Payment ID'), la_tag('center') . la_img('qrgen.php?data=' . $paymentid) . la_tag('center', true), '', '300', '250');
    //draw order link
    if ($us_config['DOCX_SUPPORT']) {
        $zdocsLink = ' ' . la_Link('?module=zdocs', __('Draw order'), false, 'printorder');
    } else {
        $zdocsLink = '';
    //tariff speeds
    if ($us_config['SHOW_SPEED']) {
        $speedOffset = 1024;
        $userSpeedOverride = zbs_SpeedGetOverride($login);
        if ($userSpeedOverride == 0) {
            $showSpeed = zbs_TariffGetSpeed($userdata['Tariff']);
        } else {
            if ($userSpeedOverride < $speedOffset) {
                $showSpeed = $userSpeedOverride . ' ' . __('Kbit/s');
            } else {
                $showSpeed = $userSpeedOverride / $speedOffset . ' ' . __('Mbit/s');
        $tariffSpeeds = la_TableRow(la_TableCell(__('Tariff speed'), '', 'row1') . la_TableCell($showSpeed));
    } else {
        $tariffSpeeds = '';
    if ($us_config['ROUND_PROFILE_CASH']) {
        $Cash = web_roundValue($userdata['Cash'], 2);
    } else {
        $Cash = $userdata['Cash'];
    $profile = la_tag('table', false, '', 'width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="3"');
    $profile .= la_tag('tr');
    $profile .= la_TableCell(__('Address'), '', 'row1');
    $profile .= la_TableCell(@$alladdress[$login]);
    $profile .= la_tag('tr', true);
    $profile .= la_tag('tr');
    $profile .= la_TableCell(__('Real name'), '', 'row1');
    $profile .= la_TableCell(@$allrealnames[$login]);
    $profile .= la_tag('tr', true);
    $profile .= la_tag('tr');
    $profile .= la_TableCell(__('Login'), '', 'row1');
    $profile .= la_TableCell($login);
    $profile .= la_tag('tr', true);
    $profile .= la_tag('tr');
    $profile .= la_TableCell(__('Password'), '', 'row1');
    $profile .= la_TableCell($userpassword);
    $profile .= la_tag('tr', true);
    $profile .= la_tag('tr');
    $profile .= la_TableCell(__('IP'), '', 'row1');
    $profile .= la_TableCell($userdata['IP']);
    $profile .= la_tag('tr', true);
    $profile .= la_tag('tr');
    $profile .= la_TableCell(__('Phone'), '', 'row1');
    $profile .= la_TableCell($phone);
    $profile .= la_tag('tr', true);
    $profile .= la_tag('tr');
    $profile .= la_TableCell(__('Mobile'), '', 'row1');
    $profile .= la_TableCell($mobile);
    $profile .= la_tag('tr', true);
    $profile .= la_tag('tr');
    $profile .= la_TableCell(__('Email'), '', 'row1');
    $profile .= la_TableCell($email);
    $profile .= la_tag('tr', true);
    $profile .= la_tag('tr');
    $payIdAbbr = la_tag('abbr', false, '', 'title="' . __('Payment ID is used to make online payments using a variety of payment systems as well as the funding of accounts using the terminals') . '"');
    $payIdAbbr .= __('Payment ID');
    $payIdAbbr .= la_tag('abbr', true);
    $profile .= la_TableCell($payIdAbbr, '', 'row1');
    $profile .= la_TableCell($paymentid . ' ' . $paymentidqr);
    $profile .= la_tag('tr', true);
    $profile .= la_tag('tr');
    $profile .= la_TableCell(__('Contract'), '', 'row1');
    $profile .= la_TableCell($contract);
    $profile .= la_tag('tr', true);
    $profile .= la_tag('tr');
    $profile .= la_TableCell(__('Balance'), '', 'row1');
    $profile .= la_TableCell($Cash . ' ' . $us_currency . $balanceExpire . $zdocsLink);
    $profile .= la_tag('tr', true);
    $profile .= la_tag('tr');
    $profile .= la_TableCell(__('Credit'), '', 'row1');
    $profile .= la_TableCell($userdata['Credit'] . ' ' . $us_currency);
    $profile .= la_tag('tr', true);
    $profile .= la_tag('tr');
    $profile .= la_TableCell(__('Credit Expire'), '', 'row1');
    $profile .= la_TableCell($credexpire);
    $profile .= la_tag('tr', true);
    $profile .= la_tag('tr');
    $profile .= la_TableCell(__('Tariff'), '', 'row1');
    $profile .= la_TableCell(__($userdata['Tariff']));
    $profile .= la_tag('tr', true);
    $profile .= la_tag('tr');
    $profile .= la_TableCell(__('Tariff price'), '', 'row1');
    $profile .= la_TableCell(@zbs_UserGetTariffPrice($userdata['Tariff']) . ' ' . $us_currency);
    $profile .= la_tag('tr', true);
    $profile .= $tariffSpeeds;
    $profile .= la_tag('tr');
    $profile .= la_TableCell(__('Tariff change'), '', 'row1');
    $profile .= la_TableCell(__($userdata['TariffChange']));
    $profile .= la_tag('tr', true);
    $profile .= la_tag('tr');
    $profile .= la_TableCell(__('Account state'), '', 'row1');
    $profile .= la_TableCell($passive_state . $down_state);
    $profile .= la_tag('tr', true);
    $profile .= la_tag('table', true);
    //show assigned virtual services if available
    if (isset($us_config['VSERVICES_SHOW'])) {
        if ($us_config['VSERVICES_SHOW']) {
            $profile .= zbs_vservicesShow($login, $us_currency);
    return $profile;
Exemple #2
 $sc_maxday = $us_config['SC_MAXDAY'];
 $sc_term = $us_config['SC_TERM'];
 $sc_price = $us_config['SC_PRICE'];
 $sc_cashtypeid = $us_config['SC_CASHTYPEID'];
 $sc_monthcontrol = $us_config['SC_MONTHCONTROL'];
 $sc_allowed = array();
 $vs_price = zbs_VServicesGetPrice($user_login);
 //allowed tariffs option
 if (isset($us_config['SC_TARIFFSALLOWED'])) {
     if (!empty($us_config['SC_TARIFFSALLOWED'])) {
         $sc_allowed = explode(',', $us_config['SC_TARIFFSALLOWED']);
         $sc_allowed = array_flip($sc_allowed);
 $tariff = zbs_UserGetTariff($user_login);
 $tariffprice = zbs_UserGetTariffPrice($tariff);
 $tariffprice += $vs_price;
 $cday = date("d");
 //welcome message
 $wmess = __('If you wait too long to pay for the service, here you can get credit for') . ' ' . $sc_term . ' ' . __('days. The price of this service is') . ': ' . $sc_price . ' ' . $us_currency . '. ';
 if (isset($us_config['SC_VSCREDIT'])) {
     if ($us_config['SC_VSCREDIT']) {
         $wmess .= __('Also you promise to pay for the current month, in accordance with your service plan') . ".";
     } else {
         $wmess .= __('Also you promise to pay for the current month, in accordance with your service plan') . "." . __('Additional services are not subject to credit') . ".";
 show_window(__('Credits'), $wmess);
 //if day is something like that needed
 if ($cday <= $sc_maxday and $cday >= $sc_minday) {
     if ($current_credit <= 0 and $current_credit_expire == 0) {