private function processTaxonomy(&$taxonomy) { $currentTerms = get_terms($taxonomy->slug, array('hide_empty' => false)); $done = false; while (!$done) { $deferred = 0; foreach ($taxonomy->terms as &$term) { if (!$term->done) { $parentId = $this->parentId($term->term->parent, $taxonomy); if ($parentId || $term->term->parent == 0) { $existingTermId = $this->findExistingTerm($term, $currentTerms); $args = array('description' => $term->term->description, 'parent' => $parentId, 'slug' => $term->term->slug, 'term_group' => $term->term->term_group, 'name' => $term->term->name); if ($existingTermId > 0) { $ret = wp_update_term($existingTermId, $taxonomy->slug, $args); $term->id = $existingTermId; } else { $id = wp_insert_term($term->term->name, $taxonomy->slug, $args); $term->id = $id['term_id']; } $term->done = true; } else { ++$deferred; } } if ($deferred == 0) { $done = true; } } } }
public function set($key, $value, $override = false) { if ($key !== "name" && $key !== "taxonomy") { $data = array($key => $value); wp_update_term($this->id["term_id"], $this->taxonomy, $data); } }
/** * initialize_container - Initialiaze the PAIR containers if the associated * option is checked * * @param {type} $option the checkbox to evaluate * @param {type} $oldValue the oldvalue (should be false) * @param {type} $_newValue the new checkbox value (should be true) * @return {type} description */ function initialize_container($force = false) { if (isset($_GET['settings-updated']) || $force) { $ldp_container_init = get_option('ldp_container_init', false); if ($ldp_container_init || $force) { //TODO: Initialize the PAIR containers $pair_terms = array('initiative' => array('label' => __('Initiative', 'wpldp'), 'rdftype' => 'pair:initiative'), 'organization' => array('label' => __('Organization', 'wpldp'), 'rdftype' => 'foaf:organization'), 'group' => array('label' => __('Group', 'wpldp'), 'rdftype' => 'foaf:group'), 'document' => array('label' => __('Document', 'wpldp'), 'rdftype' => 'foaf:document'), 'goodorservice' => array('label' => __('Good or Service', 'wpldp'), 'rdftype' => 'goodRelation:goodOrService'), 'artwork' => array('label' => __('Artwork', 'wpldp'), 'rdftype' => 'schema:artwork'), 'event' => array('label' => __('Event', 'wpldp'), 'rdftype' => 'schema:event'), 'place' => array('label' => __('Place', 'wpldp'), 'rdftype' => 'schema:place'), 'theme' => array('label' => __('Theme', 'wpldp'), 'rdftype' => 'pair:theme'), 'thesis' => array('label' => __('Thesis', 'wpldp'), 'rdftype' => 'pair:thesis'), 'person' => array('label' => __('Person', 'wpldp'), 'rdftype' => 'pair:person')); foreach ($pair_terms as $term => $properties) { // Loop on the models files (or hardcoded array) and push them each as taxonomy term in the database $model = file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/models/' . $term . '.json'); $term_id = null; if (!term_exists($term, 'ldp_container')) { $new_term = wp_insert_term($properties['label'], 'ldp_container', array('slug' => $term, 'description' => sprintf(__('The %1$s object model', 'wpldp'), $term))); $term_id = $new_term['term_id']; } else { $existing_term = get_term_by('slug', $term, 'ldp_container'); $updated_term = wp_update_term($existing_term->term_id, 'ldp_container', array('slug' => $term, 'description' => sprintf(__('The %1$s object model', 'wpldp'), $term))); $term_id = $existing_term->term_id; } if (!empty($term_id)) { $term_meta = get_option("ldp_container_{$term_id}"); if (!is_array($term_meta)) { $term_meta = array(); } $term_meta['ldp_rdf_type'] = $properties['rdftype']; $term_meta['ldp_model'] = stripslashes_deep($model); update_option("ldp_container_{$term_id}", $term_meta); } } } } }
function wp_insert_category($catarr) { global $wpdb; extract($catarr, EXTR_SKIP); if (trim($cat_name) == '') { return 0; } $cat_ID = (int) $cat_ID; // Are we updating or creating? if (!empty($cat_ID)) { $update = true; } else { $update = false; } $name = $cat_name; $description = $category_description; $slug = $category_nicename; $parent = $category_parent; $parent = (int) $parent; if (empty($parent) || !category_exists($parent) || $cat_ID && cat_is_ancestor_of($cat_ID, $parent)) { $parent = 0; } $args = compact('name', 'slug', 'parent', 'description'); if ($update) { $cat_ID = wp_update_term($cat_ID, 'category', $args); } else { $cat_ID = wp_insert_term($cat_name, 'category', $args); } if (is_wp_error($cat_ID)) { return 0; } return $cat_ID['term_id']; }
