function load_all($view = 'full', $params = false) { $where = array(); if (isset($_REQUEST['membersOnly'])) { //$where[] = 'U.isMember = 1'; } if (isset($_REQUEST['teamEligibleOnly'])) { //$where[] = "U.optInStudy = 1 AND U.eligibility = 'team'"; } if (isset($_REQUEST['startDate'])) { $where[] = "Log.t > '" . $_REQUEST['startDate'] . " 00:00:00'"; $startLabel = date('l jS \\of F Y', strtotime($params['startDate'])); } else { //$where[] = "Challenges.dateEnd > '".date("Y-m-d 00:00:00", time())."'"; $where[] = "Log.t > '" . date("2000-01-01 00:00:00", time()) . "'"; $startLabel = date('l jS \\of F Y', time()); } if (isset($_REQUEST['endDate'])) { $where[] = "Log.t < '" . $_REQUEST['endDate'] . " 23:59:59'"; $endLabel = date('l jS \\of F Y', strtotime($params['endDate'])); } else { $endDate = false; $endLabel = 'Now'; } if (isset($_REQUEST['siteid']) && $_REQUEST['siteid'] != 0) { $currSiteId = $_REQUEST['siteid']; } else { $currSiteId = false; } if (count($where)) { $wherestr = ' ' . join(' AND ', $where); } else { $wherestr = ''; } if ($view == 'pod') { $usersql = "\n\t\t\t\tSELECT id, title, requires, type, dateEnd\n\t\t\t\tFROM Challenges {$wherestr}\n\t\t\t\tORDER BY dateEnd ASC\n\t\t\t"; } else { $usersql = "\n\t\t\t\tSELECT id, title, requires, type, dateEnd, pointValue,\n\t\t\t\t\t(SELECT COUNT(1) FROM Log LEFT JOIN ChallengesCompleted ON Log.itemid = WHERE {$wherestr} AND ChallengesCompleted.challengeid = AND action = 'completedChallenge') AS numCompletedChallenge,\n\t\t\t\t\t(SELECT count(distinct(userid)) from ChallengesCompleted WHERE ChallengesCompleted.challengeid = as numParticipants\n\t\t\t\tFROM Challenges ORDER BY dateEnd ASC\n\t\t\t"; //FROM Content $wherestr } $sites = array(); $sites_res = $this->model->db->query("SELECT * FROM Sites"); while (($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($sites_res)) !== false) { $sites[$row['name']] = array('dbname' => $row['dbname'], 'siteid' => $row['id']); } $jsonarr = array('Results' => array('replyCode' => '201', 'replyText' => 'Data Follows', 'data' => array())); foreach ($sites as $name => $dbinfo) { $dbname = $dbinfo['dbname']; $siteid = $dbinfo['siteid']; $this->model->db->selectdb($dbname); if ($currSiteId && $currSiteId != $siteid) { continue; } $results = $this->model->db->query($usersql); $stories = array(); while (($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($results)) !== false) { $stories[] = $row; } foreach ($stories as $story) { //$baseurl = ''; //$title = sprintf("<a href=\"%s?p=read&cid=%s\">%s</a>", $baseurl, $story['itemid'], $story['title']); if ($view == 'pod') { $tmp = array('title' => util_link_for($story['title'], 'street_team', 'challenge_detail_report', $story['id']), 'type' => $story['type'], 'requires' => $story['requires']); } else { if ($view == 'full') { $tmp = array('title' => util_link_for($story['title'], 'street_team', 'challenge_detail_report', $story['id']), 'siteid' => $name, 'type' => $story['type'], 'requires' => $story['requires'], 'pointValue' => $story['pointValue'], 'numParticipants' => $story['numParticipants'], 'numCompletedChallenge' => $story['numCompletedChallenge'], 'dateEnd' => $story['dateEnd']); } else { if ($view == 'csv') { $tmp = array('title' => $story['title'] . ' id: ' . $story['id'], 'siteid' => $name, 'type' => $story['type'], 'requires' => $story['requires'], 'pointValue' => $story['pointValue'], 'numParticipants' => $story['numParticipants'], 'numCompletedChallenge' => $story['numCompletedChallenge'], 'dateEnd' => $story['dateEnd']); } } } $jsonarr['Results']['data'][] = $tmp; } } //$jsonarr['Results']['SQL'] = stripslashes(preg_replace(array('/\n/', '/\t/'), array(' ', ' '), $usersql)); if ($view != 'csv') { return json_encode($jsonarr); } else { $fields = array_keys($jsonarr['Results']['data'][0]); echo join(',', $fields) . "\n"; foreach ($jsonarr['Results']['data'] as $row) { $str = ''; foreach ($fields as $field) { $str .= '"' . str_replace('"', '\\"', $row[$field]) . '",'; } $str = substr($str, 0, -1); echo $str . "\n"; } exit; } }
function load_all($view = 'full', $params = false) { $where = array(); if (isset($_REQUEST['membersOnly'])) { $where[] = 'U.isMember = 1'; } if (isset($_REQUEST['teamEligibleOnly'])) { $where[] = "U.optInStudy = 1 AND U.eligibility = 'team'"; } if (isset($_REQUEST['startDate'])) { //$where[] = "L.t > '".$_REQUEST['startDate']." 00:00:00'"; $startLabel = date('l jS \\of F Y', strtotime($params['startDate'])); } else { //$where[] = "L.t > '".date("Y-m-d 00:00:00", time())."'"; //$where[] = "L.t > '".date("2000-01-01 00:00:00", time())."'"; $startLabel = date('l jS \\of F Y', time()); } if (isset($_REQUEST['endDate'])) { //$where[] = "L.t < '".$_REQUEST['endDate']." 23:59:59'"; $endLabel = date('l jS \\of F Y', strtotime($params['endDate'])); } else { $endDate = false; $endLabel = 'Now'; } if (isset($_REQUEST['siteid']) && $_REQUEST['siteid'] != 0) { $where[] = 'U.siteid = "' . $_REQUEST['siteid'] . '"'; } if ($view == 'csv') { $survey_join = ' LEFT JOIN SurveyMonkeys as S ON S.userid = U.userid AND S.siteid = U.siteid'; $survey_select = ' S.*, '; } else { $survey_join = ''; $survey_select = ''; } if (count($where)) { $wherestr = ' AND ' . join(' AND ', $where); } else { $wherestr = ''; } if ($this->studyEndDate !== false && $_REQUEST['siteid'] != 0 && isset($this->studyEndDate['siteid-' . $_REQUEST['siteid']])) { $study_date = $this->studyEndDate['siteid-' . $_REQUEST['siteid']]; $study_sql = " AND end_session < '{$study_date}' "; } else { $study_sql = ''; } $usersql = "\n\t\t\tSELECT U.siteid as user_siteid, U.userid as user_userid, as user_email,U.dateRegistered,U.age, U.gender, U.state,, U.researchImportance as interestLevel, U.cachedPointTotal,\n\t\t\t\tU.voteCount,U.postStoryCount, U.postCommentCount, U.postBlogCount, U.readStoryCount, U.completedChallengeCount, U.wonPrizeCount,\n\t\t\t\tU.chatStoryCount, U.inviteFriendsCount, U.shareStoryCount, U.tweetCount, U.bookmarkToolAdded, U.friendsSignUpCount,\n\t\t\t\t{$survey_select}\n\t\t\t\t(SELECT count(1) FROM SessionLengths WHERE SessionLengths.userid = U.userid AND SessionLengths.siteid = U.siteid {$study_sql}) as visitsCount,\n\t\t\t\t(SELECT count(DISTINCT(date_format(start_session, '%y-%m-%d'))) from SessionLengths where SessionLengths.userid = U.userid AND SessionLengths.siteid = U.siteid {$study_sql}) as