Exemple #1
 public function run()
     tprintOk("Hello, world!");
     $model = Loader::model('article');
     $conditions = array("id" => ">300");
     $items = $model->getItems($conditions, "id, url, title", null, 1, 20);
 public function run()
     //            $lock = SynLockFactory::getFileSynLock(0x1234);
     //            tprintError("try to get the lock....");
     //            $lock->tryLock();
     //            tprintOk("get the lock.");
     //            sleep(10);
     //            tprintWarning("release the lock.");
     //            $lock->unlock();
     $model = Loader::model("news");
     $timer = timer();
     for ($i = 0; $i < 1000000; $i++) {
         $data = array('name' => 'xiaoming', 'pass' => 'xiaoming_pass', 'address' => 'china ShenZhen');
     tprintOk("插入完成,耗时:" . (timer() - $timer) . " 秒");
  * 替换 CR换行符号
  * @param $filename
 private static function replaceCR($filename)
     $ext = FileUtils::getFileExt($filename);
     if (!in_array($ext, self::$extensions)) {
     $content = file_get_contents($filename);
     $content = str_replace("\r", "\n", $content);
     if (file_put_contents($filename, $content)) {
     } else {
         file_put_contents(self::$logFile, "替换文件失败{$filename}", FILE_APPEND);
  * @param simple_html_dom $xml
 public static function create($xml)
     $moduleDir = APP_PATH . "modules/";
     if (!is_writable(dirname($moduleDir))) {
         tprintError("directory '{$moduleDir}' is not writeable, please add permissions.");
     $root = $xml->find("root", 1);
     $configs = array("module" => $root->getAttribute("module"), "author" => $root->getAttribute("author"), "email" => $root->getAttribute("email"));
     $module = $moduleDir . $configs["module"] . "/";
     FileUtils::makeFileDirs($module . "action");
     FileUtils::makeFileDirs($module . "template/default");
     $tables = $root->find("table");
     $tempContent = file_get_contents(dirname(__DIR__) . "/template/controller.tpl");
     foreach ($tables as $value) {
         $tableName = $value->name;
         $actionName = $value->getAttribute("action-name");
         if (!$actionName) {
         $className = ucfirst($actionName) . "Action";
         $actionFile = $module . "action/{$className}.class.php";
         if (file_exists($actionFile)) {
             tprintWarning("Warnning : DAO interface file '{$actionFile}' is existed, skiped.");
         $content = str_replace("{module}", $configs["module"], $tempContent);
         $content = str_replace("{author}", $configs["author"], $content);
         $content = str_replace("{email}", $configs["email"], $content);
         $content = str_replace("{table_name}", $tableName, $content);
         $content = str_replace("{class_name}", $className, $content);
         if (file_put_contents($actionFile, $content) !== false) {
             tprintOk("create Controller file '{$actionFile}' successfully!");
         } else {
             tprintError("Error : create Controller file '{$actionFile}' faild.");
  * 创建数据模型文件,生成beans配置文件
  * @param simple_html_dom $xml
 public static function create($xml)
     $modelDir = APP_PATH . "configs/models/";
     if (!is_writable(dirname($modelDir))) {
         tprintError("Error: directory '{$modelDir}' is not writeadble, please add permissions.");
     //create directory
     $root = $xml->find("root", 1);
     $configs = array("module" => $root->getAttribute("module"), "author" => $root->getAttribute("author"), "email" => $root->getAttribute("email"));
     $tables = $root->find("table");
     $tempContent = file_get_contents(dirname(__DIR__) . "/template/model.tpl");
     foreach ($tables as $value) {
         $modelFile = $modelDir . ucfirst(GModel::underline2hump($value->name)) . ".model.php";
         if (file_exists($modelFile)) {
             tprintWarning("Warnning : model file '{$modelFile}' has existed,skiped.");
         $pk = $value->find("pk", 0);
         $content = str_replace("{table_name}", $value->name, $tempContent);
         if ($pk) {
             $content = str_replace("{pk}", $pk->name, $content);
         $content = str_replace("{model_name}", ucfirst(GModel::underline2hump($value->name)) . "Model", $content);
         $content = str_replace("{app_name}", APP_NAME, $content);
         $content = str_replace("{author}", $configs["author"], $content);
         $content = str_replace("{email}", $configs["email"], $content);