/** * Handle tab logic */ public function handle() { // Actions add_action('admin_enqueue_scripts', array(&$this, 'action_admin_enqueue_scripts')); // Taxonomies $taxonomies = get_taxonomies(array( 'hierarchical' => true ), 'objects'); $taxonomy_current = (isset($_GET['taxonomy']) && isset($taxonomies[$_GET['taxonomy']])) ? $taxonomies[$_GET['taxonomy']] : current($taxonomies); // Terms hierarchy if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST' && !empty($_POST) && wp_verify_nonce($_POST['jwbp-terms-reorganize-nonce'], 'jwbp-terms-reorganize')) { $terms_parents = $_POST['jwbp-term-parent']; foreach ($terms_parents as $index => $term_parent) { wp_update_term($index, $taxonomy_current->name, array( 'parent' => $term_parent )); } // Remove hierarchy from cache delete_option($taxonomy_current->name . '_children'); // Add message to notify user of completion $this->add_message(sprintf(__('%s hierarchy successfully updated.', 'bulkpress'), $taxonomy_current->labels->singular_name)); } }
function groundup_activation() { // Check to see if activation has already been run if (!get_option('groundup_activated') == 'activated') { add_option('groundup_activated', 'activated'); // Remove default site description if (get_bloginfo('description') == 'Just another WordPress site') { update_option('blogdescription', ''); } // Allow shortcodes in widgets add_filter('widget_text', 'shortcode_unautop'); add_filter('widget_text', 'do_shortcode', 11); // Change Uploads folder to /media update_option('uploads_use_yearmonth_folders', 0); update_option('upload_path', 'media'); update_option('upload_url_path', get_home_url() . '/media'); // Pretty Permalinks update_option('category_base', '/site/'); update_option('permalink_structure', '/%category%/%postname%/'); // change start of week to Sunday update_option('start_of_week', 0); // Change default 'Uncategorized' to 'General' $category = get_term_by('id', '1', 'category'); if ($category->name == 'Uncategorized') { $category->name = 'General'; $category->slug = strtolower(str_replace('_', ' ', 'general')); } wp_update_term($category->term_id, 'category', array('slug' => $category->slug, 'name' => $category->name)); // Disable Smilies update_option('use_smilies', 0); // Set default comment status to closed update_option('default_comment_status', 'closed'); update_option('default_ping_status', 'closed'); // Set Timezone $timezone = "America/New_York"; //$timezone = "America/Chicago"; //$timezone = "America/Denver"; //$timezone = "America/Los_Angeles"; update_option('timezone_string', $timezone); // Clean up widget settings that weren't set at installation to prevent unecessary queries add_option('widget_pages', array('_multiwidget' => 1)); add_option('widget_calendar', array('_multiwidget' => 1)); add_option('widget_tag_cloud', array('_multiwidget' => 1)); add_option('widget_nav_menu', array('_multiwidget' => 1)); // Update default media sizes - additional sizes are added through groundup_init update_option('thumbnail_size_w', 330); update_option('thumbnail_size_h', 330); update_option('thumbnail_crop', true); update_option('medium_size_w', 600); update_option('medium_size_h', 400); update_option('large_size_w', 1200); update_option('large_size_h', 800); update_option('embed_size_w', 1200); update_option('embed_size_h', 800); // Add default menus groundup_register_nav_menus(array('Primary', 'Secondary', 'Mobile', 'Footer')); groundup_create_nav_menus(array('Primary', 'Secondary', 'Mobile', 'Footer')); } }
function kws_rt_taxonomy_save() { global $tag_ID; $a = array('description'); foreach ($a as $v) { wp_update_term($tag_ID, $v, $_POST[$v]); } }
function update_object($term, $fields) { $fields = array_merge(array('taxonomy' => $this->taxonomy), $fields); if (is_object($term)) { $taxonomy = $term->taxonomy; } $term_id_pair = wp_update_term($term, $taxonomy, $fields); return $term_id_pair['term_id']; }
public function test_update_term_is_synced() { $args = array('name' => 'Non Catégorisé', 'slug' => 'non-categorise'); wp_update_term($this->term_object['term_id'], $this->taxonomy, $args); $this->client->do_sync(); $terms = $this->get_terms(); $server_terms = $this->server_replica_storage->get_terms($this->taxonomy); $this->assertEquals($terms, $server_terms); }
