<?php class A { function test1(&$farg1) { $farg1 = 1.5; } } class B { static function test2(int &$farg2) { } } function test3(&$farg3) { } $a = new A(); $arg1 = [1, 2, 3]; $a->test1($arg1); B::test2($arg1); // No errors from undefined vars since they are by-ref test3($arg3); preg_match("/(a)/", "a", $match);
// // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA // // **************************************************************************** // (C) ZZJ 5/xx/10 echo "<h4>Misc Skills</h4><hr>"; echo "<table style=\"font-size:88%\">\n"; echo "<tr><td colspan=2><center>Scanning</center></td></tr>"; test3("Astrometrics"); test3("Astrometric Acquisition"); test3("Astrometric Pinpointing"); test3("Astrometric Rangefinding"); echo "<tr><td colspan=2><center>Mining</center></td></tr>"; test3("Mining"); test3("Mining Upgrades"); test3("Astrogeology"); test3("Ice Harvesting"); test3("Gas Cloud Harvesting"); test3("Deep Core Mining"); test3("Mining Foreman"); test3("Mining Director"); echo "<tr><td colspan=2><center>Others</center></td></tr>"; test3("Cynosural Field Theory"); echo "</table>";
<?php function test1() { var_dump(func_num_args()); } function test2($a) { var_dump(func_num_args()); } function test3($a, $b) { var_dump(func_num_args()); } test1(); test2(1); test2(); test3(1, 2); call_user_func("test1"); call_user_func("test3", 1); call_user_func("test3", 1, 2); class test { static function test1($a) { var_dump(func_num_args()); } } test::test1(1); var_dump(func_num_args()); echo "Done\n";
<?php function test1(&$abc) : string { return $abc; } function &test2(int $abc) : string { return $abc; } function &test3(int &$abc) : string { return $abc; } $a = 123; var_dump(test1($a)); var_dump($a); var_dump(test2($a)); var_dump($a); var_dump(test3($a)); var_dump($a);
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA // // **************************************************************************** // (C) ZZJ 5/xx/10 echo "<h4>Misc Skills</h4><hr>"; echo "<table style=\"font-size:88%\">\n"; echo "<tr><td colspan=2><center>Scanning</center></td></tr>"; test3("Astrometrics"); test3("Astrometric Acquisition"); test3("Astrometric Pinpointing"); test3("Astrometric Rangefinding"); echo "<tr><td colspan=2><center>Mining</center></td></tr>"; test3("Mining"); test3("Mining Upgrades"); test3("Astrogeology"); test3("Ice Harvesting"); test3("Gas Cloud Harvesting"); test3("Deep Core Mining"); test3("Mining Foreman"); test3("Mining Director"); echo "</table>";
} function test3($param) { echo $param . ' test3'; } for ($i = 0; $i < count($argv); $i++) { if ($argv[$i] == '-s') { $param = $argv[$i + 1]; run($param); } else { if ($argv[$i] == '-d') { $param = $argv[$i + 1]; test1($param); } else { if ($argv[$i] == '-f') { $param = $argv[$i + 1]; test2($param); } else { if ($argv[$i] == '--override') { test3('override dan gelen '); } } } } } if ($argc < 2) { $file = basename(__FILE__); print "STNC Autoincrement Generator" . CRLF; print "Usage: php -f {$file} -- -s komut \n [--override -d output_dir -f output_filename]" . CRLF; exit; }
foreach ($a as $s) { $buf .= $s . 'h' . $s; } return $buf; } var_dump(test1(array(1))); function test2() { return f() . g() . f() . g(); } var_dump(test2()); function test3() { return f() . g() . f() . g() . f() . g() . f() . g() . f(); } var_dump(test3()); function test4() { $s = f(); $s .= 'foo' . 'bar' . f() . 'foo' . 'baz' . f() . 'fuz' . 'boo' . f() . 'fiz' . 'faz'; $s .= f(); return $s; } var_dump(test4()); function test5() { return g() . g() . g() . g(); } var_dump(test5()); function test6() {