daysOnSiteCount,\n\t\t\t\t(SELECT avg(total_actions) FROM SessionLengths WHERE SessionLengths.userid = U.userid AND SessionLengths.siteid = U.siteid {$study_sql}) as avgPageViewVisit,\n\t\t\t\t(SELECT avg(session_length) FROM SessionLengths WHERE SessionLengths.userid = U.userid AND SessionLengths.siteid = U.siteid {$study_sql}) as avgSessionTime,\n\t\t\t\t(SELECT (min(0 + session_length) + max(0 + session_length)) / 2 FROM SessionLengths WHERE SessionLengths.userid = U.userid AND SessionLengths.siteid = U.siteid AND session_length != 0 {$study_sql}) as medianSessionTime\n\t\t\tFROM UserCollectives as U\n\t\t\t{$survey_join}\n\t\t\tWHERE U.userid != 0 AND ((U.rxConsentForm=1 AND U.age<18) OR U.age>17) {$wherestr}\n\t\t"; //LIMIT 2000 $results = $this->model->db->query($usersql); $users = array(); while (($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($results)) !== false) { $users[] = $row; } $jsonarr = array('Results' => array('replyCode' => '201', 'replyText' => 'Data Follows', 'data' => array())); foreach ($users as $user) { //$baseurl = ''; //$title = sprintf("<a href=\"%s?p=read&cid=%s\">%s</a>", $baseurl, $user['itemid'], $user['title']); if ($view == 'pod') { $tmp = array('userid' => util_link_for($user['user_userid'], 'members', 'view_member', $user['user_userid']), 'email' => $user['user_email'], 'age' => $user['age']); } else { if ($view == 'full') { $tmp = array('userid' => util_link_for($user['user_userid'], 'members', 'view_member', $user['user_userid']), 'siteid' => $user['user_siteid'], 'email' => $user['user_email'], 'dateRegistered' => $user['dateRegistered'], 'age' => $user['age'], 'gender' => $user['gender'], 'state' => $user['state'], 'country' => $user['country'], 'interestLevel' => $user['interestLevel'], 'voteCount' => $user['voteCount'], 'postStoryCount' => $user['postStoryCount'], 'postCommentCount' => $user['postCommentCount'], 'postBlogCount' => $user['postBlogCount'], 'readStoryCount' => $user['readStoryCount'], 'completedChallengeCount' => $user['completedChallengeCount'], 'wonPrizeCount' => $user['wonPrizeCount'], 'chatStoryCount' => $user['chatStoryCount'], 'inviteFriendsCount' => $user['inviteFriendsCount'], 'shareStoryCount' => $user['shareStoryCount'], 'cachedPointTotal' => $user['cachedPointTotal'], 'tweetCount' => $user['tweetCount'], 'bookmarkToolAdded' => $user['bookmarkToolAdded'], 'friendsSignUpCount' => $user['friendsSignUpCount'], 'visitsCount' => $user['visitsCount'], 'daysOnSiteCount' => $user['daysOnSiteCount'], 'avgPageViewVisit' => $user['avgPageViewVisit'], 'avgSessionTime' => round($user['avgSessionTime'], 2), 'medianSessionTime' => round($user['medianSessionTime'], 2), 'usageClass' => $this->getUsageClass($user['avgSessionTime'])); } else { if ($view == 'csv') { $tmp = array('userid' => $user['user_userid'], 'siteid' => $user['user_siteid'], 'email' => $user['user_email'], 'dateRegistered' => $user['dateRegistered'], 'age' => $user['age'], 'gender' => $user['gender'], 'state' => $user['state'], 'country' => $user['country'], 'interestLevel' => $user['interestLevel'], 'voteCount' => $user['voteCount'], 'postStoryCount' => $user['postStoryCount'], 