function woo_pagenav($custom_query = '') { global $woo_options, $wp_query, $paged, $page; // Set query max pages $max_pages = 1; if ('' != $custom_query) { $max_pages = $custom_query->max_num_pages; } else { $max_pages = $wp_query->max_num_pages; } // If the user has set the option to use simple paging links, display those. By default, display the pagination. if (@$woo_options['woo_pagination_type'] == 'simple') { if (get_next_posts_link('', $max_pages) || get_previous_posts_link()) { ?> <div class="nav-entries"> <?php next_posts_link('<span class="nav-prev fl"><i class="icon-angle-left"></i> ' . __('Older posts', 'woothemes') . '</span>', $max_pages); ?> <?php previous_posts_link('<span class="nav-next fr">' . __('Newer posts', 'woothemes') . ' <i class="icon-angle-right"></i></span>'); ?> <div class="fix"></div> </div> <?php } // End IF Statement } else { woo_pagination(array(), $custom_query); } // End IF Statement }
function woo_pagenav() { global $woo_options; // If the user has set the option to use simple paging links, display those. By default, display the pagination. if (array_key_exists('woo_pagination_type', $woo_options) && $woo_options['woo_pagination_type'] == 'simple') { if (get_next_posts_link() || get_previous_posts_link()) { ?> <div class="nav-entries"> <?php next_posts_link('<span class="nav-prev fl">' . __('<span class="meta-nav">←</span> Older posts', 'woothemes') . '</span>'); ?> <?php previous_posts_link('<span class="nav-next fr">' . __('Newer posts <span class="meta-nav">→</span>', 'woothemes') . '</span>'); ?> <div class="fix"></div> </div> <?php } // ENDIF } else { woo_pagination(); } // ENDIF }
function woocommerceframework_pagination() { if (is_search() && is_post_type_archive()) { add_filter('woo_pagination_args', 'woocommerceframework_add_search_fragment', 10); add_filter('woo_pagination_args_defaults', 'woocommerceframework_woo_pagination_defaults', 10); } woo_pagination(); }
function woo_projects_pagination() { if (is_search() && is_post_type_archive()) { add_filter('woo_pagination_args', 'woo_projects_add_search_fragment', 10); add_filter('woo_pagination_args_defaults', 'woo_projects_pagination_defaults', 10); } woo_pagination(); }
/** * Woo Sensei Pagination * Replaces the standard Sensei archive pagination with woo_pagination(); */ function woo_sensei_pagination() { global $wp_query, $woothemes_sensei; $paged = $wp_query->get('paged'); $course_page_id = intval($woothemes_sensei->settings->settings['course_page']); if ((is_post_type_archive('course') || is_page($course_page_id)) && (isset($paged) && 0 == $paged)) { // Silence } elseif (is_singular('course')) { $woothemes_sensei->frontend->sensei_get_template('wrappers/pagination-posts.php'); } elseif (is_singular('lesson')) { $woothemes_sensei->frontend->sensei_get_template('wrappers/pagination-lesson.php'); } elseif (is_singular('quiz')) { $woothemes_sensei->frontend->sensei_get_template('wrappers/pagination-quiz.php'); } else { woo_pagination(); } }
function woo_pagenav($custom_query = '') { global $woo_options, $wp_query, $paged, $page; if (is_object($custom_query) && is_a($custom_query, 'WP_Query')) { $original_query = $wp_query; $wp_query = $custom_query; } // Set query max pages $max_pages = 1; if (isset($wp_query->max_num_pages)) { $max_pages = $wp_query->max_num_pages; } // Change the icon classes if is_rtl(). $left_class = 'left'; $right_class = 'right'; if (is_rtl()) { $left_class = 'right'; $right_class = 'left'; } // If the user has set the option to use simple paging links, display those. By default, display the pagination. if (isset($woo_options['woo_pagination_type']) && 'simple' == $woo_options['woo_pagination_type']) { if (get_next_posts_link('', $max_pages) || get_previous_posts_link()) { ?