function ubik_quick_terms_description_save($term_id) { $tax = get_taxonomy($_REQUEST['taxonomy']); if (current_filter() === 'edited_' . $tax->name && current_user_can($tax->cap->edit_terms)) { $description = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'description', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING); remove_action(current_filter(), __FUNCTION__); // Removing action to avoid recursion wp_update_term($term_id, $tax->name, array('description' => $description)); } }
/** * Install known types in WordPress. */ function wl_core_install_entity_type_data() { // Ensure the custom type and the taxonomy are registered. wl_entity_type_register(); wl_entity_type_taxonomy_register(); // Set the taxonomy data. // Note: parent types must be defined before child types. // TODO: Manage both generic and custom fields as fields. $terms = array('thing' => array('label' => 'Thing', 'description' => 'A generic thing (something that doesn\'t fit in the previous definitions.', 'css' => 'wl-thing', 'uri' => '', 'same_as' => array('*'), 'custom_fields' => array(WL_CUSTOM_FIELD_SAME_AS => array('predicate' => '', 'type' => WL_DATA_TYPE_URI, 'export_type' => '', 'constraints' => '', 'input_field' => 'sameas')), 'microdata_template' => '', 'templates' => array('subtitle' => '{{id}}')), 'creative-work' => array('label' => 'CreativeWork', 'description' => 'A creative work (or a Music Album).', 'parents' => array('thing'), 'css' => 'wl-creative-work', 'uri' => '', 'same_as' => array('', ''), 'custom_fields' => array(), 'microdata_template' => '', 'templates' => array('subtitle' => '{{id}}')), 'event' => array('label' => 'Event', 'description' => 'An event.', 'parents' => array('thing'), 'css' => 'wl-event', 'uri' => '', 'same_as' => array(''), 'custom_fields' => array(WL_CUSTOM_FIELD_CAL_DATE_START => array('predicate' => '', 'type' => WL_DATA_TYPE_DATE, 'export_type' => 'xsd:date', 'constraints' => ''), WL_CUSTOM_FIELD_CAL_DATE_END => array('predicate' => '', 'type' => WL_DATA_TYPE_DATE, 'export_type' => 'xsd:date', 'constraints' => ''), WL_CUSTOM_FIELD_LOCATION => array('predicate' => '', 'type' => WL_DATA_TYPE_URI, 'export_type' => '', 'constraints' => array('uri_type' => 'Place'))), 'microdata_template' => '{{startDate}} {{endDate}} {{location}}', 'templates' => array('subtitle' => '{{id}}')), 'organization' => array('label' => 'Organization', 'description' => 'An organization, including a government or a newspaper.', 'parents' => array('thing'), 'css' => 'wl-organization', 'uri' => '', 'same_as' => array('', '', ''), 'custom_fields' => array(WL_CUSTOM_FIELD_FOUNDER => array('predicate' => '', 'type' => WL_DATA_TYPE_URI, 'export_type' => '', 'constraints' => array('uri_type' => 'Person'))), 'microdata_template' => '{{founder}}', 'templates' => array('subtitle' => '{{id}}')), 'person' => array('label' => 'Person', 'description' => 'A person (or a music artist).', 'parents' => array('thing'), 'css' => 'wl-person', 'uri' => '', 'same_as' => array('', '', ''), 'custom_fields' => array(), 'microdata_template' => '', 'templates' => array('subtitle' => '{{id}}')), 'place' => array('label' => 'Place', 'description' => 'A place.', 'parents' => array('thing'), 'css' => 'wl-place', 'uri' => '', 'same_as' => array('', ''), 'custom_fields' => array(WL_CUSTOM_FIELD_GEO_LATITUDE => array('predicate' => '', 'type' => WL_DATA_TYPE_DOUBLE, 'export_type' => 'xsd:double', 'constraints' => '', 'input_field' => 'coordinates'), WL_CUSTOM_FIELD_GEO_LONGITUDE => array('predicate' => '', 'type' => WL_DATA_TYPE_DOUBLE, 'export_type' => 'xsd:double', 'constraints' => '', 'input_field' => 'coordinates'), WL_CUSTOM_FIELD_ADDRESS => array('predicate' => '', 'type' => WL_DATA_TYPE_STRING, 'export_type' => '', 'constraints' => '')), 'microdata_template' => '<span itemprop="geo" itemscope itemtype=""> {{latitude}} {{longitude}} </span> {{address}}', 'templates' => array('subtitle' => '{{id}}')), 'localbusiness' => array('label' => 'LocalBusiness', 'description' => 'A local business.', 'parents' => array('place', 'organization'), 'css' => 'wl-local-business', 'uri' => '', 'same_as' => array('', ''), 'custom_fields' => array(), 'microdata_template' => '', 'templates' => array('subtitle' => '{{id}}'))); foreach ($terms as $slug => $term) { // Create the term if it does not exist, then get its ID $term_id = term_exists($term['label']); if ($term_id == 0 || is_null($term_id)) { $result = wp_insert_term($term['label'], WL_ENTITY_TYPE_TAXONOMY_NAME); } else { $result = get_term($term_id, WL_ENTITY_TYPE_TAXONOMY_NAME, ARRAY_A); } // Check for errors. if (is_wp_error($result)) { wl_write_log('wl_install_entity_type_data [ ' . $result->get_error_message() . ' ]'); continue; } // Check if 'parent' corresponds to an actual term and get its ID. if (!isset($term['parents'])) { $term['parents'] = array(); } $parent_ids = array(); foreach ($term['parents'] as $parent_slug) { $parent_id = get_term_by('slug', $parent_slug, WL_ENTITY_TYPE_TAXONOMY_NAME); $parent_ids[] = intval($parent_id->term_id); // Note: int casting is suggested by Codex: } // Define a parent in the WP taxonomy style (not important for WL) if (empty($parent_ids)) { // No parent $parent_id = 0; } else { // Get first parent $parent_id = $parent_ids[0]; } // Update term with description, slug and parent wp_update_term($result['term_id'], WL_ENTITY_TYPE_TAXONOMY_NAME, array('description' => $term['description'], 'slug' => $slug, 'parent' => $parent_id)); // Inherit custom fields and microdata template from parent. $term = wl_entity_type_taxonomy_type_inheritage($term, $parent_ids); // Add custom metadata to the term. wl_entity_type_taxonomy_update_term($result['term_id'], $term['css'], $term['uri'], $term['same_as'], $term['custom_fields'], $term['templates'], $term['microdata_template']); } }
/** * Update the menu name if option is updated * @since 1.1.5 */ public function updateMenuName($option, $old_value, $value) { if ($option == 'nestedpages_menu') { $menu = get_term_by('id', $old_value, 'nav_menu'); if ($menu) { delete_option('nestedpages_menu'); // Delete the option to prevent infinite loop update_option('nestedpages_menu', $old_value); wp_update_term($menu->term_id, 'nav_menu', array('name' => $value, 'slug' => sanitize_title($value))); } } }
function move_folder($folderId, $inFolderId) { global $wplr; $termId = $wplr->get_meta("mediafolder_term_id", $folderId); $parentTermId = $wplr->get_meta("mediafolder_term_id", $inFolderId); $result = wp_update_term($termId, 'wpmf-category', array('parent' => $parentTermId)); if (is_wp_error($result)) { error_log("Issue while moving the folder."); error_log($result->get_error_message()); return; } }
/** * @ticket 22526 */ function test_category_name_change() { $term = self::factory()->category->create_and_get(array('name' => 'Foo')); $post_id = self::factory()->post->create(); wp_set_post_categories($post_id, $term->term_id); $post = get_post($post_id); $cats1 = get_the_category($post->ID); $this->assertEquals($term->name, reset($cats1)->name); wp_update_term($term->term_id, 'category', array('name' => 'Bar')); $cats2 = get_the_category($post->ID); $this->assertNotEquals($term->name, reset($cats2)->name); }
/** * Update to-do list category * @static * @return int */ public static function update_category() { $category_id = absint($_POST['cleverness_todo_cat_id']); $term = wp_update_term($category_id, 'todocategories', array('name' => $_POST['cleverness_todo_cat_name'])); if (!is_wp_error($term)) { $options = get_option('CTDL_categories'); $options["category_{$category_id}"] = absint($_POST['cleverness_todo_cat_visibility']); update_option('CTDL_categories', $options); return $term['term_id']; } else { return 0; } }
public static function create($name, $language, $document_id) { $desc = array('lingotek' => array('type' => 'string', 'md5' => md5(self::get_content($name)), 'source' => $language->mo_id, 'status' => 'importing', 'translations' => array())); $terms = wp_get_object_terms($language->mo_id, 'post_translations'); // the translation already exists but was previously disassociated if ($key = array_search($name, wp_list_pluck($terms, 'name'))) { wp_update_term((int) $terms[$key]->term_id, 'post_translations', array('slug' => $document_id, 'name' => $name, 'description' => serialize($desc))); } else { wp_insert_term($name, 'post_translations', array('slug' => $document_id, 'description' => serialize($desc))); } wp_set_object_terms($language->mo_id, $document_id, 'post_translations', true); // add terms }