'postCommentCount' => $user['postCommentCount'], 'postBlogCount' => $user['postBlogCount'], 'readStoryCount' => $user['readStoryCount'], 'completedChallengeCount' => $user['completedChallengeCount'], 'wonPrizeCount' => $user['wonPrizeCount'], 'chatStoryCount' => $user['chatStoryCount'], 'inviteFriendsCount' => $user['inviteFriendsCount'], 'shareStoryCount' => $user['shareStoryCount'], 'cachedPointTotal' => $user['cachedPointTotal'], 'tweetCount' => $user['tweetCount'], 'bookmarkToolAdded' => $user['bookmarkToolAdded'], 'friendsSignUpCount' => $user['friendsSignUpCount'], 'visitsCount' => $user['visitsCount'], 'daysOnSiteCount' => $user['daysOnSiteCount'], 'avgPageViewVisit' => $user['avgPageViewVisit'], 'avgSessionTime' => round($user['avgSessionTime'], 2), 'medianSessionTime' => round($user['medianSessionTime'], 2), 'usageClass' => $this->getUsageClass($user['avgSessionTime'])); $tmp['q1a'] = $user['q1a']; $tmp['q1b'] = $user['q1b']; $tmp['q1c'] = $user['q1c']; $tmp['q1d'] = $user['q1d']; $tmp['q1e'] = $user['q1e']; $tmp['q1f'] = $user['q1f']; $tmp['q1g'] = $user['q1g']; $tmp['q2a'] = $user['q2a']; $tmp['q2b'] = $user['q2b']; $tmp['q2c'] = $user['q2c']; $tmp['q2d'] = $user['q2d']; $tmp['q2e'] = $user['q2e']; $tmp['q3a'] = $user['q3a']; $tmp['q3b'] = $user['q3b']; $tmp['q3c'] = $user['q3c']; $tmp['q3d'] = $user['q3d']; $tmp['q3e'] = $user['q3e']; $tmp['q3f'] = $user['q3f']; $tmp['q3g'] = $user['q3g']; $tmp['q3h'] = $user['q3h']; $tmp['q4a'] = $user['q4a']; $tmp['q4b'] = $user['q4b']; $tmp['q4c'] = $user['q4c']; $tmp['q4d'] = $user['q4d']; $tmp['q4e'] = $user['q4e']; $tmp['q4f'] = $user['q4f']; $tmp['q4g'] = $user['q4g']; $tmp['q5a'] = $user['q5a']; $tmp['q5b'] = $user['q5b']; $tmp['q5c'] = $user['q5c']; $tmp['q5d'] = $user['q5d']; $tmp['q5e'] = $user['q5e']; $tmp['q5f'] = $user['q5f']; $tmp['q5g'] = $user['q5g']; $tmp['q5h'] = $user['q5h']; $tmp['q5i'] = $user['q5i']; $tmp['q5j'] = $user['q5j']; $tmp['q5k'] = $user['q5k']; $tmp['q6'] = $user['q6']; $tmp['q7'] = $user['q7']; $tmp['q8a'] = $user['q8a']; $tmp['q8b'] = $user['q8b']; $tmp['q8c'] = $user['q8c']; $tmp['q8d'] = $user['q8d']; $tmp['q8e'] = $user['q8e']; $tmp['q8f'] = $user['q8f']; $tmp['q8g'] = $user['q8g']; $tmp['q8h'] = $user['q8h']; $tmp['q9a'] = $user['q9a']; $tmp['q9b'] = $user['q9b']; $tmp['q9c'] = $user['q9c']; $tmp['q9d'] = $user['q9d']; $tmp['q9e'] = $user['q9e']; $tmp['q9f'] = $user['q9f']; $tmp['q10a'] = $user['q10a']; $tmp['q10b'] = $user['q10b']; $tmp['q10c'] = $user['q10c']; $tmp['q10d'] = $user['q10d']; $tmp['q10e'] = $user['q10e']; $tmp['q10f'] = $user['q10f']; $tmp['q11a'] = $user['q11a']; $tmp['q11b'] = $user['q11b']; $tmp['q11c'] = $user['q11c']; $tmp['q11d'] = $user['q11d']; $tmp['q11e'] = $user['q11e']; $tmp['q11f'] = $user['q11f']; $tmp['q11g'] = $user['q11g']; $tmp['q11h'] = $user['q11h']; $tmp['q12a'] = $user['q12a']; $tmp['q12b'] = $user['q12b']; $tmp['q12c'] = $user['q12c']; $tmp['q12d'] = $user['q12d']; $tmp['q12e'] = $user['q12e']; $tmp['q12f'] = $user['q12f']; $tmp['q12g'] = $user['q12g']; $tmp['q12h'] = $user['q12h']; $tmp['q13a'] = $user['q13a']; $tmp['q13b'] = $user['q13b']; $tmp['q13c'] = $user['q13c']; $tmp['q13d'] = $user['q13d']; $tmp['q14a'] = $user['