         if (file_put_contents($modelFile, $content) !== false) {
             tprintOk("create model file '{$modelFile}' successfully.");
         } else {
             tprintError("Error: create model file '{$modelFile}' faild.");
  * 1. 重命名裁剪的缩略图,覆盖缩略图的原图
  * 2. 删除其他缩略图缓存
  * @param $filename
 private static function replaceImage($filename)
     //1. 如果是裁剪图片,则将其覆盖原图
     if (($pos = strpos($filename, '__crop__')) !== false) {
         $srcImage = substr($filename, 0, $pos - 1);
         $message = "覆盖文件 {$filename} => {$srcImage}";
         if (rename($filename, $srcImage)) {
             tprintOk($message . "成功!");
         } else {
             self::addLog($message . "失败!");
     } else {
         $pattern = '/\\.\\d+x\\d+\\./';
         if (preg_match($pattern, $filename)) {
             $message = "删除文件 {$filename}";
             if (unlink($filename)) {
                 tprintOk($message . "成功!");
             } else {
                 tprintError($message . "失败!");
  * 创建表结构
  * @param $configs
 private static function createTables($configs)
     $tables = self::$XML->find("table");
     foreach ($tables as $value) {
         $tableName = $configs["table-prefix"] . $value->name;
         self::query("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `{$tableName}`");
         $sql = "CREATE TABLE `{$tableName}`(";
         $pk = $value->find("pk", 0);
         if ($pk) {
             $sql .= "`{$pk->name}` {$pk->type} NOT NULL ";
             if ($pk->ai) {
                 $sql .= "AUTO_INCREMENT ";
             $sql .= "COMMENT '主键',";
         $fields = $value->find("fields", 0);
         if ($fields) {
             foreach ($fields->children() as $fd) {
                 if ($fd->default || $fd->default === "0") {
                     //has default value
                     if (in_array($fd->default, self::$DEFAULT_VALUE_KEYWORD)) {
                         $sql .= "`{$fd->name}` {$fd->type} NOT NULL DEFAULT {$fd->default} COMMENT '{$fd->comment}',";
                     } else {
                         $sql .= "`{$fd->name}` {$fd->type} NOT NULL DEFAULT '{$fd->default}' COMMENT '{$fd->comment}',";
                 } else {
                     //has not default value
                     $sql .= "`{$fd->name}` {$fd->type} NOT NULL COMMENT '{$fd->comment}',";
                 if ($fd->getAttribute("add-index") == "true") {
                     $indexType = $fd->getAttribute("index-type");
                     if ($indexType == "normal") {
                         $sql .= "KEY `{$fd->name}` (`{$fd->name}`), ";
                     } elseif ($indexType == "unique") {
                         $sql .= "UNIQUE KEY `{$fd->name}` (`{$fd->name}`),";
         if ($pk) {
             $sql .= "PRIMARY KEY (`{$pk->name}`)";
         $sql .= ") ENGINE={$value->engine}  DEFAULT CHARSET={$configs['charset']} COMMENT='{$value->comment}' AUTO_INCREMENT=1 ;";
         if (self::query($sql) !== false) {
             tprintOk("create table '{$tableName}' successfully.");
         } else {
             tprintError("create table '{$tableName}' faild.");
  * 更新临时表的文章tags
 private function updateTags()
     $items = self::$_TEMP_DB->getItems("select id,tags from fiidee_article");
     foreach ($items as $value) {
         if (trim($value['tags']) == '') {
         $tags = self::$_TEMP_DB->getItems("select name from fiidee_article_tags WHERE id IN ({$value['tags']})");
         if ($tags) {
             $__tags = array();
             foreach ($tags as $__value) {
                 $__tags[] = $__value['name'];
             $__tags = implode(' ', $__tags);
             $__data = array('tags' => $__tags);
             $result = self::$_TEMP_DB->update('fiidee_article', $__data, "id =" . $value['id']);
             if ($result) {
                 tprintOk("更新标签成功, ID : {$value['id']}, 标签 : {$__tags}");
             } else {
                 $message = "更新标签失败, ID : {$value['id']}";
  * 生成Dao文件
  * @param simple_html_dom $xml
 public static function create($xml)
     $moduleDir = APP_PATH . "modules/";
     if (!is_writable(dirname($moduleDir))) {
         tprintError("directory '{$moduleDir}' is not writeable, please add permissions.");
     $root = $xml->find("root", 1);
     $configs = array("module" => $root->getAttribute("module"), "author" => $root->getAttribute("author"), "email" => $root->getAttribute("email"));
     $module = $moduleDir . $configs["module"] . "/";