function ready_ecommerce_setup() { global $wpdb; /* Language Support */ load_theme_textdomain('ready_ecommerce', get_template_directory() . '/languages'); $locale = get_locale(); $locale_file = get_template_directory() . "/languages/{$locale}.php"; if (is_readable($locale_file)) { require_once $locale_file; } /* Add default posts and comments RSS feed links to head */ add_theme_support('automatic-feed-links'); /* This theme uses wp_nav_menu() in two location.*/ register_nav_menus(array('primary' => __('Primary Menu', 'ready_ecommerce'), 'top' => __('Top "Drop-Down" Menu', 'ready_ecommerce'))); /* Create theme custom menu */ $name = 'Ready! Ecommerce Menu'; $menu = wp_get_nav_menu_object($name); if (!$menu) { $menu_id = wp_create_nav_menu($name); $options = get_option('nav_menu_options'); $options['auto_add'][] = $menu_id; update_option('nav_menu_options', $options); $itemData = array('menu-item-type' => 'custom', 'menu-item-url' => get_home_url('/'), 'menu-item-title' => 'Home'); wp_update_nav_menu_item($menu_id, 0, $itemData); // if Ready! Commerce plugin is already installed add the pages to menu require_once ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/plugin-install.php'; // Need for plugins_api } else { $menu_id = $menu->term_id; } /* Set Custom Menu */ if (!has_nav_menu('primary')) { $locations = get_theme_mod('nav_menu_locations'); $locations['primary'] = $menu_id; set_theme_mod('nav_menu_locations', $locations); } if (!has_nav_menu('top')) { $locations = get_theme_mod('nav_menu_locations'); $locations['top'] = $menu_id; set_theme_mod('nav_menu_locations', $locations); } /* Activate Social Links Module */ $social_links = new SocialLinks(); $social_links->social_links_install(); /* Add support for the Aside and Gallery Post Formats */ add_theme_support('post-formats', array('aside', 'image', 'gallery')); if (class_exists('frame')) { frame::_()->getModule('options')->getModel('')->put(array('code' => 'default_theme', 'value' => 'ready_ecommerce_theme')); } wp_update_term(1, 'category', array('name' => 'Shop', 'slug' => 'shop')); }
public function testUpdateSplittedTerms() { // Remove split_shared_term to prevent automatic categories update for memberships. remove_action('split_shared_term', array('IB_Educator_Main', 'split_shared_term')); // Split shared term. $new_term = wp_update_term($this->terms['term3']['term_id'], 'ib_educator_category', array('name' => 'Edu')); // Update shared terms for use in memberships. $install = new Edr_Install(); $install->update_1_4_4(); $ms = Edr_Memberships::get_instance(); $meta = $ms->get_membership_meta($this->posts[0]); // The term_id stored in the membership's categories setting should be updated. $this->assertEquals(array($new_term['term_id'], $this->terms['term4']['term_id']), $meta['categories']); }
public static function createChildCategory($name, $slug, $parent_id) { $term = get_term_by('slug', $slug, 'category'); if ($term) { $category = wp_update_term($term->term_id, 'category', array('slug' => $slug, 'parent' => $parent_id)); return $category['term_id']; } else { $category = wp_insert_term($name, 'category', array('slug' => $slug, 'parent' => $parent_id)); if (is_wp_error($category)) { $error_string = $category->get_error_message(); echo '<div id="message" class="error"><p>' . $error_string . '</p></div>'; } return $category['term_id']; } }
/** * @ticket 24189 */ function test_object_term_cache_when_term_changes() { $post_id = self::$post_ids[0]; $tag_id = self::factory()->tag->create(array('name' => 'Amaze Tag', 'description' => 'My Amazing Tag')); $tt_1 = wp_set_object_terms($post_id, $tag_id, 'post_tag'); $terms = get_the_terms($post_id, 'post_tag'); $this->assertEquals($tag_id, $terms[0]->term_id); $this->assertEquals('My Amazing Tag', $terms[0]->description); $_updated = wp_update_term($tag_id, 'post_tag', array('description' => 'This description is even more amazing!')); $_new_term = get_term($tag_id, 'post_tag'); $this->assertEquals($tag_id, $_new_term->term_id); $this->assertEquals('This description is even more amazing!', $_new_term->description); $terms = get_the_terms($post_id, 'post_tag'); $this->assertEquals($tag_id, $terms[0]->term_id); $this->assertEquals('This description is even more amazing!', $terms[0]->description); }