> <div class="nav-entries"> <?php next_posts_link('<span class="nav-prev fl"><i class="fa fa-angle-' . esc_attr($left_class) . '"></i> ' . __('Older posts', 'woothemes') . '</span>', $max_pages); ?> <?php previous_posts_link('<span class="nav-next fr">' . __('Newer posts', 'woothemes') . ' <i class="fa fa-angle-' . esc_attr($right_class) . '"></i></span>'); ?> <div class="fix"></div> </div> <?php } // End IF Statement if (is_object($custom_query) && is_a($custom_query, 'WP_Query')) { $wp_query = $original_query; } } else { woo_pagination(array(), $custom_query); } // End IF Statement }
function woo_pagenav() { global $woo_options, $wp_query, $paged, $page; // If the user has set the option to use simple paging links, display those. By default, display the pagination. if (@$woo_options['woo_pagination_type'] == 'simple') { if (get_next_posts_link() || get_previous_posts_link()) { ?> <div class="nav-entries"> <?php next_posts_link('<span class="nav-prev icon fl">' . __('Older posts', 'woothemes') . '</span>'); ?> <?php previous_posts_link('<span class="nav-next icon fr">' . __('Newer posts', 'woothemes') . '</span>'); ?> <div class="fix"></div> </div> <?php } // End IF Statement } else { woo_pagination(); } // End IF Statement }
function woo_pagenav() { // If the user has set the option to use simple paging links, display those. By default, display the pagination. if (wootique_get_woo_option('woo_pagination_type') == 'simple') { if (get_next_posts_link() || get_previous_posts_link()) { ?> <div class="nav-entries"> <?php next_posts_link('<span class="nav-prev fl">' . __('<span class="meta-nav">←</span> Older posts', 'woothemes') . '</span>'); ?> <?php previous_posts_link('<span class="nav-next fr">' . __('Newer posts <span class="meta-nav">→</span>', 'woothemes') . '</span>'); ?> <div class="fix"></div> </div> <?php } } else { woo_pagination(); } // End IF Statement }
<?php if ($counter % 4 == 0) { ?> <div class="fix"></div> <?php } ?> <?php } // End WHILE Loop echo '<div class="fix"></div>'; woo_pagination(); } else { ?> <div class="post"> <p><?php _e('Sorry, no posts matched your criteria.', 'woothemes'); ?> </p> </div><!-- /.post --> <?php } // End IF Statement ?>
function woo_listingsnav() { global $woo_options; // If the user has set the option to use simple paging links, display those. By default, display the pagination. if (array_key_exists('woo_pagination_type', $woo_options) && $woo_options['woo_pagination_type'] == 'simple') { if (get_next_posts_link() || get_previous_posts_link()) { ?> <div class="nav-entries"> <?php previous_posts_link('<div class="nav-prev fl">' . __('« Previous Results ', 'woothemes') . '</div>'); ?> <?php next_posts_link('<div class="nav-next fr">' . __(' More Results »', 'woothemes') . '</div>'); ?> <div class="fix"></div> </div> <?php } } else { woo_pagination(); } }
</span></a> / <a href="#" class="active" id="grid" title="<?php _e('Grid', ''); ?> "><span><?php _e('Grid', ''); ?> </span></a> <?php } ?> </nav> <?php $args = array('prev_next' => true, 'prev_text' => __('<', 'woothemes'), 'next_text' => __('>', 'woothemes'), 'before' => '<div class="pagination woo-pagination">' . __('Page', 'woothemes') . '', 'after' => '</div>'); ?> <?php woo_pagination($args); ?> </div> <div class="clear"></div> <div class="row woo-banner hidden-xs"> <?php //if ( ! dynamic_sidebar( 'woo_banner' ) ) : //endif ?> <?php if (!is_single()) { ?> <div class="prodcatimg">