     FileUtils::makeFileDirs($module . "dao/interfaces");
     $serviceConfigs = $root->find("service-config service");
     //get service configs
     foreach ($serviceConfigs as $value) {
         $className = $value->dao;
         //class name of dao
         $models = $value->model;
         //get the association models
         $interfaceName = "I" . $className;
         $daoInterface = $module . "dao/interfaces/{$interfaceName}.class.php";
         if (file_exists($daoInterface)) {
             tprintWarning("Warnning : DAO interface file '{$daoInterface}' is existed, skiped.");
         $sb = new StringBuffer();
         $sb->appendLine("namespace {$configs["module"]}\\dao\\interfaces;");
         $sb->appendLine('use common\\dao\\interfaces\\ICommonDao;');
         $sb->appendLine(" * {$configs["module"]}(DAO)接口");
         $sb->appendLine(" * @package {$configs["module"]}\\dao\\interfaces");
         $sb->appendLine(" * @author {$configs["author"]}<{$configs["email"]}>");
         $sb->appendLine(' */');
         $sb->appendLine("interface {$interfaceName} extends ICommonDao {}");
         if (file_put_contents($daoInterface, $sb->toString()) !== false) {
             tprintOk("create DAO interface file '{$daoInterface}' successfully!");
         } else {
             tprintError("Error : create DAO interface file '{$daoInterface}' faild.");
         $daoImpl = $module . "dao/{$className}.class.php";
         if (file_exists($daoImpl)) {
             tprintWarning("Warnning : DAO file '{$daoImpl}' is existed, skiped.");
         $sb = new StringBuffer();
         $sb->appendLine("namespace {$configs["module"]}\\dao;");
         $sb->appendLine("use {$configs["module"]}\\dao\\interfaces\\{$interfaceName};");
         $sb->appendLine("use common\\dao\\CommonDao;");
         $sb->appendLine("use herosphp\\core\\Loader;");
         $sb->appendLine(" * {$configs["module"]}(DAO)接口实现");
         $sb->appendLine(" * @package {$configs["module"]}\\dao");
         $sb->appendLine(" * @author {$configs["author"]}<{$configs["email"]}>");
         $sb->appendLine(' */');
         $sb->appendLine("class {$className} extends CommonDao implements {$interfaceName} {");
         if (strpos($models, ",") !== false) {
             $models = explode(",", $models);
             foreach ($models as $m) {
                 $dao = GModel::underline2hump($m) . "Dao";
                 $sb->appendTab("/**", 1);
                 $sb->appendTab(" * @var \\herosphp\\model\\C_Model", 1);
                 $sb->appendTab(" */", 1);
                 $sb->appendTab("private \${$dao} = null;", 1);
             $sb->appendTab("/**", 1);
             $parameters = array();
             foreach ($models as $m) {
                 $m = "\$" . GModel::underline2hump($m) . "Model";
                 $sb->appendTab(" * @param {$m}", 1);
                 $parameters[] = $m;
             $sb->appendTab(" */", 1);
             $sb->appendTab("public function __construct(" . implode(", ", $parameters) . ") {", 1);
             //init the modelDao
             $sb->appendTab("\$this->setModelDao(Loader::model(" . array_shift($parameters) . "));", 2);
             for ($i = 1; $i < count($models); $i++) {
                 if (!$parameters[$i - 1]) {
                 $m = GModel::underline2hump($models[$i]) . "Dao";
                 $sb->appendTab("\$this->{$m} = Loader::model({$parameters[$i - 1]});", 2);
             $sb->appendTab("}", 1);
         if (file_put_contents($daoImpl, $sb->toString()) !== false) {
             tprintOk("create DAO file '{$daoImpl}' successfully.");
         } else {
             tprintError("Error : create DAO file '{$daoImpl}' faild.");
  * 生成service文件
  * @param simple_html_dom $xml
 public static function create($xml)
     $moduleDir = APP_PATH . "modules/";
     if (!is_writable(dirname($moduleDir))) {
         tprintError("directory '{$moduleDir}' is not writeable, please add permissions.");
     $root = $xml->find("root", 1);
     $configs = array("module" => $root->getAttribute("module"), "author" => $root->getAttribute("author"), "email" => $root->getAttribute("email"));
     $module = $moduleDir . $configs["module"] . "/";
     FileUtils::makeFileDirs($module . "service/interfaces");
     $serviceConfigs = $root->find("service-config service");
     foreach ($serviceConfigs as $value) {
         $className = $value->name;
         //class name of service
         $interfaceName = "I" . $className;