q14a']; $tmp['q14b'] = $user['q14b']; $tmp['q14c'] = $user['q14c']; $tmp['q14d'] = $user['q14d']; $tmp['q14e'] = $user['q14e']; $tmp['q14f'] = $user['q14f']; $tmp['q15'] = $user['q15']; $tmp['q16'] = $user['q16']; $tmp['q17a'] = $user['q17a']; $tmp['q17b'] = $user['q17b']; $tmp['q17c'] = $user['q17c']; $tmp['q17d'] = $user['q17d']; $tmp['q17e'] = $user['q17e']; $tmp['q18'] = $user['q18']; $tmp['q19'] = $user['q19']; $tmp['q20'] = $user['q20']; $tmp['q21'] = $user['q21']; $tmp['q22'] = $user['q22']; $tmp['q23'] = $user['q23']; $tmp['q24'] = $user['q24']; $tmp['q25'] = $user['q25']; $tmp['q26'] = $user['q26']; $tmp['q27'] = $user['q27']; $tmp['q28a'] = $user['q28a']; $tmp['q28b'] = $user['q28b']; $tmp['q28c'] = $user['q28c']; $tmp['q28d'] = $user['q28d']; $tmp['q28e'] = $user['q28e']; $tmp['q28f'] = $user['q28f']; $tmp['q29'] = $user['q29']; $tmp['q30'] = $user['q30']; $tmp['q31'] = $user['q31']; $tmp['q32'] = $user['q32']; $tmp['q33'] = $user['q33']; $tmp['q34'] = $user['q34']; $tmp['q35'] = $user['q35']; $tmp['q36'] = $user['q36']; $tmp['q37'] = $user['q37']; $tmp['q38a'] = $user['q38a']; $tmp['q38b'] = $user['q38b']; $tmp['q38c'] = $user['q38c']; $tmp['q38d'] = $user['q38d']; $tmp['q38e'] = $user['q38e']; } } } $jsonarr['Results']['data'][] = $tmp; //$jsonarr['Results']['SQL'] = stripslashes(preg_replace(array('/\n/', '/\t/'), array(' ', ' '), $usersql)); } if ($view != 'csv') { return json_encode($jsonarr); } else { $fields = array_keys($jsonarr['Results']['data'][0]); echo join(',', $fields) . "\n"; foreach ($jsonarr['Results']['data'] as $row) { $str = ''; foreach ($fields as $field) { $str .= '"' . str_replace('"', '\\"', $row[$field]) . '",'; } $str = substr($str, 0, -1); echo $str . "\n"; } exit; } }
function load_all($view = 'full', $params = false) { $where = array(); if (isset($_REQUEST['membersOnly'])) { //$where[] = 'U.isMember = 1'; } if (isset($_REQUEST['teamEligibleOnly'])) { //$where[] = "U.optInStudy = 1 AND U.eligibility = 'team'"; } if (isset($_REQUEST['startDate'])) { $where[] = " > '" . $_REQUEST['startDate'] . " 00:00:00'"; $startLabel = date('l jS \\of F Y', strtotime($params['startDate'])); } else { //$where[] = " > '".date("Y-m-d 00:00:00", time())."'"; $where[] = " > '" . date("2000-01-01 00:00:00", time()) . "'"; $startLabel = date('l jS \\of F Y', time()); } if (isset($_REQUEST['endDate'])) { $where[] = " < '" . $_REQUEST['endDate'] . " 23:59:59'"; $endLabel = date('l jS \\of F Y', strtotime($params['endDate'])); } else { $endDate = false; $endLabel = 'Now'; } if (isset($_REQUEST['siteid']) && $_REQUEST['siteid'] != 0) { $currSiteId = $_REQUEST['siteid']; } else { $currSiteId = false; } if (count($where)) { $wherestr = ' WHERE ' . join(' AND ', $where); } else { $wherestr = ''; } $usersql = "\n\t\t\tSELECT siteContentId, title, url, numComments, score,\n\t\t\t\t(SELECT COUNT(1) FROM Log WHERE Log.itemid = Content.siteContentId AND action = 'readStory') AS numReadStory,\n\t\t\t\t(SELECT COUNT(1) FROM Log WHERE Log.itemid = Content.siteContentId AND action = 'shareStory') AS numSharedStory,\n\t\t\t\t(SELECT COUNT(1) FROM Log WHERE Log.itemid = Content.siteContentId AND action = 'vote') AS numVotes\n\t\t\tFROM Content {$wherestr}\n\t\t\tORDER BY siteContentId DESC\n\t\t"; //FROM Content $wherestr $sites = array(); $sites_res = $this->model->db->query("SELECT * FROM Sites"); while (($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($sites_res)) !