/** * Install known types in WordPress. */ function wl_core_install_entity_type_data() { // global $wl_logger; // $wl_logger->trace( 'Installing entity type data...' ); // Ensure the custom type and the taxonomy are registered. wl_entity_type_register(); wl_entity_type_taxonomy_register(); // Set the taxonomy data. // Note: parent types must be defined before child types. $terms = array('thing' => array('label' => 'Thing', 'description' => 'A generic thing (something that doesn\'t fit in the previous definitions.'), 'creative-work' => array('label' => 'CreativeWork', 'description' => 'A creative work (or a Music Album).', 'parents' => array('thing')), 'event' => array('label' => 'Event', 'description' => 'An event.', 'parents' => array('thing')), 'organization' => array('label' => 'Organization', 'description' => 'An organization, including a government or a newspaper.', 'parents' => array('thing')), 'person' => array('label' => 'Person', 'description' => 'A person (or a music artist).', 'parents' => array('thing')), 'place' => array('label' => 'Place', 'description' => 'A place.', 'parents' => array('thing')), 'localbusiness' => array('label' => 'LocalBusiness', 'description' => 'A local business.', 'parents' => array('place', 'organization'))); foreach ($terms as $slug => $term) { // Create the term if it does not exist, then get its ID $term_id = term_exists($slug, Wordlift_Entity_Types_Taxonomy_Service::TAXONOMY_NAME); if ($term_id == 0 || is_null($term_id)) { $result = wp_insert_term($slug, Wordlift_Entity_Types_Taxonomy_Service::TAXONOMY_NAME); } else { $term_id = $term_id['term_id']; $result = get_term($term_id, Wordlift_Entity_Types_Taxonomy_Service::TAXONOMY_NAME, ARRAY_A); } // Check for errors. if (is_wp_error($result)) { wl_write_log('wl_install_entity_type_data [ ' . $result->get_error_message() . ' ]'); continue; } // Check if 'parent' corresponds to an actual term and get its ID. if (!isset($term['parents'])) { $term['parents'] = array(); } $parent_ids = array(); foreach ($term['parents'] as $parent_slug) { $parent_id = get_term_by('slug', $parent_slug, Wordlift_Entity_Types_Taxonomy_Service::TAXONOMY_NAME); $parent_ids[] = intval($parent_id->term_id); // Note: int casting is suggested by Codex: } // Define a parent in the WP taxonomy style (not important for WL) if (empty($parent_ids)) { // No parent $parent_id = 0; } else { // Get first parent $parent_id = $parent_ids[0]; } // Update term with description, slug and parent wp_update_term($result['term_id'], Wordlift_Entity_Types_Taxonomy_Service::TAXONOMY_NAME, array('name' => $term['label'], 'slug' => $slug, 'description' => $term['description'], 'parent' => $parent_id)); } }
/** * Generate a callback for date-type meta boxes created with date_metabox(). * * This function generates a standardized callback for taxonomy meta boxes created with the date_metabox() function * included with this plugin (see above). The callback takes input parameters from $_POST, sanitizes them, then * stores them hierarchically as: * * Year (parent) * ---- Month (child) * ---- ---- Day (child) * * This function will not work properly if the target taxonomy was not registered with hierarchical=true, it will also * or any taxonomies that have not had their default metaboxes replaced with date_metabox(); * * @see date_meta_box() This function relies on POST data passed from a meta box created with this. * * @uses wp_insert_term() Used to add the term to the database. * @uses get_term_by() Used to get the object of terms stored with wp_insert_term(). * @uses wp_set_object_terms Used to attach the newly created terms to the post. * @param int $post_id, probably leave this as is. This is the ID of the post to which the terms should attach * @param string $taxonomy, The taxonomy to which the terms belong * @param boolean $multiples, Determines whether the term shoud append (true) or replace (false) existing terms * @return identical to wp_set_object_terms */ public function date($post_id, $taxonomy, $multiples = false, $date = array(), $timezone = null, $term_num = null) { global $post; $rmTerm = 'rm_' . $taxonomy . '_' . $term_num; if (isset($_POST[$rmTerm]) and !empty($_POST[$rmTerm])) { $tounset = get_term_by('name', $_POST[$rmTerm], $taxonomy); if ($tounset) { $this->Taxonomy->remove_post_term($post_id, $tounset->term_id, $taxonomy); } } elseif (!empty($date)) { wp_set_object_terms($post_id, $date->format('c'), $taxonomy, $append = $multiples); if (isset($timezone)) { $term = get_term_by('name', $date->format('c'), $taxonomy); wp_update_term($term->term_id, $taxonomy, $args = array('description' => $timezone)); } } }