if (trim($_POST['page_selector_1']) == '') { $fecth_paged = 0; } } $wpdb->query($wpdb->prepare("update {$t_ap_config} set \r\n\t\t\t content_test_url = %s,\r\n\t\t\t title_match_type = %d,\r\n\t\t\t title_selector = %s,\r\n\t\t\t content_match_type = %s,\r\n\t\t\t content_selector = %s, \r\n\t\t\t page_selector = %s,\r\n\t\t\t fecth_paged = %d,\r\n\t\t\t same_paged = %d WHERE id = %d", $_POST['testUrl'], $_POST['title_match_type'], $title_selector, json_encode($content_match_type), json_encode($content_selector), json_encode($page_selector), $fecth_paged, $same_paged, $_POST['id'])); $saction3 = $_POST['saction3']; if ($saction3 == 'test3') { test3($_POST['id'], $_POST['testUrl']); } else { echo '<div id="message" class="updated fade"><p>' . __('Updated!', 'wp-autopost') . '</p></div>'; } $showBox3 = true; } // end if($saction=='save3'){ if ($saction == 'save3' && isset($_POST['use_auto_set'])) { test3($_POST['id'], $_POST['testUrl']); } if ($saction == 'save5') { $rewrite = array(); switch ($_POST['use_rewriter']) { case '0': $wpdb->query($wpdb->prepare("update {$t_ap_config} set \r\n\t\t\t use_rewrite = %s WHERE id = %d", '0', $_POST['id'])); echo '<div id="message" class="updated fade"><p>' . __('Updated!', 'wp-autopost') . '</p></div>'; break; case '1': // Microsoft Translator $MicroTransOptions = get_option('wp-autopost-micro-trans-options'); $transSetOk = false; foreach ($MicroTransOptions as $k => $v) { if ($v['clientID'] != null && $v['clientSecret'] != null) { $transSetOk = true;
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA // // **************************************************************************** echo "<h4>Racial Skills</h4><hr>\n"; echo "<table style=\"font-size:88%\">\n"; test3("Gallente Battleship"); test3("Amarr Battleship"); test3("Minmatar Battleship"); test3("Caldari Battleship"); tbBr(); test3("Gallente Battlecruiser"); test3("Amarr Battlecruiser"); test3("Minmatar Battlecruiser"); test3("Caldari Battlecruiser"); tbBr(); test3("Gallente Cruiser"); test3("Amarr Cruiser"); test3("Minmatar Cruiser"); test3("Caldari Cruiser"); tbBr(); test3("Gallente Destroyer"); test3("Amarr Destroyer"); test3("Minmatar Destroyer"); test3("Caldari Destroyer"); tbBr(); test3("Gallente Frigate"); test3("Amarr Frigate"); test3("Minmatar Frigate"); test3("Caldari Frigate"); echo "</table>";
<?php function test1() : Generator { (yield 1); } function test2() : Iterator { (yield 2); } function test3() : Traversable { (yield 3); } var_dump(test1(), test2(), test3());
// GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA // // **************************************************************************** echo "<h4>Leadership</h4><hr>\n"; if (isLvl5("Leadership")) { echo "<table style=\"font-size:88%\">\n"; test3("Leadership"); test3("Warfare Link Specialist"); test3("Armored Warfare Specialist"); test3("Information Warfare Specialist"); test3("Siege Warfare Specialist"); test3("Skirmish Warfare Specialist"); echo "</table>\n"; echo "<br>\n"; test2("Armored Warfare Mindlink"); test2("Information Warfare Mindlink"); test2("Siege Warfare Mindlink"); test2("Skirmish Warfare Mindlink"); test2("Mining Forman Mindlink"); echo "<br>\n"; test2(array("Eos", "Information Warfare Link - Recon Operation"), "a booster eos"); test2(array("Damnation", "Armored Warfare Link - Damage Control"), "a booster damnation"); test2(array("Claymore", "Skirmish Warfare Link - Evasive Maneuvers"), "a booster claymore"); test2(array("Vulture", "Siege Warfare Link - Active Shielding"), "a booster vulture"); test2(array("Damnation", "Armored Warfare Link - Damage Control", "Skirmish Warfare Link - Evasive Maneuvers"), "an atlas damnation"); test2(array("Claymore", "Skirmish Warfare Link - Evasive Maneuvers", "Siege Warfare Link - Active Shielding"), "an atlas claymore"); test2(array("Vulture", "Siege Warfare Link - Active Shielding", "Skirmish Warfare Link - Evasive Maneuvers"), "an atlas vulture");
class bar { } function test1(bar $bar) { echo "ok\n"; } function test2(\foo\bar $bar) { echo "ok\n"; } function test3(\foo\bar $bar) { echo "ok\n"; } function test4(\Exception $e) { echo "ok\n"; } function test5(\bar $bar) { echo "bug\n"; } $x = new bar(); $y = new \Exception(); test1($x); test2($x); test3($x); test4($y); test5($x);