== false) { $sites[$row['shortname']] = array('dbname' => $row['dbname'], 'siteid' => $row['id'], 'siteurl' => $row['url'], 'sitename' => $row['name']); } $jsonarr = array('Results' => array('replyCode' => '201', 'replyText' => 'Data Follows', 'data' => array())); foreach ($sites as $name => $dbinfo) { $dbname = $dbinfo['dbname']; $siteid = $dbinfo['siteid']; $sitename = $dbinfo['sitename']; $siteurl = $dbinfo['siteurl']; $this->model->db->selectdb($dbname); if ($currSiteId && $currSiteId != $siteid) { continue; } $results = $this->model->db->query($usersql); $stories = array(); while (($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($results)) !== false) { $stories[] = $row; } foreach ($stories as $story) { $this->model->db->selectdb('research'); $ext_read_sql = "SELECT count(1) as fullReadCount FROM RawExtLinks WHERE siteid = {$siteid} AND action = 'read' AND itemid = {$story['siteContentId']}"; $read_results = $this->model->db->query($ext_read_sql); $read_array = mysql_fetch_assoc($read_results); $story['numFullReadStory'] = $read_array['fullReadCount']; $title = sprintf("<a target=\"_cts\" href=\"%s?p=read&cid=%s\">%s</a>", $siteurl, $story['siteContentId'], $story['title']); if ($view == 'pod') { $tmp = array('title' => util_link_for($story['title'], 'stories', 'view_story', $story['siteContentId']), 'numComments' => $story['numComments'], 'score' => $story['score']); } else { if ($view == 'full') { $tmp = array('siteContentId' => util_link_for($story['siteContentId'], 'stories', 'view_story', $story['siteContentId']), 'sitename' => $sitename, 'title' => util_link_for($story['title'], 'stories', 'view_story', $story['siteContentId']), 'numComments' => $story['numComments'], 'score' => $story['score'], 'numReadStory' => $story['numReadStory'], 'numFullReadStory' => $story['numFullReadStory'], 'numSharedStory' => $story['numSharedStory'], 'numVotes' => $story['numVotes'], 'storyUrl' => "<a target=\"_cts\" href=\"{$story['url']}\">{$story['url']}</a>"); } else { if ($view == 'csv') { $tmp = array('siteContentId' => $story['siteContentId'], 'sitename' => $sitename, 'title' => $story['title'], 'numComments' => $story['numComments'], 'score' => $story['score'], 'numReadStory' => $story['numReadStory'], 'numFullReadStory' => $story['numFullReadStory'], 'numSharedStory' => $story['numSharedStory'], 'numVotes' => $story['numVotes'], 'storyUrl' => $story['url']); } } } $jsonarr['Results']['data'][] = $tmp; } } $jsonarr['Results']['SQL'] = stripslashes(preg_replace(array('/\\n/', '/\\t/'), array(' ', ' '), $usersql)); if ($view != 'csv') { return json_encode($jsonarr); } else { $fields = array_keys($jsonarr['Results']['data'][0]); echo join(',', $fields) . "\n"; foreach ($jsonarr['Results']['data'] as $row) { $str = ''; foreach ($fields as $field) { $str .= '"' . str_replace('"', '\\"', $row[$field]) . '",'; } $str = substr($str, 0, -1); echo $str . "\n"; } exit; } }