function callDB()
    $option = $_REQUEST['operation'];
    $table = $_REQUEST['target'];
    $selectSQL = '';
    $loadSql = '';
    $newSql = '';
    $updateSql = '';
    $name = '';
    $id = '';
    $param = '';
    switch ($table) {
        case 2:
            $tableName = 'project_info';
            if ($option == 'read') {
                $loadSql = "select p.ID, p.IMAGE,p.IMAGE_PATH, c.Name, p.CAPTION,p.CREATED, p.UPDATED from project_info p inner join category c on p.IMAGE_CATEGORY = c.ID where p.DELETED=0 and c.DELETED=0";
            if ($option == 'select') {
                $id = $_REQUEST['RecId'];
                $selectSQL = "select p.ID,p.IMAGE,p.IMAGE_PATH, c.NAME, p.CAPTION from project_info p inner join category c on p.IMAGE_CATEGORY = c.ID where p.ID = {$id}";
            if ($option == 'new') {
                $param = $_REQUEST['name'];
                $newSql = "insert into project_info (IMAGE, IMAGE_CATEGORY, CAPTION, IMAGE_PATH) VALUES ('{$param['0']}',(select ID from category where NAME= '{$param['1']}' and DELETED = 0),'{$param['2']}', '{$param['3']}')";
            if ($option == 'update') {
                $param = $_REQUEST['name'];
                $id = $_REQUEST['id'];
                if (empty($param[3])) {
                    $updateSql = "update project_info set IMAGE='{$param['0']}',IMAGE_CATEGORY = (select ID from category where Name='{$param['1']}'), CAPTION ='{$param['2']}', UPDATED = now() where ID = {$id} and DELETED=0";
                } else {
                    $updateSql = "update project_info set IMAGE='{$param['0']}',IMAGE_CATEGORY = (select ID from category where Name='{$param['1']}'), CAPTION ='{$param['2']}', IMAGE_PATH = '{$param['3']}', UPDATED = now() where ID = {$id} and DELETED=0";
        case 4:
            $tableName = 'slider';
            if ($option == 'read') {
                $loadSql = "select * from slider where DELETED = 0";
            if ($option == 'select') {
                $id = $_REQUEST['RecId'];
                $selectSQL = "select * from slider where ID={$id}";
            if ($option == 'new') {
                $param = $_REQUEST['name'];
                $newSql = "insert into slider (IMAGE, HEAD_CAPTION, SUB_CAPTION, IMAGE_PATH) VALUES ('{$param['0']}','{$param['1']}','{$param['2']}', '{$param['3']}')";
            if ($option == 'update') {
                $param = $_REQUEST['name'];
                $id = $_REQUEST['id'];
                if (empty($param[3])) {
                    $updateSql = "update slider set IMAGE = '{$param['0']}', HEAD_CAPTION = '{$param['1']}' , SUB_CAPTION = '{$param['2']}' , UPDATED = now() where  ID = {$id} and DELETED= 0 ";
                } else {
                    $updateSql = "update slider set IMAGE = '{$param['0']}', HEAD_CAPTION = '{$param['1']}' , SUB_CAPTION = '{$param['2']}', IMAGE_PATH = '{$param['3']}' , UPDATED = now() where  ID = {$id} and DELETED= 0 ";
    switch ($option) {
        case "read":
            echo json_encode(readRecords($loadSql));
        case "select":
            echo json_encode(readRecords($selectSQL));
        case "update":
            //$date = now();
            if ($table == 2) {
                echo "<script>window.location = 'portfolio.php';</script>";
            } else {
                if ($table == 4) {
                    echo "<script>window.location = 'slider.php';</script>";
        case "delete":
            $id = $_REQUEST['RecId'];
            $sql = "update {$tableName} set DELETED = 1 where ID={$id} ";
            echo deleteRecords($sql);
        case "new":
            if ($table == 2) {
                echo "<script>window.location = 'portfolio.php';</script>";
            } else {
                if ($table == 4) {
                    echo "<script>window.location = 'slider.php';</script>";
function createBasketPage($userID)
    $varsSet = false;
    $logged = "Log In";
    $loggedLink = "index.php";
    if (!empty($_SESSION['userID'])) {
        $varsSet = true;
        $logged = "Log Out";
        $loggedLink = "logout.php";
    $userID = $_SESSION['userID'];
    $firstName = " ";
    $lastName = " ";
    if ($varsSet) {
        $firstName = $_SESSION['firstName'];
        $lastName = $_SESSION['lastName'];
    $scripts = array("Script.js");
    $stylesheets = array("indexPage.css", "StyleSheet.css", "bootstrap.css", "basket.css");
    $title = "Basket";
    require "../local/nbgardens_connection.php";
    $basketDetails = readRecordsWhereID("basket", "user_id", $userID);
    include "includes/header.php";
            <div class="container">
                <ul class="pull-left" class="nav nav-tabs">
                    <li><a href="index.php">Home</a></li>
                    <li><a href="catalogue.php">Catalogue</a></li>
                <ul class="pull-right" class="nav nav-tabs">
                    <li class="active"><a href="#">Basket</a></li>
                    <li><a href=<?php 
    echo '"' . $loggedLink . '">' . $logged;
    if ($varsSet) {
        if ($_SESSION['username'] == 'administrator') {
            echo '<li><a href="addProduct.php">Add New Product</a></li>';
        <h3 id="title">Basket (<?php 
    echo $firstName . " " . $lastName;
) </h3>
		<div id="basket">
    $total = 0;
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($basketDetails); $i++) {
        $prodID = $basketDetails[$i]['product_id'];
        $basketQuantity = $basketDetails[$i]['quantity'];
        $productDetails = readRecordsWhereID("products", "product_ID", $prodID);
        $productPic = $productDetails[0]['image'];
        $productName = $productDetails[0]['name'];
        $productPrice = $productDetails[0]['price'];
        $subTotal = $productPrice * $basketQuantity;