$firstData = range(1, 10); $secondData = range(11, 20); function test1($firstData, $secondData) { $data = [$firstData, $secondData]; foreach ($data as $key => $value) { foreach ($value as $k => $v) { printf("%s: %s => %s\n", $key, $k, $v); } } } function test2($firstData, $secondData) { $data = array_merge($firstData, $secondData); foreach ($data as $k => $v) { printf("%s => %s\n", $k, $v); } } function test3($firstData, $secondData) { $firstIterator = new ArrayIterator($firstData); $secondIterator = new ArrayIterator($secondData); $append = new AppendIterator(); $append->append($firstIterator); $append->append($secondIterator); foreach ($append as $key => $value) { printf("F: %s, S: %s, A: %s=>%s (%s)\n", $firstIterator->key(), $secondIterator->key(), $key, $value, $append->getIteratorIndex()); } } test3($firstData, $secondData);
//可变参数形式的函数 /* func_num_args():得到传入函数参数的个数 func_get_arg($index):根据下标得到指定参数 func_get_args():得到所有传入进来的参数,得到是一个数组 */ function test2() { // echo func_num_args(); // echo '<br/>'; // echo func_get_arg(0),'<br/>'; // echo func_get_arg(1),'<br/>'; // echo func_get_arg(2),'<br/>'; // echo func_get_arg(3),'<br/>'; // echo func_get_arg(4),'<br/>'; for ($i = 0, $count = func_num_args() - 1; $i <= $count; $i++) { echo func_get_arg($i); echo '<br/>'; } } test2(1, 23, 4, 5, 6, 6, 54, 4, 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'f', 'username'); echo '<hr color="red"/>'; function test3() { // print_r(func_get_args()); foreach (func_get_args() as $arg) { echo $arg, '<br/>'; } } test3(123, 4, 5, 5, 54, 43, 1, 3, 3, 4, 5, 5, 'a', 'bv', 'c');
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA // // **************************************************************************** echo "<h4>T2 Skills</h4><hr>\n"; echo "<table style=\"font-size:88%\">"; test3("Heavy Assault Ships"); test3("Heavy Interdictors"); test3("Recon Ships"); test3("Logistics"); test3("Command Ships"); tbBr(); test3("Black Ops"); test3("Marauders"); test3("Transport Ships"); tbBr(); test3("Covert Ops"); test3("Interceptors"); test3("Interdictors"); echo "</table>";
function test2() { test3(); }
test3("Minmatar Freighter"); test3("Caldari Freighter"); tbBr(); test3("Gallente Carrier"); test3("Amarr Carrier"); test3("Minmatar Carrier"); test3("Caldari Carrier"); tbBr(); test3("Gallente Dreadnought"); test3("Amarr Dreadnought"); test3("Minmatar Dreadnought"); test3("Caldari Dreadnought"); echo "</table>\n<br>"; echo "<a href=\"#\" style=\"font-size:80%;\" onclick=\"return toggle_visibility('capskills');\">Capital Support Skills</a><br>"; echo "<table style=\"font-size:88%; display:none;\" id=\"capskills\">"; test3("Capital Energy Turret"); test3("Capital Hybrid Turret"); test3("Capital Projectile Turret", "Capital Proj. Turret"); test3("Citadel Cruise Missiles", "Citadel Cruise"); test3("Citadel Torpedoes"); tbBr(); test3("Capital Energy Emission Systems", "Cap Energy Trans"); test3("Capital Shield Emission Systems", "Cap Shield Trans"); test3("Capital Remote Hull Repair Systems", "Cap Remote Hull"); test3("Capital Remote Armor Repair Systems", "Cap Remote Armour"); tbBr(); test3("Capital Repair Systems", "Cap Armour Rep"); test3("Capital Shield Operation", "Cap Shield Boost"); echo "</table><br>\n"; echo "<br>\n"; echo "jump skills: " . skillLvl("Jump Drive Operation") . " " . skillLvl("Jump Drive Calibration") . " " . skillLvl("Jump Fuel Conservation") . "<br>";
<?php class A { public static $var; } function test(&$arg) { $arg = 2; } function test2(&$arg2) { $arg2 = "abc"; } function test3(array $arg) { } test(A::$var); test2(A::$var); test3(A::$var);
test1(); // Echo global echo $var . "<br />"; echo "<hr />"; // Define function scope global variable function test2() { global $var; $var = 2; echo $var; echo "<br />"; } // Call function test2(); echo $var . "<br />"; echo "<hr />"; // Define function scope global variable function test3() { static $var = 2; echo $var; echo "<br />"; $var++; } // Call function test3(); test3(); test3(); ?> </body> </html>
} } var_dump($buf); } test(array('a', 'b', 'c'), array('u', 'v')); function test2($a, $b) { $buf = 'hello'; foreach ($a as $v) { $buf .= $v . ';'; foreach ($b as $w) { $buf .= $w; } echo $buf; } var_dump($buf); } test2(array('a', 'b', 'c'), array('u', 'v')); function test3($a, $b) { $buf = 'hello'; foreach ($a as $v) { $buf .= $v . ';'; foreach ($b as $w) { echo $buf .= $w; } } var_dump($buf); } test3(array('a', 'b', 'c'), array('u', 'v'));