/** * Mise à jour d'une taxinomie / Update the taxonomy * * @param array|Object $data Les données de la taxinomie a sauvegarder dans la base de données / Datas o ftaxonomy to save into database * * @return Object L'objet sauvegardé / The saved object */ public function update($data) { $object = $data; /** Dans le cas d'un tableau on le lit pour construire l'objet / If passed data is an array read and build an object from it */ if (is_array($data)) { $object = new $this->model_name($data, $this->meta_key); } /** Sauvegarde des données dans la base de données / Save data into database */ $wp_category_danger = wp_update_term($object->id, $this->get_taxonomy(), $object->do_wp_object()); if (!is_wp_error($wp_category_danger)) { /** Mise à jour des options / Save options */ if (!empty($object->option)) { $this->save_meta_data($object); } } return $object; }
function wpleads_add_list_to_wplead_list_category_taxonomy($post_id, $list_title, $list_slug = null) { $wplead_cat_id = get_post_meta($post_id, 'wplead_list_category_id', true); if ($wplead_cat_id) { wp_update_term($wplead_cat_id, 'wplead_list_category', array('name' => $list_title)); } else { //add category taxonomy in wpleads $term = wp_insert_term($list_title, 'wplead_list_category', $args = array('slug' => $list_slug)); if (is_object($term)) { $term_error_array = $term->error_data; $term_id = $term_error_array['term_exists']; } else { $term_id = $term['term_id']; } update_post_meta($post_id, 'wplead_list_category_id', $term_id); } }
/** * Saves/Updates term children (price group children). * * @author Zane M. Kolnik * @since 1.5.1 * @package AJAX */ public function save_term() { parse_str($_POST['form'], $form_data); wp_verify_nonce($_POST['security'], $_POST['action']); $taxonomy = $_POST['taxonomy']; // Update the price group name if it has changed if (!empty($form_data['price_group']['term_id'])) { $parent_obj = get_term_by('id', $form_data['price_group']['term_id'], $taxonomy); if (!empty($parent_obj) && $parent_obj->name != $form_data['price_group']['term_name']) { wp_update_term($form_data['price_group']['term_id'], $taxonomy, array('name' => $form_data['price_group']['term_name'])); } } if (!empty($form_data['terms_children'])) { foreach ($form_data['terms_children'] as $k => $v) { wp_update_term($k, $taxonomy, array('name' => $v['name'])); // Dynamically save ALL fields that are NOT 'name' as // term meta! It would have been nice to store all // meta into an array and loop over saving that, // can't wait for term meta to make it into core. foreach ($v as $kk => $vv) { if ($k != 'name') { sell_media_update_term_meta($k, $kk, $vv); } } } } // Dynamically add new prices for this price group if (!empty($form_data['new_child'])) { foreach ($form_data['new_child'] as $child) { if (!empty($child['name'])) { $term = wp_insert_term($child['name'], $taxonomy, array('parent' => $child['parent'])); // Dynamically save ALL fields that are NOT 'name' as // term meta! if (!is_wp_error($term)) { foreach ($child as $k => $v) { if ($k != 'name') { sell_media_update_term_meta($term['term_id'], $k, $v); } } } } } } wp_send_json(array('sell_media' => true)); }
function insert_taxonomy_category($category_array) { global $wpdb; for ($i = 0; $i < count($category_array); $i++) { $parent_catid = 0; if (is_array($category_array[$i])) { $cat_name_arr = $category_array[$i]; for ($j = 0; $j < count($cat_name_arr); $j++) { $catname = $cat_name_arr[$j]; if ($j > 1) { $catid = $wpdb->get_var("select term_id from {$wpdb->terms} where name=\"{$catname}\""); if (!$catid) { $last_catid = wp_insert_term($catname, 'category'); } } else { $catid = $wpdb->get_var("select term_id from {$wpdb->terms} where name=\"{$catname}\""); if (!$catid) { $last_catid = wp_insert_term($catname, 'category'); } } } } else { $catname = $category_array[$i]; $catid = $wpdb->get_var("select term_id from {$wpdb->terms} where name=\"{$catname}\""); if (!$catid) { wp_insert_term($catname, 'category'); } } } for ($i = 0; $i < count($category_array); $i++) { $parent_catid = 0; if (is_array($category_array[$i])) { $cat_name_arr = $category_array[$i]; for ($j = 0; $j < count($cat_name_arr); $j++) { $catname = $cat_name_arr[$j]; if ($j > 0) { $parentcatname = $cat_name_arr[0]; $parent_catid = $wpdb->get_var("select term_id from {$wpdb->terms} where name=\"{$parentcatname}\""); $last_catid = $wpdb->get_var("select term_id from {$wpdb->terms} where name=\"{$catname}\""); wp_update_term($last_catid, 'category', $args = array('parent' => $parent_catid)); } } } } }