        $total += $subTotal;
        if ($basketQuantity > 0) {
			<a href="product.php?prodID=<?php 
            echo $prodID;
			<img src="Images/<?php 
            echo $productPic;
" alt="<?php 
            echo $productName;
" style="height: 100px; width: 100px"></a>
            echo $productName;
: <?php 
            echo $basketQuantity;
			<p>Cost per Item: £<?php 
            echo $productPrice;
			<p>SubTotal: £<?php 
            echo $subTotal;
			<form method="post" action="basket.php">
				Remove:<br> <input type="text" name="removeQuantity">
				<input type="hidden" name="productID" value="<?php 
            echo $prodID;
				<input type="submit" value="Remove" name="removeAmount">
				<input type="submit" value="Remove All" name="removeAll">
		<h4 style="margin-left: 20px;">Total cost of basket: £<?php 
    echo $total . '</p>';
 </div> <?php 
    if (isset($_POST['removeAmount'])) {
        if ($_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"] == "POST") {
            // collect value of input field
            $removeQuantity = $_POST['removeQuantity'];
            $prodID = $_POST['productID'];
            $columns = ['quantity'];
            $productDetails = readRecordsWhereID('basket', 'product_id', $prodID);
            $basketQuantity = $productDetails[0]['quantity'];
            if ($removeQuantity <= $basketQuantity) {
                $basketQuantity -= $removeQuantity;
                $query = updateRecords('basket', 'quantity', $basketQuantity, 'product_id', $prodID);
                $db = connect();
    } elseif (isset($_POST['removeAll'])) {
        if ($_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"] == "POST") {
            $prodID = $_POST['productID'];
            $productDetails = readRecordsWhereID('basket', 'product_id', $prodID);
            $query = updateRecords('basket', 'quantity', 0, 'product_id', $prodID);
            $db = connect();
    include "includes/footer.php";

require "../local/nbgardens_connection.php";
    // collect value of input field
    $removeQuantity = $_POST['removeQuantity'];
    $prodID = $_POST['productID'];
    $columns = ['quantity'];
    $productDetails = readRecordsWhereID('basket', 'product_id', $prodID);
    $basketQuantity = $productDetails[0]['quantity'];
    if ($removeQuantity <= $basketQuantity) {
        $basketQuantity -= $removeQuantity;
        $query = updateRecords('basket', 'quantity', $basketQuantity, 'product_id', $prodID);
        $db = connect();
function callDB()
    $option = $_REQUEST['operation'];
    //echo('option choosed'.$option);
    $table = $_REQUEST['target'];
    switch ($table) {
        case 1:
            $tableName = 'category';
            //echo ' '.$tableName.' '.$option;
            if ($option == 'read') {
                $loadSql = "select * from category where DELETED = 0";
            if ($option == 'select') {
                $id = $_REQUEST['RecId'];
                $selectSQL = "select * from category where ID={$id}";
            if ($option == 'update') {
                $name = $_REQUEST['name'];
                //check same name for current record
                $match = "select NAME from category where NAME= '{$name}' and DELETED= 0 ";
                $result = readRecords($match);
                if ($result) {
                    echo 'duplicate';
                } else {
                    $id = $_REQUEST['RecId'];
                    $match = "select NAME from category where NAME = '{$name}' and ID != {$id} and DELETED = 0 ";
                    $result = readRecords($match);
                    if ($result) {
                        //echo('in second update');
                        echo 'duplicate';
                    } else {
                        //print_r('in update');
                        $updateSql = "update category set NAME='{$name}', UPDATED = now() where ID = {$id} and deleted=0";
            if ($option == "new") {
                $name = $_REQUEST['name'];
                //check same name for current record
                $match = "select NAME from category where NAME= '{$name}' and DELETED= 0 ";
                $result = readRecords($match);
                if ($result) {
                    echo 'duplicate';
                } else {
                    $newSql = "insert into category(NAME) values('{$name}')";
        case 3:
            $tableName = 'footer_info';
            //echo ' '.$tableName.' '.$option;
            if ($option == 'read') {
                $loadSql = "select * from footer_info where DELETED = 0";
            if ($option == 'select') {
                $id = $_REQUEST['RecId'];
                $selectSQL = "select * from footer_info where ID={$id}";
            if ($option == 'new') {
                $name = $_REQUEST['name'];
                $newSql = "insert into footer_info(ABOUT) values('{$name}')";
            if ($option == 'update') {
                $name = $_REQUEST['name'];
                $id = $_REQUEST['RecId'];
                $updateSql = "update footer_info set ABOUT='{$name}', UPDATED = now() where ID = {$id} and deleted=0";
    switch ($option) {
        case "read":
            echo json_encode(readRecords($loadSql));
        case "select":
            echo json_encode(readRecords($selectSQL));
        case "update":
            //$date = now();
            //echo('in update'); die();
            echo updateRecords($updateSql);
            //echo "<script>window.location = 'fileUpload.php';</script>";
        case "delete":
            $id = $_REQUEST['RecId'];
            $sql = "update {$tableName} set DELETED = 1 where ID={$id} ";
            echo deleteRecords($sql);
        case "new":
            echo json_encode(WriteRecords($newSql));