         $serviceInterface = $module . "service/interfaces/{$interfaceName}.class.php";
         if (file_exists($serviceInterface)) {
             tprintWarning("Warnning : The service interface file '{$serviceInterface}' is existed, skiped.");
         $sb = new StringBuffer();
         $sb->appendLine("namespace {$configs["module"]}\\service\\interfaces;");
         $sb->appendLine('use common\\service\\interfaces\\ICommonService;');
         $sb->appendLine(" * {$configs["module"]}服务接口");
         $sb->appendLine(" * @package {$configs["module"]}\\service\\interfaces");
         $sb->appendLine(" * @author {$configs["author"]}<{$configs["email"]}>");
         $sb->appendLine(' */');
         $sb->appendLine("interface {$interfaceName} extends ICommonService{}");
         if (file_put_contents($serviceInterface, $sb->toString()) !== false) {
             tprintOk("create service interface file '{$serviceInterface}' successfully.");
         } else {
             tprintError("Error : create service interface file '{$serviceInterface}' faild.");
         $serviceImpl = $module . "service/{$className}.class.php";
         if (file_exists($serviceImpl)) {
             tprintWarning("Warnning : The service file '{$serviceImpl}' is existed, skiped.");
         $sb = new StringBuffer();
         $sb->appendLine("namespace {$configs["module"]}\\service;");
         $sb->appendLine("use {$configs["module"]}\\service\\interfaces\\{$interfaceName};");
         $sb->appendLine("use common\\service\\CommonService;");
         $sb->appendLine("use herosphp\\core\\Loader;");
         $sb->appendLine(" * {$configs["module"]}(Service)接口实现");
         $sb->appendLine(" * @package {$configs["module"]}\\service");
         $sb->appendLine(" * @author {$configs["author"]}<{$configs["email"]}>");
         $sb->appendLine(' */');
         $sb->appendLine("class {$className} extends CommonService implements {$interfaceName} {}");
         if (file_put_contents($serviceImpl, $sb->toString()) !== false) {
             tprintOk("create Service file '{$serviceImpl}' succcessfully.");
         } else {
             tprintError("Error : create Service file '{$serviceImpl}' faild.");
     $beansDir = APP_PATH . "configs/beans/";
     $beansFile = $beansDir . "beans.{$root->module}.config.php";
     //create beans directory
     $sb = new StringBuffer();
     $sb->appendLine('use herosphp\\bean\\Beans;');
     $sb->appendLine(" * {$configs["module"]}模块Beans装配配置");
     $sb->appendLine(" * @author {$configs["author"]}<{$configs["email"]}>");
     $sb->appendLine(' */');
     $sb->appendLine('$beans = array(');
     foreach ($serviceConfigs as $value) {
         $serviceClassName = $value->name;
         $daoClassName = $value->dao;
         $models = $value->model;
         //get the association models
         if (strpos($models, ",") !== false) {
             $models = explode(",", $models);
             foreach ($models as $key => $value) {
                 $assoc[$key] = ucfirst(GModel::underline2hump($value));
         $sb->appendTab("//{$className} configs", 1);
         if (is_array($models)) {
             $sb->appendTab("'{$configs["module"]}." . GModel::underline2hump($models[0]) . ".service' => array(", 1);
         } else {
             $sb->appendTab("'{$configs["module"]}." . GModel::underline2hump($models) . ".service' => array(", 1);
         $sb->appendTab("'@type' => Beans::BEAN_OBJECT,", 2);
         $sb->appendTab("'@class' => '{$configs["module"]}\\service\\{$serviceClassName}',", 2);
         $sb->appendTab("'@attributes' => array(", 2);
         $sb->appendTab("'@bean/modelDao'=>array(", 3);
         $sb->appendTab("'@type'=>Beans::BEAN_OBJECT,", 4);
         $sb->appendTab("'@class'=>'{$configs["module"]}\\dao\\{$daoClassName}',", 4);
         if (is_array($models)) {
             $sb->appendTab("'@params' => array('" . implode("','", $assoc) . "')", 4);
         } else {
             $sb->appendTab("'@params' => array('" . ucfirst(GModel::underline2hump($models)) . "')", 4);
         $sb->appendTab(")", 3);
         $sb->appendTab("),", 2);
         $sb->appendTab("),", 1);
     $sb->appendLine('return $beans;');
     if (file_put_contents($beansFile, $sb->toString()) !== false) {
         tprintOk("create Beans config file '{$beansFile}' successfully.");
     } else {
         tprintError("create Beans config file '{$beansFile}' faild.");