function wp_insert_category($catarr, $wp_error = false) { $cat_defaults = array('cat_ID' => 0, 'cat_name' => '', 'category_description' => '', 'category_nicename' => '', 'category_parent' => ''); $cat_arr = wp_parse_args($cat_arr, $cat_defaults); extract($catarr, EXTR_SKIP); if (trim($cat_name) == '') { if (!$wp_error) { return 0; } else { return new WP_Error('cat_name', __('You did not enter a category name.')); } } $cat_ID = (int) $cat_ID; // Are we updating or creating? if (!empty($cat_ID)) { $update = true; } else { $update = false; } $name = $cat_name; $description = $category_description; $slug = $category_nicename; $parent = $category_parent; $parent = (int) $parent; if ($parent < 0) { $parent = 0; } if (empty($parent) || !category_exists($parent) || $cat_ID && cat_is_ancestor_of($cat_ID, $parent)) { $parent = 0; } $args = compact('name', 'slug', 'parent', 'description'); if ($update) { $cat_ID = wp_update_term($cat_ID, 'category', $args); } else { $cat_ID = wp_insert_term($cat_name, 'category', $args); } if (is_wp_error($cat_ID)) { if ($wp_error) { return $cat_ID; } else { return 0; } } return $cat_ID['term_id']; }
/** * Impose some data onto the region * How the data is interpreted depends * on the region * * @param string $key * @param mixed $value * @return true|WP_Error */ public function impose($key, $value) { if (!taxonomy_exists($key)) { return new \WP_Error('invalid-taxonomy', "Invalid taxonomy"); } foreach ($value as $slug => $term_values) { $term = get_term_by('slug', $slug, $key); if (!$term) { $ret = wp_insert_term($slug, $key); if (is_wp_error($ret)) { return $ret; } $term = get_term_by('id', $ret['term_id'], $key); } foreach ($term_values as $yml_field => $term_value) { switch ($yml_field) { case 'name': case 'description': if ($term_value == $term->{$yml_field}) { break; } wp_update_term($term->term_id, $key, array($yml_field => $term_value)); break; case 'parent': if ($term_value) { $parent_term = get_term_by('slug', $term_value, $key); if (!$parent_term) { return new \WP_Error('invalid-parent', sprintf("Parent is invalid for term: %s", $slug)); } if ($parent_term->term_id == $term->parent) { break; } wp_update_term($term->term_id, $key, array('parent' => $parent_term->term_id)); } else { if (!$term_value && $term->parent) { wp_update_term($term->term_id, $key, array('parent' => 0)); } } break; } } } return true; }
/** * Tests the model function that expects slashed data * */ function test_wp_update_term() { $taxonomies = array('category', 'post_tag'); foreach ($taxonomies as $taxonomy) { $id = $this->factory->term->create(array('taxonomy' => $taxonomy)); $update = wp_update_term($id, $taxonomy, array('name' => $this->slash_1, 'description' => $this->slash_3)); $term = get_term($id, $taxonomy); $this->assertEquals(wp_unslash($this->slash_1), $term->name); $this->assertEquals(wp_unslash($this->slash_3), $term->description); $update = wp_update_term($id, $taxonomy, array('name' => $this->slash_3, 'description' => $this->slash_5)); $term = get_term($id, $taxonomy); $this->assertEquals(wp_unslash($this->slash_3), $term->name); $this->assertEquals(wp_unslash($this->slash_5), $term->description); $update = wp_update_term($id, $taxonomy, array('name' => $this->slash_2, 'description' => $this->slash_4)); $term = get_term($id, $taxonomy); $this->assertEquals(wp_unslash($this->slash_2), $term->name); $this->assertEquals(wp_unslash($this->slash_4), $term->description); } }
function test_synced_term_is_updated() { $master = new Master(); $taxonomy = 'post_tag'; $term = wp_insert_term('test_term', $taxonomy, array('description' => 'test description')); if (is_wp_error($term)) { var_dump($term); throw new Exception("Error in wp_insert_term"); } $term_id = $term['term_id']; $tt_id = $term['term_taxonomy_id']; $result = wp_set_post_terms($this->ID, array($term_id), $taxonomy); $remote_id = $master->push($this->post, $this->site); wp_update_term($term_id, $taxonomy, array("description" => "updated desc")); $master->update_term($term_id, $tt_id, $taxonomy); $local_terms = wp_get_post_terms($this->ID, $taxonomy); $remote_terms = wp_get_post_terms($remote_id, $taxonomy); $this->assertEquals('updated desc', $local_terms[0]->description); $this->assertEquals('updated desc', $remote_terms[0]->description); }